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Aug 03 2022

$50 Apiece in Covid Cash for $3 3D-Printed Guns

A major reason that inflation is destroying the value of our savings is that the irresponsible fools running the federal government exploited Covid as a pretext to fling $billions upon $billions to the four winds. The money is still being spent as fast as our rulers can print it. Some has financed a gun buyback in Houston:

Over the weekend, Houston’s Democrat Mayor Sylvester Turner held a gun buyback event in a church parking lot where residents could turn in their firearms and receive a gift card ranging from $50 to $200 with no questions asked. According to the Mayor’s announcement, the funds provided to those turning in firearms came from the American Rescue Plan — aka American taxpayers — and the amount-per-firearm was $50.00 for a non-functioning firearm, $100.00 for a rifle or shotgun, $150.00 for a handgun, and $200.00 for a fully automatic rifle.

Not a bad deal, considering how cheaply you can 3D print a gun:

One man showed up to the buyback with dozens of 3D-printed firearms, and Houston authorities had no choice but to accept them and hand over gift cards in return. The real kicker: it only cost the man $3 to print each firearm, of which he made 62, and received $50 per 3D-printed gun for a total of nearly $3,000 in gift cards.

Sylvester Turner will go far in the Democratic Party. He knows how to waste our money on moronic gestures intended to reduce our freedom.

Success as defined by moonbats.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Aug 03 2022

Mother Jones Eggs On Climate Vandals

Lest you run short of reasons to dislike moonbats, liberal organ Mother Jones is egging on woke vandals to let the air out of the tires of SUVs so as to improve the weather:

The Tyre Extinguishers movement started in the UK, spread to a clutch of other countries, and has now landed in the US. Since June, dozens of SUV and pickup truck owners in New York, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Chicago have discovered their vehicles with flat tires along with a note on the windshield declaring: “Your gas guzzler kills.”

According to liberal ideology, trucks and SUVs kill people with harmless carbon dioxide emissions that according to politically motivated models could increase the temperature by imperceptible increments over the course of many decades.

The vandals are cast as the victims, because they have allegedly received death threats for their noble crusade on behalf of the climate. The SUV owners are the bad guys.

Mother Jones asserts that Toyota Sequoias are “named after the towering trees that are on fire because of the climate emergency.” Readers are left to conclude that the owners of the Toyotas are responsible for setting the trees on fire.

“The amount of damage from a flat tire is nothing compared to climate change,” one envirovandal piously proclaims.

Anyone who believes that SUVs perceptibly change the climate belongs in a padded room. Yet people who embrace this psychotic ideology are in charge of most everything.

On a tip from Dennis G.

Aug 03 2022

San Fransicko

The city that gave us the Speaker of the House remains the national capitol of moonbattery. If you want to see the future of the country under liberal rule, look to San Francisco:

The monkeypox response proves that Covid tyranny was always about tyranny and never about preventing the spread of sickness. On the contrary, the ideology of our degenerate ruling class is itself a sickness, as the response to monkeypox also proves.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Jester.

Aug 03 2022

Open Thread

Recent school shootings have lured ill-informed Americans into a war on our Second Amendment guarantees, led by the nation's tyrants and their useful idiots. ... The Second Amendment was given to us as protection against tyranny by the federal government and the Congress of the United States. - Walter E. Williams

On a tip from Jester.

Aug 02 2022

Fake but Accurate

Not all fact checking by the liberal establishment consists of lies. For example, Joe Biden did not really wander away in the middle of a speech because he heard music from an ice cream truck, as implied in the video below:

That liberal apparatchiks at both Twitter and Reuters felt it necessary to inform us that this is a joke says quite a lot about the figurehead they are attempting to prop up.

To use the terminology of disgraced propagandist Dan Rather, the video is “fake but accurate.”

Hat tip: Not the Bee.

Aug 02 2022

Why the Energy Crisis Is Different Than Under Jimmy Carter

The lowering of thermostats in Germany is another example of the 1970s coming back from the grave like something out of a lame horror sequel. Remember this?

Jimmy Carter advised Americans to set their thermostats to 55 degrees overnight during the winter months to “waste less energy,” offering his guidance in a televised address to the nation on February 2, 1977, in the midst of a national natural gas shortage.

Carter’s moronic solution was not to reduce regulation but to conserve, on the principle that even a small amount of life-sustaining fossil fuel will last indefinitely if you don’t use it.

The 1970s were dark times, because we were almost out of oil. Carter contributed to his trademark malaise with prophecies of doom:

• “The oil and natural gas we rely on for 75 percent of our energy are running out.”

• “Unless profound changes are made to lower oil consumption, we now believe that early in the 1980s the world will be demanding more oil than it can produce.”

• “We can’t substantially increase our domestic production…”

• “Within ten years we would not be able to import enough oil—from any country, at any acceptable price.”

• “If we fail to act soon, we will face an economic, social and political crisis that will threaten our free institutions.”

Decades later, we have plenty of oil. Energy crises are cyclical:

As the great energy economist Morry Adelman explained in the pages of Regulation more than a decade ago, many energy sources—especially hydrocarbons like oil and natural gas—are disposed to price cycles. Demand at a given price sometimes grows faster than supply, which results in higher prices, which results in new energy exploration, innovation, and investment, which results in lower prices, which leads to a new price cycle.

The current energy crunch is different in that it has been deliberately imposed on us by the government for ideological reasons. That means all we need to do to come out of the crisis is pry Democrats loose from power — although that may be easier said than done, given their control of the media and willingness to cheat.

On tips from Lyle.

Aug 02 2022

Dutch Police Beat Farmers on Behalf of Liberal World Order

Under the rule of globalist Mark Rutte, Holland has reached the fork in the road that demands we choose between green ideology and food. Farmers unsurprisingly opt to go with food. Here, police respond on behalf of the moonbat establishment:

The slower and less decisive the pushback, the uglier this is going to get. Ugliest of all would be no pushback. That would mean farms shut down and economies deliberately destroyed so that the Liberal World Order can achieve absolute power in the name of pretending to control the weather.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 02 2022

Why the Lights Won’t Stay On for Long

Any week now, Joe Biden will croak, or his handlers will admit that he is too senile to prop up in front of a teleprompter. Then Kamala Harris will be POTUS. She will continue to implement their policy of destroying the US energy industry in the name of ludicrous climate ideology (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.). How exciting is that?

Does anyone really expect the lights to stay on with people like this in power?

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 02 2022

Allegiance Oath From Openly Disloyal Moonbat

A cultural Marxist has no higher loyalty than to moonbattery. Consequently, an oath of allegiance from someone like Lidia Thorpe to the Queen of England is not worth much:

Aboriginal Australian Senator Lidia Thorpe branded Britain’s Elizabeth II a “colonizing” queen on Monday, as the recently elected lawmaker reluctantly swore allegiance while taking the oath of office.

She represents the Australian Greens, the country’s third-largest party by vote.

Thorpe raised her right fist in a Black Power salute as she begrudgingly swore to serve the 96-year-old monarch, who is still Australia’s head of state.

“I sovereign, Lidia Thorpe, do solemnly and sincerely swear that I will be faithful and I bear true allegiance to the colonizing Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II,” she said before being rebuked by a Senate official.

To “colonize” is the worst sin imaginable in the moonbat religion. It means to spread or merely represent Western Civilization, which the woke regard as a cancer.

After reciting the pledge as required, Thorpe declared on Twitter: “Sovereignty never ceded.”

Australians trust this woman to hold power over them.

Thorpe looks like she has more Australian blood than Aborigine. But even a drop of the latter would make her more legitimate than artificial Indian Elizabeth Warren.

On a tip from Steve T.

Aug 02 2022

Lesser Sentence for Beating White Kid to Death

Q: What do you call it when three racially privileged black adults beat a white child to death?

A: A “fatal fight.”

Fatal fights are no biggie compared to murder. The New York Post reports:

The three young men accused in connection with the alleged beating death of Ohio teenager Ethan Liming have been indicted on lesser charges related to the fatal fight.

A grand jury in Summit County, Ohio, indicted brothers DeShawn and Tyler Stafford, ages 20 and 19, respectively, and their 21-year-old cousin, Donovon Jones…

The savages killed 17-year-old Ethan Liming for squirting them with a water-bead gun. The murder was committed by stomping on and kicking his head after he had already been beaten unconscious.

[T]he grand jury indicted DeShawn Stafford on two counts of involuntary manslaughter – felonies in the first and third degree, respectively – and one count each of first-degree assault and fourth-degree aggravated assault.

Tyler Stafford was indicted on single counts of first-degree involuntary manslaughter and first-degree assault, while Jones was indicted on two counts of first-degree assault, records show.

Authorities initially opted for justice, before switching to racial justice:

The three men were each originally charged with murder and felonious assault…

The grand jury must have gotten word that Black Lives Matter would burn down Akron if appropriate charges were applied. Also, the liberal media wouldn’t like it.

Since he was white, the dead victim is the defendant. His father Bill Liming tries to defend him from the assumption of racism:

“We are a beautifully multi-cultural family with white, African American, and Filipino family members who share the vision of strength by coming together rather than pulling apart everything we hold dear at the seams,” he wrote. …

Liming said that he and his family have “always taught all of our children to love everyone.”

Yet Ethan is accused of squirting blacks while goofing off with a toy as though they were normal people. What a racist.

Twitter makes you click to see the murderers’ mugshots, because “sensitive content.” The liberal establishment has taken the predictable side, and it isn’t Ethan Liming’s.

To add insult to mortal injury, our liberal overlords preach that the country they are systematically destroying stinks because it is racist — against blacks.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 02 2022

Open Thread

[The UN should remain in New York] because every country needs a cesspool. And the UN is always interesting as a theater of the absurd. - Ed Koch

Aug 01 2022

Would-Be Kavanaugh Killer Thinks He Is a Girl

After botching an assassination attempt on Brett Kavanaugh, who incurred his ire by not pretending there is a constitutional right to abortion, Nicholas Roske is a cinch to get off with the insanity defense à la John Hinckley. He is so nuts, he thinks he is a girl:

Court documents show that Roske identifies as a male to transgender female called Sophie. …

The would-be assassin also revealed that he was uncomfortable around other men.

In other words, Roske was a leftist loser who sought refuge within the degenerate, messed up world of transgenderism while simultaneously seeking to atone for his pathetic existence by carrying out extreme political violence.

Ever wonder who the hell would vote for what the Democratic Party has become? Roske could be the quintessential example.

On a tip from Dennis G.

Aug 01 2022

Lights Start Going Out in Green Germany

Going green means going dark. It also means being hot in the summer and, what is usually worse, cold in the winter. Germany is a case in point:

Some of Germany’s biggest cities are preparing for an energy crunch this winter by shutting off warm water, limiting heat, and switching off lighting.

Consider Hanover, where they feel the need to reduce energy use by 15%:

Hanover’s municipal buildings will not be allowed to be heated to a temperature over 68F. The city has banned the use of mobile air conditioning units and fan heaters.

Hot water will be cut off to public buildings, pools, and gyms. Maybe the mandatory cold showers will help sober up moonbats drunk on climate Kool-Aid.

Leftists blame Putin, as if there were no way for Germany to acquire energy except from its historic nemesis Russia. The actual culprits are the fools who thought they could impose a transition to a “green” economy reliant on leftist-approved inefficient means of generating energy, which do not include nuclear. This is what left them so dependent on Russia.

It isn’t just Hanover:

“Vonovia, the country’s largest residential landlord, said it would be lowering the temperature of its tenants’ gas central heating to 17C (62F) between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m.,” the Financial Times reported. “A housing association in the Saxon town of Dippoldiswalde, near the Czech border, went a step further this week, saying it was rationing the supply of hot water to tenants.”

The symbolism is hard to miss:

Berlin’s senate voted to turn off the lighting of 200 monuments, buildings, and landmarks in the German capital of more than 3.5 million people to save electricity.

Too bad the Biden Regime has a chokehold on the American energy industry. Germany would make a good market.

We don’t have to wonder if a green energy transformation will work, because it has already been tried. If the people running the USA meant the country well, they would learn from Germany’s foolish mistakes. But they choose not to learn, because Biden et al. are worse than fools. They are impoverishing America in the name of a hoax on purpose.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Aug 01 2022

Francis Praises Cuba

John Paul II inspired millions by standing up to communism, a nakedly evil ideology that seeks to eradicate Christianity. Pope Francis has a different attitude:

“I love the Cuban people very much,” Francis said. “I also confess that I maintain a human relationship with Raúl Castro.” His reference to Raul Castro is like saying that although he loves the inmates in this prison, he gets along well with the warden responsible for their suffering. Adding to the confusion, the pope called Cuba “a symbol” and a country with “a great history.”

The most conspicuous feature of this “great history” is the communist revolution that reduced a prosperous country to one of the most miserable on earth.

The commentaries come a little over a year after the largest anti-government protests the country had seen in decades, asking for freedom from communism. The protests were so intense that many thought the end of the regime might be in sight. However, the communist regime brutally suppressed the peaceful demonstrations. Many protesters were subjected to arbitrary arrests, torture and draconian prison sentences. The Vatican and the West let that anniversary pass without commentary.

Western leaders are sympathetic to the Castro Regime, as they are in the process of inflicting similar systems in their own countries in the name of the climate. Francis apparently identifies with this Liberal World Order, if not with communist dictator Raul Castro himself.

Indeed, Cuba is a symbol. On the one hand, it symbolizes the continuation of communist tyranny, misery and brutality. For the West, Cuba is a painful symbol of its indifference and hypocrisy. Those who yet resist in Cuba are a symbol of Christian courage and long-suffering anticipating the day when they will be free to write the “great history” that awaits them.

Francis is a symbol too, personifying moonbattery and decline.

On a tip from Blackjack.


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