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Category: Leftist Violence

Jan 27 2021

If Anyone Should Be Impeached for Incitement…

If the Senate finds it worthwhile to “impeach” a former president for inciting violence by explicitly calling for supporters to protest peacefully, why not impeach any number of Democrats from offices they still hold? A much easier case for incitement could be made for any number of them, as Rand Paul demonstrates:

Not only did Kamala Harris raise funds to bail rioters out of jail, she actually said of the Black Lives Matter/Antifa events that hundreds of times were designated as riots,

“They’re not going to stop before election day in November and they’re not going to stop after election day. … They are not going to let up. And they should not.”

This is closer to incitement than anything said by Trump.

Hat tip: Not the Bee.

Jan 15 2021

Inauguration Day, 2017

As Vlad Tepes notes, it is very important to remember past events as they actually happened in a country that has come to resemble Winston Smith’s Airstrip One.

The catastrophe at the Capitol on January 6 has allowed the liberal establishment to portray its opposition as a violent mob. For the inauguration on Wednesday, Washington will look like a police state. There may be more armed soldiers than spectators. “What a shame,” journalists will lament, “that we have to live like this thanks to conservatives.”

Footage of progressives tearing up DC at the last inauguration will go down the memory hole.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Jan 03 2021

Open Thread

A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. We must create the pedagogy of the paredón [execution wall]. - Che Guevara
Jan 02 2021

Violent Rhetoric From Prominent Teacher, Journalist

If Democrats take the Senate, leftists will have the whip hand for some time to come. That is a scary thought, considering that their rhetoric has become explicitly violent.

The Left owes its cultural hegemony largely to the influence of teachers and journalists. Here’s a message tweeted by Rodney Robinson, 2019 Teacher of the Year:

“Who are Mitch McConnell’s neighbors? I’m just saying Rand Paul’s neighbor did what a true Kentucky hero should do. It’s your turn to step up.”

McConnell’s fellow Kentucky Senator Rand Paul was blind-sided by his maniacal moonbat neighbor Rene Boucher, who broke six of his ribs. Paul had to have part of his lung removed.

Robinson blamed objections to his call for violence on racism. That magic word will be used to cover all manner of abuse in the bleak future beginning to unfold.

Liberal journalist Kurt Eichenwald has won awards too. His violent rhetoric targets people who have not embraced mask-wearing. Snarls Eichenwald,

“I wish them & their loved ones all the pain & misery they inflicted on this country.”

In another tweet, Eichenwald proclaimed that he wants to “find an antimasker and beat them to death.” He equates failing to wear a mask that may or may not do any good with reckless homicide, and reasons that “it is hard not to contemplate violence against those who don’t care if they kill.”

Simply going to a party is enough to provoke a burst of Eichenwald’s holiday cheer:

“If youre [sic] willing to risk infecting people to attend a New Year’s Eve party, I hope it’s you who gets COVID, suffers, and & dies alone.”

This vindictive and often explicitly violent attitude seems to permeate the Left lately. Their notion of “unity” will not be pleasant.

On tips from TCS III and Mr. Freemarket.

Dec 31 2020

Leftist Terrorists Attack Gas Lines in Colorado

For months on end, the liberal media establishment and local Democrat authorities not only tolerated but supported politically motivated violence — i.e., terrorism — by leftists affiliated with or inspired by Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Leftists were rewarded with greater control of the federal government, not to mention many $millions in donations from major corporations. Is anyone surprised to see more left-wing terrorism?

Thousands of residents in Aspen, Colorado were left without heat during near-zero degree weather after vandals — possibly green activists from an environmental group — attacked the city’s gas system, authorities said Monday.

The attack on three separate gas lines left 3,500 in the cold.

The Aspen Police Department said the words “Earth first!” were written on one pipe near Aspen.

No worries. The politicized FBI is investigating the matter. After Biden’s handlers put another James Comey type in charge, they will have no problem discovering that the damage was caused by systemic racism.

This terror attack reminded Tony Heller of Real Climate Science why there are so many trees in Colorado:

On tips from Sean C and KirklesWorth.

Dec 12 2020

Gretchen Whitmer Defends Cynthia Johnson

Michigan State Representative Cynthia Johnson (D-Detroit) is even scarier than we knew. When she issued a public call for her supporters “who are soldiers” to come after “Trumpers” and “make them pay,” it appeared obvious that she was siccing Black Lives Matter goons on her critics. But she has a supporter who might do worse than toss a Molotov cocktail through your front window. Michigan Gauleiter Gretchen Whitmer, infamous for the ruthlessness with which she inflicts arbitrary coronavirus decrees, has Johnson’s back.

Johnson’s perceived call for violence resulted in a wrist slap:

Michigan Republican Party Chair Laura Cox accused Johnson of inciting violence. House Speaker Lee Chatfield, R-Levering, and House Speaker-elect Jason Wentworth, R-Clare, subsequently announced Johnson would be stripped of her committee assignments, adding Johnson could face “further disciplinary action as the proper authorities conduct their own investigations.”

Even that was too much for Whitmer:

“I think that removing her from her committees is too far, truly, and I’ve reached out and asked the incoming House leadership to reconsider that,” she said.

The signal has been broadcast loud and clear. In Michigan, Democrat leadership has no problem with pols conducting themselves as if America were some tinpot dictatorship in a remote Third World backwater. If the Governor approves of issuing marching orders to an army of street thugs who have already caused $billions in damage with hundreds of riots in the course of this year, pulling out fingernails might be next.

Johnson said she didn’t mean to threaten Trump supporters, but she also doesn’t regret her words. Instead, Johnson said she’s owed an apology from GOP leaders.

If she doesn’t get one…

On a tip from Varla.

Dec 10 2020

Dem MI State Rep Cynthia Johnson: Make Them Pay

Biden’s handlers ought to consider Michigan State Representative Cynthia Johnson for a cabinet position. Not only does she check at least two boxes on the all-important identity politics checklist, she personifies the mentality of today’s belligerently triumphant and viciously intolerant Democratic Party. She threatened supporters of the president during a Facebook live stream video on Tuesday:

“I wish I could be talking to y’all in a private room, because, uh, I just wish I could, but we’re public so,” she told her viewers.

Imagine what she might have said in private.

“So, this is just a warning to you Trumpers,” the Democrat threatened: “Be careful, walk lightly, we ain’t playing with you. Enough of the shenanigans. Enough is enough.”

Yes ma’am. We will bow our heads meekly, vote Democrat, and swallow all of the lies the liberal media establishment feeds us from now on.

Too late; enraged by unfriendly phone calls of the sort politicians sometimes receive from the public, Johnson has already given marching orders:

“And for those of you who are soldiers, you know how to do it,” she directed. “Do it right, be in order, make them pay.”

Given the prevalence of Black Lives Matter/Antifa political violence, this is not an idle threat. Essentially, she is calling on her supporters to burn down the houses and/or businesses of her critics. That’s how things are done in countries like this is on the verge of becoming.

People like this have been taking hold of the reins of power via the Democratic Party:

On tips from FighttheBeast, Varla, Wiggins, DOMINION STOLE MY VOTE, Zachary B, and Dragon’s Lair.

Nov 16 2020

Leftist Thugs Assault Million MAGA March

Turnout was huge for the Million MAGA March in Washington.

The Blaze reports that the mood was festive, until the liberal establishment’s shock troops descended on the scene to silence opposition:

For days, anarchist and anti-fascist groups planned counterprotests to “overwhelm” Trump supporters at the Million MAGA March on Saturday. A group of counterprotesters were carrying signs that said, “Punch MAGA in the face.” Some counterprotesters became violent, and footage from the Million MAGA March shows several Trump supporters being attacked. One Trump supporter was brutally knocked out.

This is what you voted for if you voted for Joe Biden, whose party openly embraces Black Lives Matter thugs and covers for their Antifa allies:

Soon afterward, a BLM type ran up from behind and punched her in the head.

What do you expect in a city so tightly controlled by Democrats that it names a two-block-long pedestrian section of 16th Street right by the White House “Black Lives Matter Plaza” in honor of Marxist terrorists?

Worse yet was this:

Video from field reporter Jorge Ventura shows a mob of people attacking a man, landing several sucker punches. Then one attacker winds up and punches him in the head from behind, knocking him unconscious. As the man lay motionless on the ground, several counterprotesters stepped on his body. The man’s face was covered in blood.

From the video:

Kamala Harris, who will be the de facto president if Democrats prevail, calls the thugs who sucker punched and stomped on the head of this gentleman the “heroes of our time.” She has called for them to continue to riot regardless of who wins the election, which they will certainly do.

Since they have no morality other than political correctness and no concept of shame, progressive brownshirts target anyone they suspect of opposing them. From Breitbart:

Antifa and BLM wasted no time in accosting women, children, families, and the elderly as they walked down Washington, DC, streets after the Million MAGA March on Saturday.

They knew that in DC they could count on the support of local authorities:

DC Metropolitan Police blocked off BLM Plaza so Million MAGA March attendees could not go through. Trump supporters had to walk through a gauntlet of BLM, Antifa, and black bloc assailants in order to leave the area.

According to the narrative, this is all about race. Actually, it isn’t:

A black mother with her young children wearing a Blue Lives matter hat and a Trump jacket frantically told police officers she wanted to press charges against her assailants. The assailants cornered her and asked her why she had her children there. She was pushing a child in a stroller and shielding her pre-teen daughter when she was attacked, reported Breitbart News.

One good thing has come of 2020. There is no more “nuance” for the bad guys to hide behind. The Left is not merely wrong, but malevolent. This goes for its primary party, the Democrats. No informed person can help but be aware of this, despite the Left’s control of the media.

On tips from Dragon’s Lair and Ellen O. Hat tip: Right Scoop.

Nov 15 2020

How to Deal With Riots if Trump Wins

As mentioned earlier, if election integrity prevails, and it turns out that Trump wins the election, Democrats will respond with massive rioting. The implicit threat of rioting looms over the investigation of their massive election fraud. This form of intimidation has been seen before in degenerating republics as they succumb to tyranny.

What if we don’t succumb? What if Trump wins, and then we choose not to allow liberals to reduce every major city to Portland?

The wise Thomas Sowell explains in five words how to stop leftist violence if Trump is reelected: “overwhelming force on the scene.” But because the media will continue to side with the rioters, this will require serious resolve:

As Sowell explains, two major causes of rioting are justification of the rioting and holding back the police. Persuading liberals to show the common decency not to egg on rioters won’t be easy. Responsibly deploying the police will require overruling local authorities in areas controlled by Democrats — i.e., all major cities.

On a tip from Ellen O.

Nov 01 2020

Thugs Shut Down USA Freedom Rally in Beverly Hills

No wonder the moonbats are so nervous. When it comes to the liberal elite, Beverly Hills is the belly of the beast. If a Trump rally as big as yesterday’s USA Freedom Rally could happen there, one might break out anywhere:

Obviously, such displays of support for the president cannot be permitted. Democrats deployed their shock troops:

[B]lack-clad counterprotesters dressed in tactical gear marched from Roxbury Park towards the USA Freedom Rally.

Here’s what happens when courageous Democrat warriors manage to isolate a patriot:

Video shows a throng of demonstrators dressed in all-black swarm a man holding an American flag. Then a person seems to pepper-spray the man with the flag; he retaliated by swinging his flag pole at them. As more members of the mob advance towards him, he takes more swings to keep the distance between them.

A man wearing a black helmet with the acronym “ACAB,” which stands for “All Cops Are Bastards,” attempts to wrestle the American flag from the Trump supporter. Then several other black-clad members jump in and pummel the man from all sides. One person is seen hitting the Trump supporter in the back of the head with a pole.

Thank you Antifa, for demonstrating graphically what our future will look like under leftist rule.

The man gets away for a second and then is clobbered again by the mob. They punch, kick, and smash him with objects as he is defenseless on the ground.

Good thing for Democrats that they control the media, or this would make for some embarrassing press.

Since the leftists control not only the media but also local authorities in places like Los Angeles, these brownshirt tactics are marvelously effective:

An unlawful assembly was declared shortly before 2:40 p.m.

As usual in cases of Antifa violence, there were no arrests.

That’s how you shut down a freedom rally. Pat yourself on the backs, progressives. Nazis wouldn’t have done a better job.

The dichotomy between the good guys and the bad guys has never been more obvious. It isn’t Republicans and Democrats on the ballot Tuesday. It is good and evil.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Oct 26 2020

Democrat Intimidation Can Be Seen From Australia

Democrats don’t trust Big Media and Big Tech to deliver the election. To ensure victory, they also employ intimidation. This is so obvious, it can be seen from far off in Australia:

The establishment party isn’t taking any chances. Voter fraud will also come into play.

On tips from Anonymous.

Oct 22 2020

If They Are This Scary Now…

…imagine if they take control of the Senate and White House, then pack the Supreme Court:

The Washington Examiner has details.

On tips from Henry B and Chuck A.

Oct 20 2020

Open Thread

The dictatorship of the Communist Party is maintained by recourse to every form of violence. - Leon Trotsky

On a tip from Jester.

Oct 19 2020

San Francisco Free Speech Rally Violently Shut Down

The San Francisco Bay Area was the nexus of the free speech movement. But that was back in the 1960s, when free speech was seen as helping leftists in their quest to take over America. They have largely succeeded; the left-wing insurgents are now the establishment, and we are one election away from them consolidating what might amount to total power.

Revolutionaries serve no purpose when the revolution is over. That’s why they often end up in front of firing squads. Free speech serves no purpose either. That’s why free speech rallies in the Bay Area now end up like this:

A free speech rally was shut down in San Francisco on Saturday after counter-protesters became violent. The situation became so dangerous for conservatives that police needed to escort them to their cars for their own safety from an angry mob.

No wonder the liberal mob hates the police so much. Always spoiling the fun.

A “Free Speech Rally Against Twitter and Big Tech” was planned for Saturday at the Federal Building at U.N. Plaza, which is near Twitter’s headquarters.

The point was to protest Twitter’s politically motivated suppression of information related to the bombshell story of international corruption involving Joe Biden and his bagman Hunter.

Unlike many of the Black Lives Matter/Antifa riots that have destroyed countless businesses across the country, Team Save America had a permit for the rally. But this permission came from the City of San Francisco, not the radical mob that controls the streets on the Left Coast.

Before the 1 p.m. free speech rally kicked off, hundreds of counter-protesters assembled in the area, including a group of black-clad individuals wielding shields. Demonstrators were holding signs that read, “Smash Fascism” and “Nazi Trump F*** Off.”

These “demonstrators” were Antifa stormtroopers. The latter slogan references a song by a local band, “Nazi Punks F*** Off” by the Dead Kennedys.

The main organizer, Philip Anderson, was attacked and punched while he was walking to the stage to deliver his speech. The counter-protesters threw bottles at Anderson while he was on stage. Anderson announced the rally was canceled.

“Too bad it got canceled, that’s what happens when you lose free speech, this is what our country has turned into,” Anderson told the crowd.

It is only a preview of what our country will turn into if Democrats are rewarded for this behavior by winning the election.

Anderson shared a photo that shows his bloody mouth with his front tooth knocked out and another hanging loosely with the caption: “Antifa attacked me for no reason.”

On the contrary, the reason was that Anderson represents resistance. Leftists do not tolerate opposition. Those who reject their demented ideology are “fascists” who must be destroyed — ironically through classic fascist tactics.

Anderson also posted a video from a hospital bed. “I have a question for you, Joe Biden. You said that Antifa is just an idea. This is what they did to me,” Anderson said with a front tooth missing. “I’m at the hospital right now … because of Antifa. Do you still think, after seeing this, that they’re just an idea?”

Too bad there is zero chance of Biden coming within earshot of a reporter who would ask that same question — not that he wouldn’t just sneer at the question anyway.

Six people were injured by the mostly peaceful brownshirts. As usual, no arrests were made, and the mainstream media will have little if anything to say about the incident.

Philip Anderson is black. Imagine the fireworks if Trump supporters knocked the teeth out of a black guy for trying to say something they didn’t want people to hear. There would be no other story in the news from now until election day. But dog bites man stories don’t attract much interest, especially since they don’t support the Narrative.

On a tip from Rapinhoe.


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