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Aug 14 2023

LGBT Targeting of Children Continues

As they menacingly chant and sing, they are coming for our children.

It isn’t just in classrooms, at drag shows, and in the Boy Scouts that LGBTists target kids. In woke Austin, children are placed at the forefront of parades in honor of sexual perversion:

Corporate moonbats have the same emphasis, as aggressively displayed by Disney and Target. They even wrap kids’ candy in politicized depravity:

The candy packaging that Skittles advertises on its website features slogans such as “Joy Is Resistance” and “Black Trans Lives Matter.” Skittles, which is owned by Mars, partnered with GLAAD, a media monitoring organization that espouses radical gender theory, to reveal the packaging for Pride Month earlier this year.

This past June was the fourth year Skittles partnered with GLAAD “to support the LGBTQ+ community by amplifying and celebrating their stories,” according to its website. Skittles said it will “donate $1 for every Skittles Pride pack sold to GLAAD in support of their ongoing efforts to work through media to combat anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination.”

“Combat anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination” is Liberalese for “ram the LGBT agenda down people’s throats.” As we have seen repeatedly, the “+” in “LGBTQ+” prominently includes pedophilia.

This is hardly the first time Mars has used Skittles to promote sexual deviancy:

For a short time in 2020, Skittles “gave up” the rainbow that famously dons its colorful packaging for a black and white package to “give the rainbow back” to the LGBTQ community for Pride Month.

How about giving the rainbow back to the Book of Genesis, from which the Alphabet Mob blasphemously appropriated it? For millennia, the rainbow has represented God’s covenant never again to punish us with a flood for wallowing in sin.

This promise leaves open other options. One way or another, what a society tolerates, it will be held responsible for.

On tips from Barry A and ABC of the ANC.

Aug 14 2023

Planned Parenthood Expands Into Gender-Denying Care

Anyone evil enough to profit from killing babies will likely be willing to destroy children’s bodies on behalf of politicized sexual perversion, as lavishly taxpayer-subsidized Planned Parenthood confirms:

In post-Roe America, Planned Parenthood is shifting gears. To make up for its lost abortion revenue, it’s expanding its reach into what it calls “transgender hormone therapy.”

“Gender-affirming care” is a euphemism for atrocities worthy of Josef Mengele. Even leaving aside horrific surgical mutilation, subjecting children to cross-sex hormones to promote LGBTism qualifies as a crime against humanity.

The side effects of the cross-sex hormones, some of which are also used to chemically castrate pedophiles, are severe. They include infertility, stunted growth, and an increased risk of depression, blood clots, and cancer.

Small surprise that easy access to cross-sex hormones is associated with a higher risk of suicide.

But as with euthanasia, if abortion is healthcare, so are cross-sex hormones.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 14 2023

Racist Cow Kicked Out of State Fair

Blacks are so oppressed that here’s what happens when a cow in a state fair has a name they object to:

On Thursday, David Blake of Pewaukee, Wisconsin, near Waukesha, joined tens of thousands of others at the Wisconsin State Fair, an annual event dating back all the way to 1851. While Blake was wandering about the bovine area, he saw a cow name that apparently stopped him dead in his tracks.

He took a picture of the nameplate, presumably to inspire a lynch mob on social media. It didn’t take long.

Vaun Mayes, who describes himself as “Milwaukee’s Malcolm X,” then shared the image on Facebook.

The Malcolm X wannabe accompanied the picture with the usual imperious crybullying. Hats off to him for managing to find some racist oppression, which isn’t easy these days.

The cow’s name was promptly changed to Puzzle on the official list of awardees. But that wasn’t enough. The offending cow was ejected from the fair.

A statement was issued to placate the mob:

“The exhibitor who showed this animal was part of our junior show and is also no longer at State Fair Park.”

Junior show. Looks like the cow-namer was a child.

That’s the slippery slope for you. Just the other day, they were canceling Robert E. Lee’s horse. Already they are going after kids and their cows.

The statement continued:

“We plan to review the entry process and discuss ways to prevent this type of situation in the future.”

Future cow names will probably have to pass political review. Good thing there are plenty of recent college graduates with expensive degrees in Victim Studies who are qualified not only to pour coffee at Starbucks but also to staff the Wisconsin State Fair Cow Name Monitoring Committee.

The Blaze does not dare publish the cow’s forbidden name, but hints that it is “Jigaboo.” Maybe the owner mixed up the word with “bug-a-boo,” like Robert Griffin III.

Catherine O’Leary’s was the last cow to cause such a hullabaloo. We’ll see whether the Department of Justice is too busy concocting Trump indictments to take up the case.

On tips from Varla and Wiggins.

Aug 14 2023

Kentucky Busing Debacle Supports School Choice

No wonder they are so opposed to cameras in the classroom. Consider what is going on at public schools out where we can see it. From Kentucky:

Relying on the controversial computer program AlphaRoute to remap already lengthy bus routes for the school district’s short-staffed bus team, Jefferson County Schools Superintendent Martin Pollio bragged that students wouldn’t wait “for more than an hour.”

Not exactly an ambitious goal. Yet they fell far short of it.

“With kids stuck on the bus for over six hours, several ended up soiling themselves,” [Republican State Representative Jason] Nemes said. “One elementary student who didn’t speak English was dropped off at the wrong stop—7 or 8 years old. An unrelated mom and dad saw this kid crying on the street and approached him; that’s the only reason we found him.”

At least while wandering lost in the streets, children are relatively safe from the LGBT groomers who appear to hold sway in the classrooms. Not all kids are old enough to push back.

Add inability to transport kids competently to the long list of reasons to defy the unions and support school choice.

On tips from R F and ABC of the ANC.

Aug 14 2023

Open Thread

The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants. - Albert Camus

On a tip from 100Bravo.

Aug 13 2023

Lesbian Speed-Dating Denounced as Transphobic

The progressive quest for ultimate depravity never ends, because each new milestone makes it possible to envision new extremes of moral derangement. Already we have reached the point where lesbians are guardians of relative sanity and wholesomeness:

A lesbian speed-dating event is at the centre of a transphobia row after the organiser insisted that only ‘adult human females’ can attend.

Jenny Watson, who runs the weekly London event, responded on her website to cross-dressing men demanding to take part.

‘If you are male, please refrain from coming to the events, you are not a lesbian,’ she wrote.

Ms Watson told The Mail on Sunday: ‘Last year, a person turned up sporting a purple latex outfit… and an erection.’

Ms Watson is in for it now:

[LGBT activists] accused her of being transphobic for saying that ‘lesbians don’t have penises’.

J. K. Rowling won’t be the last TERF to get canceled and erased.

In the near future, pink-haired LGBT freakazoids with surgically installed artificial genitalia will be set upon for resisting the perversions of weirdos still more grotesque.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 13 2023

Final Solution to Socialized Medicine Wait Times

It doesn’t take a degree in economics to grasp that if something scarce and valuable is provided for free, there will be long waits for it. But there is a cure for the long wait times implicit in socialized medicine.

Great Britain, infamous for socializing the healthcare system instead of rebuilding its economy after World War II, illustrates the problem:

More than 7.6 million people in the United Kingdom – around 12 percent of the total population – are waiting to receive routine hospital treatment from the country’s socialized healthcare system, the National Health Service (NHS), representing the highest figure since records began in 2007 and increasing by another 100,000 since May.

Problems caused by progressivism tend to progress.

Just under 400,000 people have been on the NHS waiting list for more than a year, around 7,000 people have been waiting for treatment for over 18 months, and more than 20,000 have waited longer than two months (62 days) for urgent cancer screenings, according to data released by NHS England.

Canada too has burdened itself with socialized medicine. It steps forward with the solution. You might call it the final solution:

Kathrin Mentler, 37, lives with chronic depression and suicidality, both of which she says were exacerbated by a traumatic event early this year. Feeling particularly vulnerable in June, she went to Vancouver General Hospital looking for psychiatric help in dealing with feelings of hopelessness she feared she couldn’t shake.

Instead, Ms. Mentler says a clinician told her there would be long waits to see a psychiatrist and that the health care system is “broken.” That was followed by a jarring question: “Have you considered MAID?”

MAID (medical assistance in dying) is a euphemism for execution as healthcare. If abortion is healthcare, so is MAID.

Canadian authorities have presented MAID as a solution for anorexia, PTSD, being poor, and needing a wheelchair lift (not for regretting sex change surgery though).

Inevitably, it will be applied to solve the problems most concerning to those in charge, namely, racism, homophobia, transphobia, Eurocentrism, et cetera.

On tips from R F and ABC of the ANC.

Aug 13 2023

Accused Transgender Child Rapist Found Dead

Death is usually sad. Not always though. Leomeir Kennedy was found dead of cardiac arrest in her Johnson County, Indiana jail cell on Friday.

There is currently an investigation into the transgender inmate’s death.

In April, Kennedy was charged with child molestation and possession of child pornography.

Kennedy allegedly molested at least three children at the Hopebridge Autism Therapy Center in Greenwood – where Kennedy worked as a licensed behavior technician.

Kennedy’s allegedly molested a 1-year-old girl while changing her diaper. Also,

[Kennedy] was accused of molesting two autistic children – one nonverbal and one semi-verbal.

Her DuckDuckGo searches include “13-year-old gang raped.”

In July, a mother of one of the alleged victims filed a lawsuit against Kennedy and the therapy center.

Lawsuits will have to continue until people are more afraid of them than they are of LGBT militants. Bad results are inevitable when children are left at the mercy of the sexually insane.

As Audrey Hale’s killing spree suggests, cross-sex hormones do not appear to have a stabilizing effect on people so crazy that think they are members of the opposite sex. Imagine entrusting kids to a woman who did this to herself.

Aug 13 2023

Liberals Cancel Robert E. Lee’s Horse

Liberals have not finished erasing Americans who fought for the South, but in their fanaticism have already begun to go after their horses:

Traveller, the horse which served Confederate General Robert E. Lee, has long been a fixture of campus culture at Washington and Lee University, as the famous steed, known for his courage and stamina, is buried on campus.

But Traveller’s Confederate connections recently led university officials to remove two markers erected in his honor, his gravestone as well as a plaque honoring the beloved companion. …

Traveller served Lee both during the Civil War and afterwards, when the ex-general became president of the then-Washington College. Lee was president from 1865 until his death in 1871. Traveller died a few months later.

Lee was a great man who defended his home, Virginia. For moonbats, that is all the more reason to erase him.

Here’s why Traveller has to go down the memory hole:

One campus tradition is to place apples and pennies beside Traveller’s gravestone.

The apples are “because horses like apples,” [Kamron] Spivey [president of Students for Historical Preservation] said, and the “pennies are sort of a shot at Lincoln and the Union, placing the coin tails-up so that Lincoln is essentially kissing the grave of a horse.”

Despite Lincoln himself having been denounced as a white supremacist and slated for cancelation (see here, here, here, and here), resistance sentiment cannot be allowed.

Leftists are devoid of tolerance and grace. Expect the name of the school to be changed before long.

Liberals’ compulsion to erase from existence anything they associate with opposition to their repugnant ideology is their most frightening characteristic.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 13 2023

Open Thread

While even pornography is protected as free speech, the courts have consciously undermined religious speech and freedom of religion for years. - Ernest Istook

Aug 12 2023

Learning the Hard Way Not to Buy an EV

A tale of woe serves as a warning to those considering a politically correct but economically and functionally wrong electric truck:

Dalbir Bala, who lives in the Winnipeg area, bought a Ford F-150 Lightning EV in January for $115,000 Canadian dollars (around $85,000 U.S. dollars), plus tax.

Bala needed the vehicle not only for work but for out of town recreational activities.

He also wanted an environmentally friendly vehicle as owning one is “responsible citizenship these days.”

That is to say, he was a sucker. But Bala is wiser now.

The vehicle compelled him to install two chargers – one at work and one at home – for $10,000. To accommodate the charger, he had to upgrade his home’s electric panel for $6,000. …

Not long after the purchase, Bala got into a minor accident which, he said, required “light assembly” on the front bumper. Bala took the vehicle to the body shop and did not get it back for six months. He said no one from Ford answered his email or phone calls for help.

Maybe they were all on the phone with the politicians who keep them in business by paying them to produce EVs.

Then Bala tried taking the truck on a family trip. Unable to find a working charging station, they ran out of juice.

Bala ultimately had the vehicle towed to a Ford dealership in Elk River and rented a regular gasoline-powered vehicle to complete the family’s trip to Chicago. The family picked up the F-150 Lightning on their way back to Winnipeg.

Laments Bala:

“I can only drive in city – biggest scam of modern times.”

Just as no amount of subsidies can make EVs make sense, no amount of liberal media hype can prevent consumers from learning that they are inferior to proper vehicles. That’s why Democrats have to make them mandatory, not just in California and New York but nationwide.

On tips from Lyle, ABC of the ANC, and Stormfax.

Aug 12 2023

Corruption Continues in Ukraine

Biden just demanded another $25 billion+ be blown on Ukraine, atop of the staggering $113 billion already spent risking WWIII over an issue that does not concern us. We will pick up the tab through taxation and inflation, so we may as well know where the money is going:

Ukraine’s regional army chiefs bought luxury cars and properties in Spain while their countrymen died on the frontlines, a former advisor to the Ukrainian Parliament has exclusively told Daily Express US.

This led to the blanket firing of Ukraine’s regional military recruitment chiefs by President Volodymyr Zelensky earlier [yesterday], according to Mykola Volkivskyi.

Playing whack-a-mole with corruption in a country as notoriously rotted through with it as Ukraine is not an easy task.

Earlier this year, nine top officials were sacked after they were accused of taking bribes and vacationing in Spain and France during wartime.

Of course, not all of our money is going to vacation homes in Spain. In addition to the money spent killing Russians, no doubt some gets kicked back. You have to take care of your friends.

Not that Bidens make for the best of friends. They may make more money playing both sides:

On tips from Bluto and Occam’s Stubble.

Aug 12 2023

Jonah Goldberg Denounces Small Donors

A countermoonbat should take inspiration from Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment and aspire to have no enemies on the right. Despite marketing himself as a conservative, liberal establishmentarian Jonah Goldberg does not count.

Intones Goldberg on the progressive propaganda platform CNN:

“Now small donors are one of the biggest problems for democracy, for the GOP. Because small donor — large donors actually have a strategic view about moderation, who can win, who can’t. Small donors really are just venting their spleen with their credit card, and they lock candidates into positions that can hurt them in the general election.”

True enough, small donors “venting their spleen” — or rather, voting with their pocketbooks and their hearts — won’t always support candidates and positions best suited to win in the general election. That is the price of keeping candidates honest. What is the point of giving if you will only give to the causes and candidates already expected to win?

What Goldberg first said sticks in the mind as quintessential liberal elitism: “small donors are one of the biggest problems for democracy.”

When liberals say “democracy,” they usually mean “Democrat rule.” Uncoincidentally, Trump has been blowing away Biden in support from small donors.

The two top Democrat donors in the last cycle were Bond villain George Soros and crypto swindler Sam Bankman-Fried. Those are the people who should be selecting the oligarchy’s representatives, not regular Americans giving $200.

On a tip from Varla.

Aug 12 2023

Open Thread

That government is best which governs least. - Henry David Thoreau


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