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Jan 14 2024

Doomsday Clock Climate Kookiness

As we lurch toward World War III under incompetent leadership, we could use a little comic relief to lighten the mood:

It’s almost that time again: Time for the annual update of the Doomsday Clock, the symbol of how close the world is to civilization-ending catastrophe. …

USA TODAY asked Rachel Bronson, president and CEO of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, about the factors that will affect the clock’s timing this year: “Climate change and nuclear risk continue to play very large factors in setting the timing of the Doomsday Clock,” she said, “as the effects of the climate crisis become more felt and the threats of nuclear escalation in Ukraine and nuclear arms racing globally continue to loom large.”

The world’s #1 nuclear power is getting boxed into a corner and potentially destabilized over a regional conflict that has nothing to do with us. The maniacs ruling Iran, who have been at war with the USA since 1979, continue to develop the capacity to vaporize our cities. But nuclear Armageddon must not be such a big deal as we thought, or it would be mentioned before the possibility that the climate will continue to fluctuate like it always has.

Or maybe it’s only because serving as a government shill on the global warming hoax results in lucrative grants that the weather not being exactly the same from one year to the next looms larger than any mushroom clouds.

Further stoking the guffaws, we are told we should take the Doomsday Clock seriously because of “its science-based stance.”

On a tip from Lyle.

Jan 14 2024

Hamas Supporters Lay Siege to White House

The Biden Regime reacted to the nightmarish terror atrocities of October 7 by shoveling our money at Hamas and launching a pro-Islam propaganda campaign. But this was not enough, because nothing short of absolute capitulation will ever be enough for Islamic terrorists and their supporters:

Anti-Israel protesters and rioters gathered outside the White House on Saturday night, with some demonstrators damaging security fencing and hurling objects at police.

The demonstrators were heard chanting “Ceasefire Now” and “Free, Free Palestine,” with many waving Palestinian flags.

“Ceasefire” is Euphemese for Israeli surrender. “Free Palestine” is Euphemese for Israeli genocide.

“Yemen, Yemen make us proud / Turn another ship around,” was also recited at the demonstration, hours after strikes were launched against the Houthis in Yemen.

It could hardly be more obvious that these people are hostile not only to Israel but to the United States and to Western Civilization in general. Unbeknownst to most due to our dysfunctional education system, this campaign has been ongoing for 1,400 years. Since 9/11, it has been picking up steam, largely as a result of our vulnerability under leftist rule.

The U.S. Secret Service told Fox News Digital that some fences were damaged outside the White House, and that staff members and journalists were “relocated” as a result.

The White House is literally under siege by people who have as their objective the eradication of our society.

Good thing these are Hamas supporters and not Republicans complaining about a rigged election, or the media would shriek itself hoarse about “insurrection.”

On tips from Wiggins, ABC of the ANC, and Mr. Freemarket.

Jan 14 2024

Transsexual Wife-Killer Wants Back in Jail

In Germany, a 57-year-old guy named Thorsten Heinz P., who is now officially known as Monica P., declared himself transgender while in prison for murdering his wife. His light sentence is up, but he likes women’s prison so much, he wants back in “forever”:

Thorsten Heinz strangled his wife to death with a clothesline at their home in North Rhine-Westphalia. He was sentenced to 13 years in prison for the killing, and at an undisclosed time during his incarceration, began identifying as transgender and taking female hormones.

While detained, he twice took staff as hostages: one victim was a priest, and the other, a nurse, who he proceeded to sexually torment. For these offenses, his sentence was extended to 25 years.

Thorsten was released at the end of his sentence, but soon after threatened two married couples from Iserlohn with robbery in their homes. This, he claimed, was an act of desperation conducted in order to return to prison.

The one advantage of incarcerating the sexually insane in women’s prisons after they murder women is that you don’t have to worry about escapes. Guys like Thorsten are more likely to break in than break out.

Please welcome Thorsten Heinz P. to the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors:

Thorsten Heinz P.
Steven Buchanan/Susan Monica
Dylan Butler
Kendall Stephens
Leion Butler
Jason Lee Willie
Audrey Hale
Kimbrady Carriker
Maya McKinney
Snochia Moseley
Anderson Lee Aldrich
Moses Lopez
William Whitworth
Shanu Varma
A guy calling himself Lara
Zion William Teasley
Jason Michael Hann
Cali Anderson
Dana Rivers
Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky
Linnea Pugmire
Mark Campbell
Paul S.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jan 14 2024

Open Thread

The wicked fear the good, because the good are a constant reproach to their consciences. The ungodly like religion in the same way that they like lions, either dead or behind bars; they fear religion when it breaks loose and begins to challenge their consciences. - Fulton J. Sheen

Jan 13 2024

Kids Taught Word “Straight” Is Offensive

First, deviants demanded tolerance. Then equality. Now we are up to special favoritism (a.k.a. “LGBT rights”). At this point, it is the normal people who are tolerated — until they aren’t, as in Seattle Public Schools:

Tenth-grade Ethnic Studies World History teacher and self-identified communist Ian Golash asked students to complete a “Social Identity Wheel” worksheet, according to the parent, who asked for anonymity. It asks students to explain their various identities, including racial, ethnic, gender, socio-economic status, physical, emotional, or developmental disabilities, and sexual orientation. The worksheet is intended to tell students that their identities determine whether they receive unearned privilege or oppression.

According to the ideology being inculcated, kids who are “oppressed” are good. Kids who are “privileged” are bad.

[A] parent’s 15-year-old son labeled himself “straight.” Golash took issue with that word “because it implies that to not be straight is to be ‘crooked’ which could have a negative connotation.”

Amend your copy of the Newspeak Dictionary accordingly. Those who don’t want to get canceled eschew terms that would give negative connotations to children engaging in sexual perversion.

Not even moonbats find it easy to keep up with dictionary updates:

Chief Sealth High School has a Gay-Straight Alliance Club. Even GLAAD (formerly the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) uses “straight” as an alternative descriptor for heterosexuals. The term “straight-ally” is still used by LGBT groups.

The boy’s mother reveals that in another incident, Golash told him he is “a product of the patriarchy that teaches young boys not to care.”

The same parent previously complained that Golash failed her son on a quiz for correctly saying men cannot get pregnant and that women do not have penises.

Every institution liberals infiltrate and subvert rots into farce. This process of deterioration has reached such an extreme in public education that students risk failure by refusing to reject indisputable objective facts.

On a tip from Jack D.

Jan 13 2024

Never Nikki

We can’t forget Reagan’s Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican. A house divided against itself will be easily crushed by Democrats, given their control of almost all institutions. However, we also can’t forget that they gained control of these institutions by infiltrating and subverting them. If they do the same to the GOP, patriotic Americans will be left without a resistance party. This brings us to Nikki Haley.

If there is one prominent politician who can be counted on to stand for American principles, it is Rand Paul. He has good things to say about Trump, DeSantis, Ramaswamy, and even loose cannon leftist RFK Jr. — but Never Nikki:

Paul’s list of reasons to shun Nikki Haley include that she is a warmonger, opposes free speech on the Internet, and advocates the redistribution of the wealth Americans create to other countries.

Then there is this:

Haley once seemingly parroted a talking point used by Democrats that suggests climate change is partially to blame for mass immigration to the United States and other countries. …

Haley similarly called climate change “real” and “one of the threats” to American national security. These 2017 remarks are in line with Haley’s latest comments, wherein she told GOP primary voters last year that she believes in climate change.

The global warming hoax is the central vehicle by which left-wing globalists plan to inflict the Great Reset. Speaking of globalist, Haley was UN Ambassador.

Watch the DeSantis campaign lay waste to a RINO:

If by some disaster she gets the nomination, even Haley will be preferable to Biden — or rather, to whomever Democrats switch out Biden for at the last moment. Give leftist radicals a few more years to consolidate power and the damage will be irreversible. Even Haley would slow them down a little.

On tips from KirklesWorth and WDS 2.0. Hat tip: Liberty Daily.

Jan 13 2024

Protecting Children From Abuse as Abuse

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Protecting children from horrific physical and psychological disfigurement is child abuse:

The influential American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) said that ‘withholding [gender-affirming care] is harmful to children and amounts to state-sanctioned medical neglect and emotional abuse.’

“Gender-affirming care” is an Orwellian euphemism for sex change procedures. In calling it by the opposite of what it is, liberals confirm they know what they are doing is wrong.

Depraved kooks who prey on children are the establishment now:

While its views are not medically binding, the panel is made up of 70,000 of the country’s top child doctors and its recommendations are considered the gold-standard.

There is still pushback on behalf sanity and basic humanity:

[H]ealthcare experts in other countries have called the AAP’s comments unethical and irresponsible, focusing more on the politics of the moment than medicine.

The AAP is not primarily about medicine, and certainly not about the welfare of children. Once an institution has been commandeered by moonbats, its original mission is subordinated to moonbattery.

Pauses in the sick sexual transmogrification of children have been instituted even in left-leaning countries like the UK, Sweden, France, Finland, and Norway. Nonetheless, the Scottish National Party has plans that could imprison parents for 7 years for resisting the transsexualization of their own children. In Joe Biden’s USA, there is no resistance above the state level.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Jan 13 2024

Train Ride Is Adventure in Multiculturalism

Thanks to the ongoing transformation of the population, riding a train in Germany is no longer simply a matter of getting from here to there, but an education in the phantasmagorical splendors of multiculturalism:

It was supposed to be a light-hearted visit to her aunt. But the train journey to Dorfen turned into a horror trip for a little girl from Landshut. As the eleven-year-old later told the police, she had already noticed the man sitting opposite her on the train at the station. According to the indictment, the Somali man stroked her bare knee twice. When she moved away, he followed her.

Other passengers came to her aid before the situation could escalate. Good thing this wasn’t in New York, where onlookers might be too terrified of getting the Daniel Penny treatment to intervene.

When he arrived at the railway station in Dorfen, the 29-year-old gave her and her aunt the finger. In his culture, “a real man” does not ask a woman for a long time, but grabs her, he later told a police officer, who described the accused as a witness as “out of control” and aggressive.

In the dark days of the past, German schoolgirls may have remained ignorant of Somali mating habits. But now they live in more enlightened times.

He also denied another disgusting accusation: the public prosecutor accused him of exposing himself to a woman and her two-year-old child on the platform and showing his penis. However, the 29-year-old explained that he was holding a bottle of vodka in one hand and a can of Red Bull in the other. How could he have dropped his trousers?

To make matters worse, the man had already been convicted once for sexual harassment and had now breached the conditions.

This time the unnamed Somali was sentenced to 9 months. Evidently returning him to Somalia is not an option under moonbat rule.

Jan 13 2024

Open Thread

One thing I have learned in my time in politics is that if one of the parties is shameless, the other party cannot afford to be spineless. - Frank Lautenberg

Jan 12 2024

Johns Hopkins Diversity Chief Marginalizes the Privileged

Intersectionality is required to reach the pinnacle of the liberal caste system. It is not enough to be black, sexually deranged, foreign, disabled, et cetera. To achieve the highest levels of favoritism you must belong to a combination of “oppressed” identity groups.

By the same token, intersectionality dictates that those who belong to multiple “privileged” groups rank at the bottom. Regrettably, there is a good chance you stand guilty of intersectional privilege:

A diversity chief at Johns Hopkins Medicine sent a “monthly diversity digest” email to staff with a letter that declared all white people, Christians and men are “privileged.”

Medical schools used to be primarily concerned with medicine. This is no longer the case, to the extent they have been subordinated to the task of instilling the ideology of our ruling class.

Dr. Sherita Hill Golden, chief diversity officer for the hospital system, also included “heterosexuals” and English speakers in the “privileged” category in her missive to all staff.

Other groups she scorns as privileged include the able-bodied, “cisgender people,” “middle or owning class people,” and those who are middle-aged.

Collect as many oppressed identities as you can, while avoiding privileged identities. Otherwise, you might find yourself last hired, first fired, and at the end of the line for medical care.

Earning still more enmity from the liberal establishment, Elon Musk reacted by gasping “This must end!” However, as the New York Post sniffs,

Musk, the richest man on the planet, also happens to be white, cisgender and English-speaking.

His intersectionally privileged kind must be marginalized or better still eradicated before woke utopia can be achieved.

On tips from Franco, Jack D, and Varla.

Jan 12 2024

Foreign Army Billeted at O’Hare

Like other conquering armies, the millions upon millions of illegal aliens Democrats have been ushering into the country to displace us will be housed at the expense of the subjugated population. Hotels will not suffice. But even after our schools have been turned over to them, it won’t be immediately necessary to forcibly billet these highly irregular foreign troops in our homes. There are still airports to commandeer:

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jan 12 2024

Hertz Dumps Electric Vehicles

The reason economic freedom results in a dramatically higher standard of living than command and control economics is that it allows resources to be allocated in the way that naturally makes sense, the way water naturally finds its own level. Hertz demonstrates what the free market thinks of the electric vehicles leftists want to impose:

Rental car giant Hertz on Thursday said it will sell about 20,000 electric vehicles from its U.S. fleet. …

The rental car giant said it would allocate funds it gets from selling the vehicles toward purchasing more internal combustion engine vehicles “to meet customer demand.”

Unsurprisingly, customers prefer reliable vehicles that are easy to keep running to virtue-signaling moonbatmobiles that only a drooling cretin could believe will have any impact on the supposedly problematic weather.

Hertz’s stated goal is to “reduce damage expense associated with EVs.” To reduce damage expense to US taxpayers resulting from their money being thrown at electric vehicles, Democrats need to be pried from power — preferably before EVs are made mandatory.

On tips from CZwonderpig and Eddie_Valiant.

Jan 12 2024

Media Predicts the End of Snow Again

To justify engineering the coming energy crisis, Democrats present dogma that cannot pass the laugh test. Check out this actual January 8, 2024 headline from Bloomberg:

Don’t Be Fooled, Snow Is Becoming a Thing of the Past

Tell that to anyone living in the Midwest, which has been getting hammered by way too much snow as well as hoax-defying “dangerously cold” temperatures.

Ten years ago, a New York Times headline shrieked,

The End of Snow?

By now we have a definitive answer: no.

Yet our moonbat rulers continue to double down on the hysteria, distracting the gullible from their systematic destruction of the country by convincing them that energy will make the pretty snow melt away. Dates are altered on their predictions of doom as dictated by circumstance.

David Blackmon touches base with reality:

For the record, the amount of snowfall in any discreet regional area has always ebbed and flowed as the climate and temperatures and amount precipitating moisture in the air around us have always fluctuated.

The same goes for all aspects of the climate. If the media can make us forget this and panic over every minor fluctuation, we are a herd of cattle and deserve the fate that awaits us at the stockyards leftists are driving us toward.

On a tip from R F.

Jan 12 2024

Open Thread

If you pay people not to work and tax them when they do, don't be surprised if you get unemployment. - Milton Friedman


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