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Category: Environmentalism

Jan 21 2025

California Enviromoonbats Impede Wildfire Prevention

One reason California has such devastating wildfires is that the state is infested with environmentalists and their lawyers.

Via Chico’s Action News Now:

The Community Protection Project (CPP) is a $650 million, 200,000-acre project to protect communities in the Plumas National Forest that have not burned in the last 5-7 years. The forest service plans to use prescribed burns, forest thinning, and herbicides as part of the massive fuel reduction project. It’s designed to protect communities in Plumas and Butte Counties from future wildfires.


The environmental group Feather River Action filed a lawsuit demanding a full environmental statement to look at the impact of logging, burning, and herbicides.

What moonbats don’t like, they bog down in red tape. Good luck cutting through it before the next uncontrolled conflagration.

Feather River Action spokesmoonbat Josh Hart — who accuses the US Forest Service of “using the climate crisis to justify industrial logging” — helpfully provides alternatives to proper forest management:

“What the real solutions to this climate crisis are in terms of protecting communities, which is hardening communities building structures out of non-burnable materials plugging holes, and clearing areas 200 feet around structures.”

There is no climate crisis, except in the addled minds of moonbats. In contrast, Los Angeles residents can attest that the threat of wildfires is quite real.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Dec 16 2024

Moonbat Deathcare

Having imposed their bleak creed on every aspect of life, moonbats turn to death. The BBC extolls those who devote their death to ecomoonbattery:

“I don’t want my last act on this planet to be a polluting act, if I can help that,” Rachel Hawthorn explains.

You can tell Rachel is a true believer moonbat by the eyes. She plans to make her own ecofriendly burial shroud.

“I try so hard in my life to recycle and to use less, and to live in an environmentally friendly way, so I want my death to be that as well,” she adds.

If only she could never have existed in the first place. That would be ideal, according to ecomoonbattery.

Gas cremation feeds the plants with harmless but politically haram carbon dioxide emissions. Traditional burial isn’t kosher either:

Non-biodegradable coffins are often made with harmful chemicals and bodies are embalmed using formaldehyde: a toxic substance which can leach into soil.

Rachel has already made a burial shroud for a friend out of “locally-sourced wool, willow, bramble and ivy.”

The dying and their loved ones may seek solace from a pastor. Rachel provides the woke alternative:

She also works as a death doula, which involves supporting people who are dying, as well as their loved ones, to make informed funeral care choices.

The important thing is to dispose of the body in a way that will leave the least possible trace.

Natural burial grounds are dotted across the UK and bear little resemblance to normal cemeteries – trees and wildflowers replace man-made grave markings, and no pesticides are used.

So that the body will decompose faster, the burials are shallow — much like the moonbat religion.

On a tip from Steve T.

Dec 14 2024

Climate Kooks Blockade Unused Parking Garage

It might seem impossible, but some climate activists are actually even more stupid than they are evil:

Radical anti-fossil fuel activist group Climate Defiance on Thursday protested at Energy Department’s Washington, D.C., headquarters, claiming to have “shuttered” the entrance.

“Breaking: we have shuttered the entrance to the Department of Energy. Cops swarming by the 100. Senior officials on edge. Revolution in air. Updates imminent,” the group stated in a post on X.

Their revolution did not quite compare to October 1917.

Andrew Follett, senior analyst at Club for Growth and former DOE contractor, said the group was actually blocking an unused entrance to a parking garage.

You would think climate activists could come up with more effective tactics, considering the money they bring in:

According to Influence Watch, the bulk of the group’s funding comes from the Climate Emergency Fund, which funnels funding into a few hostile climate activist groups, including the Extinction Rebellion, Just Stop Oil, and the Sunrise Movement. In 2021, the fund brought in over $6 million, its tax filings show.

Who would give money to these malevolent clowns? Rich leftists:

In 2022, liberal Hollywood film director Adam McKay pledged $4 million to the Climate Emergency Fund, and he became a member of its board. Abigail Disney, heiress to the Disney fortune, donated $200,000 to the fund.

Don’t give up, moonbats. You still have until January 20 to persuade the government to abolish all efficient means of generating energy, leaving the economy to collapse and most of us to die of starvation. Then the weather will be pleased with you.

On a tip from R F.

Nov 15 2024

Moonbats Build House of Hemp and Horse Manure

For housing to be acceptable to the climate, it must be sustainable. This can be accomplished by making homes out of hemp and horse manure:

Dan Rawlins and his partner Chloe Meyer set themselves an ambitious target when they decided to build an off-grid house made from hempcrete and rendered with a horse manure mix, all without ever having built a house before.

Hempcrete is made out of hemp and lime. Dan says it is vermin proof, vapor permeable, and not merely carbon neutral but carbon negative because it sequesters carbon, making it holy in the moonbat religion.

Horse manure adds strength to the hempcrete walls.

And, in case you were wondering, it’s relatively odourless, which is no doubt a relief for Dan and Chloe.

The house also features a composting outdoor toilet and solar panels. It took a year and a half to build and cost more than expected, but they are living in it.

In utopia, housing will be acknowledged as a human right and will be exclusively provided by Big Government so as to ensure equity. This ideologically compliant house may serve as a model.

On a tip from Steve T.

Sep 08 2024

NPR Introduces Eco-Chaplains

Believers in the global warming hoax are unreachable by rational argument because their gullibility is not merely a matter of stupidity but of faith. Enviromoonbattery is not so much an ideology as a godless, hollow religion. They even have eco-chaplains.

From state-affiliated NPR:

The demand to address climate grief, anxiety and burnout is growing, according to the Rev. Alison Cornish, the chaplaincy coordinator at The BTS Center, a non-profit in Portland, Maine that looks at climate change through a spiritual lens.

In 2017, the American Psychological Association defined climate anxiety as “a chronic fear of environmental doom.”

Neurotics could cure their climate anxiety by not listening to the B.S. spewed by the liberal establishment. Instead, they call upon eco-chaplains to help them wallow in it.

On a chilly morning in January, Sustaining Climate Activists gathered in a library conference room.

“Just breathe normally,” the group’s co-facilitator, the Rev. Liz Olson, a certified hospital chaplain, said in a soothing yet commanding voice to the dozen people sitting with her.

“You can use this breathing any time you are panicking or worrying, knowing that we have this symbiotic relationship with the plants and the trees, and that as you are exhaling they are inhaling, and as you are inhaling, they are exhaling. We are always connected to the plants and the trees.”

The main way we are connected is that plants need CO2, which humans fortuitously produce, thereby helping crops to grow.

Participants sipped coffee, nibbled homemade oatmeal raisin cookies, passed around a box of Kleenex and examined a color wheel with the names of hues replaced by emotions — fear, anger, loneliness and anxiety.

Eco-moonbats had better stock up on the Kleenex in case election fraud can’t keep Trump out of office:

Sustaining Climate Activists arose out of a sense of being overwhelmed. In 2016, several activists affiliated with Southern Oregon Climate Action Now, a non-profit advocacy group based in Medford, Ore., came together after the presidential election of Donald Trump.

“Trump’s election freaked everyone out,” said Alan Journet, who co-founded the Medford advocacy group with his wife, Kathy Conway. “Group members wanted a way to deal with fears and anxieties about climate and politics.”

Their solution: group thumb-sucking.

On a tip from R F.

Sep 07 2024

Destroying Our Dams Is Not About Saving Salmon

One way you know that the global warming hoax is a lie is that liberals have no interest in generating electricity by means that do not generate supposedly harmful carbon emissions unless these means are unreliable and economically insane, like wind and solar. Nuclear and hydroelectric, they suppress. When they tell you dams must be destroyed so as not to oppress fish, they are lying once again:

Moonbats shriek that Vladimir Putin is a clear and present danger. When he starts blowing up our hydroelectric dams, I’ll believe them.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Eddie_Valiant.

Aug 06 2024

Moonbat Swears Oath on River

As G.K. Chesterton observed,

“When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”

By the same token, when moonbats reject God, they live in a world not where there is no god but where anything can be god — even a river.

From the remnants of Great Britain:

Jurors are either required to make a promise to tell the truth or to swear on a holy book when they attend court.

Instead the lawyer and activist [Paul Powlesland] produced a vial of water taken from the River Roding, at Snaresbrook Crown Court in east London.

Powlesland proclaimed that “the river was effectively my god, and that I hold the river to be sacred.”

On this basis, the judge allowed the oath alongside an affirmation.

The original point of allowing people to swear on something other than the Bible may have been to marginalize Christianity, but it is the legal system that gets delegitimized.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jul 29 2024

Janet Yellen Calls for Wasting $78 Trillion

With malevolent kooks like Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen in charge of our money, is there any limit to how much of it they would flagrantly waste in the name of moonbat ideology? No there is not:

Yellen said during a speech in Belem, Brazil, on Saturday that the price tag for a global transition to a low-carbon economy amounts to $78 trillion in financing through 2050.

That’s what you vote for when you vote Biden/Harris:

Yellen said that in order to achieve the goal of net-zero global carbon emissions, there would need to be $3 trillion globally in annual financing for the cause, which she said is a top priority for the Biden administration, according to the speech.

Wasting money on that scale will entail pouring it upon corrupt Third World hellholes:

Yellen vowed to finance green initiatives in developing countries through multilateral development banks and develop “clean energy technologies.”

The Yoda-like bureaucrat bleated piously about financing “pathways to sustainable and inclusive growth, including for countries that have historically received less investment.”

In accordance with Marxist principles, you earn the money so that your rulers can confiscate it and shower it indiscriminately on backward alien societies on the other side of the world that according to leftist ideology are historically oppressed.

Estimated effect on the supposedly problematic weather: zero. Estimated effect on the economy, our standard of living, and civilizational stability: incalculable. The global warming hoax is the Cloward-Piven strategy by another name.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 26 2024

Carbon Credits Enable Green Graft

Not all green lunacy can be attributed to an insidious attack on our freedom and standard of living or to the antihuman malice at the root of leftism. Another factor is straightforward greed:

Over the past two decades, so-called “carbon cowboys,” people who set up carbon credit initiatives for financial gain, have launched land preservation projects across the Amazon rainforest, generating carbon credits worth hundreds of millions of dollars and building a thinly regulated market valued at nearly $11 billion worldwide, according to The Washington Post. The Brazilian government’s anti-deforestation policies already safeguarded more than 78,000 square miles of land used for preservation projects before they were claimed for carbon credits, and 29 of the 35 internationally certified projects in the Amazon overlap with public lands, meaning a large percentage of carbon credits overlap with already existent conservation measures.

The estimated total value of the offsets sold by these 29 ventures is $212 million, according to an analysis performed by The Washington Post using annual market rates. Multi-billion dollar companies like Netflix, Delta Air Lines, Spotify, PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Boeing are just a few of the major corporations that purchased these credits in order to offset their emissions.

Why would anyone pay a penny to pretend to “offset” harmless carbon emissions? According to energy consultant David Blackmon,

“For the most part, companies buy these credits for the simple fact that they are forced to do so either by wrong-headed government regulations or by ESG demands from green investors and financial institutions.”

Fools and their money are soon parted. Coercive regulations are required for the same reason Democrats are setting the stage for election fraud: not all of us are fools.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek explains how carbon credits can be inflicted at the individual level to impose green neofeudalism:

On a tip from R F.

Jul 25 2024

Human Rights for the Spirits of the Forest

No matter how insane the Democratic Party becomes, overpriced law schools will egg it on to new extremes by pushing the envelope further still:

A relatively new legal field gaining traction aims to establish rights for natural formations and other inanimate objects.

One of the law schools leading the charge for this novel legal theory is New York University School of Law, which in 2022 launched the More Than Human Life Project, or MOTH, an initiative of the law school’s Earth Rights Research and Action Clinic. …

More Than Human Life’s founding director, César Rodriguez-Garavito, who chairs the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at NYU Law, stated that MOTH was inspired by a 2021 decision by the Constitutional Court of Ecuador, the nation’s highest court, holding that mining operations in the Los Cedros forest had violated the rights of Pacha Mama, or “mother nature.”

Mother Nature can even hold a copyright:

MOTH attorneys currently seek to argue before an Ecuadorian judge that a song by British musician Cosmo Sheldrake that features sounds of birds, animals and wind noises recorded at Los Cedros should be copyrighted as a joint creation of human and non-human entities.

According to Rodriguez-Garavito, “The forest is alive, there are spirits in the forest, they are the real rulers of the forest.” So be sure to pay them royalties if you make any forest noises.

It isn’t just NYU:

Harvard University will offer a course this fall titled “Rights of Nature” that “will examine this fast-growing field, assessing the origins, practice, and potential of granting legal personhood to natural objects.”

The point of granting human rights to rock formations and imaginary spirits? Christian bioethicist Wesley Smith offers a clue:

“If everything has rights, one could say that nothing really does.”

He compares it to the way the value of our money is destroyed through inflation.

The immediate purpose is to suppress economic development in the name of envirofascism on the Democrat principle that the poorer we are, the easier we are to rule.

On a tip from R F.

Jul 22 2024

Green Odyssey Ends in Death

Ecorighteous posturing is all fun and games — until someone gets killed:

Brett Clibbery and Sarah Packwood were found after their raft washed ashore on Sable Island, around 108 miles southeast of mainland Nova Scotia…

Despite having different names, they were married. They had abandoned their yacht for the life raft for unknown reasons.

They dubbed their latest adventure the green odyssey, a nod to the yacht being powered by a battery from an electric Nissan Leaf car and six solar panels.

Prior to the ill-fated adventure, Clibbery proclaimed:

“We’re doing everything we can to show that you can travel without burning fossil fuels.”

You can. But why would you want to?

Some experts said the addition of the solar panels and battery pack will have added weight to the yacht and made it potentially unstable. There were also fears that salt water may have led to the lithium battery pack being corroded and catching fire.

Best not to rely on EV batteries and solar energy.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jul 07 2024

Your Property Is Not Your Property

Under leftist rule, your property is not your property. It belongs to bureaucrats. They might let you use it, but only on their terms. If you use it in a way that contradicts their ideology, they may punish you.

From Connecticut:

A Barnum Road homeowner accused of cutting down trees and filling in environmentally sensitive wetlands with soil and wood chips has been ordered by the city of Danbury to complete a $26,000 restoration of the property.

That is, she cleaned up a swamp on her own property. Liberals like swamps. So they made her put the swamp back. Because the planet.

About 1.5 acres on the homeowner’s 3.3-acre property is wetlands…

No doubt the planet will feel much better after the acre and a half of swamp is restored. Bureaucrats already feel better, smugly pleased by their belief that they can make anyone do anything just because they say to.

To be sure the wetlands are not degraded again, the city order requires the homeowner to place a line of boulders between the home and the wetlands, among other requirements.

The point is to remind her whose property it is.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jun 25 2024

Let Them Drink Maggot Milk

If you liked the idea of cockroach milk, you will love maggot milk:

Bill Gates has launched a new project that seeks to introduce “maggot milk” into the food supply of the general public.

The new “EntoMilk” is described as a “dairy alternative” that is made from “black soldier fly larvae” or maggots.

The maggots are blended into a “rich and creamy liquid which looks and acts just like dairy,” according to its creators.

Why would anyone let an evil twerp tell them to drink something so disgusting that it would instantly make you puke? Here’s why:

Gates and his allies argue that EntoMilk should replace traditional dairy milk because farming allegedly destroys the planet.

If someone tells you that agriculture is bad, don’t feel obligated to listen to anything else they have to say.

Bill Gates maggot milk will go nicely with the other nonfoods the planet wants you to eat, like lentils, beetleburgers, crickets, grass, maggot butter, mealworms, plastic trash, weeds, worm dogs, synthetic pseudofood, larvae, and wind turbine blades.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

May 30 2024

Moonbats Serve Liquor With Dead Bugs in It

All-pervasive leftism might drive some to drink in an attempt to escape. But there is no refuge anywhere. Moonbattery can be found even in liquor:

The Noon Whistle Pub, located in [the Chicago suburb] Lombard, is serving up cicada-infused Malört shots.

Moonbats will be pleased to learn that the dead bugs are locally harvested.

The brewpub is collecting the cicadas from a nearby park, cooking them, and putting them into bottles of the legendary Chicago liquor.

This should be good for a pat on the head from our future globalist rulers, who have determined that we should eat insects to demonstrate our reverence for the climate.

For a chaser, wash down the bug-flavored Malört with some sewage water beer. The woke combo is guaranteed to improve the weather just as much as electric cars do.

On a tip from R F.


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