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Apr 24 2023

Preteens Subject to Surgical Sexual Mutilation

Children are not getting sex change operations, liberals sneeringly inform us, and besides it’s good that they are.

So which is it? Neither.

Project Veritas will never be the same without James O’Keefe, but it does manage to confirm that fiends inflict surgical sex change mutilation on children. The Blaze reports:

A new video released by the nonprofit undercover journalist enterprise showed medical professionals nationwide admitting to providing controversial and potentially irreversible transgender “treatment” to young children confused about their gender identity.

This confusion is the consequence of an intense campaign to disorient them, conducted largely through public schools.

Dr. John Steever, who works at New York City’s Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center in the pediatrics division, told an undercover journalist that he believes most teenagers are capable of making informed decisions regarding their treatment options.

They are too young to smoke, drink, vote, or get tattoos, but old enough to be swept along by the bizarre transsexuality fad into permanently disfiguring their own bodies.

The puberty blockers are bad enough, likely inflicting irreparable developmental damage. But that’s only the beginning. Then come cross-gender hormones that distort them into freakish caricatures of the opposite sex. Next is actual surgical mutilation.

The Project Veritas video featured a conversation with Matthew Pabis, a New York City Family Medicine Specialist. He explained that a medical professional could perform gender surgery, including mastectomies, on a 10-year-old as long as a psychiatrist would be willing to sign off on it.

“I’ve never done a 10-year-old,” Pabis stated. “I’ve done 15, 16 [years old].”

Pabis is not some lone psychopath.

Nora Scott, a licensed social worker with the Dell Children’s Medical Center in Austin, Texas, told an undercover journalist that children as young as 8 and 9 could be considered for surgery.

If sexually mutilating children doesn’t warrant capital punishment, what would?

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 24 2023

Open Thread

Where taxes are concerned, there are two clear-cut points of view. There are those who think they're too high and those who think they should be even higher because, after all, politicians spend our money far more wisely than we do. The obvious solution I'd propose is that the people in the first group would pay less and those in the second group would pay more. Lots more. - Burt Prelutsky

Apr 23 2023

Transsexual Exposes His Genitals to Schoolgirls

The Age of LGBTism sure is a great time to be a pervert:

A Wisconsin school district allegedly failed to address parental complaints after an adult man, identifying as a woman, exposed his genitalia to four freshmen girls in a high school locker room, according to the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL).

After a swim unit in a March physical education class, four freshmen girls were showering in the locker room when an 18-year-old male student allegedly entered the changing area, announced he was transgender and then fully undressed in front of the students, according to WILL. Despite being notified of the “alleged sexual harassment,” Sun Prairie Area School District allegedly failed to address student and parental concerns regarding the incident.

All of this is consistent with politically correct policy toward sexual deviants. Anyone who objects is a transphobe subject to cancelation.

If you vote for Democrats, you vote for this. If you go with the flow regarding wokeness, you surrender to it.

Thankfully, some fathers are not on board.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Apr 23 2023

Misdemeanor for Killing 6-Month-Old in Chicago

Get used to it, Chicago. You voted for more of this:

Two teenagers are only facing misdemeanor charges after the crash of a stolen car resulted in the death of a 6-month-old infant.

Others injured in the crash are expected to recover, but Cristian Uvidia did not survive Chicago’s lawlessness.

The charges could be upgraded, but serious punishment is unlikely, considering that the DA is Soros stooge Kim Foxx, that the killers are 17 and 14 years old, and that this is Chicago. As noted at Post Millennial,

Soft-on-crime policies have led to a vast increase in crime throughout the City of Chicago. Violent crime has risen 37 percent in the past year alone, with theft, burglary, and robbery crimes seeing the greatest increase. There has been a 100 percent increase of fatal shootings in the city between 2020 and 2021.

Voters responded to this state of affairs by electing a pro-criminal Bernie Sanders-endorsed maniac. Brandon Johnson unsurprisingly sides with the sociopaths who are reducing Chicago streets to a state of mayhem even prior to his taking power. The Democrat Death Spiral has reached the terminal phase.

On a tip from R F.

Apr 23 2023

Cleopatra Gets a Race Change

Not many people read history books. Most of what they think they know about history they half-consciously absorbed from movies. This allows the leftists comprising the entertainment industry to erase the past and replace it with a narrative that supports woke ideology. They have become so ham-fisted about this that Cleopatra was now a Negress:

Tina Gharavi, director of the Netflix film “Queen Cleopatra,” spoke out about the wave of backlash she experienced for casting Adele James, a black actress, in the leading role.

If Anne Boleyn can be black, why not Cleopatra?

Barks Gharavi:

No amount of reasoning or reminders that Arab invasions had not yet happened in Cleopatra’s age seemed to stem the tide of ridiculous comments.

Arab invasions have nothing to do with it. Cleopatra was not black, and she was not an Arab either. Ethnically, she wasn’t even Egyptian.

Wait, Gharavi gets dumber:

So, was Cleopatra Black? We don’t know for sure, but we can be certain she wasn’t white like Elizabeth Taylor. We need to have a conversation with ourselves about our colorism, and the internalized white supremacy that Hollywood has indoctrinated us with.

The relentlessly leftist movie industry has indoctrinated us with white supremacy, as a filmmaker proves by making Cleopatra black so as express her disdain for Caucasians.

The capitalization — repeated throughout the piece at Variety — is not an accident. “Black” is capitalized as a show of respect. “White” is left uncapitalized as a show of disrespect.

Cleopatra’s family origins were in Macedonian Greece. She was European. Even Gharavi probably knows this and is lying to the public’s face out of sheer moonbattery.

The point is the same as when liberals pretend that blacks built the pyramids. Egyptian accomplishments are appropriated on their behalf so as to fabricate a Wakanda that would be thriving to this day if icky white people weren’t such racists. As proof, they point to a globe and shout that Egypt is in Africa, which is where blacks come from. Attempting to argue with this level of idiocy is like discussing physics with a hamster.

In the future, it will be common knowledge that Cleopatra was black — along with Mozart, Mother Teresa, and Einstein. As George Orwell foresaw, “The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.”

At least those who are posthumously transformed into blacks won’t be erased altogether.

On a tip from Franco.

Apr 23 2023

Pro-Pot Kathy Hochul Wants to Ban Tobacco

Democrats are totalitarians. If they decide they don’t like something, demonization and punitive taxation are only the beginning. Sooner or later there will be a total ban — as Governor Kathy Hochul wants to impose on tobacco in New York:

The state Health Department commissioned a new survey aimed at gauging support for an all-out prohibition — despite Gov. Hochul’s failure to secure support from state legislators to include a ban on menthol cigarettes and other flavored tobacco products in the yet-to-be-approved state budget.

The survey isn’t for the little people, but for those whose political support she will need to impose a ban.

The survey, conducted by nonprofit research organization RTI International, was distributed to “community leaders” statewide, including “county legislators and county directors of public health,” according to an April 13 memo to prospective participants from Jennifer Lee, director of the Health Department’s Bureau of Tobacco Control.

Even the proposed level of authoritarianism will not stop people from smoking.

Kent Sopris, president of the New York Association of Convenience Store Owners, predicted a ban would put many stores out of business but wouldn’t stop tobacco use because smokers would just buy cigarettes out of state, online, or illegally on the black market.

“I think it would be bizarre for the state to create another category of illegal product that could lead to more conflict between law enforcement and the community,” he said.

Too bad New York doesn’t enforce laws it already has, rather than succumbing to savagery by letting felons run free.

Meanwhile, Hochul has kicked off a public education campaign encouraging people to buy legalized marijuana products.

“If you are out there advocating for the expanded sale of retail cannabis that sells candied flavored options, how can you tell regulated legal convenience stores they can’t sell menthol cigarettes to adults?” Sopris fumed.

Let alone tell them they can’t sell any cigarettes at all — except marijuana cigarettes.

You can see why Hochul promotes pot while conspiring to make tobacco illegal. Smoking cigarettes is bad for your health, but at least it sharpens the mind, improving concentration, attention, and memory. Marijuana will make you a stupefied zombie — i.e., a fit subject for Democrat rule.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 23 2023

There Are Still Men in America

Let’s hope for Tara’s sake that he doesn’t follow this guy’s daughter into the women’s restroom:

The authorities roughed up and arrested Scott Smith for objecting at a school board meeting to a boy in a skirt sexually assaulting his 9th grade daughter in a high school ladies’ room. It will take more than that to impose compliance with the liberal agenda.

No society in human history would swallow what liberals have tried to ram down our throats. Pushback is beginning.

Sorry, Anheuser-Busch; too little too late. Enough is enough.

On tips from Jester and Blackjack.

Apr 23 2023

Open Thread

That is the most confusing and insane thing to me, when people get offended on behalf of another group. - Brad Williams

On a tip from Jester.

Apr 22 2023

Canadian Cringe: Hope in High Heels

There have been tyrants more brutal than the moonbats running the USA and Canada, but none more embarrassing to live under:

Fox News reports:

Members of Canada’s Parliament donned the heels as part of the “Hope in High Heels” event sponsored by Halton Women’s Place, a women’s shelter in Ontario, to bring awareness to violence targeting women.

Speaking of violence against women and men wearing their clothes,

News of the “Hope in High Heels” event came just two days after a self-identified transgender woman in Ontario, Canada, was arrested Tuesday after allegedly sexually assaulting a woman in a women’s shelter.

Police began investigating Desiree Anderson, 32, also known as Cody D’Entremont, on April 4 following a report from a woman who claimed the suspect had climbed into bed with her and sexually assaulted her while she was staying a women’s shelter in Windsor.

Liberals ask us to believe that there is an epidemic of violence not by transsexuals as in the real world (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.) but against them. If virtue signaling displays like the one of above spread, we may be subjected to the sight of Charles Schumer sashaying in full drag queen regalia.

On tips from Wiggins and Mr. Freemarket.

Update: @ClownWorld deleted its tweet so the video was missing for awhile but now it has been restored from elsewhere.

Apr 22 2023

Transsexual Lawmaker Earns Temporary Gag in Montana

Tennessee is not the only state where Democrat lawmakers have discarded civilized standards of behavior. In Montana, a transvestite calling himself Zooey Zephyr has crossed a line:

Zephyr expressed opposition to a bill that would prevent minors from undergoing surgeries or from taking hormones.

The bill, SB 99, will also ban doctors from prescribing children puberty blockers.

If it becomes law, the bill will also set strict legal definitions for who classifies as both male and female.

In the bill, a female is classified as someone with XX chromosomes while a male is someone with XY chromosomes.

Sounds reasonable. That’s why the Party of Science is enraged:

“The only thing I will say is if you vote ‘yes’ on this bill and ‘yes’ on these amendments, I hope the next time there’s an invocation when you bow your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands,” Zephyr said.

Sneering hostility toward prayer and all things Christian is not merely a central characteristic of politicized LGBTism but arguably the point of it.

The talk of blood may have been a reference to the emotional blackmail social engineers utilize against parents by convincing them that their children will commit suicide if they are not chemically and/or surgically deformed on behalf of the LGBT agenda. They know that in the vast majority of cases, gender dysphoria is a passing phase — unless it can be locked in for life by permanently disfiguring the body.

As for suicide, the rate among transsexuals is stratospheric. It is liberals promoting transsexualism who have blood on their hands. Horrific sex change procedures do not reduce the risk of suicide. Unsurprisingly, the reverse is true.

Or maybe Zephyr meant something else. According to Montana Freedom Caucus Chairwoman Theresa Manzella,

“Some Montana Legislators considered the comments a threat, and in light of recent events at Covenant Christian School in Nashville, Rep. Zephyr needs to offer a reasonable explanation for his ‘blood on your hands’ comment.”

Republican House Speaker Matt Regier braved the wrath of the media by announcing that he would not recognize Zephyr on the House floor until he apologizes. However,

Zephyr said he would not apologize in a statement in which he said he represented “trans and queer Montanans.”

He will be allowed to spout off again anyway after the current legislative session is over. If Black Lives Matter rioter Justin Jones and his fellow insurrectionist Justin Pearson could be let back into the Tennessee legislature immediately after getting kicked out for commandeering the proceedings in a scene resembling a Third World coup d’état, you could hardly expect someone who proclaims himself to be both “bi” and “trans” to be denied a soapbox for long.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Apr 22 2023

Democrats Demand Gender Equity for Crash Test Dummies

When he shows up for work, Pete Buttigieg fills his time evangelizing that our money must be spent to combat racist transportation. But did you know transportation is also sexist? No worries, our money can be thrown at that nonexistent problem too:

Despite stubbornly high inflation and a looming debt ceiling crisis, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is asking Congress for $20 million in his department’s proposed fiscal year 2024 budget — to develop female crash test dummies.

Conspicuously kooky congresscritter Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) is ready to spend:

“This will start to fight the gender inequity among vehicle safety and crash victims,” said DeLauro…

Look what kind of people are in charge:

How does she know crash test dummies don’t identify as female? Possibly because they are not shrieking about killing people if not allowed into opposite sex bathrooms.

Actually, we already have female crash test dummies, in that some are lighter and smaller. But if you want to volunteer, Rosa, don’t let that stop you.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble, jas385, Franco, and MrRightWingDave.

Apr 22 2023

Another Transsexual Threatens Violence

Speaking of menacing transsexuals, let me introduce a man named Tara, who threatens to kill anyone who tries to stop him from invading the ladies’ room:

True enough, many of these freaks are unafraid to die. It bears repeating:

Those who believe themselves to be members of the opposite sex are psychotic by definition. They are characterized by such intense self-hatred that according to the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 82% consider killing themselves and 40% actually try. Many of them sever parts of their own bodies in a desperate attempt to obliterate their identity. When this self-hatred is projected outward, unimpeded by morality, the results are horrifying, as the ongoing wave of transsexual mass murderers attests.

The Biden Regime deliberately exacerbates transsexual violence by gaslighting these lunatics, who are eager to believe they are the ones in danger. This was thrown into overdrive following the transgender suicide terror attack on a Christian school in Nashville. Among the dead were three 9-year-olds. Inverting reality as per Democrat custom, White House Spokeslesbian Karine Jean-Pierre responded by praising what she called “LGBTQI+ kids”:

“They are fierce. They fight back. They’re not going anywhere. And we have their back. This administration has their back.”

It sure does. The cherry on top of the Nashville massacre was Biden proclaiming Transgender Day of Visibility 4 days afterward.

Violent transsexuals serve the Democratic Party in the same way as Black Lives Matter rioters and Antifa thugs — as cat’s paws to keep the public terrorized.

Since they are arming up as Tara advises, sane people would be wise to do the same.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Apr 22 2023

Open Thread

Nothing in our Constitution suggests that government is a grantor of rights. Instead, government is a protector of rights. - Walter E. Williams

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 21 2023

Alvin Bragg Doubles Number of Felons Freed Without Bail

Meanwhile, as Soros-appointed Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg strategically attempts to secure the Republican nomination for Donald Trump with deliberately absurd criminal charges, real criminals run free:

The proportion of cases in which the Manhattan DA’s office has not asked for felony suspects to be held on bail has more than doubled since 2018, according to its own data. …

Campaigners have accused officials of ‘a depraved indifference to human life’ and pointed to a spate of recent cases in which suspects have been released without bail before going on to commit heinous crimes.

Small price to pay for social justice, right liberals?

The Trump case hinges on promoting an old alleged misdemeanor to multiple felonies.

Meanwhile, data shows [Bragg] is increasingly downgrading felonies to misdemeanors, contributing to fewer cases being bail eligible.

Not even Kathy Hochul has the belly for Bragg’s level of moonbattery:

[Hochul] has previously blasted Bragg for ‘going soft’ after he released without bail a man who terrorized McDonald’s patrons with an ax.

Just another example of civilization unraveling.

She has also personally intervened in a case to ensure a registered sex offender who sucker-punched a man into a coma would remain in jail despite the Bronx DA’s office initially charging him with only a misdemeanor.

The revolving door criminal justice system barely inconveniences criminals in New York:

Mayor Eric Adams revealed that just ten individual criminals made up for 500 of the arrests in the city over the last two years, and at least six of them are still walking the streets.

Consequently, the USA’s largest city is becoming uninhabitable.

As recently as the 1990s, Democrats understood the necessity of three strikes laws. In those days, Democrats would often side with law-abiding citizens against sociopaths. Things have changed. Hochul had better scramble to keep up.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.


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