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Category: Tyranny

May 14 2022

Open Thread

The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants. - Albert Camus

On a tip from TwoElks.

Apr 28 2022

DHS Announces Ministry of Truth

Let’s hope Elon Musk has the good sense to move Twitter to Texas, with all new personnel so as to avoid being hamstrung by a Big Tech equivalent of the Deep State. Unfortunately, Texas might not be far enough. If patriots are able to liberate a Silicon Valley cat’s paw, Big Government will then do the dirty work of imposing censorship itself:

The Department of Homeland Security is setting up a Disinformation Governance Board in an attempt to combat “misinformation” online.

By now, readers are likely aware that “misinformation/disinformation” is Liberalese for any speech our rulers want to suppress.

Like something out of George Orwell, the Department of Homeland Security perversely facilitates the invasion of the country. It also undermines our security by attacking our right of free speech, a principal component of the American system of government.

Nina Jankowicz, a fellow for the Wilson Center, confirmed reports that she would direct the board…

The Wilson Center is named after Woodrow Wilson, the Democrat president regarded as the world’s first fascist dictator. Under his rule, Americans were imprisoned for questioning the reasonableness of wasting lives on World War I.

Stand by for more Orwellianism:

She claimed the new board was created to “maintain the Department’s commitment to protecting free speech, privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties.”

That is, it is a censorship board.

Jankowicz has long been an advocate for social media censorship and regulation.

She infamously participated in the concerted suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop bombshell, which revealed Joe Biden’s influence peddling to our communist Chinese enemies and which might have spared us from his catastrophic presidency had it not been successfully squashed. Jankowicz comically lied that the laptop was likely to be “a Russian influence op.”

In October 2020, she testified before Congress regarding the dangers of free speech and how to restrict it online.

“Disinformation is a threat to democracy,” she warned…

She should have said “our democracy.” That’s usually how they phrase it when they mean “Democrat rule.”

During her testimony, Jankowicz recommended that Congress start spending more taxpayer dollars to fund a “robust public media” and work on a global effort to combat disinformation.

We are already forced to finance Democrat propaganda through PBS and NPR. But Jankowicz wants more government speech to pour into the vacuum left when free speech is suppressed.

She also hailed Twitter’s efforts to censor users during the 2020 election and urged more technology companies to follow their example.

If social media companies won’t do it on their own, they will be forced to, as iron-fisted Democrats have already made clear. Musk will have the federal leviathan to contend with if he is to bring free speech to a major Internet platform.

In the meantime, as many thousands of unlawful invaders pour across the border to displace us each and every day under the approving gaze of DHS, we can feel secure in the knowledge that this new Ministry of Truth will keep us safe from facts and opinions that threaten the power of our rulers.

They are as evil as they look.

On tips from gregtuco, Chris Neilson, and Occam’s Stubble.

Apr 04 2022

Freelance Work Saved for Now

It would be one thing if Democrats were merely harmless kooks who in the privacy of their own insular world believe silly lies, like privileged identity groups being oppressed and electric cars improving the weather. The problem is, they will not leave other people alone. They may even ruin their lives by making their jobs illegal out of sheer moonbattery.

Fortunately, Biden and his party were dealt a setback in this regard when three squeamish senators who are trying to position themselves as moderates (Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema, Mark Kelly) nixed the appointment of hard left union goon David Weil to run the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

Weil had the same job in the Obama Administration, when he sought to destroy the franchise business model and gig economy as Americans know them. President Biden nominated him for a second stint on the expectation that he would impose via regulation much of Big Labor’s Pro Act that has failed to pass the Senate.

The Pro Act is modeled on California’s devastating AB5, which largely makes it illegal to work as a freelancer. Big Unions, which play a major role in financing the cancer that is the Democratic Party, can’t impose themselves on freelancers.

California’s AB5 law reclassifying most independent contractors as employees was inspired by none other than Mr. Weil. And this may be one reason the two Democratic Senators from Arizona opposed his nomination. They’ve seen the headaches the law has created for business and workers next door, and they don’t want them coming to Arizona. More workers have embraced freelancing during the pandemic. So why would Mr. Biden nominate someone to a top Labor job who wants to kill their jobs?

Two reasons: (1) Biden is a stooge for the ultraleft, and Big Unions are at the core of the ultraleft; and (2) progressive strategy assumes that the more people are thrown out of work by leftist policies, the more dependent they will be on Big Government, the more likely they will be to vote Democrat — particularly when the tyranny is imposed at the federal level so that they cannot escape it just by crossing the border from California to Arizona, as so many have done.

These regulatory appointees will take on more importance as progressives turn to executive action to impose what they can’t pass in Congress.

That’s why the millions who rely on the flexibility afforded by freelancing to go about living the way they want to live are not out of the woods.

Democrats know from the disaster of AB5 that the Pro Act would destroy many lives. Yet they are trying to slip it through the back door anyway. What they cannot accomplish by Democratic means, they will impose surreptitiously through their massive regulatory apparatus.

These people want to hurt you. They are not going to stop because three senators feared a backlash. Virtually every other Democrat is on board with an agenda that could best be described as malicious.

On a tip from Varla.

Mar 16 2022

The Threat to Freedom Is Closer to Home

You think Vladimir Putin is a frightening tyrant? Imagine if the coven of witches on The View or former top MSNBC host Keith Olbermann got their claws on power:

“The View” co-hosts on Monday said Fox News’ Tucker Carlson and former U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) should be investigated by the Justice Department and even be criminally detained for alleged pro-Russian views.

A few hours later, far-left noisemaker Keith Olbermann piggybacked on those assertions and called Carlson and Gabbard “Russian assets.”

Carlson and Gabbard stand accused of deviating from the establishment line on the only story the media deems newsworthy, Russia/Ukraine. Olbermann would literally have people thrown into military prison for questioning the government narrative like Carlson, and for drawing attention to the apparent bioweapons facilities the US military has been involved with in Ukraine like Gabbard.

Good thing the vicious, unhinged thug Keith Olbermann isn’t a powerful member of the government. Unfortunately, a sitting Senator has been barking the same rhetoric:

U.S. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) on Sunday accused Gabbard of “treasonous lies,” after which Gabbard said Romney should resign if he can’t offer evidence to back up his accusations.

Treason is a capital offense. If we are to take what he says seriously, Mitt Romney might literally have Tulsi Gabbard killed for drawing attention to an issue that it is irresponsible to ignore, especially in light of Covid:

So much for Romney’s reputation for being a nice guy if a bit squishy. He can be cruel to little kids too:

By now even Mitt Romney should understand that making toddlers wear Covid muzzles is not in their interest. Covid was never a serious threat to them, even before the mild Omicron variant. The masks are harmful to their mental and physical health. As with the Democrats he sides with, his motives are difficult to comprehend.

The threat to our freedom doesn’t come from the other side of the planet. It is right here, at our throats.

On tips from Varla and R F.

Mar 07 2022

Justin Trudeau Warns of Authoritarian Leaders

Lately there is a grim sense of inevitability to most of the news, but surprises still happen. For example, Canada’s squishy-soft pretty boy dictator Justin Trudeau, who effectively declared martial law to suppress protests against his senseless Covid tyranny, has astonishingly said something reasonable people could agree with:

A prime example of a more authoritarian leader is Trudeau himself.

He goes on to say that the “misinformation and disinformation” that he wants to suppress through censorship have been “turning people against the values and principles of democracies.” An example of actual misinformation and disinformation having this effect is Trudeau incongruously attempting to associate the Freedom Convoy with “antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Black racism, homophobia, and transphobia” (i.e., the essence of evil from the viewpoint of liberals). Another example is the left-wing media that props up his regime denouncing the concept of “freedom” as a far-right principle.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Feb 17 2022

Open Thread

The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants. - Albert Camus

On a tip from 100Bravo.

Feb 10 2022

DHS Alert to Threat of Dissident Thought

Dissent isn’t patriotic anymore. Under the current administration, dissent is terrorism.

In case you were wondering what the Department of Homeland Security has been doing rather than defending the USA from the massive ongoing invasion pouring across the southern border, it publishes bulletins like this:

The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors.

As we know from watching the government’s Big Tech cat’s-paws censoring officially disapproved Covid information, misinformation and disinformation can be defined as anything that contradicts the Democratic Party line at the present instant.

These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence.

You don’t have to commit acts of violence to be of concern to the Department of Homeland Security. You just have to undermine trust in discredited institutions like the DHS that only a drooling mental defective would regard as trustworthy. That could potentially inspire someone else to violence.

[T]he convergence of the following factors has increased the volatility, unpredictability, and complexity of the threat environment: (1) the proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions…

“False or misleading narratives” are any that contradict the crumbling edifice of preposterous lies that constitutes the liberal establishment narrative.

Just because the DHS’s Alejandro Mayorkas is a gelatinous gerbil doesn’t mean he isn’t dangerous. His squishy soft face and frightened rodent eyes fit modern tyranny even more perfectly than the synthetic plastic surgery disaster that serves Joe Biden for a face.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Jan 23 2022

Open Thread

Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear. - Harry S. Truman

On a tip from 100Bravo.

Jan 20 2022

Open Thread

Crisis is the rallying cry of the tyrant. - James Madison

On a tip from Bill589.

Jan 14 2022

Open Thread

When the people are afraid of the government, that's tyranny. But when the government is afraid of the people, that's liberty. - Thomas Jefferson

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Jan 13 2022

Domestic Terrorism Task Force May Target You

The Injustice Department under leftist apparatchik Merrick Garland — the guy who sicced the FBI on angry parents who speak out at schoolboard meetings — is creating a domestic terrorism task force.

Barks Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen of the National Security Division,

“Domestic violent extremists are often motivated by a mix of ideologies and personal grievances. We have seen a growing threat from those who are motivated by racial animus, as well as those who ascribe to extremist anti-government and anti-authority ideologies.”

If even accidents result from racial animus, any resistance to Democrats’ agenda is likely to be racist in origin.

In case there is any doubt who they mean by “domestic violent extremists,” consider this:

The highly controversial National School Boards Association letter sent to President Joe Biden that compared protesting parents to domestic terrorists and led the FBI to use counterterrorism tactics against parents was drafted at the direction of Biden’s education secretary, Miguel Cardona, a newly obtained email indicates. …

What’s more, the infamous letter, sent Sept. 29, was directly relied upon by Attorney General Merrick Garland in his issuing of an Oct. 4 memo dispatching the FBI to address a supposed “disturbing spike” of “harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence” against school administrators, board members, and other personnel.

In the letter, NSBA officials … urged the government to act on their behalf, in part, by classifying alleged threats from parents as acts of “domestic terrorism” and “hate crimes.”

That is, the Biden Regime asked the school boards to ask the Biden Regime to protect them from parents who don’t like critical race theory indoctrination and sadistic mask mandates. As with the establishment media, the Democrat Party enjoys a symbiotic relationship with the comparably corrupted education establishment.

If true that Cardona originally requested the letter, it would mean that the Biden administration was involved in the formulation of a policy to track and monitor parents as domestic terrorists from start to finish.

Parents who complain about their children being brainwashed to hate themselves because of their race are not the only enemies of the state who might attract the attention of the weaponized “Justice” Department. If you don’t think the federal government should unconstitutionally appropriate control of elections from the states so that Democrats can facilitate election fraud, you too are a domestic enemy, as Joe Biden put it on the same day the DOJ announced its task force:

The American system of government was designed to withstand the inevitability of Biden’s kind taking power. Now it faces a major test.

Also being tested is the character of the American people. The collapse of support for Biden and his party is encouraging in that regard.

On tips from Bluto and Mr. Freemarket.

Jan 09 2022

Five Years in Prison for Providing “Conversion Therapy”

In a sick society, promoting health is not merely frowned upon; it is illegal.

From Canada’s CTV:

Conversion therapy is now illegal in Canada, marking a major milestone in LGBTQ2S+ rights in this country.

After parliamentarians came together to unanimously pass legislation to eradicate the harmful practice in late 2021, the Criminal Code sanctions came into force on Jan. 7.

Note the loaded language. This is presented as a straight news article, not an editorial, but they are not taking any chances that readers will come away without the correct opinion.

The piece goes so far over the top as to refer to “those who have survived conversion therapy,” which it defines as including “seeking to repress someone’s non-heterosexual attraction, or repressing a person’s gender expression or non-cis gender identity.” In a world run by liberals, being told to “man up” is regarded as life-threatening.

[N]ow, anyone who looks to subject someone of any age, consenting or not, to so-called conversion therapy could face up to five years in prison.

That means 5 years in prison for attempting to counsel someone regarding unwanted perverse sexual urges if a moonbat rats you out to authorities. It isn’t only regarding Covid that Canada for all its blandness is a tyrannical society.

Consider the implications for a minister who is asked for help regarding deviant temptations that are explicitly condemned in the Bible in the strongest terms. Yet again, we see that the imposition of LGBTXYZPDQ “rights” is an attack on Christianity. The worship of moonbattery shall have no gods before it.

On a tip from Bluto.

Dec 26 2021

For the Greater Good

What the Founding Fathers understood and progressives pretend not to understand is that sacrificing the individual for the greater good leads inevitably to misery for everyone who does not belong to a tyrannical ruling class.

Covid tyranny has made this obvious. The global warming tyranny Democrats plan to inflict will make it even more obvious.

Conservative Momma captures the creepiness of the greater good:

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Dec 24 2021

Open Thread

As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends correspondingly to increase. And the dictator will do well to encourage that will help to reconcile his subjects to the servitude which is their fate. - Aldous Huxley


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