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Dec 27 2023

Lunatic Left Indoctrination at US Naval Academy

Even CNN has noticed that our communist Chinese adversaries now have a bigger navy and threaten to achieve dominance over the seas, which would allow the totalitarian regime to achieve world dominance at American expense. Meanwhile, our navy wallows in wokeness, as evidenced by the material in which officers are indoctrinated at the US Naval Academy:

The course description for HE 374, Topics In Gender & Sexuality in Literature, begins by tracing the history of gender and sexuality studies from its origin in the women’s studies discipline rooted in the Second Wave Feminism of the 1970’s and 1980’s, according to a syllabus the [Daily Caller News Foundation] obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request. However, the English major course broadens to include studies for future U.S. Navy officers on LGBTQ studies, race, class and concepts informed by Critical Race Theory, which defines people groups in terms of oppressor and oppressed, the syllabus shows.

According to the Cultural Marxist ideology instilled in naval officers, normal Americans are “oppressors” — i.e., the bad guys. It used to be the Navy’s job to defend normal Americans.

The primary texts of the course were “The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis and the Sociology of Gender” by Nancy Chodorow and “Sexual/Textual Politics: Feminist Literary Theory” by Toril Moi.

Chodorow’s book dismisses motherhood as a social construct. As for Moi,

Moi’s book imagines a world “beyond the opposition feminine/masculine, beyond homosexuality and heterosexuality,” a review shows.

Homosexuality is now passé. The Navy will be moving beyond it.

The Spring 2023 course was divided into three main sections, starting with “an exploration of the masculine/feminine binary,” then moving to “a historical and contemporary discussion of the rejection and empowerment of specific sexualities” and finally the “utilization of Gender and Sexuality to enforce or deconstruct the othering of nonwestern culture,” the syllabus showed.

None of this is likely to prevent the ChiComs from launching an attack that will dwarf Pearl Harbor and turn the Pacific into a Chinese lake. With Democrats in charge, the Navy has different concerns. It is a social engineering project devoted to moonbattery.

With 37% of US attack subs out of commission, the kooks in charge focus on flight suits for pregnant pilots, name a ship after an infamous child molester, and use a drag queen for recruitment. Liberal control of the military will not end well.

On tips from ABC of the ANC, Franco, and Barry A.

Dec 27 2023

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Dec 26 2023

Glaciers Give the Lie to Global Warming Narrative

According to the Gospel of the Global Warming Hoax, 1850–1910 was the coldest period of the past millennium. Yet glaciers were retreating rapidly. Now that the planet allegedly has a fever, the retreat has slowed dramatically and even reversed:

Our moonbat rulers canceled the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age for failing to comply with climate ideology. But preventing glaciers from growing is more difficult than doctoring the historical record to support climate con man Michael Mann’s spurious hockey stick graph.

Nonetheless, prophet of doom Al Gore shouts that “we could lose our capacity for self-governance” if we don’t surrender still more freedom to Big Government so that it can fix the supposedly broken weather.

On tips from Lyle and Wiggins.

Dec 26 2023

Satanists Endorse Biden

Uniquely, there is an endorsement of Joe Biden that doesn’t consist of lies:

The Order of Nine Angles, a Satanic cult founded in the United Kingdom in the 1970s, according to a BBC report from 2020, has endorsed the Biden-Harris ticket for the 2024 presidential election.

Their reasons make perfect sense — considering that they worship evil.

From the O9A website:

[D]emocracy is failing; worldwide nations are going broke, preparing for war, inundated with refugees, beset by internal refugees, ruled by careerist psychopaths, and perhaps most ominously, electing leaders who are associated with foreign powers.

The Big Guy — who has been on the payroll of our most formidable adversary — is the most obvious example.

We want to rush into the abyss so that the “end of history” can come to its natural terminus and a new Dark Age will be visited upon the Earth. …

This can only happen through weak humanist leadership that will stumble its way into war, famine, recession, terrorism, corruption, and human misery. …

Only Biden-Harris can bring about this advancement of history, and therefore, we endorse the Biden-Harris campaign in 2024.

It must be agreed that if the objective is the collapse of civilization into a nightmare era of evil triumphant, Biden/Harris is the logical choice.

On a tip from Barry A.

Dec 26 2023

Minnesota Electric Bus Fail

They tried electric buses in Connecticut. Because of their tendency to burst into flames, the entire fleet was pulled from service. They tried them in Wyoming. At last word, none works. Edmonton blew a fortune on 60 electric buses. Most of those don’t work either. Turns out electric vehicles don’t make sense in the cold. Naturally the next step was to try them in frigid Minnesota:

In 2015, Duluth received a $6.3 million federal grant for six, ultimately seven, battery-electric buses from Proterra.

Proterra has gone bankrupt, leaving customers trying to keep their vehicles running in the lurch.

In Minneapolis,

Metro Transit followed in 2017 when it received a $1.7 million federal grant to buy eight battery-electric accordion buses…

They got free money and saved the allegedly imperiled climate from harmless carbon emissions. Everyone lived happily ever after — until reality set in:

Both the Twin Cities and Duluth have had problems with their battery-electric buses. For one, they can’t go as far as their builders advertised, in part because of the cold weather.

Too bad the global warming hoax isn’t real. If temperatures would rise by more than the current insignificant fluctuations, EVs would be less insane.

Metro Transit’s battery-electric buses are also less reliable than their diesel-fueled counterparts. A September 2023 presentation to the Met Council’s Transportation Committee showed the battery-electric buses broke down twice as often.

The outlandishly expensive batteries frequently fail, as do the chargers.

Duluth also had problems with its battery-electric bus fleet. Between April 2019 and February 2020, the fleet averaged 7,717 miles between breakdowns, four times as often compared to their diesel counterparts. … The buses struggled to make it up the city’s storied steep hills and to keep riders warm in the winter.

The federal government continues to throw our money at the quixotic cause of electrifying buses in frozen Minnesota:

In August, the Federal Transit Administration awarded Metro Transit a $17.5 million grant to buy 12 battery-electric buses…

Since Duluth and Metro Transit rode the electric wave, other agencies joined in on the current. With $5.4 million from two federal grants, Rochester placed into service four battery-electric buses of the exact same make and model as Metro Transit’s…

Another federal grant for electric buses in Minnesota will cost us $8.1 million.

It’s almost as if our rulers couldn’t care less how hard we have to work to create the wealth they waste.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Skip.

Dec 26 2023

Open Thread

A liberal is a conservative who hasn't been mugged yet. - Frank Rizzo

Dec 25 2023

Muslim–Moonbat Alliance Attacks Christmas

Following the terror atrocities of October 7, Hamas is riding high on surging support from leftists. The Muslim–moonbat alliance has teamed up to attack Christmas:

Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters waved the pan-Arab-colors flag and wore the symbolic Palestinian keffiyeh in a series of coordinated “No Xmas as Usual in a Genocide” rallies and marches across the US on Saturday.

They mean “genocide” in the Orwellian sense; specifically, genocide = opposition to the genocide of Jews in the Holy Land as advocated in the slogan “From the river to the sea.”

Organizers with Shut It Down for Palestine said the organization had focused its protests on the second-most popular shopping day of the year – the day before Christmas Eve – as part of ongoing civic and commercial disruptions. …

Posts on social media channels showed protests in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto and in Chicago, where a convoy of cars temporarily blocked a highway and entrance to Chicago O’Hare airport.

In New York, protests organized by pro-Palestinian groups the People’s Forum and Palestinian Youth Movement held a rally at Fifth Avenue and 59th Street – the apex of Manhattan’s luxury shopping district…

In San Francisco … protesters gathered to call for a permanent ceasefire as well as an end to US spending on the war.

“Ceasefire” means unconditional surrender to Hamas. Terrorists are not expected to abide by ceasefires. The US spending they object to is aide for Israel; Biden will continue to shovel mountains of our money at Hamas with their approval.

Nothing is beneath these demons:

In what has become a running trend across the globe throughout December, pro-Hamas protesters once again crashed a Christmas production, this time in Melbourne, Australia. Named “Carols by Candlelight,” the event is held to raise money for blind children.

No matter, though, the group of pro-Hamas fanatics stormed the stage anyway, waving Palestinian flags while attempting to grab the microphone and shouting “Free Palestine.”


Bonchie hits the nail on the head:

They don’t just hate Israel. They don’t just hate Jews. They hate you and your way of life. They hate that you celebrate Christmas. They hate that you care enough to raise money for children. They hate that you spend time with your family. What is happening across the West is a soft revolution meant to shame and suppress those who would dare partake in the traditional aspects of society, and the revolutionaries are winning.

Modernity offers an indication of what the future will look like if we don’t turn the tide quickly:

Security services in Germany, Spain, Austria have beefed up their presence outside churches and other major landmarks after learning terrorists had schemed to bring chaos to major cities over the Christmas period.

Concern was particularly high around Cologne Cathedral in Germany, site of the infamous New Year’s Eve 2015 mass molestation of women by huge gangs of migrants from North Africa. …

Counter-terror operations are also underway in Vienna and Madrid, with St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna being mentioned as a specific target as well as Christmas markets. …

Authorities in Austria made several arrests [Saturday] night of ISIS-linked terrorists who were planning mass casualty attacks, according to reports.

Given current demographic, cultural, and political trends, it will be impossible to hold them off for long.

On tips from Anonymous and ABC of the ANC.

Dec 25 2023

Italian Church Presents Lesbian Nativity Scene

Bad enough that in Europe, nativity scenes are beheaded or torched by Islamic colonists. This is worse, because the attack comes from the inside. In place of Mary and Joseph, a depraved nativity scene in Italy presents Jesus in the manger with lesbian mothers, one wearing the rainbow colors of politicized perversion:

The priest at the Church of Saints Peter and Paul, in Capocastello di Mercogliano, a hamlet in the province of Avellino about one hour’s drive east of Naples, has defended its depiction of the birth of Jesus.

“I wanted to show with this scene that families are no longer just the traditional ones,” Father Vitaliano Della Sala told Reuters.

Destroying the family so that the human race can no longer thrive and prosper is not a Christian objective but a Satanic one. The same goes for the celebration of sin.

Father Della Sala, known in Italy for sympathising with LGBT and left-wing causes, says his attitude is in line with that of Pope Francis, who this week, in a landmark ruling, allowed priests to bless same-sex couples.

The Bible condemns homosexuality adamantly throughout both Testaments. But the Bible will become irrelevant if leftists succeed in hollowing out the content of Christianity, leaving the outer shell in place to be refilled with its opposite: hatred of humanity and the worship of sin.

On a tip from Jack Bauer.

Dec 25 2023

Merry Christmas, Countermoonbats!

When moonbats bark about “decolonization,” they mean they want to erase Western Civilization. Countermoonbats won’t let them erase this:

Dec 24 2023

Pro-Hamas Prof: USA and Israel Are “One and the Same”

It’s not that progressives are anti-Semitic. Some pro-Hamas moonbats are Jewish themselves. They hate Israel because they see it as an outpost of Western Civilization. They want it wiped off the map because they want America wiped off the map. Academia is the source of the ideological poison that is killing our country. It provides confirmation:

Earlier this month, University of Minnesota liberal arts professor Melanie Yazzie took the stage with several other speakers as part of the anti-capitalist Native American advocacy group the Red Nation’s “teach-in” on the Israel-Hamas war.

The event was one of many in academia serving to support the Islamic propaganda initiative of October 7. Without spin from progressives, we would be left thinking the terrorist attack was nothing more than a horrific crime against humanity.

Regarding Israel and USA, Yazzie proclaimed:

“They’re one and the same, really.”

In the context of her agenda, that means both must be eradicated — especially America, which Yazzie calls “the greatest predator empire that has ever existed.”

As with January 6, 2021, moonbats have seized on October 7 as a date to be exploited:

Yazzie also appeared to imply she saw the “entire world” change after the Oct. 7 attacks by the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas on innocent Israeli civilians and claimed that “Palestine is the alternative path for native nations.”

Do you ever get the impression that lefty academics are not entirely benevolent?

“Lean into the fact that colonizers are scared,” she said, laughing. “Lean into scaring them and making them feel uncomfortable!”

By “colonizers,” she means whites, who have been slated for elimination so that sacred BIPOCs can restore a Stone Age state of bliss.

“I hope you seek to dismantle the United States,” Yazzie added to applause from the audience.

From the leftist viewpoint, the women raped and children tortured on October 7 deserved to die their horrific deaths because Israelis are white-adjacent. By the same token, American women and children deserve it even more.

Watch as Professor Yazzie demonstrates what Joe Biden defied the Supreme Court to force us to finance ever more generously:

On a tip from Jack D.

Dec 24 2023

Biden Transparency on Chinese Spy Balloon

As it came to power, the Biden Regime promised “transparency.” This was meant in the Orwellian sense:

The Biden administration planned to keep the Chinese spy balloon that traveled across North America this year a secret from the public and even from Congress — and only came clean after civilians saw the massive white orb over Montana, according to a damning new report.

“Before it was spotted publicly, there was the intention to study it and let it pass over and not ever tell anyone about it,” a former senior US official told NBC News Friday, nearly 11 months after the balloon penetrated American airspace and began a meandering week-long tour of sensitive military sites.

Biden failed to respond to the balloon, which might have been sent not only to spy but as a dry run to test the deployment of weapons over US territory.

The ChiComs eating our lunch is a sensitive issue, considering that the Big Guy has been on their payroll.

What other wheels have been coming lose that Biden’s handlers have found it expedient to keep from us? Considering that the media was instrumental in putting him in the White House, don’t expect penetrating investigative reports from establishment journalists. Information only comes to light when it can’t be swept under the rug. We won’t know the full extent of the damage until patriots regain control of the government.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Dec 24 2023

Jesus Replaced With “Cuckoo” Because Sensitivity

The War on Christmas often goes over the top in Europe, with climate kooks painting Christmas trees orange and Islamic colonists beheading manger displays or setting them on fire. But it can also be relatively subtle, as when kids are made to replace Jesus with the word “cuckoo” in Christmas carols in Italy:

The episode took place in a primary school in the municipality of Agna, where fundamental changes were made to the lyrics of a song for the annual Christmas party. Instead of “Jesus will soon be born”, the children had to sing “Cuckoo is made from above”. And furthermore, the passage “Where the angels prepare Jesus’ birth” was replaced with “All together prepare a feast in the blue sky”.

With these changes, the school reportedly wanted to show consideration for the feelings of non-Christian children and parents.

The importation of millions of Muslims is exploited as a pretext to suppress European culture. Assimilation is not only out of the question, it would defeat the purpose. But remember, if you don’t agree that “Jesus” should be replaced with “cuckoo” in Christmas carols, you are an insensitive bigot who is mean to immigrant children.

Dec 24 2023

Kiddie Show Has Boy Dance in Tutu for Gay Dads

Public schools are not the only pillar of the liberal establishment to push LGBTism on innocent children. Consider the suppurating pustule known as the entertainment industry — for example, Netflix, which presents a little boy dancing in a tutu and tiara for the gratification of his fashionably interracial gay “dads”:

This isn’t an obscure program. CoComelon has been described as the most popular kids’ program in the world. The YouTube channel has generated 76.1 billion views.

Will Hild, executive director of Consumers’ Research observes that…

…most shows that are open about their political activism from the start aren’t successful. Media companies like Netflix realize this, Hild believes, so they have to sneak these themes into well-established shows in an “insidious” and deceptive way, he said.

He noted how other hit children’s series like “Peppa Pig” have also added LGBTQ characters in recent years after gaining a significant audience.

Progressives are delighted by CoComelon’s ham-fisted grooming:

Several parents on the website praised the show for its “diversity” and mocked the concerned parents as “homophobic.”

CoComelon unsurprisingly has deep ties to Disney, a company that could best be described as demonic due to its obsession with the sexual corruption of children.

If this is what liberals present on TV where anyone can see it, imagine what goes on in classrooms.

On tips from Franco and Steve T.

Dec 24 2023

Open Thread

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. - H. L. Mencken

On a tip from CovfefeMe.


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