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Dec 18 2023

ACLU Attempt to Compel Speech Fails in Virginia

Imagine living under tyrants who not only forbid you to speak the truth but who demand that you state indisputable lies in violation of your conscience. That will be America if the American “Civil Liberties” Union has its way. Fortunately, this malevolent organization has suffered a setback in Virginia in the case of Vlaming v. West Point School Board:

Peter Vlaming was a high school French teacher with six years of experience and consistently positive evaluations. The school board fired him, however, when he refused to refer to a biological female by the male pronouns she preferred, even though Vlaming readily referred to her by her self-chosen, male-sounding name and did not use pronouns at all.

Refraining from calling her “her” wasn’t good enough. Vlaming was commanded to kneel before the Alphabet Mob by actively calling her “him.”

Even though Vlaming explained that his religious beliefs precluded him from calling a biological girl a boy, the board would not relent. It said that Vlaming was not only forbidden to use pronouns that contradicted the student’s chosen “identity” but that he had no right to avoid pronouns altogether.

So they fired him.

And when he filed suit saying that his free speech and free exercise of religion rights were violated, the ACLU filed a brief against him.

In open hostility to basic civil rights, the ACLU proclaimed that it constitutes “discrimination” for him not to reject his faith and biological reality to cater to her deranged if trendy whims.

This time there was a happy ending:

The Virginia Supreme Court rightly swatted down both the school board and the ACLU. It ruled that the school board had violated both the Virginia state constitution and the Virginia Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Our sense is that if this case had been in federal courts, the board also would have been found in violation of the well-established prohibition of “compelled speech,” as the right not to speak is as equally protected by the First Amendment as the right to speak freely.

Let’s hope so. But the longer Democrats are in a position to place leftist apparatchiks on the bench, the less likely this is to be the case.

The ACLU reminds us that moonbats know they are wrong, or they would not talk in Orwellian euphemisms. If killing your offspring in the womb is good, why call it “reproductive healthcare”? If sex change surgery is good, why call it “gender-affirming care”? If bigotry against whites, men, and Christians is good, why call it “inclusion”? If tyranny is good, why call it “civil liberties”?

On a tip from Blackjack.

Dec 18 2023

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Dec 17 2023

Another Educrat Sworn In on Pedophile Pornography

Unreal as it may seem, educrats really have replaced the Bible with homosexual pornography focusing on children as the sacred text for swearing in ceremonies.

We saw it in Pennsylvania. Here it is in Virginia:

Democrat Karl Frisch was sworn in for his second term on the Fairfax County School Board with a stack of books banned in other school systems for sexually controversial content Thursday.

“He was sworn in on a stack of the five LGBTQ-themed books most frequently banned by other school systems,” Frisch’s campaign website announced. “Currently, the Board’s Vice Chair, Frisch becomes its Chair on January 1. He is the first LGBTQ+ person elected to local office in Virginia’s largest county and one of only four openly LGBTQ+ school board members in the Commonwealth out of roughly 800 members.”

Those are his primary qualifications to oversee the education of children in a country ruled by moonbats.

Frisch’s male partner held the stack of books as he was sworn in. The books included “All Boys Aren’t Blue,” “Gender Queer,” “Flamer,” “Lawn Boy” and “The Perks of Being a Wallflower.”

Pedophile pornography of the type promoted by Chelsea Clinton is not only permitted; it is treated as sacred and foisted on the innocent.

When people tell you they are perverted blasphemous scum intent on corrupting your children, believe them — and get them the hell away from your kids.

On a tip from Barry A.

Dec 17 2023

Woke Civil War: Pedophile Gays Want to Cancel Lesbians

Degeneracy has reached the point where lesbians risk cancelation for not being perverted enough:

A politically connected pro-pedophile activist group in Germany is demanding lesbians be removed from an exhibit at Berlin’s Gay Museum due to their historical opposition to pederasty. Krumme-13 is protesting the Museum, claiming that lesbians “submitted in every way to the anti-pedophile zeitgeist of the heterosexual mainstream.”

Krumme-13 wants pederasty made legal in Germany. Pedophilia is next up for normalization after homosexuality and transsexualism (see e.g. here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here).

Last month, the Gay Museum opened an exhibit addressing historical gay support for pedophilia:

The exhibition is comprised of two main rooms, with one being dedicated to testimonies from victims of child sexual abuse, and the second focusing on historical examples of gay rights publications vocalizing support for pedophilia. Among the displays is a document calling for “solidarity” with the pro-pedophile community advocating against their “exclusion” from the gay rights campaign.

According to one sign within the exhibit, the belief that children — specifically boys — were not harmed by sexual relations with adult men “was supported by the gay movement.” The exhibit reveals that pedophiles found ample support within the community by appealing to “shared experiences of discrimination and persecution.”

By contrast, lesbian women did not express the same level of solidarity towards pedophiles.

Krumme-13 denounces the inclusion of women for resulting in the marginalization of pedophiles within the “gay rights” movement.

We’ll see who prevails. Following the cultural trajectory of the past few decades, smart money backs the pederasts.

On a tip from Steve T.

Dec 17 2023

Illinois NAACP President Tests Deep Fake Excuse

Artificial Intelligence mainly programmed by moonbats is likely to make most of our lives worse, but it does offer one advantage. Now when public figures are caught on video saying something they wish they hadn’t, they can claim they are victims of “deep fakes.”

Illinois NAACP President Teresa Haley is enraged that the massive hordes of illegal aliens Democrats have been importing from the Third World to displace the America population are prioritized even above native-born BIPOCs.

Gripes Haley:

“But black people have been on the streets forever and ever, and nobody cares because they say that we’re drug addicts, we got mental health issues. But these immigrants have come over here, they’ve been raping people, they’ve been breaking into homes, they’re like savages as well!”

It is unclear whether she means that undocumented Democrats are like savages in addition to raping people and breaking into homes, or that they resemble savages just like… Never mind.

Governor JB Pritzker took her to task for deviating from political correctness:

“Reprehensible remarks, I would hope that she would apologize for the remarks. I also think that people should recognize that immigrants to this country are all around us,” he said.

Democrats rarely miss a chance to conflate legitimate immigrants who came to assimilate and contribute to American society with criminal invaders who sneer at our laws just by being here while sponging off public assistance.

Haley did apologize – but then after she was tracked down on vacation in Dubai by Chicago ABC station WLS-TV, she suggested it was a deepfake, saying “With AI, anything is possible.”

Is it a deep fake, or has Haley stepped in something deep by committing thoughtcrime? You be the judge:

On a tip from Barry A.

Dec 17 2023

North African Torches Nativity Scene in Italian Church

The Christmas spirit of Europe’s Islamic conquerors isn’t limited to beating up Santa Claus. Festivities also include setting fire to nativity scenes — and the churches that house them.

From Italy:

On Friday afternoon, the Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Santa Elisabetta di Villastanza, a district of the municipality of Parabiago, was badly damaged by an arson fire.

The flames are said to have started from the nativity scene housed in the church building, which was set alight by a man of North African origin who then fled from the church on foot…

The nativity scene caused large flames and smoke, which damaged the wooden parts and a 17th century organ.

The organ will not be the last treasure of European heritage to be damaged.

As Mayor Raffaele Cucchi observes,

“This is an attack on our traditions, our religion and our culture.”

That is the most likely motive not only of the vandal but of the leftists who imported millions like him, knowing they have no intention of assimilating into a culture they despise and have been waging a war of eradication against for the past 1,400 years.

Dec 17 2023

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Dec 16 2023

Let Them Drink Sewage

Despite the arid climate, a fair amount of rain falls in California. Almost all of it flows out to sea, wasted. It could be captured in reservoirs, so that people could drink it. Unfortunately, the moonbats in charge bark that this inconveniences minnows.

No worries; progressives always have solutions for the problems they cause. Californians can just drink sewage:

The California State Water Resources Control Board is tentatively planning a vote next week to approve a landmark water regulation that would turn sewage into drinking water across California.

Here’s why Californians might have to drink sewage:

The project is an effort to tackle climate change and the problem of water droughts.

There have always been droughts in California. That’s why they used to build reservoirs. As for climate change, that is an issue only in the imagination of moonbats.

Given California’s long coastline, large-scale desalinization would be an option — except that would be offensive to plankton, according to the California Coastal Commission.

It’s okay. Other countries drink recycled sewage. Namibia, for example, and if it’s good enough for Namibia…

However, this year, it was reported that Namibia is facing a water contamination crisis and the water is “not fit for human consumption.” Many communities in the country fear outbreaks of waterborne diseases.

Expecting people to drink sewage is especially emblematic of the state’s liberal rule when you consider that California is the seat of the entertainment industry.

On a tip from Franco.

Dec 16 2023

Dem Senate Staffer Produces Gay Porn at Capitol

To get an idea of the caliber of people we are ruled by, consider that a Democrat senator’s staff has been producing homosexual pornography at the US Capitol:

The graphic pornographic video was obtained by the Daily Caller and published Friday after the Spectator reported that an unnamed staffer to Democrat Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland was posting the sexually explicit images and videos to social media.

Democrats have been using their control of public schools to promote homosexuality to children. At least they practice what they preach.

One video appears to be from a conference room in the Hart Senate Office Building, where Cardin’s office is located.

Cardin is a member in good standing of the Swamp:

Cardin was first elected as a U.S. senator from Maryland in 2007, and prior to that, he served for 20 years in the U.S. House of Representatives.

As he is a Democrat, it goes without saying that Cardin is on board with the agenda:

In 2018, Cardin released a statement firmly supporting LGBTQ rights.

“Love is love,” recites Cardin’s statement, a slogan that endorses literally all sexual depravity. It is Liberalese for “Nothing is true; everything is permitted — and so long as it is sick, encouraged.”

The District of Corruption is a toilet that has clogged. Even if we somehow manage to flush it, it will just fill up again so long as liberals continue to infuse the culture with degeneracy.

It took progressives generations to reduce America to perverts filming themselves having sex in the halls of government. It will take patriots generations of determined effort to restore it.

On tips from Heckrules, Ryan H, CDaJFunk, and Ed McAninch.

Dec 16 2023

Australian Councilmember Persecuted for Stating Fact

In a time of universal deceit, not only is telling the truth a revolutionary act — it may be illegal:

A Hobart City Council member is under investigation by the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner for “inciting hatred” after declaring “trans women are men.” Louise Elliot is now facing a costly formal inquiry by the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal in a case which has the potential to restrict freedom of speech. If the tribunal rules against Elliot, she may be ordered to publicly apologize and pay a fine of up to $4,000.

Trans women are men by definition. Elliot may be fined and forced to apologize for making a statement that is tautologically true.

In March, Elliot attended a Let Women Speak demonstration organized by Standing for Women and led by British women’s rights campaigner Kellie Jay-Keen. …

As part of a prepared speech she gave during the event, Elliot stated that it was impossible to change sex, that “trans women are trans women and remain biological men.”

“A is A,” said Ayn Rand. Good thing she didn’t try saying it in Australia, which aptly began its existence as a penal colony — not that the rest of the West is far behind.

Even if Elliot is found not guilty, the process will serve as punishment, with her defense costing her an estimated $100,000. As for the prosecution, taxpayers pick up the tab.

To top it off, her tolerant liberal colleagues on the Hobart City Council have subjected Elliot to harassment and intimidation to punish her for not complying with LGBT ideology.

Many thanks to Louise Elliot for defending sanity. It is a thankless task in a world succumbing to leftism.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Dec 16 2023

Open Thread

No Ordinary American Cares About Their Constitutional Rights - Joe Biden

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Dec 15 2023

Isaac Newton Was Now Indian

History does not comply with liberal ideology, because too many important historical figures were members of the hated European race. So history is revised. Cleopatra, an Egyptian of Macedonian descent, was now black. So was Anne Boleyn. Sir Isaac Newton was now Indian:

The “woke” reboot of long-running sci-fi series Doctor Who has fans rolling their eyes once again after casting an actor of Indian heritage to play English polymath Sir Isaac Newton. In the second episode of the latest season, the titular character travels to 1666 where Newton, played by “queer actor” Nathanial Curtis, formulates gravitational theory after an apple falls on his head.

Curtis’s sexual aberration is a plus, because Doctor Who has undergone an alteration as well. Now being stylishly gay, he is sexually attracted to the Indian Isaac Newton.

In case you need another reason not to watch TV:

Does it matter if an actor’s race is conspicuously different from that of the character he portrays? Have a white guy play MLK and find out.

On a tip from Franco.

Dec 15 2023

Free Seat Privilege for the Morbidly Obese

The reason so many people are willing to sacrifice all claim to self-respect by becoming sniveling victims is the privilege that can be attained through membership in the Cultural Marxist coalition. Consider the newest group of oppressed persons to be played off against the hated core population. The morbidly obese have only just begun to whine, and already they get free seats on airplanes:

Customers whose bodies “encroach” past the armrest are entitled to an extra seat, according to Southwest’s inclusion policy.

Those who are extra obese get extra privilege: two free seats.

As for the rest of us,

The flight team will then try to […] make the seating arrangements, potentially moving other passengers around for the “unplanned accommodation.”

Remember obesity activist Jae’lynn Chaney?

A plus-size travel expert and TikToker, Jae’lynn Chaney, told Fox News Digital it was an important move to include people in the “super fat” category.

“Super fat” is how Jae’lynn identifies. Too bad for her she cannot also identify as a Woman of Color without risking exposure as a racial impostor. She will never achieve the level of oppression of vicious Black Lives Matter moonbat Zyahna Bryant, who is paid by Dove to be a Super Fat black woman. If you hear Zyahna coming, drop to your knees and touch your forehead to the floor in obeisance to her intersectional oppression.

Super Fatties get not only free seats but also affirmation on social media:

A self-described “Fat Solo Traveler” posted a video on TikTok that went viral, obtaining nearly 1,000,000 views since October, showing how she got a complimentary seat. …

“Southwest is the only airline that allows you a second seat at no extra cost even if the flight is fully booked… I’ve done this a dozen times and never had an issue or been denied,” [Kimmy (@kimmystyled)] said.

Kimmy also said that she is allowed to “preboard” with the accommodation.

Before embracing gluttony as a means of advancement in the politically correct caste system, be aware that obesity still has its downsides, including increased risk of the following according to the National Institutes of Health: type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, fatty liver diseases, some cancers, breathing problems, osteoarthritis, gout, diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas, kidney disease, pregnancy problems, fertility problems, sexual function problems, and mental health problems.

Nonetheless, the liberal establishment promotes obesity. It’s almost as if our moonbat overlords are not concerned about what is best for us.

On tips from Steve T, Wiggins, Blackjack, and Franco.

Dec 15 2023

Jail Time for Mowing Lawn

So long as we remain armed, this remains a soft tyranny, focused on eating away our liberty by micromanaging relatively trivial details of our lives. January 6 was an exception to the rule; Americans aren’t normally thrown into solitary confinement on suspicion of dissent. But that doesn’t mean you won’t face jail time for mowing your lawn.

From deep blue Washington State:

State Reps. Amy Walen and Liz Berry authored a bill to be considered in their state’s upcoming legislative session that would ban “gasoline-powered and diesel-powered landscaping and other outdoor power equipment,” a group that includes common lawn care tools like lawn mowers, weed whackers, pressure washers and snow blowers, among others. Violating the new law would be punishable “by a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for up to three hundred sixty-four days, or by both for each separate violation.”

Jail time for maintaining your yard or clearing snow off your driveway. It’s getting hard to keep a straight face while referring to this as the Land of the Free.

We are told that the climate doesn’t like lawn mowers, snowblowers, etc. Using them makes it be too warm outside, according to the gibbering lunatics we allow to rule over us.

As with cars, we are supposed to play along with the global warming hoax by using the ideologically compliant coal-powered electric version.

While the bill provides a sales tax break for new equipment, new electric lawn mowers or snow blowers can cost thousands of dollars.

No problem. The Democrat Party is an alliance between the rich and a massive underclass bred for votes through the welfare state and imported from the Third World. The former can afford the Tesla equivalent of a lawn mower. The latter isn’t known for worrying about lawn maintenance or clearing the driveway so as to get to work.

On tips from R F, Barry A, and Wiggins.


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