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Jan 16 2024


After institutions are infiltrated and subverted by leftists, they are not immediately destroyed. First they are reduced to tasteless farce. Consider higher education:

Rice University is offering an ‘Afrochemistry’ class that promises to analyze science through a ‘contemporary African-American lens’.

The course promises to enlighten students regarding the science of “black-life matter.” It’s a joke, but it is also an actual course, indirectly subsidized by taxpayers even at a private school:

The course description on the university’s website explains students will ‘apply chemical tools and analysis to understand black life in the US’ and ‘implement African American sensibilities to analyze chemistry’.

Because everything must be viewed through the lens of moonbattery. It is a truly totalitarian ideology.

Brooke Johnson, a Rice graduate with a PhD in chemistry from Princeton hired last August as part of the university’s DEI department, will teach the class.

Brooke might not know much about chemistry, given the effect DEI has had on Ivy League standards, but she is conversant with Cultural Marxism. According to her bio, she “is passionate about the intersection of science and social justice.” A flyer for the course proclaims that it will “explore the intersection of racial justice and chemistry.”

Einstein was a product of unenlightened times. According to the new science, E = BLM2.

On tips from R F and Ed McAninch.

Jan 16 2024

Taiwan and Israel Under the Bus

Unlike Ukraine, Taiwan is a long-time US ally, a bastion of freedom, and of supreme strategic importance as communist China prepares to exploit US weakness and expand its dominance into, throughout, and eventually across the Pacific. Communist dictator Xi Jinping has made it clear that the regime intends to do to Taiwan what it has done to Hong Kong: absorb it and crush its freedom. Looks like he will encounter no meaningful resistance in this endeavor from a certain ChiCom asset. Joe Biden has effectively endorsed a likely ChiCom invasion:

Biden had a blunt message after voters in Taiwan elected a new president Saturday: “We do not support independence” for Taiwan.

Biden’s words, delivered as he departed for Camp David, reinforced the administration’s position to Taiwan’s new president Lai Ching-te, who has faced strong opposition from China over his calls for independence.

Taiwan already has de facto independence. From the beginning, while Mao Zedong was killing his own people by the tens of millions, Taiwan has stayed out from under the communist boot. The question is how long Taiwan can maintain independence against overwhelming military force without a reliable ally in the USA.

Lai Ching-te isn’t the only champion of freedom to get the Biden knife in the back:

Biden and other senior U.S. officials are becoming increasingly frustrated with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his rejection of most of the administration’s recent requests related to the war in Gaza, four U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the issue told Axios. …

Biden hasn’t spoken to Netanyahu in the 20 days since a tense Dec. 23 call, which a frustrated Biden ended with the words: “This conversation is over.”

Following the horrific terror atrocities of October 7, Biden has tried to play both sides, officially supporting Israel but attempting to placate his leftist base by shoveling American money at Hamas and pushing pro-Islam propaganda. However, leftists never settle for less than total capitulation. Via Al-Monitor:

US federal employees across nearly two dozen agencies plan to walk off the job Tuesday to protest the Biden administration’s handling of the Gaza war

The group — calling itself Feds United for Peace — consists of dozens of government employees who will be observing a “Day of Mourning” to mark 100 days of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza. …

According to a list obtained by Al-Monitor, those include the Executive Office of the President, the National Security Agency, the Departments of State, Defense, Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs as well as US Citizenship and Immigration Services and the Naval Research Laboratory. …

The planned walkout reflects mounting anger among US officials over the Biden administration’s refusal to call for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza…

“Immediate cease-fire in Gaza” before Israel has had time to respond to October 7 means “surrender to Hamas.” Terrorists are not bound by ceasefire agreements.

If personnel is policy, a Deep State to the left even of Biden indicates that Hamas may end up in effective control of more than just the grounds around the White House.

Meanwhile, the money spigot blasting at Volodymyr Zelensky continues unimpeded. The best we can hope for is that it does not ignite World War III.

On tips from seaoh.

Jan 16 2024

Open Thread

If you don't pass your values on to your kids, someone else will. - Frank K. Sonnenberg

Jan 15 2024

A Look Back at Harlem on MLK Day

MLK Day is as good a time as any to take stock of what the civil rights movement has done for black Americans. This is what a black neighborhood looked like in the dark days of racist oppression:

Of course that was also before Black Lives Matter.

Here’s what Harlem looks like now:

Some improvement, huh?

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jan 15 2024

FAA Explicitly Prioritizes Hiring Psychopaths

It’s a good thing airplane crashes are safer than ever, because as diversity/equity/inclusion is pushed to still more fanatical extremes, there will be more of them. The Federal Aviation Administration has been expanding the Cultural Marxist coalition aggressively:

“Targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the Federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring,” the FAA’s website states. “They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism.”

Experience in aviation is irrelevant. Those climbing the job ladder need intersectional bonus points. If being a left-wing woman of color is all the qualification you need to be Vice President, Supreme Court Justice, or President of Harvard, surely a woman of color who is also a paralyzed one-armed epileptic deaf blind dwarf, suffers from schizophrenia, and has an IQ below 50 can write her own ticket — provided she avoids association with any “privileged” identity groups.

The initiative is part of the FAA’s “Diversity and Inclusion” hiring plan, which says “diversity is integral to achieving FAA’s mission of ensuring safe and efficient travel across our nation and beyond.”

Diversity is our strength. Repeat it to yourself for solace as your plane tailspins toward the ground.

The FAA, which is overseen by Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s Department of Transportation, is a government agency charged with regulating civil aviation and employs roughly 45,000 people.

Personnel is policy. Buttigieg himself holds his position because he is homosexual, so it should surprise no one that he regards identity politics as a sound basis for evaluating job candidates.

DEI insanity is not limited to federal bureaucrats who oversee airlines. Already it has deranged the airlines themselves.

All eyes have been on the FAA and airline industry in recent days after a plug door on a Boeing 737 Max 9 blew out during an Alaska Airlines flight on Jan. 5. …

Following the incident, social media commenters and public figures have said that airlines and airline manufacturers’ emphasis on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives has made flying less safe.

You think? As Affirmative Action has made clear for many decades, emphasis on anything other than competence results in less competence. In the context of air travel, this means crashing airliners.

Matt Walsh raises the alarm:

On tips from Chris Neilson, MrRightWingDave, DCGere, ABC of the ANC, and Jack D.

Jan 15 2024

Facebook Allows Human Trafficking Ads

Facebook recently suspended Chaya Raichik again, presumably for revealing what liberals say to each other on TikTok. But don’t get the impression it is pro-censorship. Facebook is so principled in its support for free speech that it even allows advertising by human traffickers:

On Friday, former acting director of the United States National Intelligence, Richard Grenell, revealed that Facebook is not stopping Guatemalan coyotes from advertising their services to bring illegal immigrants to the United States.

In a post on X, Grenell said, “I’ve learned in Guatemala that coyotes are openly advertising on @facebook – 3 tries to get to the United States for $10k.” He added, “Biden and Zuckerberg don’t care.”

This is business as usual for the leftists at Meta:

In 2001, the issue had gotten so bad that Apple threatened to take Facebook off of the App Store amid human trafficking concerns.

The moonbattery is well over the top if even Apple is drawing a line.

“On Facebook and Instagram, unscrupulous employment agencies advertised workers they could supply under coercive terms, using their photos and describing their skills and personal details,” The Wall Street Journal wrote at the time.

Where you have human trafficking you will have sex and drug trafficking, entailing child sex slaves and poisons like fentanyl. But the important thing for Biden and Zuckerberg is that it advances the Democrat policy of displacing the American population with grasping illegal aliens from the Third World.

On a tip from R F.

Jan 15 2024

Hamas Supporters Versus Texans

Texas Governor Greg Abbott was speaking in Collin County in favor of State Rep Candy Noble’s reelection Saturday when moonbats decided to hijack the event to propagandize in support of Hamas. The reaction was appropriate:

What flies in New York City and at the White House does not fly in Texas. That’s why leftists are using the open border to displace the population.

On a tip from DCGere. Hat tip: Feral Irishman.

Jan 15 2024

Love Is Love

A psychology professor willing to risk his career by engaging in wrongthink might dare to study the connection between violent behavior and sexual derangement. There would be no shortage of research material. From Houston:

The body of 18-year-old Tierra Horn was found on a hiking trail near Buffalo Bayou on Friday, Jan. 5.

Cause of death: strangulation.

A week later, police arrested Horn’s 24-year-old girlfriend, Shania Laneice Turner. Investigators say Turner killed Horn after an argument over a sexually transmitted disease that she said Horn gave her.

Some lifestyles are healthier than others.

Ladies are advised to stay on the straight and narrow. Women’s prisons are scary enough with the transsexual guys. Who wants to bunk with Shania?

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Jan 15 2024

Open Thread

Market competition is the only form of organization which can afford a large measure of freedom to the individual. - Frank Knight

Jan 14 2024

Doomsday Clock Climate Kookiness

As we lurch toward World War III under incompetent leadership, we could use a little comic relief to lighten the mood:

It’s almost that time again: Time for the annual update of the Doomsday Clock, the symbol of how close the world is to civilization-ending catastrophe. …

USA TODAY asked Rachel Bronson, president and CEO of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, about the factors that will affect the clock’s timing this year: “Climate change and nuclear risk continue to play very large factors in setting the timing of the Doomsday Clock,” she said, “as the effects of the climate crisis become more felt and the threats of nuclear escalation in Ukraine and nuclear arms racing globally continue to loom large.”

The world’s #1 nuclear power is getting boxed into a corner and potentially destabilized over a regional conflict that has nothing to do with us. The maniacs ruling Iran, who have been at war with the USA since 1979, continue to develop the capacity to vaporize our cities. But nuclear Armageddon must not be such a big deal as we thought, or it would be mentioned before the possibility that the climate will continue to fluctuate like it always has.

Or maybe it’s only because serving as a government shill on the global warming hoax results in lucrative grants that the weather not being exactly the same from one year to the next looms larger than any mushroom clouds.

Further stoking the guffaws, we are told we should take the Doomsday Clock seriously because of “its science-based stance.”

On a tip from Lyle.

Jan 14 2024

Hamas Supporters Lay Siege to White House

The Biden Regime reacted to the nightmarish terror atrocities of October 7 by shoveling our money at Hamas and launching a pro-Islam propaganda campaign. But this was not enough, because nothing short of absolute capitulation will ever be enough for Islamic terrorists and their supporters:

Anti-Israel protesters and rioters gathered outside the White House on Saturday night, with some demonstrators damaging security fencing and hurling objects at police.

The demonstrators were heard chanting “Ceasefire Now” and “Free, Free Palestine,” with many waving Palestinian flags.

“Ceasefire” is Euphemese for Israeli surrender. “Free Palestine” is Euphemese for Israeli genocide.

“Yemen, Yemen make us proud / Turn another ship around,” was also recited at the demonstration, hours after strikes were launched against the Houthis in Yemen.

It could hardly be more obvious that these people are hostile not only to Israel but to the United States and to Western Civilization in general. Unbeknownst to most due to our dysfunctional education system, this campaign has been ongoing for 1,400 years. Since 9/11, it has been picking up steam, largely as a result of our vulnerability under leftist rule.

The U.S. Secret Service told Fox News Digital that some fences were damaged outside the White House, and that staff members and journalists were “relocated” as a result.

The White House is literally under siege by people who have as their objective the eradication of our society.

Good thing these are Hamas supporters and not Republicans complaining about a rigged election, or the media would shriek itself hoarse about “insurrection.”

On tips from Wiggins, ABC of the ANC, and Mr. Freemarket.

Jan 14 2024

Transsexual Wife-Killer Wants Back in Jail

In Germany, a 57-year-old guy named Thorsten Heinz P., who is now officially known as Monica P., declared himself transgender while in prison for murdering his wife. His light sentence is up, but he likes women’s prison so much, he wants back in “forever”:

Thorsten Heinz strangled his wife to death with a clothesline at their home in North Rhine-Westphalia. He was sentenced to 13 years in prison for the killing, and at an undisclosed time during his incarceration, began identifying as transgender and taking female hormones.

While detained, he twice took staff as hostages: one victim was a priest, and the other, a nurse, who he proceeded to sexually torment. For these offenses, his sentence was extended to 25 years.

Thorsten was released at the end of his sentence, but soon after threatened two married couples from Iserlohn with robbery in their homes. This, he claimed, was an act of desperation conducted in order to return to prison.

The one advantage of incarcerating the sexually insane in women’s prisons after they murder women is that you don’t have to worry about escapes. Guys like Thorsten are more likely to break in than break out.

Please welcome Thorsten Heinz P. to the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors:

Thorsten Heinz P.
Steven Buchanan/Susan Monica
Dylan Butler
Kendall Stephens
Leion Butler
Jason Lee Willie
Audrey Hale
Kimbrady Carriker
Maya McKinney
Snochia Moseley
Anderson Lee Aldrich
Moses Lopez
William Whitworth
Shanu Varma
A guy calling himself Lara
Zion William Teasley
Jason Michael Hann
Cali Anderson
Dana Rivers
Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky
Linnea Pugmire
Mark Campbell
Paul S.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jan 14 2024

Open Thread

The wicked fear the good, because the good are a constant reproach to their consciences. The ungodly like religion in the same way that they like lions, either dead or behind bars; they fear religion when it breaks loose and begins to challenge their consciences. - Fulton J. Sheen

Jan 13 2024

Kids Taught Word “Straight” Is Offensive

First, deviants demanded tolerance. Then equality. Now we are up to special favoritism (a.k.a. “LGBT rights”). At this point, it is the normal people who are tolerated — until they aren’t, as in Seattle Public Schools:

Tenth-grade Ethnic Studies World History teacher and self-identified communist Ian Golash asked students to complete a “Social Identity Wheel” worksheet, according to the parent, who asked for anonymity. It asks students to explain their various identities, including racial, ethnic, gender, socio-economic status, physical, emotional, or developmental disabilities, and sexual orientation. The worksheet is intended to tell students that their identities determine whether they receive unearned privilege or oppression.

According to the ideology being inculcated, kids who are “oppressed” are good. Kids who are “privileged” are bad.

[A] parent’s 15-year-old son labeled himself “straight.” Golash took issue with that word “because it implies that to not be straight is to be ‘crooked’ which could have a negative connotation.”

Amend your copy of the Newspeak Dictionary accordingly. Those who don’t want to get canceled eschew terms that would give negative connotations to children engaging in sexual perversion.

Not even moonbats find it easy to keep up with dictionary updates:

Chief Sealth High School has a Gay-Straight Alliance Club. Even GLAAD (formerly the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) uses “straight” as an alternative descriptor for heterosexuals. The term “straight-ally” is still used by LGBT groups.

The boy’s mother reveals that in another incident, Golash told him he is “a product of the patriarchy that teaches young boys not to care.”

The same parent previously complained that Golash failed her son on a quiz for correctly saying men cannot get pregnant and that women do not have penises.

Every institution liberals infiltrate and subvert rots into farce. This process of deterioration has reached such an extreme in public education that students risk failure by refusing to reject indisputable objective facts.

On a tip from Jack D.


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