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Oct 19 2023

Chicago Offers $9,000 Handouts to Illegal Aliens

By electing quintessential moonbat Brandon Johnson, Chicago set itself on a course for ruin. But until the city collapses completely, at least the illegal aliens imported to displace the native population get lots of free money:

Chicago is giving $9,000 to illegal migrants to assist with temporary housing after already paying out a staggering $ 7.2 million for staffing shelters in just one week.

There could be drawbacks to a self-proclaimed sanctuary city offering extravagant handouts in a country that effectively has no borders:

The city now faces enormous pressure, with over 11,000 migrants in shelters and 4,000 staying in police stations and the O’Hare International Airport.

No worries; the state will step in to pick up the tab:

Now, the state of Illinois is helping cover costs for temporary housing for illegal migrants to free up room in shelters, including $9,000 in housing and rental assistance for six months, Chicago deputy chief of staff Cristina Pacione-Zayas confirmed.

The city has allocated $4 million already to help migrants find temporary housing, while the state contributed a further $38 million.

The left-wing administration of Governor JB Pritzker has proclaimed Illinois “the most welcoming state in the nation” for illegal aliens.

Even a few Americans are making out quite well:

Kansas-based company Favorite Healthcare Staffing billed the city more than $7.2 million to staff migrant shelters for just four weeks…

The invoices covered 400 employees who worked between April 22 to May 19, including one nurse who was paid $20,000 for a single week of work in December. The same nurse made $16,536 for seven days of work in April.

Due to insanely extravagant public sector pensions, the entire state is lurching toward fiscal insolvency. Before long Biden’s handlers will have to put the printing presses into overdrive to bail out Illinois. You will pick up the tab for the looting spree as the value of your savings is deflated.

On tips from Barry A and ABC of the ANC.

Oct 19 2023

Pro-Hamas Insurrection at the Capitol

Where is Liz Cheney when you need her? It’s time for more show trials. There has been another insurrection at the Capitol:

“Ceasefire” in the aftermath of a major attack in an ongoing terror war directly equates to “surrender.”

Someone needs to give Michael Byrd a machine gun.

Via Daily Wire:

Far-left protesters with [Jewish Voice for Peace] stormed the Cannon House Office Building, which is located on Capitol Hill, on Wednesday to demand that Israel stop launching military strikes at the terrorists who were responsible for murdering 1,400+ Israeli citizens [earlier this month]. …

U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) began arresting protestors when they were told that they had to leave because they were not allowed to protest there and they did not comply with police orders.

“We warned the protestors to stop demonstrating and when they did not comply we began arresting them,” police said in a statement. “Arrests in the Canon Rotunda and the rolling road closures are ongoing. Amongst these arrests, three people have been arrested and charged with Assault on a Police Officer during processing.”

Let’s have indictments. Rashida Tlaib had more to do with this insurrection that Donald Trump did with the trespassers in the People’s House on January 6:

The inflammatory claim that Israel bombed a Palestinian hospital is a lie. A Hamas missile no doubt intended for Israeli civilians went awry and blew up in a hospital parking lot. The liberal media took it from there.

Yesterday’s insurrectionists don’t need to worry about the FBI hunting down those who were present so they can spend long spells in solitary confinement for being Threats to Our Democracy. Moonbats get the top bunk in our two-tiered justice system.

On tips from Anonymous and Dr. Kufi Tutite.

Oct 19 2023

Get Woke Go Broke: Victoria’s Secret

Turns out moonbattery doesn’t apply to lingerie marketing. Victoria’s Secret has had enough of declining sales and will go back to featuring attractive women:

Cathaleen Chen reported that the brand’s efforts to promote inclusivity – which included making LGBTQ pro women’s soccer player and outspoken leftist Megan Rapinoe, as well as a transgender woman, brand spokesmodels and getting rid of its famous “Angels” supermodels – gained “favorable reviews from online critics [but] never translated into sales.”

As we know from movie reviews, if critics tell us to like something, that means it stinks but we are supposed to pretend to like it in order to be woke.

According to the numbers, the lingerie brand’s projected revenue for 2023 is $6.2 billion, which is 5% lower than it was last year, and even lower than 2020, when the brand’s revenue was $7.5 billion.

They should look at the bright side. They’re still doing better than Bud Light.

The drop in Victoria’s Secret’s sales also followed the company’s move to make its board of directors mostly female.

Choosing personnel by identity group doesn’t work any better in the corporate world than it does on the Supreme Court.

In 2021, Rapinoe called out what the brand had been before the revamp, claiming it had sent out a “really harmful” message that was “patriarchal, sexist, viewing not just what it meant to be sexy but what the clothes were trying to accomplish through a male lens and through what men desired.”

Instead, Victoria’s Secret tried marketing to what Women’s Studies professors desire. Nobody is buying.

The point of lingerie is to be sexy. Choosing Rapinoe to represent the brand was like picking Dylan Mulvaney to market weight-lifting equipment.

For now they are trying to have it both ways:

Chen noted that the lingerie company’s attempt to stop the financial drain body-positive marketing was causing was to bring back its runway show format, and blend the sexiness the brand had become famous for with some of its more inclusive initiatives.

Bring a barf bag to the fashion show, in case this means every other model struts out looking like Lizzo.

Compromise doesn’t work with moonbats. Feminists and anti-fatphobia activists will probably call for a boycott.

On tips from Ed McAninch and KirklesWorth.

Oct 19 2023

Open Thread

I propose the immediate launching of a nuclear strike on the United States. The Cuban people are prepared to sacrifice themselves for the cause of the destruction of imperialism and the victory of world revolution. - Fidel Castro

Oct 18 2023

Soros-Installed DA Jason Williams Carjacked in New Orleans

Even in a country run by moonbats, justice is sometimes served. From New Orleans:

[Jason] Williams was walking his 78-year-old mother to his car when two suspects approached the pair, pointed a gun at them and demanded the DA’s car, according to WVUE. The suspects then jumped into the car and drove off before abandoning the vehicle in an undisclosed location and carjacking a young woman in the area 30 minutes later, the NOPD confirmed.

Sounds like a typical day in a typical diverse Democrat-run city. This increasingly ordinary event makes the news because Williams is the district attorney. He was put in office to enable the criminals who robbed him.

The DA was elected in 2020 after George Soros donated $220,000 to the Louisiana Justice and Public Safety PAC to run campaigns against Williams’ opponent, according to the Capital Research Center. Williams campaigned on a platform of social justice reform, promising to find “alternatives to incarceration” for some criminals and to reform the “ineffective and unfair money bail system,” according to his campaign website.

Soros has used his ill-gotten $billions to install pro-criminal DAs throughout the country, including Alvin Bragg (New York) George Gascon (Los Angeles), Kim Foxx (Chicago), Kim Ogg (Houston), Larry Krasner (Philadelphia), Chesa Boudin (San Francisco), Kim Gardner (St Louis), Marilyn Mosby (Baltimore), and Monique Worrell (central Florida). The apparent objective is to create enough violence to set the stage for gun confiscation, without which the leftist agenda cannot proceed much further due to the public resistance it would engender.

Before the Long March Through the Institutions got ahold of DA’s offices, their purpose was to prosecute criminals. Williams has a different objective. He proclaims that “we must root out all vestiges of white supremacy in our systems and institutions.”

He has attempted to advance this agenda by letting criminals run amok:

Williams declined to prosecute 65% of all criminal cases in New Orleans in 2021, but slowly began to prosecute more cases as crime in the city rose, according to data from the New Orleans government’s office. The DA still continues to prosecute, on average, only 44% of the criminals who have been charged by police.

Sometimes you have to turn the gas down slightly or the frog jumps out of the pot.

New Orleans was named the “murder capital of the United States” in 2022, and violent crime was the leading cause of death for children in the city that same year. Auto thefts in the city have increased 104% since 2022, and total crime has increased 8% since the start of the year, police data showed.

Elections have consequences, especially when the results are bought and paid for by George Soros.

On a tip from Bluto.

Oct 18 2023

Ironic Funding for Propaganda War on Natural Gas

Natural gas is clean and abundant. Consequently, liberals oppose it. Democrats even want to ban gas generators, leaving us helpless during the coming blackouts that their militant green energy policies make inevitable. Leftist nonprofits have been waging a propaganda war against gas.

Examples include Rewiring America, Make the Switch, and Gas Leaks. The latter goes over the top with fear porn to achieve the objective of making our homes entirely dependent on electricity, which according to liberal theory is to be generated not by fossil fuels as it overwhelming is in real life, by nuclear, or even by hydroelectric (see here, here, and here), but by inefficient, unreliable, and extravagantly expensive “green” technologies like wind and solar that cannot meet more than a small fraction of our energy needs. Never mind that without crude oil there can be no electricity.

This destructive agenda is largely funded by big money foundations. Stand by for some irony:

Gas Leaks is a sponsored project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, a 501c(3) that helps individuals, trusts, foundations, and corporations achieve their philanthropic goals.

Philanthropist John D. Rockefeller made his fortune by providing America with the fossil fuels required for it to grow into an economic powerhouse. It is doubtful he would approve of Gas Leaks, any more than the esteemed countermoonbat Henry Ford would approve of the Ford Foundation’s left-wing agenda.

On tips from Barry A and R F.

Oct 18 2023

George Orwell May Face Memory Hole

George Orwell predicted where leftist politics would take us with such uncanny precision that it would be surprising if he did not foresee his own cancelation:

George Orwell was a “sadistic, misogynistic, homophobic, sometimes violent” man who wrote women out of his story, according to a biographer of his wife.

Anna Funder even implies that Orwell was homosexual, despite also denouncing him as a homophobe.

“So he’s a very complicated man. He’s sadistic, misogynistic, homophobic, sometimes violent, and also brilliant,” she told an audience at the Cheltenham Literature Festival while promoting the book Wifedom: Mrs Orwell’s Invisible [L]ife.

Nice of her to admit that Orwell was brilliant, but that’s not enough to save a misogynist from getting canceled — or as Orwell would put it in 1984, vaporized and consigned to the memory hole, so that it is as if the disfavored person had never existed.

Evidence for Orwell’s heinousness can be found right in the pages of his most famous book:

[W]riting a book like 1984, which is violent, misogynist, sadistic, grim, paranoid: that comes out of a writer’s flaws. …

“A decent, everyman underdog, the ordinary person that he might have wanted to be, would not have had those visions.”

If you see bad things coming, that proves you are a bad person.

As for the misogyny allegation,

“In his work he absolutely ignores women. He’s a misogynist.”

Julia is a central character in 1984. But it was misogynistic not to make her the main protagonist. This political defect has been corrected:

Wifedom is not the only book this year to reassess Orwell through a feminist lens. Sandra Newman has written Julia, which retells 1984 through the eyes of its main female character.

The only way Orwell can escape vaporization is for all of his work to be rewritten to comply with the ideology of the liberal establishment, just as Winston Smith rewrote old newspaper articles to comply with the current doctrine of Ingsoc.

On a tip from The Great Cornholio.

Oct 18 2023

As Weather Turns Cold, Germans Fall Back on Coal

Since the climate isn’t a problem at present, global warmists do most of their shrieking about the future. But even as they warn us about increased viral infections in the year 2060, a formerly future event has caught them off guard. The arrival of autumn has forced Germany to reopen a coal-powered plant that was closed down to appease the climate:

A unit of a power plant in the eastern part of the country — LEAG’s Jänschwalde block F — started generating on Sunday, according to the operator. The facility, which has a capacity of 500 megawatts, was operational last winter, put in reserve in July, and is now fully available in the market to help boost supplies.

Last year’s historic energy crisis forced Germany to temporarily increase its reliance on the dirty fuel after supplies of Russian pipeline gas were shut off.

Affordable energy is “dirty” if generated in the West. However, the climate does not mind fossil fuels so long as they are acquired from Russia or the Middle East. This explains Joe Biden’s war on American energy production.

A cold snap took hold of northern Europe on Monday, with temperatures plunging below seasonal norms in a first test for the region’s energy infrastructure.

This must be the Climate Chaos we hear so much about. If it’s as bad as some say, cold weather may persist into winter.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Oct 18 2023

Open Thread

You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality. - Ayn Rand

On a tip from Straight Shootr.

Oct 17 2023

Third of New Yorkers Spend Half Their Income on Rent

Meanwhile, as New York bankrupts itself to provide free luxury accommodations to illegal immigrants, many of those unfortunate enough to reside there on a legal basis can barely afford a roof over their head:

The devastating data comes from the latest report from the nonprofit the Community Service Society of New York, which found that 55% of households, or nearly 1.2 million households, in the Big Apple were “rent-burdened” in 2021, meaning tenants spent at least 30% of their income on rent.

A staggering 34% of the city’s tenants were classified as “severely rent-burdened,” spending at least half their income on monthly rent as rates soar well above the median income.

Here’s what they get for the money:

The survey found that 24% of New York residences had rodent infestations, 18% had leaks, 17% reported cracks in floors and ceilings, 16% had heat outages in the winter and 9% had mold.

If illegals were provided accommodations characterized by rats and mold, shrieks of rage from the media would displace any coverage of the chaos at the open border.

At least there is recourse. New Yorkers can improve their lot by throwing their IDs in the river and proclaiming themselves to have snuck into the country illegally.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Oct 17 2023

Climate Attacks With Deadly Bacteria From the Sea

As if we didn’t have enough to worry about with climate change unleashing 50,000-year-old zombie viruses from beneath the Siberian permafrost, it is also attacking us from the sea:

A dangerous, sometimes deadly bacteria has been observed resulting in infections farther north than what was once typical — a result of warmer northern waters due to climate change.

This is from the Weather Channel, which like the rest of the liberal establishment subordinates its actual purpose to supporting the Narrative.

Global warming propagandists are finally learning to set their prognostications of doom far enough out in the future so they will be forgotten long before they fail to come to pass:

Vibrio infections … may double by 2060 as a result of climate change, experts say.

Which experts? Never mind, just experts. Be afraid, be very afraid!

On a tip from Chas No.

Oct 17 2023

Communist Cuba Loves Hamas

We knew the Biden Regime funds Hamas by pouring our money into Gaza and through its Iranian backers by easing sanctions and paying ransom. We knew Democrats fund leftist indoctrination through the Department of Education and their alliance with teachers unions. So it should come as no surprise that we are paying to promote to Palestinian children the cult of communist executioner Che Guevara, an advocate of using nuclear weapons against American cities on behalf of leftism.

Once again the United Nations serves as a conduit for American money as it offers the world the Life and Works of Ernesto Che Guevara through UNESCO (UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization).

The Muslim–moonbat alliance may be the greatest threat civilization has ever faced. It has emerged into plain sight following the historic terror atrocities in Israel. Ivy League colleges are one example. Communist Cuba is another:

Cuban official media spokespersons, Leticia Martinez, head of communications for Miguel Diaz-Canel, and “El Necio” posted statements celebrating a “Free Palestine” and justifying the terrorist attacks over their social media. He retweeted the People’s Forum’s genocidal call for the end of the Israeli State with the slogan: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!.”

The “From the River” slogan calls for the eradication of Jews from the Jewish homeland.

In the midst of this barbarism and evil, Castro Regime spokesman “El Necio” cites Che Guevara visit to Gaza as inflection point that turned Palestine into a world cause, and posts photos of the Argentine guerilla with Middle East leaders during a visit there at the start of the Cuban dictatorship.

The totalitarian ideologies of leftism and Islam differ in the particulars, but the sadistic barbarism that characterizes Hamas and that was personified by Che Guevara provides them with common ground.

Moonbats should dig out their old Che Guevara t-shirts. Hamas could make them stylish again:

On a tip from R F.

Oct 17 2023

$21,000 Bill Because EV Battery Got Wet

Even the moonbats at Business Insider seem to realize that no matter how extravagant the subsidies, buying an electric car is not a good idea:

Johnny Bacigalupo and Rob Hussey told the Scottish news outlet Edinburgh Live they were billed £17,374, or about $21,000, to fix their Tesla after its battery was damaged by rain last week.

Even if you can afford one of these glorified golf carts, that doesn’t mean you can afford to keep it running. No wonder it costs so much more to insure an EV than a real car.

This has happened before:

A similar incident occurred last year when a Canadian Tesla owner was told it would cost $26,000 to get a replacement battery for his vehicle, Fox Business reported.

The owner, Mario Zelaya, shared his experience in a TikTok video and said he was locked out of his Tesla Model S after the battery died. Zelaya said he eventually sold his Tesla after he spent $30 getting replacement ownership papers that were locked in the vehicle.

The media is more forthcoming regarding the shortcomings of EVs now that Elon Musk has gone rogue by allowing free speech on X.

The first and only thing you need to know about electric cars is that leftists want us to drive them. That is reason enough to steer clear.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Oct 17 2023

Open Thread

Europe is like the Roman Empire - indulged, decadent, flooded with immigrants and unprepared to fight for its culture. - Filip Dewinter


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