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Mar 13 2021

Kew Gardens Labels Racist Plants

Warning labels are needed not only on racist movies like Dumbo and racist TV shows like The Muppet Show. They are also needed for racist plants:

Kew Gardens has vowed to show visitors how plants on display played a part in British colonialism and the slave trade.

The famous botanic gardens in London will change display boards for plants such as sugar cane – previously harvested by slaves – to highlight their ‘imperial legacy’.

Kew director Richard Deverell said the gardens – a major attraction for UK and overseas visitors before the pandemic – would ‘move quickly to decolonise’ collections.

To “decolonize” means to purge of all traces of Western Civilization, which leftists consider to be politically unclean.

Summit News pushes back:

This is yet another capitulation to woke mobs who are trying to subvert the United Kingdom and make its population ashamed of their heritage and birthright, despite the fact that Britain was the first major country in the world to end slavery.

Brits like William Wilberforce literally risked their lives to travel to the colonies and free slaves.

However, there is no point arguing history with a placard on a plant. The only point is that whichever way you turn, you will be confronted by wokeness.

Under totalitarianism, absolutely everything is engulfed by the oligarchy’s chosen ideology. Even botany.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Mar 08 2021

Turner Classic Movies Denounces Classic Movies

At this point in our cultural decline into unmitigated moonbattery, you may be tempted to nail boards over the windows and retreat into the world of classic movies. They were made for an audience of decent people who held American values. But these movies won’t survive cancel culture for long.

The main television source of classic movies is Turner Classic Movies. Can we trust anything spawned by Ted Turner of CNN infamy as a cultural repository? We cannot:

Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho and Rope are among the films that Turner Classic Movies has deemed “troubling and problematic,” joining the ranks of Gone with the Wind in a new series called “Reframed: Classic Films in the Rearview Mirror,” which seeks to scrutinize old movies through the lens of today’s identity politics.

The new TCM series, which launched on Thursday, also seeks to pick apart such innocuous movies as Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? and My Fair Lady.

“Many of the beloved classics that we enjoy on TCM have stood the test of time in several ways, nevertheless when viewed by contemporary standards, certain aspects of these films can be troubling and problematic,” the cable network said.

Anything deemed “troubling and problematic” by cultural gatekeepers is living on borrowed time.

Next after subjecting ideologically problematic movies to a Two Minutes Hate, TCM will probably put “offensive content” warnings on them, like Disney does with The Muppet Show. Then classics like The Searchers will be passed over, so that the controllers can run The Color Purple for the third time of the week — until The Color Purple is discovered to be problematic in its turn for infractions against political correctness that we cannot even imagine now. How long can John Wayne movies survive in a world controlled by people who would cancel Dr Seuss?

If it is worth having, liberals will see it as worth erasing, so get it on DVD.

On tips from Steve T and Wiggins.

Feb 12 2021

Gina Carano Confirms Hollywood Zero Tolerance

It is no coincidence that virtually everyone in Tinseltown adopts the moonbat point of view. The immolation of Mandalorian actress Gina Carano confirms that the entertainment industry now imposes a policy of zero tolerance for countermoonbattery. When the actress made a valid point regarding liberal cancel culture, her point was promptly confirmed by her own cancelation:

“Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future,” said a spokesperson for LucasFilm on Wednesday. “Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.”

Carano obviously was not denigrating anyone. Here’s the thought crime that got her sent to the guillotine to the delight of the social media mob that had demanded her head (the Instagram post was deleted almost immediately):

“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children,” the post read.

“Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?” the post continued.

Liberals can’t say it isn’t true, so they pretend that it is racist and destroy the person who said it.

Or maybe it is against the rules now to use the Third Reich as a cautionary example. Yet her fellow Mandalorian star Pedro Pascal, a leftist, tweeted this without consequence:

As The Blaze notes,

Here, Pascal is comparing former President Donald Trump’s immigration policies to the Holocaust. The tweet leaves out important context. The “kids in cages” narrative surrounding Trump’s policies was misleading, given that the Obama administration built the facilities where migrants detained under Trump’s “zero-tolerance” immigration enforcement policies were held.

Since it is leftist propaganda rather than a plea for free speech and tolerance, it is still up there on Twitter, even though it is a lie. The kids in cages did not cross the American border as illegal aliens as we are led to believe. They are Palestinians detained in Israel.

Hollywood intolerance is a one-way street.

Paul Joseph Watson weighs in on Carano getting figuratively lynched for pointing out the liberal establishment’s dehumanization of anyone regarded as ideologically intransigent:

On tips from Henry, Mr. Freemarket, Anonymous, KirklesWorth, and Jester.

Feb 11 2021

Mark Cuban Backpedals on Anthem

First limousine leftist Mark Cuban banned the Star-Spangled Banner. From yesterday:

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban has banned the national anthem from being played before the franchise’s home games, he confirmed to The Athletic’s Tim Cato.

The Mavericks have not played the national anthem before any of their home games this season. …

When NBA players put an increased focus on [hard left radicalism] while playing at the Walt Disney World bubble, Cuban became one of their biggest supporters.

This was too much even for the NBA, which is infamous for pandering to Black Lives Matter and communist China, America’s worst internal and external enemies:

The NBA has announced that all of its teams will play the national anthem before games, “in keeping with longstanding league policy.” The statement appears to be a direct response to Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban telling his team to stop playing the song before games.

Now we read this:

Following blowback for not playing the national anthem before games, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said he did not “cancel” the song…

Cuban told ESPN’s “The Jump” that the team was having ongoing conversations about whether to play “The Star Spangled Banner,” but that “we probably would have ended up playing it at some point when fans came back.”

There were fans Monday night, but the anthem wasn’t played. However, following the NBA’s order,

The Mavericks played the national anthem before Wednesday’s game and all players appeared to stand. Several fans cheered afterward.

This country isn’t dead yet, despite the efforts of moonbats. Even among NBA fans, love of the USA probably tops politically correct hatred of it. Only firm control of the media makes the Democrat Party viable.

On tips from FighttheBeast, Dragon’s Lair, and Henry.

Jan 28 2021

What Teachers Have Been Doing Instead of Teaching

Even statist icon FDR opposed public sector unions such as teachers’ unions. They create a situation where the employer and the employed are on the same side against the customer, namely, the taxpayer who has to finance unaffordably generous packages in exchange for increasingly subpar education. Teachers’ unions are insatiably greedy, pathologically lazy, astonishingly arrogant, and radical left in their politics.

The ChiCom virus has provided public school teachers with an excuse not to work. Despite the low risk of acquiring COVID-19 from children and the failure of online learning, teachers throughout the country have refused to enter the classroom on the grounds of the virus.

In Chicago:

In-person classes in Chicago Public Schools are canceled again Thursday as the district tries to hammer out a deal with the teachers union to avoid a strike by employees who are refusing to return to schools.

Rather than teach, some of the teachers have been spending their time on interpretive dance:

Meanwhile, in Florida:

The Broward School District has scoured Facebook pages of teachers working remotely to catch them partying, traveling and failing to wear masks at a time the educators say COVID-19 makes it too risky for them to return to campus.

One teacher is pictured at her daughter’s destination wedding in Jamaica. Another attended a political rally for Joe Biden. Others were pictured with cocktails in restaurants or enjoying a Disney or beach vacation with family or friends.

Broward Teachers Union, which opposes teachers being required to get back in the classroom and do their jobs, rages that the district has been “spying” on the teachers.

Sep 14 2020

Black Lives Matter Comes After LeBron James

No matter how you pander to the crocodile, there is no guarantee it will come after you last, especially if it is a Marxist crocodile and you are conspicuously rich. No one could out-moonbat LeBron James, who wails loudly about the oppression of his race despite having acquired a net worth of $450 million playing a game in a country he openly disrespects. Yet the very Black Lives Matter mob that he has encouraged temporarily blocked NBA buses from entering the Walt Disney World campus on Saturday, brandishing megaphones:

Among their chants: “Black Lives Matter” and “LeBron can you help us?”

How about it, LeBron? If you really want your country torn to pieces in the name of cultural Marxism, why not shower some of your vast wealth upon the foot soldiers trying to make it happen?

The protesters assembled near one of the entrances and were not inside the so-called bubble, where teams, NBA staff and other have been for more than two months in some cases for the resumption of the season.

It would be hard to imagine a better metaphor for pro sports in general and the ultra-left, mostly black NBA in particular than the “bubble.” It protects them not only from COVID-19 but from the consequences of the toxic ideology they theatrically promote. Waging ideological war on police officers gets cops shot; it gets people living in black neighborhoods shot too. But, aside from harassment of a bus they weren’t even on, the zillionaire leftists inside the bubble are safe — until the Marxist revolution they have abetted gets out of hand.

All entrances to the bubble — whether it is the hotel properties or the arenas where games are played — are secured by law enforcement, security officers or both.

Law enforcement officers are to be abolished according to the Black Lives Matter ideology that is aggressively promoted by the NBA.

On tips from Rapinhoe and DCGere.


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