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Search: Jacinda Ardern

Sep 19 2023

Jacinda Ardern Denounces Free Speech at United Nations

Covid tyrant Jacinda Ardern is no longer in power. However, she remains a menace to freedom. Watch her hold forth at the comparably pernicious United Nations regarding the need to suppress dissident speech — or as authoritarian moonbats call it, “mis- and disinformation”:

War is peace; freedom is slavery; censorship protects free speech, which must be abolished because it is a weapon of war.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Oct 25 2021

Jacinda Ardern Imposes Covid Apartheid on New Zealand

What California is to US states, New Zealand is to nation states — namely, a warning as to the insanity and repression that follow when moonbats prevail. Watch Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announce with a self-satisfied smile that she is deliberately creating a repressed underclass:

Apartheid used to be a bad thing. Now it is good, because it is directed against people the liberal establishment does not like.

To the extent the vaccinations are effective, the vaccinated have nothing to fear from the unvaccinated. To the extent they are not effective, it is all the more unreasonable to force people to get them regardless of whether the risk of an adverse reaction is countered by any likely benefit. The closest thing to a coherent argument for most young people and anyone who has already recovered from Covid to get vaxxed is “Because we told you to.”

A tyrant like Jacinda Ardern makes for an awful prime minister, but she would be great as a villainess in a James Bond movie:

On tips from R F and KirklesWorth.

Jul 18 2021

Jacinda Ardern Speaks for the Ministry of Truth

On behalf of the global establishment, New Zealand’s leftist Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern confirms that the Ministry of Truth provides all of the information we need. All of this information can be trusted. No information from any other source can be trusted:

Those who insist on disseminating information not consist with what is currently provided by the Ministry of Truth will be reported by the Biden’s Handlers Administration to Facebook for cancelation. The Administration holds that this cancelation should be extended to all other social media platforms.

On a tip from seaoh.

Apr 03 2023

Chris Hipkins Does Not Know What a Woman Is

It was great news when the tyrannical moonbat Jacinda Ardern stepped down as Prime Minister of New Zealand. However, her Labour Party replacement does not look like an improvement. Watch and laugh as Chris Hipkins attempts to define a woman for reporter Sean Plunket:

If only he were a Woman of Color, that answer would have qualified him to serve on the US Supreme Court.

Via National File:

When further pressed by the reporter, and directly asked whether or not women have penises, Hipkins again failed to provide an answer and even told the reporter that such a question would require him to “pre-formulate” an answer, something he hadn’t done before the press conference because he “wasn’t expecting” to be asked whether or not women have penises.

At least he knows what thoughtcrime is, and that it must be suppressed:

“Well, as I’ve, I think, as I’ve just indicated I wasn’t expecting that question, so it’s not something that I’ve, um, you know, formulated, pre-formulated an answer on,” Hipkins said, before going on to attack Posie Parker, a well-known British women’s rights activist and so-called TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist), calling her view that “gender,” more accurately called biological sex, is binary and determined at birth, “abhorrent.”

In Auckland recently, Posie Parker (a.k.a. Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull) was physically menaced and prevented from speaking by transsexual maniacs during her “Let Women Speak” tour:

Good thing her safety was not directly in the hands of Chris Hipkins.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Feb 17 2023

Nicola Sturgeon’s Fall Is Only the Beginning

We have reached peak moonbattery; the restoration of civilization is already beginning, as progressives suffer a setback in Scotland:

Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s first minister, announced her resignation on Wednesday, saying that she had become too polarizing a figure — an acknowledgment that comes amid a tense fight over gender law in the country.

Turns out there are limits to what liberals can shove the down the public’s throat.

The announcement comes one month after Britain’s Parliament rejected a measure from Scotland’s Parliament that would have made it easier and faster for people to change their legally recorded sex. Scottish lawmakers voted 86 to 39 to pass the measure, despite polling by YouGov showing that roughly two-thirds of Scots are opposed to the reforms.

After 8 years in power, Sturgeon follows New Zealand’s odious Jacinda Ardern off the stage due to public disgust with the LGBT agenda:

In December 2022, Sturgeon’s government passed a bill to allow anyone over the age of 16 to ‘self-identify’ as the opposite sex without a medical diagnosis.

Key to Sturgeon’s demise was the case of rapist Isla Bryson, who declared himself a woman after his trial began.

In 2023, Graham, 31, now identifying as Isla Bryson, was convicted, and remanded to Scotland’s only exclusively female jail to await sentencing.

Women’s groups already outraged over the gender bill demanded to know why the Scottish prison system would transfer a convicted rapist of women to a women’s prison. …

Bryson was later transferred to a men’s facility, but the SNP [Scottish National Party] leader found herself in the awkward position of refusing to say whether Bryson was a woman, as Bryson self-identified, or a man.

That’s what happens when you cannot answer the question Matt Walsh used to blow a gaping hole in the hull of leftism. Like Ketanji Brown Jackson, Sturgeon cannot say what a woman is.

Ordinary Scots and even SNP members balked at the real-world applications of Sturgeon’s woke vision…

Sturgeon had become the face of her party’s failure to address the real concerns of her constituents, while pursuing the fringe causes of the extreme left.

Sturgeon’s ideology currently prevails in Canada:

A Canadian man who was convicted of the horrific rape of a 3-month-old infant boy has begun identifying as transgender while incarcerated and is currently being held in a women’s correctional facility with a mother and child unit.

In 1997, Adam Laboucan sexually assaulted a three-month-old baby boy in Quesnel, British Columbia. Laboucan was 15-years-old at the time and had been hired to babysit the child. The infant was so brutally injured by the attack that he had to be flown to Vancouver, 410 miles away, to undergo reconstructive surgery.

Meanwhile, women in American prisons have been sacrificed on the altar of transgenderism on orders from the Biden Administration. Female inmates have been impregnated.

The Democratic Party has wed itself to the LGBT agenda. This agenda is depraved, insane, disgusting, and evil. No amount of media spin can cover what we know in our gut.

There has got to be backlash. Nicola Sturgeon won’t be the last of our woke rulers to fall.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Ed McAninch.

Feb 01 2023

Happy World Hijab Day

Today is World Hijab Day. From Wikipedia:

World Hijab Day is an annual event founded by Nazma Khan in 2013, taking place on 1 February each year in 140 countries worldwide. Its stated purpose is to encourage women of all religions and backgrounds to wear and experience the hijab for a day and to educate and spread awareness on why hijab is worn. Nazma Khan said her goal was also to normalize hijab wearing.

Even non-Muslims are encouraged to wear hijabs, to showcase their political correctness like Jacinda Ardern. Schools have been promoting it. Don’t hold your breath waiting for them to promote World Rosary Day.

Ejaculates the Washington Post headline:

For American Muslim Women, Hijabs Affirm Their Right to Choose

When Muslims are in the minority, they demand tolerance. Hijabs affirm something different after they have established control.

The purpose of a hijab is similar to that of Covid masks. Women display their submission to the ruling ideology by keeping their hair covered. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, failing to do so constitutes a crime. Those who fail to wear a hijab or some equivalent are whipped, fined, imprisoned, or even killed by the police like Masha Amini.

Celebrating World Hijab Day in Iran.

On a tip from Roger in California.

Jan 05 2023

The Crime and Punishment of Jordan Peterson

At first glance, it is hard to see what is so controversial about Jordan Peterson. He is a soft-spoken psychologist who provides common sense self-help advice to young men. His political views are not extreme. However, his refusal to recite “2 + 2 = 5” on orders from the thought police got him kicked off Twitter under its previous ownership. Now, he has been sentenced to reeducation camp for criticizing Canada’s leftist government:

The College of Psychologists of Ontario ordered the best-selling author and Daily Wire+ host to undergo “social media communications retraining” or face a hearing on the potential suspension of his license.


Peterson vowed not to participate in the process and decried the effort to stifle free speech.

That’s the attitude that got him in trouble in the first place.

Peterson wrote an open letter to Canada’s squishy soft pretty boy despot, Justin Trudeau:

“I simply cannot resign myself to the fact that in my lifetime I am required to resort to a public letter to the leader of my country to point out that political criticism has now become such a crime in Canada that if professionals dare engage in such activity, government-appointed commissars will threaten their livelihood and present them with the spectacle of denouncement and political disgrace,” Peterson wrote. “There is simply and utterly no excuse whatsoever for such a state of affairs in a free country.”

By “free country,” he must mean “soft tyranny.” When soft inevitably transitions to hard, people like Peterson will end up in gulags or face firing squads instead of having their licenses suspended.

His crimes:

Peterson’s latest alleged transgressions include retweeting Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre’s criticism of Trudeau, blasting Trudeau’s former senior aide, Gerald Butts, and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, tweeting opposition to a plan by Ottawa police to take custody of the children of the Trucker Convoy protesters, and telling Joe Rogan’s podcast audience that acceptance of radical gender theory is a sign of “civilizations collapsing” and that climate change models are unreliable.

Past crimes include pointing out that plus-sized swimsuit model Yumi Nu on the cover of Sports Illustrated for purposes of political correctness is “not beautiful” and that “no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that.”

Styxhexenhammer666 observes that Canada’s thought police are applying a policy employed by repressive regimes like Saddam Hussein’s by trying to force him to pay for the bullet used to execute him. Specifically, he is supposed to pay for his ChiCom-style struggle session:

Regarding Peterson’s crime and punishment, this hits the mark:

“The whole point is to be as arbitrary and as opaque as possible so that they can always nail you.”

That’s why there are no actual laws in Oceania in 1984. It’s why an established sportscaster like Gary Hahn can get indefinitely suspended for saying “illegal alien.”

On tips from ABC of the ANC, Mr. Freemarket, and KirklesWorth.

Sep 29 2022

Authoritarianism Encroaches on Free Speech

Respect for liberty has not changed much in Germany since the days of the Stasi and the Gestapo before it. The scariest thing about authoritarianism is that it always seeks to expand.

The point of the EU is to make all of Europe into Germany under the heel of autocrats like Ursula von der Leyen. New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern wants a global censorship system that would turn the whole world into Germany.

Paul Joseph Watson illustrates what that means:

What is imposed in Germany will not stay in Germany if globalists have their way. Whether they call it “hate speech” or “misinformation,” dissent will not be tolerated.

It’s already so bad in the UK that this is what can happen to you for saying the wrong thing:

If they can control what we say, we are their slaves.

On tips from KirklesWorth and seaoh.

Sep 28 2022

Left-Wing Globalist Censorship System

Joe Biden has called for a global minimum tax, so that he can raise taxes indefinitely and wealth creators will not be able to escape to less oppressive countries to stay in business. Other left-wing globalists want to complement this with an international censorship system.

Jonathan Turley, an erstwhile liberal who appears to have smelled the coffee, quotes New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern:

“But what if that lie, told repeatedly, and across many platforms, prompts, inspires, or motivates others to take up arms. To threaten the security of others. To turn a blind eye to atrocities, or worse, to become complicit in them. What then?”

These hypothetical atrocities will supposedly take place if we are allowed to spread “disinformation” — i.e., facts and opinions that deviate from the doctrine of the Liberal World Order.

As always, our freedom is to be crushed for our own safety. Ardern employs Orwellian doublespeak to spin tyranny as liberty:

“The weapons of war have changed, they are upon us and require the same level of action and activity that we put into the weapons of old.

“We recognized the threats that the old weapons created. We came together as communities to minimize these threats. We created international rules, norms and expectations. We never saw that as a threat to our individual liberties – rather, it was a preservation of them.”

Global censorship is the preservation of liberty. To disagree is to spread disinformation, for which there will be consequences.

Ardern gives questioning the global warming hoax as an example of speech that must not be permitted.

“How do you tackle climate change if people do not believe it exists?”

The answer: You persuade them through rational argument that it does exist, that it is a problem, and that government spending, hyperregulation, and wealth redistribution can solve it. But since climate ideology is a preposterous lie, our rulers opt for censorship.

A global system of leftist censorship is already in place, but it is decentralized, so free thought is often able to slip through the cracks.

For example, the inspiring viral speech by Italy’s new Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni was censored by Google’s YouTube for “violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines” — i.e., for undermining Google’s leftist agenda. Although Google can severely limit access to this great speech, it cannot suppress it completely. Google censors have to play whack-a-mole as others upload it. Also, the full speech is available on Rumble:

Meloni needs to be suppressed because her very existence is “disinformation” — i.e., a threat to our moonbat ruling class. The liberal media has cashed in the last of its credibility to portray her as a fascist. But as lefty former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi acknowledges, the fascism talk is “absolutely fake news.” Piers Morgan admits that Meloni’s politics are center right.

However, she is charismatic and upholds God, family, and country, all of which must be torn down before progressives can inflict their nightmarish conception of utopia.

The globalist censorship system that Ardern dreams of would be intended to prevent leaders like Meloni from ever getting a foothold.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Blackjack.

Jul 27 2022

Big Government as Single Source of Information

The Liberal World Order is totalitarian. Consider this actual quote from one of its figureheads, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, best known for pushing Covid tyranny to lunatic extremes:

When governmedia spokesmoonbats bark about misinformation/disinformation and the need to suppress it, they mean any speech that deviates from the pure truth as bestowed upon us by Big Government.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Jun 13 2022

New Zealand Plans to Tax Flatulence

There is nothing insatiably greedy moonbats won’t tax — not even flatulence:

New Zealand has revealed plans to tax burps and farts from livestock in an attempt to reduce its emissions of methane gas.

New Zealand is well known for sheep.

The nation is a major exporter of meat and dairy products: roughly 5 million people live in New Zealand compared to 10 million cattle and 26 million sheep.

Whether those who voted for Covid tyrant Jacinda Ardern’s leftist Labour Party are double counted as both people and sheep is unclear.

New Zealand would be the first nation to tax belching and flatulence.

Not exactly something to build a national identity upon.

Andrew Hoggard, a dairy farmer and the national president of Federated Farmers of New Zealand, said he largely approves of the plan in a statement provided to the BBC.

Enthuses Hoggard, “[L]ike all of these types of agreements with many parties involved, there’s always going to be a couple of dead rats you have to swallow.”

Presumably taxing burps and farts will reduce them by forcing farmers to kill off their livestock. If this exacerbates impending food shortages badly enough, it may even help kill off some carbon-emitting humans.

Leftists haven’t yet taxed the flatulence emitted from their own mouths as they pretend that the weather is a problem and that they can control it by confiscating other people’s money. That might raise some real revenue.

On a tip from R F.

Dec 08 2021

The Endpoint to Covid Measures

Michael McNamara, an Independent member of the Irish Parliament, wonders exactly where the endpoint is to what politicians used to call “2 weeks to stop the spread”:

On the other side of the planet, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of the Labour Party provides the answer:

“There’s not going to be an endpoint to this vaccination program.”

We can assume this applies to all aspects of Covid tyranny.

Jane Fonda provided some insight into moonbat theology when she infamously crowed, “I just think Covid is God’s gift to the left.” Her fellow leftists love this gift too much to ever let it go.

On tips from DM and R F.


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