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Nov 23 2023

$50,000 for New EV Battery

Among the countless reasons not to knuckle under to moonbats and buy an electric car is the cost of replacing the battery:

Simrat Sooch of Stoney Creek, Ont., was a true believer in electric vehicles.

He was disabused of his illusions after he bought a Hyundai Ioniq. The overpriced toy stopped charging, so he took it to the dealership, where he learned the battery needed to be replaced.

The quoted cost, including the battery, installation and taxes came to more than $50,000.

This is $50,000 Canadian, but still.

The warranty had just run out. Since the cost of repair exceeded the value of the car, he scrapped it. Total loss, like all of our money Biden has been shoveling at EV charging stations and subsidies. Unless Democrats succeed at making them mandatory, no one is going to be driving an electric car once even liberals realize how foolish they are.

On a tip from Steve T.

Nov 23 2023

Open Thread

I do, therefore, invite my fellow citizens . . . to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. - Abraham Lincoln

Nov 22 2023

Wrist Slap for Buttigieg’s Kiddie Porn-Prone Protégé

Former College Park, Maryland Mayor Patrick Wojahn, previously featured in a Profile in Sexual Diversity, has been sentenced after pleading guilty to 140 child pornography charges. Considering that he is a protégé of Pete Buttigieg, who holds a cabinet position specifically because he too is a prominent member of the LGBT community, no one will be surprised that the sentence was light:

Some of the photos and videos included infants.

Patrick Wojahn received 150 years, but the judge suspended 120 of them. He is eligible for parole in 7.5 years.

At that point, if progressives keep progressing, he will be a likely candidate to join his friend Buttigieg in the top echelons of government. After all, he has quite a résumé:

Last year, College Park received a perfect 100 on its Municipal Equality Index scorecard from the gay-lobbying group Human Rights Campaign (HRC), which doled out extra credit for the city’s openly LGBTQ elected leaders.

In 2020, city leadership publicly celebrated the first time it earned a perfect score, with Wojahn declaring that “College Park aims to be a welcoming community for all, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.” The rating, which the mayor “worked for several years to achieve,” “recognizes our true commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity,” Wojahn stated.

Buttigieg isn’t his only friend in a high place:

[Wojahn] has frequented the White House for an array of Pride events hosted by Biden, whom Wojahn considers “the most pro-LGBTQ President in US history!” In mid-December, Wojahn and his husband were invited to attend Biden’s signing ceremony of the Respect [or rather, Contempt] for Marriage Act on the White House’s South Lawn.

Regarding Wojahn’s “husband”:

Wojahn rose to political prominence when he and Kolesar were named plaintiffs in the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)’s 2004 lawsuit seeking to overturn a ban on gay marriage in Maryland.

Wojahn was slightly ahead of his time with the kiddy porn, but the future is progressing at us fast.

On a tip from Barry A.

Nov 22 2023

Pride Santa and the Pride Christmas Nutcracker

Like every other cherished aspect of our culture, Christmas will be defiled and repurposed before it is erased altogether by the leftist social engineers who control major corporations like Target. If Black Paraplegic Santa doesn’t fill you with the woke answer to Christmas spirit, try Pride Santa and the Pride Christmas Nutcracker:

The Nutcracker figurine is holding a “progress” flag, which merges the LGBTQ+ flag with others representing transgender individuals, and black and brown people, while the “Pride Santa” features St. Nicholas holding the rainbow Pride flag.

It becomes ever more obvious why pride is listed among the Seven Deadly Sins.

Also available for purchase online is a “Love is Love” ornament.

The slogan “Love Is Love” relieves social engineers from having to add ever more letters to the LGBTQIA+++ acronym. It is a specifically sexual restatement of the nihilist motto, “Nothing is true, everything is permitted.” Note that Pride Santa wears it plastered across his chest:

A careful analysis of the word “Christmas” reveals that it originally had something to do with Christianity. Before the book is banned for being homophobic, get hold of a Bible and learn what Christianity has to say about sexual deviancy.

Target lost $10 billion in market valuation in 10 days due to backlash against promoting the LGBTification of children. Those in charge don’t care. Big Business isn’t about profit anymore; it is about the Agenda.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Nov 22 2023

Pentagon’s War on Morale

The Pentagon is at war — with the morale of American troops. A soldier forced to pay through the nose for expensive gear Biden forced him to leave to the Taliban is emblematic.

Fumes Catherine Salgado:

It has seemed fairly obvious, especially since the disastrous withdrawal that left thousands of Americans and allies stranded in the hellhole of Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, that the Biden administration hates our military. Congressmen were exempted from the federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates, but West Point cadets and military members had to get jabbed or get sacked. The Biden administration is still pouring billions of dollars we don’t have into Ukraine, where a horrifying number of young Ukrainian men have died for no purpose; and the government has new wads of cash to expend on toxic, inefficient, and unreliable “green” energy. But one soldier who is separating from the military found that the Army expected him to cough up between $500 and $1,000 to pay for military gear that the soldier was told he had to leave behind in Afghanistan!

When he abruptly surrendered to the Taliban, Biden gifted the terrorists who provided a launching pad for 9/11 with $billions worth of military gear paid for by American taxpayers. Crossing the line into straightforward treason, Democrats continue to shovel our money at the Taliban.

Let’s have the former soldier’s firsthand account:

Key quote from a patriot upon leaving the armed forces:

“I’m very, very excited to stop serving my government and just getting started serving my country.”

Speaking of nonsensical Covid vaccine mandates, the Pentagon wants those kicked out for not risking their health by complying to come back:

According to a letter signed by Army Director of Personnel Management Brigadier General Hope Rampy, former soldiers who were discharged due to Covid-19 vaccine refusal can request a correction of their military records. The letter provides guidance on contacting recruiters to return to service. It is unclear if returning soldiers will rejoin their former units or Military Occupational Specialties.

In February of 2022, the Army began discharging servicemen who did non comply with Covid vaccine mandate. At that time, more than 3,000 troops had requested permanent medical or religious exemptions, with only six being granted, according to official data.

The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act compelled the defense secretary to rescind the vaccine mandate, with the Army officially suspending separation actions for non-compliant soldiers in February 2023.

It is doubtful there will be many takers.

You could almost suspect that under Democrat rule the Pentagon is controlled by people who believe America is inherently bad and want to destroy it from within. With apologies to Robert Hanlon, never attribute to malice or incompetence what can be more accurately attributed to both.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and 100 Bravo.

Nov 22 2023

Vegan War Effort in Ukraine and Israel

You would think vegans would shrink from war, considering that they are too squeamish to abide killing animals for food as people have been doing since our ancestors came down from the trees. But they are doing their part for the war in Ukraine:

Ukrainian food and lifestyle festival Vegan Weekend is set to hold its sixth event in Kyiv since the invasion of Ukraine last year.

Founded by Every Animal, a vegan animal rights group in Ukraine, the festival began life after the beginning of full-scale war, and has raised one million UAH (USD $27,350) to date. The organization also looks after the project Vegan Kitchen of Ukraine, an initiative to provide vegan meals to refugees, volunteers, and military personnel, and send vegan rations to the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

If Ukrainians have the luxury of worrying about vegan diets, Russia must be less of a menace than we thought.

Across the five Vegan Weekend events in Ukraine thus far, the organizers have seen an average of 600 people attending the events per day. Each event has seen around two-three lectures about vegan topics from local experts, including the history of veganism and plant-based cuisine in Ukraine. There is a vegan food court with three-five vendors, and an outdoor vegan market with 10-15 vendors. Entertainment is on hand, with stand-up comedy from the likes of Ukrainian comedians Vasyl Baidak and Anton Tymoshenko, as well as live performances from music artists and DJs.

Good to see Ukrainians are keeping up their spirits during times so dark that American taxpayers have to pay their salaries.

Meanwhile, in Israel,

While thousands of Israelis have been grilling steaks and flipping burgers for hungry IDF soldiers across the country, the non-profit Vegan Friendly is providing 2,000 hot vegetarian and vegan meals every week to those who steer clear of animal products.

Moonbats apply moonbattery to everything everywhere.

On tips from Mike B.

Nov 22 2023

Conceptions of Liberal Intelligentsia Hatred of Whites

Under the control of moonbats, museums are destroying not only our past but our present, by indoctrinating us to hate ourselves. Lindsay Shepherd shelled out $30 and bravely endured the Vancouver Art Gallery’s Conceptions of White exhibit:

The first thing to catch your eye is the giant phrase on the wall that reads, “When you’re the problem, we’re the solution.” The text is accompanied by a large headshot of a white male.

Tablets allow visitors to interact with an AI program:

“Stop talking. Never share an uninvited opinion again,” text on the wall reads. When you look into the tablet, a mute symbol is superimposed over your mouth.

“Check privilege. Learn whether you’re special or just lucky,” the text reads. Upon looking into the tablet, a halo that says “Undeserving” appears over your head.

It is unclear whether the AI knows the visitor is white or just assumes that only a self-hating white liberal would attend the exhibit.

“Get curious. Vocalize your own ignorance.”

The tablet prompts me to say aloud, “I know nothing.”

Now back to waging war on our history:

I walked by some schizophrenic ramblings and pictures on the wall about how because statues from Ancient Rome and Greece had curly hair, they were probably not white people.

After our history has been erased, liberal social engineers will replace it with their own version, as outlined in 15-foot-long timeline labeled, “An incomplete timeline of the circumstances that influenced the emergence – and evolution – of White racial identity.”

I learned that as a white Canadian born in the mid-1990s, my identity is defined by slavery, scientific racism, Rudyard Kipling’s 1899 poem “The White Man’s Burden,” colonialism, the Ku Klux Klan, the Third Reich, the “alt-right,” and Robin DiAngelo’s book White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism.

The last items in the timeline of white terribleness were “2013: Black Lives Matter founded” and “2021: January 6 Insurrection.”

This confirms that the unscheduled tour of the People’s House is among the most significant dates in human history from the viewpoint of moonbats.

The final installation was a short film that purported to be about reflecting the “current state of White identity in America.”

What followed was a 30-minute compilation of internet meme videos spliced with scenes of racial violence, guns, and creepy staring.

As we learned in the Nazi days, ideologies grounded in race hate do not end well.

On tips from Barry A.

Nov 22 2023

Open Thread

Equal rights for the sexes will be achieved only when mediocre women occupy high positions. - Francoise Giroud
Nov 21 2023

Museum Regenders Roman Emperor

The social engineers are coming after Roman emperors now:

The North Hertfordshire Museum has said it will be “sensitive” to the purported pronoun preferences of the third century AD ruler Elagabalus (also known as Heliogabalus).

Classical texts claim that Elagabalus asked to be called “lady” and asked to be termed wife, mistress and queen.

When a society begins to decay, degeneracy sets in among the people in charge. Rome was no exception. Tiberius was a pedophile. Caligula’s excesses are still infamous. However, in the case of Elagabalus, this may have been character assassination.

Cassius Dio, a Roman chronicler, wrote that Elagabalus was “termed wife, mistress and queen”, told one lover “Call me not Lord, for I am a Lady”, and asked for female genitalia to be fashioned for him.

However, Cassius Dio served the following emperor Severus Alexander, who took the throne after the assassination of Elagabalus.

One historian suggests that the accounts use his reputedly deviant behaviour as a justification for his assassination.

According to Cambridge classics professor Andrew Wallace-Hadrill,

“The Romans didn’t have our idea of ‘trans’ as a category, but they used accusations of sexual behaviour ‘as a woman’ as one of the worst insults against men.”

As well they might. It is inherently disgusting for men to behave like women. This has been understood throughout the world and throughout history.

Nonetheless, the North Hertfordshire Museum proclaims it will now refer to Elagabalus as “she” — a politically motivated lie.

Liberal Democrat councillor and executive member for arts at the Lib Dem and Labour coalition-run North Herts Council, said: “Elagabalus most definitely preferred the she pronoun, and as such this is something we reflect when discussing her in contemporary times.”

Rome now has its first woman emperor. Congratulations to Elagabalus for breaking the glass ceiling 1,800 years after he died.

Museums are supposed to preserve our heritage. In a world run by progressives, they disfigure and destroy it.

Nothing is sacred to moonbats except moonbattery. They might find the Roman Empire guilty of toxic masculinity and cancel it altogether, so that future generations will never know it existed.

On a tip from Franco.

Nov 21 2023

There to Kill White People

For the latest news on the multicultural enrichment of Europe, turn to Allah’s Willing Executioners, which covers an attack that occurred on a party in Crépol, France over the weekend:

A 16-year-old member of the Romanais Péageois rugby club is said to have had his throat slit, while two other young people suffered life-threatening injuries. A total of 17 people were injured. A security guard’s fingers are said to have been cut off during the attack. Videos on social media show that the attackers were mainly young people with a migration background.

Not to worry, authorities are on the case. Gendarmerie spokeswoman Marie-Laure Pezant has issued a statement:

“If the perpetrators are listening to us, it would perhaps be sensible for them to turn themselves in…”

The motive is not a secret:

The attackers said, “We’re here to kill white people.”

You thought they only wanted to kill Jews? Guess again.

Nov 21 2023

White House Pushes Transgender Day of Remembrance

Transsexuals are the most highly preferred of all privileged identity groups. Naturally, they are portrayed as victims. Take it from White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who owes her position to being not only black but LGBT:

May the gods of moonbattery have forgiveness for those of use who forgot to wear black armbands. But then, moonbats are godless, so we don’t have to worry.

Regarding transsexuals getting murdered, Cristina Laila notes that 60% of transsexual murder victims are prostitutes, a very high-risk population. She wonders,

What about the more than 70,000 Americans who die of fentanyl overdoses per year thanks to Joe Biden’s open borders?

For that matter, what about the victims of transsexual maniacs who threaten and/or commit violence like Audrey Hale, Kimbrady Carriker, Maya McKinney, Snochia Moseley, Anderson Lee Aldrich, Moses Lopez, William Whitworth, Shanu Varma, a guy calling himself Lara, Zion William Teasley, Jason Michael Hann, Cali Anderson, Dana Rivers, Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky, Linnea Pugmire, Mark Campbell, and Paul S?

On a tip from Wiggins.

Nov 21 2023

Pentagon Spends Big on DEIA

While the Border Patrol focuses on alternate pronouns in hopes that a significant number of the millions of Third World welfare colonists pouring across the open border to displace us are sexually deranged, the Pentagon neglects national security in favor of leftist indoctrination:

The DOD has scaled up its spending on DEIA in the past three years, jumping from $68 million in fiscal year 2022 to $86.5 million in fiscal year 2023. But the figure surged another $28.2 million to $114.7 million in the department’s initial request for fiscal year 2024.

DEIA = diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. Not only white males and heterosexuals are disfavored, but also the physically able.

If the DOD’s initial request for DEIA funding is included in the final legislation, the department will have spent $269.2 million on diversity initiatives across fiscal years 2022, 2023, and 2024, an average of $89.7 million per year.

To finance this obscene waste, the regime debases the currency by printing more money. That is, Democrats steal the money from our savings.

The gargantuan sums signify priorities:

The department’s Strategic Management Plan for fiscal years 2022 to 2026 listed one of its goals as “inculcate DEIA principles across all DOD efforts.”

Here’s what that means:

The National Security Agency (NSA), which is part of the DOD, internally published a 34-page diversity, equity, and inclusion document, a recent investigation from The Daily Wire revealed. The leaked document pushes Critical Race Theory and transgender ideology, with terms like “white fragility,” “transmisogny,” “settler colonialism,” and even the pronouns “ze” and “zir.”

None of this will stop the ChiComs from invading Taiwan — or California for that matter.

It isn’t intended to. The military has been repurposed. If it existed to defend the country, it would be deployed to stop the invasion at the southern border. The purpose of the Pentagon is the same as for the rest of the federal bureaucracy: to funnel our money into the advancement of leftist ideology.

Democrats in the Senate have said that any budget proposal from House Republicans that reigns in diversity initiatives will have “no chance of passing.”

If we fail to scrape Democrats from power, not only will we lose WWIII, we will deserve to lose it.


The news comes only days after it was announced that the Pentagon failed its yearly audit for the sixth time in a row. As The Hill noted, auditors “found that half of the [DoD’s] assets can’t be accounted for.”

There are more immediate threats than communist China. America is getting looted to death by its enemies within.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Nov 21 2023

Border Patrol Focuses on Alternative Pronouns for Illegals

Our moonbat rulers live in an alternate world, completely enveloped in their psychotic ideology. So divorced are they from reality that under Democrat control, rather than attempt to stem the largest invasion in human history, the Department of Homeland Security is focused on referring to the invaders by alternate pronouns so as to affirm sexual derangement.

Via Daily Fetched:

Joe Biden’s border Chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, is now ordering agents not to use the “incorrect pronouns” so they don’t misgender illegal migrants crossing the border.

“Incorrect” is Orwellian for “correct.” To “misgender” is Liberalese for referring to the sexually deranged by the pronouns that actually apply to them, rather than pronouns that comply with their delusions.

Mayorkas’s order requests border guards to ignore the biological distinction between sexes.

Odds are low that a significant percentage of the millions of welfare colonists pouring in to displace us from every corner of the Third World don’t identify as the sex they actually are. They haven’t been subjected to American schools.

On a tip from Barry A.

Nov 21 2023

Jubilant Argentines Wave Gadsden Flag

I haven’t felt this proud to be American since before Biden’s handlers took power. To celebrate the election of the countermoonbat Javier Milei and the overthrow of socialism, Argentines are flying the Gadsden Flag:

“Without a doubt, we are partying tonight,” the president-elect of Argentina, Javier Milei, promised his supporters after winning the nation’s presidency on Sunday night – sending thousands to flood the streets of Buenos Aires chanting “Freedom!” and waving Gadsden flags.

Nothing could be more quintessentially American.

Patriot Wood has background on the flag. In 1775,

To accompany the Navy on their first mission, Congress also authorized the mustering of five companies of Marines. Some of the Marines that enlisted that month in Philadelphia were carrying drums painted yellow, emblazoned with a fierce rattlesnake, coiled and ready to strike, with thirteen rattles, and sporting the motto “Don’t Tread on Me.”

The flag was designed by the great patriot Christopher Gadsden, known as the “Sam Adams of the South,” with assistance from his friend Benjamin Franklin, who left notes on the flag’s patriotic symbolism:

• The Rattlesnake is found in no other quarter of the world besides America

• The rattlesnake also has sharp eyes, and “may therefore be esteemed an emblem of vigilance”

• She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage

• The rattle = the number of the Colonies united in America

How wonderful to see American heritage exercising a beneficial impact on the world, and to see other countries inspired by it to carry forward the fight against tyranny waged by our forefathers.

Closer to home, the Gadsden Flag is now denounced as “racist” by our leftist ruling class. A few months ago, a boy was not allowed into a Colorado Springs school because he had a Gadsden Flag patch on his backpack. The fight against tyranny is never over.


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