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Jan 23 2024

Supreme Court Sides With Biden Against USA on Border

Move over, Babylon Bee. You have been supplanted by the allegedly conservative Supreme Court, which can push left-wing lunacy as far as any satire site.

See if you can tell parody

In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court has ruled that it’s now illegal for the Texas National Guard to guard Texas or the nation. …

As a result of the ruling, Texas is being ordered to open its border completely and let millions of people flood the state and the rest of the country until everything Americans hold dear is left a smoldering ruin. “It’s the compassionate thing to do,” said [Ketanji Brown] Jackson.

…from reality:

After Texas installed around 30 miles of razor wire along the southern border, the U.S. Border Patrol repeatedly cut through the wire to allow illegal immigrants to enter the country. Texas filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration, saying the federal government damaged state property and was trespassing…

In a 5-4 ruling on Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court granted an emergency request from the Biden administration to allow agents to cut through the razor wire…

Forget property damage and trespassing. The feds have been committing straightforward treason by deliberately facilitating the largest invasion in human history.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott vows to continue fighting to secure the border from foreign invasion and internal treachery. He is in effect the real president of what remains of the United States.

Republican-appointed Justices John Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett joined the court’s three liberal justices in the 5-4 ruling. The high court’s ruling, however, is not final as it simply allows Border Patrol agents to cut through the concertina wire while litigation continues. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals is still weighing the full case and will hear oral arguments on February 7.

In the meantime, thousands of illegal welfare colonists and cross the deliberately undefended border each day, steadily transforming American demographics to facilitate leftist political objectives.

At least the Supremes will have time to familiarize themselves with the US Constitution that it is their job to uphold. According to Article IV, Section 4, the federal government is required to defend the states from foreign invasion. This is one of the very few legitimate duties of the federal government. Under Biden, it not only refuses to defend the states, it does not even allow states to defend themselves. More blatant defiance of the Constitution would be difficult to imagine.

If sanity reasserts itself and the Supreme Court sides with the USA against its enemies, expect the Biden Regime to simply ignore the ruling as it has done with student loans. Or maybe it will cut to the chase and pack the court with rubber stamp left-wing apparatchiks like Ketanji Brown Jackson.

On tips from Lyle, Mr. Freemarket, ABC of the ANC, and KirklesWorth.

Jan 23 2024

Open Thread

Communities don't have rights. Only individuals in the community have rights. - Michael Badnarik

Jan 22 2024

Moonbat Media Extols the Mexican Muxe

What could earn even greater admiration from the media than cross-dressers of creepy nonbinary sexuality? How about indigenous cross-dressers of creepy nonbinary sexuality from the Third World? The Seattle Times can hardly contain itself:

The muxe (pronounced MOO-shay) are Zapotec people who view themselves as neither man nor woman, but instead a distinct “third gender.” Identified as male at birth, they embody female characteristics — in presentation, behavior and professions — which once earned them contempt and scorn.

Nowadays whatever was universally regarded throughout the ages as warranting contempt and scorn earns praise from social engineers.

Elvis Guerra, 30, the queen in waiting, explains that the muxe stand in solidarity with burgeoning gender rights movements worldwide, pronouncing themselves trailblazers of cultural preservation and inclusion in a rural bastion of Catholicism.

Eroding the Christianity that has prevailed in Mexico for centuries in favor of the subversive LGBT agenda constitutes “cultural preservation” because of the indigenous angle.

“We share the same fight as the LGBTQ community,” said Guerra, who is also a published poet, lawyer and head of a company producing fabrics with Indigenous motifs.

This all-around renaissance muxe is celebrated as a personification of Mexico’s cultural decline.

Mexico’s legacy of machismo and Roman Catholicism has fostered hostility to homosexuality and alternatives to conventional gender norms. That has begun to change, slowly, in recent decades.

Machismo and Catholicism will have to be abolished altogether before Mexican culture meets with the full approval of the Seattle Times.

The connection with leftist politics is made explicit:

[B]eginning in the mid-1970s, the muxe launched what they view as a liberation movement, including public protests and appeals to police and politicians. At the same time, left-wing movements were sweeping the isthmus — a part of Mexico with a long and proud history of rebellion and cultural independence, providing an opening for the muxe to throw their support behind political reform.

As in the USA, leftists have made significant progress in normalizing the sexually grotesque…

Still, Guerra said, the battle doesn’t end “until we have equality, respect in the community, and every muxe child is permitted to go to school dressed like a girl.”

Evidently there is a muxe gene that makes some Mexican schoolboys want to show up for school in a dress.

The muxe, [Guerra] adds, are long past the stage of accepting just being tolerated. “Tolerance, no: Respect,” the queen insists. “We demand respect. Because we have earned it. And deserve it.”

Like gay pride, this respect is to be based on deviance as somehow inherently praiseworthy.

On a tip from Mike B.

Jan 22 2024

New York Literally Reduced to Third World Toilet

“Third World toilet” is not just a metaphor for what Democrats are turning the USA into; it is a literal description. From my former neighborhood in New York City:

Since November, thousands of adult migrants have waited outside the former St. Brigid’s School on East 7th Street, and overflow into Tompkins Square Park, to score a bed in the city’s shelter system after their 30-day and 60-day stay limits expired.

Back in the day, Tompkins Square was populated by drug-addled derelicts. No matter how bad the decay with moonbats in control, they will always make it worse. Now the park is home to a tiny fraction of the welfare colonists Democrats have illegally imported to displace the American population. Workers have given up on trying to maintain the porta-potties. You can see why.

In the past week, locals and volunteers said they’ve spotted cups filled with urine around the park’s entrance near the former school, along with human-sized poop in tree beds and between parked cars. …

One migrant had no problem taking an al fresco whiz on a tree Wednesday afternoon as The Post surveyed the stomach-churning scene.

Moonbat Mayor Eric Adams has proclaimed NYC to be a sanctuary city, welcoming the countless illegal aliens the Biden Regime has treasonously allowed to flood the country. The unfolding consequences were inevitable.

On a tip from Barry A.

Jan 22 2024

Euthanasia Encroaches on British Isles

What’s next after denying medical care based on political incorrectness? Maybe deliberately killing the patients:

The Irish Medical Council has stripped a prohibition against the “deliberate killing” of patients from the most recent update to its national medical guidelines.

Meanwhile, across the Irish Sea,

Euthanasia deaths in Europe and Canada have leapt by almost a quarter in just 12 months, raising fears that legalising assisted dying in the UK will become a slippery slope leading to more and more people choosing to die.

Increasingly, this decision will be made under pressure.

As we have been learning with marijuana intoxication, legalize something and you get progressively more of it as it becomes established as normal:

Deaths doubled over the past five years in Canada, which legalised in 2016, Belgium, and the Netherlands, which both legalised in 2002. …

The findings come amid calls in Britain to legalise assisted dying for terminally ill adults from politicians and celebrities…

In Canada, which legalised euthanasia in 2016, cases jumped by an astonishing 30 per cent last year and have more than quadrupled since 2017. …

In 2021, the law was widened to include serious and chronic physical conditions, even if they were not life threatening, after being initially offered only to the terminally ill.

Already in Canada the government has been pushing people to have themselves put down for long wait times, anorexia, PTSD, poverty, and needing a wheelchair lift (not for regretting sex change surgery though). As Canada has gone, so will go the rest of the West unless trends are reversed.

On tips from R F and Anonymous.

Jan 22 2024

Open Thread

We have to be willing to do whatever it takes to win. - Erin Burnett

Jan 21 2024

Denial of Medical Care for Thoughtcrime

Warning: The Long March Through the Institutions has claimed the healthcare industry. Thanks to the tolerance and open-mindedness that liberals so ostentatiously pride themselves on, this means that revealing politically incorrect attitudes can result in the denial of medical care at Milford Regional Medical Center in Massachusetts, where chief medical officer Peter Smulowitz warns that patients as well as staff will be held accountable for offending favored identity groups:

“Everyone should expect a safe, caring and inclusive environment in all our spaces,” Smulowitz said. “Our patient and visitor code of conduct helps us meet this goal. Words or actions that are disrespectful, racist, discriminatory, hostile or harassing are not welcome and will not be tolerated.”

This includes microaggressions; otherwise, it would be difficult to find appropriate thoughtcrime to punish.

He specified that some examples of unacceptable conduct would be “offensive comments about others’ race, ethnicity, accent, religion [i.e., Islam], gender, sexual orientation [yadda yadda yadda].”

If you can’t understand what a doctor or nurse is saying because of their exotic accent, just nod along and pretend, lest you be denounced as discriminatory.

In 1984, we read about “facecrime” — i.e., having a politically incorrect look on your face. Milford Regional Medical Center polices bodycrime and tonecrime:

Smulowitz warned that “body language and tone of voice are also important parts of communication.”

Our moonbat rulers may show mercy…

“If we believe you have violated our code with unwelcome words or actions, you will be given a chance to explain your point of view.”

…but only to those who can justify their attitude to the satisfaction of repressive apparatchiks like Smulowitz, who specifies that violations can result in denial of care and of visitation rights.

On tips from Franco and cZwonderpig.

Jan 21 2024

Watch BML Maniac Run Over NYC Cop

The mostly peaceful protesting continues. The Oppressed will feel empowered watching Black Lives Matter activist Sahara Dula run over a no doubt systemically racist black police officer:

The New York Post reports:

The woman accused of striking a cop with her car as she drove the wrong way on an Upper East Side street Wednesday is facing vehicular assault and other charges, according to authorities.

The motorist, identified by police as 24-year-old Sahara Dula, of Brooklyn, was also hit with assault, reckless endangerment and impaired driving charges.

What kind of maniac behaves like this? A militantly entitled one — that is, a moonbat:

Dula has a history involving two Marxist groups, BLM, and as of late, the pro-Palestine codswallop.

That earns her sympathetic coverage from the liberal media:

NBC dutifully questioned whether Dula, whom they did not name, hit the cop on purpose, even though her car was facing northbound in a southbound lane and despite the obvious jump onto the gas pedal.

Ideologies have consequences. The consequences of the moonbattery promoted by the media include a broken leg and other injuries for Officer Ruchiran Dias.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jan 21 2024

Modern Day Holy War

A little something to make moonbats’ heads explode:

Leftists subverted the culture by subverting entertainment. Now that moonbats are the establishment, patriots like Nicole Nogrady have the task of reversing the process.

On a tip from Troy H.

Jan 21 2024

How to Distinguish Federal Agents From Patriots

As election season gets underway and Democrats become increasingly desperate to hold on to power, expect more false flag operations along the lines of the FBI’s Gauleiter Gretchen kidnapping plot and the shenanigans the Lincoln Project pulled against Glenn Youngkin in Virginia. If all goes according to plan, Dems will be able to provoke a handful of right-wingers to behave like mostly peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters, as on January 6; then they can respond with martial law.

We need to be able to distinguish Deep State agents from actual Americans. This video of the alleged “white supremacists” of Patriot Front is instructional:

The license plates aren’t the only clue that these may be feds. Old Glory represents not so much the American government as America itself. That’s why patriots treat the flag with reverence, whereas Democrats are liable to contemptuously toss it top-down into the back of a truck, so that it can get filthy lying in the bed.

As with the Virginia Tikigate fiasco, the khakis are another clue. So are the BLM-style covered faces, possibly intended to look sinister for use in Biden campaign ads.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jan 21 2024

Amazon Cartoon Promotes Satan to Kids

To call the liberal agenda “evil” is not a figure of speech. The social engineering objectives of woke corporations like Amazon are literally satanic:

Hazbin Hotel is an adult animated series that [was] set to debut Friday on Amazon Prime Video. The series, which comes from indie powerhouse A24, follows the character Charlie Morningstar, the daughter of Lucifer and the reigning “princess of Hell.”

Like everything else comprising American culture, cartoons have been subordinated to moonbattery.

Something of a rebel, Charlie hatches a plan to solve Hell’s overpopulation problem by sending damned souls to Heaven. She is helped by her friend “Vaggie” and a former porn star.

How very progressive.

Presenting the pro-Satan version of Genesis:

As with LGBT indoctrination, children are targeted because they have not yet developed a frame of reference that would allow them to defend themselves from being implanted with evil seeds.

On tips from Franco and ABC of the ANC.

Jan 21 2024

Open Thread

To regret religion is to regret Western civilization. - Theodore Dalrymple

Jan 20 2024

Sports Illustrated Went Woke and Goes Broke

The liberal establishment insidiously exploits sports media to inculcate moonbat ideology into audiences that let down their intellectual defenses because they are not expecting politics. The most egregious examples are ESPN (e.g., here, here, here, here, here) and Sports Illustrated. The former has Disney’s vast fortunes behind it. The latter is learning the truth of the maxim “Get woke, go broke”:

The Arena Group – which publishes Sports Illustrated – has informed employees that a ‘significant number, possibly all, of the Guild-represented workers at SI’ will be laid off.

No wonder moonbats hate capitalism. It forces you to acknowledge how the numbers add up. SI’s numbers add up to doom:

It comes as a result of Authentic Brands Group (ABG), the group that purchased Sports Illustrated for $110million in 2019, ending its agreement with Arena to publish in both print and digital.

Arena missed a $2.8m payment as part of the licensing agreement three weeks ago.

This comes in the aftermath of SI reportedly using AI to write its material. More devastating to the brand has been the focus on force-feeding moonbattery.

The formerly iconic swimsuit issue has repeatedly featured on its cover men posing as women in gag-inducing attempts to seduce readers into LGBTism.

The leftist publication has informed readers that coaches exercising their First Amendment rights by praying to God constitute an “erosion of a bedrock of American democracy.”

It has been pushing the global warming hoax for years, even screeching that the imaginary climate crisis is killing football players; as with all global catastrophes, politically favored blacks are “disproportionately affected.”

Trust the free market to provide alternatives that stick to sports.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Jan 20 2024

Feds Blow $1 Million on Game for Perverted Children

Wasting money is easy. But wasting trillions of dollars while maximizing offensiveness to the regular Americans who have to pick up the tab through taxation and inflation requires creativity. Only gifted bureauweenies could have thought to blow over $1 million of our money on a video game for sexually deranged children:

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has approved $1,075,660 in grant funding since 2016 to develop and test the effectiveness of a Japanese role-playing game-inspired web app in reducing binge drinking among sexual and gender minority youth, according to a federal grant database.

By “youth,” they mean kids:

The grant defines sexual and gender minority youth as people under 18 who identify as transgender, nonbinary, gay, bisexual or lesbian, among other identities.

Kids are taught that being homosexual makes them special:

Gay youths playing the game take on the role of a “superhuman individual” who faces discrimination at school “because of their uniqueness,” according to NIH-funded researchers.

In no healthy society would children be coached to define themselves according to deviant sexual practices.

Likewise, in no healthy society would binge drinking among children be an issue. Preventing it would best be accomplished not by video games that encourage sexual perversion, but by engaged parents. The federal government could do its part by letting up on the War on Family, which it has waged by incentivizing having children out of wedlock through the Welfare State and by attacking the institution of marriage in the name of the LGBT agenda.

Where does our $1 million actually go? Into the voracious maw of “higher” education, which is well paid for its critical role in devising and instilling ruling class ideology. Specifically, the University of Pittsburgh gets the booty.

On a tip from Franco.


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