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Aug 06 2022

LA: A Choice Between Adam Schiff and Maebe A. Girl

The nice thing about Democracy is that it offers a choice. In Los Angeles, the choice is between the odious Adam Schiff and a guy calling himself Maebe A. Girl:

G. “Maebe A. Girl” Pudlo, a progressive Democrat and drag queen who identifies as transgender non-binary, is challenging Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California during the 2022 election.

Girl received a bit less than 13% of the primary vote, coming in a distant second to Schiff who earned more than 62% — the two will face off during the general election later this year.

Girl wants to be a “voice for trans people.” The liberal establishment aggressively promotes their agenda at everyone else’s expense, but too much is never enough when it comes to favoritism for mentally ill sexual deviants.

He’s right about this much:

“I think that if there’s any place where a progressive, especially a trans nonbinary person can get elected, it’s Los Angeles.”

Or any other suppurating pustule of a city where moonbats have established cultural hegemony.

His specific demands include that men be allowed to play in women’s sports and that they be let into private facilities intended for women only such as restrooms and locker rooms. Many other Democrats have been making these same demands, but usually not while dressed as an insultingly grotesque parody of a woman.

“Healthcare, housing, and education are all human rights,” squawks Girl. That is, forcing other people to pay for them is a human right. He wants to abolish US Immigration and Customs Enforcement so that taxpayers can furnish these goodies gratis to the entire planet.

His attitudes place him in the Democrat mainstream. There is no reason to believe that Mr Girl would be any worse that Adam Schiff — who may be the next Speaker of the House if he is reelected.

On a tip from R F.

Aug 06 2022

New York City Succumbs to Savagery

Due to moonbat rule, crime is effectively legal in New York City, which is no longer part of the civilized world.

City Journal has the stats to document a great city’s decline:

The city is currently seeing a 42 percent rise in petit larceny, 40 percent rise in robbery, and a nearly 50 percent rise in grand larceny since this time last year. …

Nearly a decade ago, 63 percent of cases disposed by the Manhattan DA’s office resulted in convictions, and only 12 percent ended in dismissals. Those proportions are now flipped: so far this year, only a third of disposed cases ended in convictions, and nearly half were dismissed. …

In 2013 (the earliest data readily available), convictions were secured for 61,762 Manhattan cases. More than halfway through 2022, the county has managed only 6,902 convictions. These decreases are even more astounding for lower-level crimes. In 2013—when the city had about 25 percent fewer violation offenses than today—Manhattan secured 7,528 convictions for disposed infraction/violation cases. This year, it has gotten 16.

It has gotten this bad with pro-criminal Soros-appointed Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg on the job only since January. Bragg’s mission is to splash gasoline on the flames:

Last January he announced, as his first order of business, that robbing a store with a dangerous weapon would no longer be charged as a felony, only as a misdemeanor—a category of cases for which convictions over the past 11 years fell by over 90 percent.

Rudy Giuliani worked wonders to clean up the mess liberals had made of New York when he took over as mayor in 1994. But the decay is so deep at this point that someone like Giuliani would stand no chance of getting elected. Those who have not had the good sense to escape New York choose tasteless jokes like Bill de Blasio and Eric Adams instead.

At least we can learn from this tragedy. Ever wonder how certain segments of society would behave if not compelled by law to act with civility? Now we know.

Once it’s clear that there are no criminal justice guardrails in effect, those restrained by neither family nor community norms feel emboldened to commit the worst kinds of violent acts for even trivial causes.

If we were all civilized, we would hardly need the police. But we live among savages. When liberals screech about defunding and abolishing police, they are demanding that civilized people to be marginalized in favor of people like these, whose pretext for violence was a $1.75 charge for dipping sauce:

On a tip from seaoh.

Aug 06 2022

Why White People Cannot Be Nonbinary

Normally, you have to go into decades of debt earning an advanced degree in the liberal arts to attain access to the arcane knowledge generated by the High Priests and Priestesses of Political Correctness. But thanks to Libs of TikTok, we little people can catch glimpses into the realm of our intellectual overlords. In the video below, we learn than white people cannot achieve exalted nonbinary status, because they are the hateful lower race that invented the gender binary in the first place. As we have already learned from the professoriate, there was no difference between men and women before white Christian colonizers viciously imposed it on a world of Edenic polysexual bliss.

Looks like the word “white” is now regarded as unspeakable.

Now that she has plumbed the depths of intersectionality, she might want to return to the first grade and learn how to conjugate verbs.

No longer incarcerating the unreachably insane the way we did in more sensible times has made the streets dangerous and universities more dangerous still.

On a tip from Jester.

Aug 06 2022

Open Thread

Beware not the enemy from 'without' but the enemy from 'within'. - Douglas MacArthur

Aug 05 2022

Why Batgirl Won’t Be Released

The sort of moonbats who run Hollyweird love abortion, but that isn’t why they aborted Batgirl after blowing $90 million on yet another obnoxiously woke superhero movie.

Warner Bros. has stated that the film will not receive a theatrical release, nor will be made available on HBO Max, the studio’s streaming service.

Here’s why Hollyweird won’t inflict Batgirl on the public:

Tax breaks are precious with greedy Democrats running the government, but creating bombs and then never showing them because there is no audience for unwatchable politically correct garbage is not a winning strategy in the long run for Tinseltown. Someone will come along and make movies that people want to see. Those movies will not be woke.

The leftist entertainment industry passes itself off as our culture. It is not our culture. It is something that has been temporarily imposed on us, like a foreign occupation.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Aug 05 2022

New York City Hiring to Be Based on Race

Affirmative Action feeds on itself by putting those who have benefitted from non–merit-based hiring in a position to impose still more of it. Given his conspicuous witlessness, New York City Mayor Eric Adams probably owes his position to his race. He does not hesitate to play the race card. So this comes as no surprise:

Adams has requested city agencies to provide photographs of potential hires to City Hall as candidates go through the interview process for city jobs ranging from assistant commissioner to departmental press secretary, Politico reported Thursday.

Several unnamed city officials told the outlet that the request is clearly an effort to hire more diverse staffers.

The euphemism “diverse” means that whites need not apply for cushy, overpaid, and mostly superfluous government jobs in New York City.

Selecting candidates on the basis of not being white is not likely to work out any better for Adams than it has for Joe Biden, who explicitly chose the laughing stocks Kamala Harris and Ketanji Brown Jackson on that basis.

Applied Affirmative Action.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Aug 05 2022

Lightning Strikes Near White House

Liberals didn’t take the hint when lightning struck an icon of their anti-god George Floyd, so…

Several people have been transported to local hospitals and are in critical condition after getting struck by lightning outside the White House.

Four people suffered life-threatening injuries in Lafayette Square, near St John’s Episcopal Church, which was set on fire by Black Lives Matter rioters in 2020.

Chris Vagasky, a meteorologist and lightning expert who works as an analyst for a company that makes weather instruments, told The Washington Post that there was a “6 stroke flash near the White House that hit the same point on the ground” which means that six separate lightning strikes hit the same exact spot in a fraction of a second.

The evil emanating from the White House is most conspicuous in its aggressive promotion of abortion and the surgical transsexualization of children. Given the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah, worse than lightning strikes can be expected. A large meteor would be more appropriate.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Aug 05 2022

Teaching Transsexualized Boys to Pole Dance in Public

If moonbats forbid you to say something, it is probably true. Twitter recently banned the word “groomer” on the grounds that it is an anti-LGBT slur. This was done because the LGBT crowd is composed largely of perverts who prey on children — a.k.a. groomers. Yet another example, this one from the Keystone State:

This grotesque scene apparently took place over the weekend at the Pride Festival of Central PA.

As part of the media establishment, Fox News sometimes promotes transsexualizing children, but this time it takes a more neutral stance:

[T]he Pride Festival of Central Pennsylvania stood by the actions of the man in the video who was identified as hairdresser Mikee Bentz.

Even after having been exposed as a groomer, the aptly named Bentz is defiant:

“I am proud to offer Harrisburg/Central Pennsylvania an avenue for fitness, creativity, artistry, and expression in businesses that are not only operated at the highest level of ethical behavior, but that also take into account inclusivity and a deep appreciation for protecting the environment,” Bentz said.

Democrat Governor Tom Wolf unsurprisingly gave the event a thumbs up:

Society either belongs to degenerates or it belongs to decent people. It cannot belong to both.

On tips from Wiggins and R F.

Aug 05 2022

Open Thread

Global warming hysterics generally have limited scientific knowledge, and of geology and meteorology in particular. Their belief is not science; it's more akin to religion. The main epicenter of hysteria is not the scientific community but seems to be Hollywood. - Doug Casey

Aug 04 2022

Education Is a Weapon Democrats Wield Against Parents

No wonder Beto O’Rourke so fears the American population that his obsession with disarming us inspired a promise from Joe Biden to make him Gun Confiscation Czar. Sooner or later, full comprehension of what Democrats are doing to our country will seep past the information gatekeepers of the liberal establishment media. People will be furious — parents in particular.

In the video below, Robert Francis I mean Beto gets cheers from his supporters by sneering at the idea that parents should have a say as to whether their children are fed a diet of pernicious lies so that they grow up to hate their own country and their own race:

Given O’Rourke’s enthusiastic support for transsexualizing children, his contempt for parental objections likely also applies to transsexual and homosexual grooming, which is so much a part of public school education that when Florida put the kibosh on it for kindergarten through third grade, liberals nationwide went ballistic.

Having fallen under Democrat domination, education has become indoctrination. The goals are strictly political, as the left-wing activists comprising teachers’ unions like the North Carolina Association of Educators are dumb enough to openly confirm:

NCGA stands for the North Carolina General Assembly — the state’s bicameral legislature. Teacher’s unions are much more interested in turning it over to the Democratic Party (of which they are an extension) than they are in teaching kids to read and do math.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble.

Aug 04 2022

Federal Reserve Honcho: I Don’t Feel the Pain of Inflation

If elitists fail to set off a revolt along the lines of the French Revolution — complete with long lines at the guillotines — it won’t be for want of trying. Since its misguided inception, the Federal Reserve has been responsible for a high percentage of economic misery in this country, largely by debasing the currency through inflation. The dollar has lost over 96% of its value since the Federal Reserve took over the banking system in 1913. Mary Daly is president of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank. Here’s what she has to say about the pain inflation is inflicting on normal Americans:

“I don’t feel the pain of inflation anymore,” Daly told [Reuters] interviewer Lindsay Dunsmuir. “I see prices rising, but I have enough.”

Our pink, squishy-soft liberal ruling class has enough. That’s what counts. The rest of us should stay poor or be made poor, so that we don’t get uppity and challenge their authority.

Daly, who brings in over $420,000 per year in return for her dubious services to society, elaborates:

“I see prices rising, but I have enough that I can make substitutions … I’m not immune to gas prices rising, food prices rising, I sometimes balk at the price of things, but I don’t find myself in a space where I have to make trade-offs because I have enough — many, many Americans have enough,” she added.

True enough, there are lots of people like Daly. But there are a lot more who maybe don’t have enough to keep a roof over their heads under Biden. Almost two thirds of Americans now live paycheck to paycheck, with the economy becoming more unstable by the moment due to ham-fisted, incompetent, and often flat out malevolent Democrat rule.

Aug 04 2022

While ChiComs Fire Missiles, USAF Hosts Drag Show

Meanwhile, as we teeter on the verge of WWIII, with the ChiComs firing ballistic missiles into Taiwanese waters in response to a visit by Nancy Pelosi, American Military News describes how our military prepares for total war with a superpower:

The US military’s Joint Base Langley-Eustis (JBLE) hosted a drag show on Saturday during its first-ever kid-friendly “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Summer Festival.”

Under Democrat rule, the Pentagon has embraced the LGBT agenda. This heavily emphasizes the corruption of children. And so,

Organizers encouraged children to attend the festival, advertising that there would be “bouncy houses and face painting for the children.”

Colonel Gregory Beaulieu authorized the use of taxpayer-financed military resources for the event, which featured drag queen Joshua Kelly, a.k.a. Harpy Daniels.

The military’s LGBT push, which includes mandating the use of biologically incorrect pronouns, is part of the broader Cultural Marxist campaign to bring down America. As Daily Wire reports,

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives have gained ground in the military in recent years, a development that critics say is gutting the unity, meritocracy, and mission readiness of the U.S. military. …

The U.S. Air Force created an Office of Diversity and Inclusion in January last year.

Democrats exploit the fact that members of the military have to do as they are told without complaint. But in the age of cancelation, even civilians hesitate to speak out against the imposition of wokeness.

[T]he festival was advertised to all who work at JBLE, civilian and military, through a mass email. A person who works at JBLE and received an invite to the festival was furious over the military-sponsored drag show for an event advertised for families.

“It’s burlesque, it’s hyper-sexualized, it’s not something appropriate for children,” said the person, who requested to not be named over potential retaliation from base officials.

Must be a civilian. Someone in the service would risk court martial with that sort of thoughtcrime.

The ChiComs are watching what liberal social engineers have done to the US military and will act accordingly. Good-bye, Taiwan. It’s been nice having you in the free world.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Blackjack.

Aug 04 2022

Supreme Court Defending Constitution Is “Unconstitutional”

The job of the Supreme Court is to defend the Constitution by striking down laws that conflict with it. In 1973, a rogue Supreme Court did some legislating of its own, by proclaiming on no foundation other than its own arrogance that women have a “right” to kill unwanted children. This de facto law has also been struck down, for violating the Constitution by pretending to be derived from it. Yet according to the White House, failing to pretend that the Constitution says whatever liberals want it to say is unconstitutional:

Biden’s absurdly unqualified yet highly intersectional spox tells us that we had a constitutional right to dismember unborn children for almost 50 years. Yet the Constitution has been in effect since 1789. Too bad no one asked her to explain the discrepancy.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 04 2022

Open Thread

Mankind is considered (by the radical environmentalists) the lowest and the meanest of all species and is blamed for everything. - Dixie Lee Ray


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