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Apr 26 2023

Open Thread

Let us not forget, the financial crisis had its roots in the decision by Congress to embark on a course of social justice to get everyone that wanted a home into one, regardless of whether or not they could afford it. - Ed Royce

Apr 25 2023

Liberals Find Transgender Lesbian of Color They Hate

When combined with also being a moonbat, being a Woman of Color qualifies people for impressive positions like Supreme Court Justice and even Vice President of the USA. Add lesbian to the résumé and you can be the mouthpiece for the White House. Imagine how impressive a Transgender Lesbian of Color must be. Stand back in awe of Delaware, Indiana County Councilmember Ryan Webb:

“After much consideration I have decided to come out and finally feel comfortable announcing my true authentic self,” Webb wrote. “It is with great relief that I announce to everyone that I identify as a woman and not just any woman but as a woman of color as well. I guess this would make me gay/lesbian as well, since I am attracted to women.

“Whew, that felt good to finally get that out there and start living life as my true self,” he wrote. “I’m excited to bring some diversity to the county council. Until today we didn’t have any females of color or LGBTQIAPC+++ on the council. I’m glad that now we do!”

There is so much here for progressives to celebrate. Yet they disregard his lived experience as a Transgender Lesbian of Color and callously refuse to affirm his identity.

True, Webb is a Republican. But why hate him for being who he is? How do they know he wasn’t born that way?

Charlize Jamieson, himself a Person of Transgenderness, went so far as to denounce Webb as a bigot. Others have expressed their liberal tolerance by doxing him:

“It is unfortunate, but a group called Indiana Progressives has decided to organize a hate and harassment campaign against me and my family,” Webb said in a statement to WISH TV8, “by publishing my address and encouraging people to unlawfully congregate at my home. … I have to look out for the safety of my family, including our 6 children. There are people with serious mental health issues encouraging people who are unwelcome to come to my home…”

Unsurprisingly, Webb has received death threats.

Best wishes for the safety of Webb and his family. Even a guy who identifies as a member of the opposite sex could get caught up in the ongoing wave of transgender violence (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.).

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 25 2023

Biden: Your Children Are Ours

As MSNBC propagandist Melissa Harris-Perry lisped, they aren’t your children, they are the government’s children. That’s what Shrillary means by “It takes a village.” Looking vaguely sinister as he hides his drugged eyes behind sunglasses, Joe Biden confirms the prevailing attitude among our rulers:

Biden has made this point before.

If you can think of anyone on earth you wouldn’t rather entrust children to than creeps like Joe Biden, personification of the degenerate liberal ruling class, consider the context of the remark:

Biden and first lady Jill Biden honored educators who were nominated to be teachers of the year for 2023 at the White House when the president made the comments.

“I never thought, as a student of history, I never thought I’d be a president who’s fighting against elected officials trying to ban and banning books,” Biden said during his speech. “I’ve never met a parent wants a politician dictating what their kid can learn and what they can think, or who they can be.”

“Banning books” is a reference to attempts to remove homosexual pornography from public school libraries and curricula. “Dictating” what children “can be” means stopping teachers from grooming young children with LGBT indoctrination.

What right do you have to object to liberals submersing your children in filth and depravity? They aren’t your children; they are Joe Biden’s children. Be thankful he doesn’t demand to shower with them.

On tips from Thug vs Installed Imbecile and Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 25 2023

Study: Mothers of Trans Kids Have Mental Problems

The phenomenon of transsexual children is usually correctly ascribed to Munchausen syndrome by proxy, by which the psychologically disordered project hypochondria onto those under their care. Confirmation is provided by a study making the unsurprising finding that mothers of supposedly transsexual children tend to have mental issues:

The study (full text can be found here), “Mothers of boys with gender identity disorder: a comparison of matched controls,” was performed by researchers Sonia Marantz and Susan Coates, both of whom are Ph.D.s.

The abstract:

This pilot study compared mothers of boys with gender identity disorder (GID) with mothers of normal boys to determine whether differences in psychopathology and child-rearing attitudes and practices could be identified. Results of the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines and the Beck Depression Inventory revealed that mothers of boys with GID had more symptoms of depression and more often met the criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder than the controls. Fifty-three percent of the mothers of boys with GID compared with only 6% of controls met the diagnosis for Borderline Personality Disorder on the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines or had symptoms of depression on the Beck Depression Inventory. Results of the Summers and Walsh Symbiosis Scale suggested that mothers of probands had child-rearing attitudes and practices that encouraged symbiosis and discouraged the development of autonomy.

There really is such an illness as child gender identity disorder, but the children are not necessarily the sick ones; more often, the parents are. The kids are collateral damage.

People with borderline personality disorder are not easy to live with:

Needless to say, women who suffer with this difficult diagnosis and don’t or can’t control their symptoms seldom keep their son’s father in the picture. The effects on a helpless child being raised by such a person must be incredibly damaging.

Horrific chemical and surgical disfigurement are only the climax of the damage inflicted on these kids.

The study was published by the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry back in 1991. Any researcher not scrupulously avoiding these findings would find their career canceled nowadays.

On a tip from Barry A.

Apr 25 2023

Women’s Museum Erases Women

Feminism served its purpose in helping to destroy civilization by eroding the family. Now social engineers have moved on. Women are no longer useful as an identity group. So they are erased in favor of transsexualism.

In the USA, a Supreme Court Justice cannot define a woman — even after having been handed the position explicitly for being a Woman of Color — because according to her ideology, there no longer is such a thing. In Denmark, the Women’s Museum changed its name for the same reason:

A statue of a naked, bearded man attempting to breastfeed an infant is drawing disapproval on social media for what some critics are calling female erasure. The nude figure, constructed in 2021 as a self-portrait by Aske Kreilgaard, is depicted with exposed male genitals and breasts to which he is holding a feeding baby.

Despite having been created to commemorate International Men’s Day, the statue has now been placed outside of The Gender Museum (KØN) in Aarhus, Denmark, which was previously known as the Women’s Museum (Kvindemuseet).

The facility was originally founded in 1982 to educate the public about women’s history…

But now women are history, so the name was changed accordingly in 2021.

If you don’t like it, you are a transphobe and a TERF and had better shut up; otherwise, you will be canceled or worse.

No doubt Danish taxpayers are forced to fund this:

The former Women’s Museum first began to incorporate elements of gender ideology into their education programs in 2016 and currently offers sex education for children in primary school “through a culture-historical and norm-critical view of sexuality and gender.”

If moonbattery doesn’t make it hard to keep your breakfast down, you have a stronger stomach than I do:

Suste Bonnén calls the statue a “pedophile’s dream.” You might say the same for transsexualism in general.

On a tip from Franco.

Apr 25 2023

Transgenderism Taught in Public School Math Class

In the new math, 2 + 2 = depravity. Because nothing having to do with public education is not about indoctrinating children with perverted sexual ideology.


A Missouri public school district is updating its K-12 math curriculum to include “they/them pronouns” in an effort to ensure the subject is “objective and free of bias.”

“Objective and free of bias” in this context can be translated as “devoted to ramming LGBTism down your children’s throats.”

The plan stems from an evaluation of the Webster Groves School District’s (WGSD) entire math program conducted this year. It was presented to the school board last Thursday by Susan Bergman, WGSD’s K-12 math curriculum coordinator. …

Bergman is recommending that WGSD begin to include “they/them pronouns” in its math assignments.

The point is not to educate, but to disorient and indoctrinate. Whether children learn math is unimportant, so long as they question their gender.

WGSD will implement its new plan gradually over the next two years, with district officials closely monitoring its success afterwards.

Success can be gauged by the number of math students who proclaim themselves to be members of the opposite sex, putting themselves on track for chemical and surgical disfigurement.

Meanwhile, in math classes behind the Bamboo Curtain, kids learn math. That’s why our children’s children may grow up speaking Chinese if liberalism isn’t decisively reversed.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 25 2023

Open Thread

Lawsuit abuse is a major contributor to the increased costs of healthcare, goods and services to consumers. - Charles W. Pickering

Apr 24 2023

Tucker Carlson Defines the Conflict

By now we’re familiar with the leftist motto, “The issue is never the issue; the issue is always the revolution.” The question is, which revolution?

Many have assumed that the revolution progressives are progressing toward is along the lines of Russia’s. But the obsession with abortion, sexual depravity, and corruption of children suggests a hell even darker than what Lenin and Stalin inflicted.

The revolution from above imposed by our liberal establishment was not described by Alexander Solzhenitsyn in the Gulag Archipelago. It was described by John Milton in Paradise Lost. The original revolutionary was the Devil.

The reason it is useless to argue with leftists is that they are not wrong; they are evil. No wonder the establishment canceled him; Tucker Carlson gets it:

Even if he isn’t trying to make a partisan point, if good is order, peace, and cleanliness, and evil is violence, hate, disorder, division, disorganization, and filth, nobody who wants good will support the party that has reduced American cities to cutthroat cesspools and promotes Critical Race Theory and Black Lives Matter.

On tips from DCGere and Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 24 2023

AOC Had Just Threatened Fox News Over Tucker Carlson

FDR was a disaster when it came to economics, but you can’t say he wasn’t good at politics. One of his insights:

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”

For an example of this, today we learned that Fox News cut its own throat by dropping its most popular anchor, costing itself $690 million. The day before,

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said over the weekend that Fox News was responsible for inciting violence and that it was the Congress’ job to explore ways to regulate Fox News.

“Violence” in this context means speech leftists don’t want heard.

Ocasio-Cortez made the remarks during an interview Sunday on MSNBC with Jen Psaki while discussing Fox News’ recent $787 million settlement with Dominion Voting Systems.

Likely dumping Tucker was an act of appeasement intended to avoid getting sued out of existence by the liberal establishment. Or maybe we have descended to a more direct form of tyranny.

“We have very real issues with what is permissible on air, and we saw that with January 6th and we saw that in the lead up to January 6th, and how we navigate questions, not just a freedom of speech but also accountability for incitement of violence,” AOC said. “This is the role we have to really explore through law as well.”

We may already have reached a point where if the malevolent idiot regarded as the Future of the Democratic Party wants you to shut up, you are made to shut up.

On tips from MrRightWingDave and Chuck A.

Apr 24 2023

Bidens Deploy Lawfare to Silence Marjory Taylor Greene

Considering that lawfare might have been used to knock Tucker Carlson off Fox News, why not deploy it against problematic congressional representatives?

Attorney Abbe Lowell sent letters asking the Treasury Department’s inspector general to investigate how former Donald Trump loyalists obtained reports of Biden’s alleged “suspicious activity” and seeking a congressional ethics review of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s public attacks against President Joe Biden’s family, reported Politico’s Playbook.

Abbe Lowell serves as the attorney for the skeevy degenerate Hunter Biden, who in turn apparently serves as the primary bagman for Joe Biden’s influence peddling enterprise.

MTG isn’t the only target:

Lowell also wrote that former Trump White House official Garrett Ziegler did not have a First Amendment defense for obtaining and publishing confidential Treasury Department records regarding the president’s son, and he said those actions may have violated the Bank Secrecy Act.

If the lawfare strategy is successful, you can be sure Joe Biden will double down on his stated plan to use it to render the Second Amendment moot.

On a tip from Bluto.

Apr 24 2023

Tucker Carlson Gone From Fox News

I used to reassure myself that the USA must still be a more or less free country so long as Tucker Carlson is on the air. So much for that:

Fox News said Monday that it has “agreed to part ways” with its popular primetime anchor, Tucker Carlson.

Carlson, who hosted “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on weekdays at 8 pm, broadcast his final show on April 21, Fox News said.

It wasn’t because Tucker had low ratings:

Last year, “Tucker Carlson Tonight” averaged 3.32 million viewers, nabbing the biggest audience in cable news with among viewers aged 25 to 54, a coveted demographic among advertisers.

Biden has supported a plan to use lawsuits to circumvent the Second Amendment by suing gunmakers and retailers out of business. The strategy may have proven useful against the First Amendment too:

The announcement comes days after Fox News’ parent company settled Dominion Voting Systems’ defamation lawsuit for $787.5 million.

Whatever is going on behind the scenes, now my only assurance is that they haven’t come door to door collecting guns yet.

On tips from Chris Neilson and Chuck A.

Apr 24 2023

Drag Mom Gets <1 Year for 11 Felony Child Sex Crimes

It turns out that even in Oregon, multiple sex crimes against children can result in incarceration, as 31-year-old Kelsey Meta Boren learned the hard way:

A “drag mom” who mentored an 11-year-old at a Satan-themed pub in Oregon has been sentenced to less than a year in prison for 11 felony child sex crimes. …

She will serve 11 months in jail and five years probation.

Well, not all that hard.

Police received a tip that she was uploading kiddy porn to the Internet. You’ll never guess her line of work.

At the time, Boren was an instructional assistant in the Fern Ridge School District [in Elmira, a suburb of Eugene].

Hunting sex criminals is easy work, thanks to social media:

Boren posted several photos of herself with an 11-year-old girl, a young drag queen called Vanellope MacPherson DuPont, on her Instagram and said she was the child’s “drag mom.”

The “11-year-old girl” is actually a boy publicly presented as a girl for the titillation of perverts.

In October, the Satan-themed Old Nick’s Pub in Eugene, Oregon, said it was hosting Vanellope for a drag queen event.

“Vanellope is here to show you what an 11-year-old drag queen can do,” a Facebook post by the pub promoting the event read.

Vanellope had been featured at Drag Queen Story Hour events at this bar named after Satan, but reportedly did not perform as planned this time. However,

Boren was part of the October event, which happened two months after she was arrested.

The spectacle featured a couple hundred protesters and supporters, some visibly armed.

Protesters opposing the events carried a sign reading, “What kind of monster exposes kids to this?”

Supporters yelled “go home Nazis” and had a banner reading “protect trans youth.”

“Protecting trans youth” involves activities that even now can result in jail time, although a charge of using a child in a display of sexually explicit conduct was dismissed in Boren’s case.

When she gets out in less than a year, she will have a great bullet point to put on her résumé if she wants a job at the Department of Education.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Apr 24 2023

Compare School Reading Lists of California and Florida

As liberals become ever more radicalized, America is splitting apart into two separate societies — one of which has no culture because it is at war with our heritage and has nothing to replace it with but moonbattery. Compare and contrast education in the California of Gavin Newsom and the Florida of Ron DeSantis:

Review the California Department of Education Recommended Literature List to confirm that liberals are indoctrinating kids with left-wing garbage rather than educating them. Then compare it to the classics of world literature listed at Florida’s B.E.S.T.* Standards English Language Arts.

*Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking.

Florida has kids reading Shakespeare in the 7th grade. Blue state liberals have children investigating the world of sexual perversion from kindergarten.

In light of the comparison, no sane parent would rather have their child educated in California than Florida.

If Western Civilization survives despite the woke generation, it will be because of the sort of people who run Florida, and despite the sort of people running California.

Which way will America go? That’s up to voters — Republican primary voters in particular.

On a tip from Angel.

Apr 24 2023

Preteens Subject to Surgical Sexual Mutilation

Children are not getting sex change operations, liberals sneeringly inform us, and besides it’s good that they are.

So which is it? Neither.

Project Veritas will never be the same without James O’Keefe, but it does manage to confirm that fiends inflict surgical sex change mutilation on children. The Blaze reports:

A new video released by the nonprofit undercover journalist enterprise showed medical professionals nationwide admitting to providing controversial and potentially irreversible transgender “treatment” to young children confused about their gender identity.

This confusion is the consequence of an intense campaign to disorient them, conducted largely through public schools.

Dr. John Steever, who works at New York City’s Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center in the pediatrics division, told an undercover journalist that he believes most teenagers are capable of making informed decisions regarding their treatment options.

They are too young to smoke, drink, vote, or get tattoos, but old enough to be swept along by the bizarre transsexuality fad into permanently disfiguring their own bodies.

The puberty blockers are bad enough, likely inflicting irreparable developmental damage. But that’s only the beginning. Then come cross-gender hormones that distort them into freakish caricatures of the opposite sex. Next is actual surgical mutilation.

The Project Veritas video featured a conversation with Matthew Pabis, a New York City Family Medicine Specialist. He explained that a medical professional could perform gender surgery, including mastectomies, on a 10-year-old as long as a psychiatrist would be willing to sign off on it.

“I’ve never done a 10-year-old,” Pabis stated. “I’ve done 15, 16 [years old].”

Pabis is not some lone psychopath.

Nora Scott, a licensed social worker with the Dell Children’s Medical Center in Austin, Texas, told an undercover journalist that children as young as 8 and 9 could be considered for surgery.

If sexually mutilating children doesn’t warrant capital punishment, what would?

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.


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