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Jan 10 2024

Pushback Saves William Penn From Biden Regime

The Democrat campaign to eradicate America by erasing its history has suffered a rare setback:

The National Park Service on Monday reversed its decision to tear down a statue of Pennsylvania founder William Penn at a historic park just days after a widespread public backlash against the Biden administration agency’s move began online.

The idea was to replace the revered hero Penn — whose only crimes were to be Caucasian and to represent American heritage — with taxpayer-funded propaganda celebrating Stone Age savagery.

The original plan to remove the statue in order to create a more “welcoming, accurate, and inclusive experience for visitors” was widely panned and ridiculed.

That ridicule must be relentless. Leftists were never likely to stop with statues of Robert E. Lee. All great Americans will be erased if we do not push back.

On tips from MrRightWingDave, Wiggins, and ABC of the ANC.

Jan 10 2024

Illegal Aliens Displace Students From School

Democrats have made it clear that the hordes of illegal aliens they have imported from every corner of the Third World take priority over American citizens — including American kids:

New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) is moving nearly 2,000 border crossers and illegal aliens from Floyd Bennett Field into a Brooklyn high school’s gymnasium — forcing students into virtual classes.

As we learned during the Covid shutdowns, that means students will not be learning until the weather improves and they are allowed back in school.

James Madison High School Principal Jodie Cohen notified parents, students, and faculty that they would have to go virtual on Wednesday to accommodate the border crossers and illegal aliens and their gym being turned into a migrant shelter.

The symbolism of Americans sacrificed to the illegal aliens brought in to displace them is underscored by the school being named after a Founding Father.

This isn’t the first time New York students picked up part of the tab for the Great Displacement:

At the beginning of the school year, around 21,000 illegal immigrant children flooded New York City schools for the first day of classes, forcing one school to place kids in a different facility because it reached building capacity. …

Adams also cut the city’s education budget by more than $1 billion over the next two years to deal with illegal immigration.

The objective is to grow the Democrat voter base at the expense of the American people. Mark Dice has more:

On tips from Wiggins and KirklesWorth.

Jan 10 2024

Probation for Ray Epps

Meanwhile, as Biden crows triumphantly about the 840 years of prison time inflicted on January 6 protesters, Ray Epps walks free.

From the libs at AP:

Epps, a former Arizona resident who was driven into hiding by death threats, pleaded guilty in September to a misdemeanor charge. He received no jail time, and there were no restrictions placed on his travel during his probation, but he will have to serve 100 hours of community service.

AP encourages readers to weep for Epps, the alleged victim of “right-wing conspiracy theories.”

Fox News Channel and other right-wing media outlets amplified conspiracy theories that Epps, 62, was an undercover government agent who helped incite the Capitol attack to entrap Trump supporters. Epps filed a defamation lawsuit against Fox News last year, saying the network was to blame for spreading baseless claims about him.

Any proceeds from the suit would be in addition to whatever he was presumably paid by the FBI, if he was in fact working for them as people are likely to continue believing, compensating for the $500 fine he was also ordered to pay.

The villain of the story as spun is Fox News for deviating from the Democrat party line:

Epps told the judge that he now knows that he never should have believed the lies about a stolen election that Trump and his allies told and that Fox News broadcast.

“I have learned that truth is not always found in the places that I used to trust,” said Epps, who asked for mercy before learning his sentence.

The judge noted that many conspiracy theorists still refuse to believe that the Capitol riot was an insurrection carried out by Trump supporters.

But Epps is a good boy who believes as he is told — or at least pretends to. Maybe that was enough to keep him out of jail.

Nonetheless, suspicion that Epps was working as a federal agent to incite and entrap Trump supporters will not be allayed by the relative wrist slap — or by sympathetic treatment by the mainstream media, which like the FBI is effectively an arm of the Democratic Party.

Tim Pool provides context:

On tips from Lyle and KirklesWorth.

Jan 10 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jan 09 2024

Scientists Make Brains Out of Aborted Babies

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and H. G. Wells’s Island of Doctor Moreau warned of the horrors that might be achieved through science unmoored from morality. But we didn’t listen:

Scientists at the Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology in the Netherlands aimed to grow a brain in early-mid development and so used the brain tissue from aborted fetus’ that were in the gestational period of weeks 12 through 15.

Similarly, the communists running China harvest organs from prison camp detainees killed by the government.

Anonymous donors agreed for scientists to use the tissue for research purposes only.

Oh, that’s all right then. Carry on.

The team found that by splitting the fetal brain organoid, it would reform at twice the original size within 20 to 30 days of culture.

This full process continued over eight months, with the mini brains eventually growing to 1,500 cubic centimeters in size, at which point its growth slowed down but could be maintained.

The terms “consciousness” and “soul” don’t come up in the story.

The stated purpose sounds great: to cure childhood brain cancer. However, the words “without limits” should raise the hair on the back of your neck:

‘We work together with passion and without limits every day to improve the survival rate and quality of life of children with cancer. Now, and in the long term,’ Princess Máxima Center said, adding: ‘Because children have their whole lives ahead of them.’

Unless they get aborted for being inconvenient and have their brains harvested.

On a tip from Heckrules.

Jan 09 2024

Police Deliver Hot Coffee to Pro-Hamas Lawbreakers

The ensuing pro-Hamas disruptions have placed the nightmarish terror atrocities of October 7 in the context of a broader conflict between civilization and its enemies — between good and evil. Under left-wing rule, there is no need to wonder which side Canadian authorities are on:

The proterrorists shut down a major access point to the Jewish neighborhood Armour Heights in Toronto.

Breitbart notes the…

…sharp contrast to the behavior of police during truckers’ protests two years ago, when protesters were arrested and their supporters’ bank accounts were often frozen.

But there is a big difference. The truckers were protesting against the lunatic excesses of Covid tyranny. The keffiyeh crowd is protesting in favor of rape, torture, and genocide as means to eradicate not only Israel but ultimately all of Western Civilization — so it has no need to worry about police state tactics from the Trudeau Regime.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jan 09 2024

Woman Pleads Guilty to Avoid Prison With Men

Moonbat rule is a caste system. Women rank lower in it than transsexuals. Behold the consequences:

A mother-of-four claims she pleaded guilty to a crime she didn’t commit to avoid returning to a prison that housed two trans inmates locked up for murder and sex assault…

Amanda Benson, 42, from Inverkip, Scotland, was imprisoned on remand at HMP Greenock with the two trans women – murderer Alex Stewart, 34, and sexual assaulter Laura Miller, 30.

Benson stands accused of biting a police officer.

Mrs Benson revealed she was so terrified of being raped and impregnated by the murderer or sex pest that she had a contraceptive coil fitted at the prison run by the Scottish government.

Stewart stabbed to death a guy he met through a dating app. Miller was convicted of repeatedly sexually assaulting a woman. Yet the bearded beast says he is a woman himself, so they keep him in a women’s prison.

The cells at Greenock Prison don’t have shows in them, meaning women have to use communal showers.

Mrs. Benson ventures a theory on the transsexual convicts:

“It could be that they are sexual deviants.”

Or maybe they’re just horny. Reports former Greenock governor Rhona Hotchkiss:

“We had three or four trans women in at once. It was a horrific situation.

“None of them had identified as trans before they came into prison.

“The behaviour was appalling. They were clearly, most of them, there for sexual reasons.”

As Benson puts it, they get to be foxes in the henhouse.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jan 09 2024

Open Thread

I am supposed to worry about oceans rising 70 years from now, on climate models that have already proven to be utterly flawed? - Dennis Prager

Jan 08 2024

Free Sex Change Surgery for Illegal Aliens

To the long list of inducements Democrats offer welfare colonists to invade the USA and displace its citizens we can add free sex change surgery.

California has massively expanded the free healthcare it provides illegal aliens, despite a $68 billion deficit. Among the beneficiaries of this coercive largesse will be the sexually insane:

The Golden State is expanding its massive health care system this year, which means more taxpayer dollars will fund sex change surgeries for state residents, regardless of their citizenship status. …

California’s Medi-Cal covers costs for hormone therapy and procedures “that bring primary and secondary gender characteristics into conformity with the individual’s identified gender, including ancillary services, such as hair removal, incident to those services.”

If only all of these procedures were as harmless as hair removal.

Nearly 700,000 illegal immigrants between the ages of 26 and 49 qualify, as of Jan. 1, for these federal health care services, which will cost California taxpayers an estimated $3.1 billion. For those living in California illegally within this age range, it translates to approximately $4,058 per year in medical coverage subsidies funded by the state’s general fund.

The numbers will continue to rocket upward so long as Democrats are in position to keep the border open.

A recent report from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) shows a significant rise in the number of undocumented immigrants not held in detention. It went up from 3.7 million in 2021 to almost 4.8 million in 2022 and nearly 6.2 million in 2023. These are illegal migrants with final orders to leave or who are in the process of being removed but aren’t held in ICE custody.

This is only a small percentage of the actual number of illegal aliens. They have been given good reason to flood in from every corner of the Third World:

“In California, we believe everyone deserves access to quality, affordable health care coverage — regardless of income or immigration status,” Gov. Newsom’s office reportedly said in a statement.

When Democrats bark about healthcare, they largely mean abortion and sex change procedures. By “affordable,” they mean someone else pays for it — namely you.

You can see why Gavin Newsom is positioning himself to replace the conspicuously senile Joe Biden. As POTUS, he could just print the money and pay for this waste through inflation, rather than keep jacking up already exorbitant state taxes and waiting for an eventual federal bailout.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, ABC of the ANC, and MrRightWingDave.

Jan 08 2024

Pentagon: Troops Are Not Extremist but Beware Vets

Shortly after taking power, Biden’s elusive Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered a military stand-down so that the armed forces could be purged of “extremists.” Looks like the purge was a success — even if veterans remain a growing menace.

From the Military Times:

Service members don’t participate in violent extremism at higher rates than the rest of the U.S. population, but former troops do — and their involvement is growing, according to research published at the end of December.

Austin’s DoD commissioned the politically driven research.

“[The] review found no evidence that the number of violent extremists in the military is disproportionate to the number of violent extremists in the United States as a whole,” the research says. “Extremism in the veterans’ community has peaks and valleys over recent decades, and currently appears to be on the increase.”

While the study found there were not more violent extremists in the military than in the overall population, researchers did highlight racism and sexism as ongoing problems in the Armed Forces.

The work of social engineers is never finished. But leftists worried that troops might not be willing to fire on fellow Americans can rest assured that the Biden Regime has been working diligently to produce soldiers like these:

On tips from Lyle, WDS 2.0, Woodlandcamo, and Varla.

Jan 08 2024

Open Thread

If pigs could vote, the man with the slop bucket would be elected swineherd every time, no matter how much slaughtering he did on the side. - Orson Scott Card

On a tip from Straight Shootr.

Jan 07 2024

Tyrant Desecrates Valley Forge

Dark Brandon is back, as ominous as when he posed in front of Marines under blood-red lighting to theatrically otherize his opposition. Watch as he defiles Valley Forge by boasting about the tyranny his regime has inflicted:

Brandon refers to the violence that allegedly occurred on the most sacred date of the progressive calendar, January 6, when a protest against election fraud got out of hand in a way that Democrats were able to exploit. One person was killed: an unarmed 5’2″ protester named Ashli Babbitt, who was shot in cold blood by Capitol Hill police officer Michael Byrd. Byrd received no punishment and has been coddled by the establishment media.

By choosing Valley Forge to crow about political prisoners, Biden’s handlers are deliberately poking American patriots in the eye.

This goes beyond irony to the vicious gloating of bullies who think they can’t be stopped:

Biden on Friday said “Democracy is on the ballot,” after Democrats tried to remove his political opponent, former President Donald Trump, from several state ballots.

For the first time in memory, Biden read the truth off his teleprompter:

“America, as we begin this election year, we must be clear: democracy is on the ballot,” Biden said at Valley Forge. “Your freedom is on the ballot.”

He gave the finger in the eye an extra twist:

Biden turned to the crowd and said, grinning, “I understand power.”

If Biden understands anything, that’s it. But he and his handlers may be too arrogant to understand how to hold onto it.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jan 07 2024

Transsexual Maniac Fed Murder Victims to Pigs

It’s almost as if there could be a correlation between men declaring themselves to be women and being psycho:

In 1991, [Steven] Buchanan purchased a 20-acre farm in Oregon where he would kill two handymen in 2012 and 2013 before feeding their corpses to the pigs he owned at the property. He was sentenced to a minimum of 50 years in prison in 2015, and multiple new outlets reporting on the case referred to Buchanan simply as a “woman,” without mentioning his transgender status or the fact he is a biological male.

Imagine how crowded the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors might get if the media were more forthcoming.

According to the Oregon state Department of Corrections, Buchanan is incarcerated at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility, a women’s facility. He is listed under his feminine name, Susan Monica, and is described as being “female” in official records.

Buchanan/Monica complies with moonbat ideology not only regarding his embrace of transsexualism:

“I do not value human life very much,” Buchanan would admit during a taped confession. “My feeling is the only thing wrong with the planet is there’s people on it. If not for us, all the other animals, even dodo birds, would be here.”

I have been told by a liberal that homosexuality should be encouraged because it prevents people from reproducing.

The lead detective involved with the case told the court that Buchanan had admitted to killing over a dozen victims in a similar manner.

No doubt the sacred climate is grateful for the resulting reduction in carbon emissions.

Dylan Butler may get marginalized by the media for not supporting the liberal narrative like preferred maniacs, but at least he has plenty of company in the Hall of Horrors to keep him from getting lonely as he burns in hell:

Steven Buchanan/Susan Monica
Dylan Butler
Kendall Stephens
Leion Butler
Jason Lee Willie
Audrey Hale
Kimbrady Carriker
Maya McKinney
Snochia Moseley
Anderson Lee Aldrich
Moses Lopez
William Whitworth
Shanu Varma
A guy calling himself Lara
Zion William Teasley
Jason Michael Hann
Cali Anderson
Dana Rivers
Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky
Linnea Pugmire
Mark Campbell
Paul S.

On a tip from Barry A.

Jan 07 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.


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