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Nov 03 2023

Documents Show Adam Schiff Does Not Live in California

They may call him “Schiff for Brains,” but even Adam Schiff appears to be bright enough not to live in the hellhole Democrats are making of the erstwhile Golden State:

[D]ocuments recently surfaced, revealing that [Schiff] has maintained a residence in Maryland for more than a decade while representing California’s 21st district.

Mortgage records and financial disclosures obtained by CNN indicated that Schiff claimed a 3,420-square-foot property in Maryland as his primary residence, alongside a smaller 650-square-foot condo in Burbank, California.

Schiff wants the California Senate seat currently held by Gavin Newsom’s selection, radical left activist Laphonza Butler (seriously, that’s her name) — who also lives in Maryland.

With Democrats, even their addresses are fake. All that is real about them is their moonbattery, greed, and lust for power.

On a tip from seaoh.

Nov 03 2023

Arrested for Complaining About Muslim Conquest of UK

As with Democrats in the USA, London police side with Hamas in the aftermath of the horrific terror attack of October 7. They even came to a man’s London home at night to drag him away for posting a video on Facebook documenting the profusion of Palestinian flags in his neighborhood that signal support for Hamas atrocities:

Here’s the video he was arrested for:

London has fallen. Britain is following in the tragic footsteps of once-great Egypt long before it. Taking their orders from leftists like Sadiq Khan, police will expedite the UK’s absorption into the Muslim world.

On tips from Wiggins and KirklesWorth.

Nov 03 2023

AI Knows What a Woman Is

Next time someone asks Ketanji Brown Jackson what a woman is, instead of stammering helplessly, she should ask AI. Unlike liberals, it can tell the difference between men and women. Watch as an effeminate fellow curses and pouts because AI isn’t fooled by his womanface shtick:

No wonder the Biden Regime has announced it will regulate AI to ensure it serves Democratic Party ideology.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Nov 03 2023

Resistance to LGBTism Declared Public Health Threat

The Marxist goal of abolishing private property was accomplished when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention established that owners can only insist on rent from those living on their property per the whims of federal bureaucrats — who are now the true owners of all property in the USA. The CDC even floated the idea of setting up Covid concentration camps. Now, public health is the preferred mask for authoritarians of all stripes. Ironically, this pertains even to the thuggish LGBT community, well known for undermining public health by spreading terrible diseases like AIDS and monkeypox.

From the pink swastika crowd at the Washington Blade:

Admiral Rachel Levine, assistant secretary for health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, told the Washington Blade in a statement: “We know that hate — whether fueled by homophobia, transphobia, or racism — is a public health threat.”

Admiral” Rachel demonstrated his own reverence for public health as Pennsylvania Health Secretary by putting Covid patients into nursing homes, while moving his own mother out of one because he knew the effect it would have, and by advocating sex change operations for innocent children.

Health bureaucrats can exaggerate, mischaracterize, or fabricate the threats, but other agencies may be required to provide muscle:

Noting the [apocryphal] escalation of violence encountered by LGBTQ individuals and spaces, the White House in June announced plans to create an LGBTQI+ Community Safety Partnership led by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in coordination with the U.S. Department of Justice and HHS.

The fist of the Department of Injustice is the FBI, which is already used to investigate and intimidate Americans who speak up at school boards or oppose abortion. People like Craig Robertson and Theodore Deschler have been dying violently in quasi-military FBI raids on their homes. You will use the preferred pronouns of the sexually eccentric if you know what’s best for you.

Levine met with New York City Anti-Violence Project Executive Director Beverly Tillery. Tillery wants the DHS and FBI to “play a role in data collection,” which will have implications “down the road for funding and resources and congressional action.”

[Tillery] noted the “overlay of gun violence with this as well,” especially in communities that do not have strong gun safety laws…

The Second Amendment has already been framed as a “public health” issue by authoritarians like Andrew Cuomo and Michelle Lujan Grisham.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Nov 03 2023

Open Thread

One of the unsung freedoms that go with a free press is the freedom not to read it. - Ferdinand Mount

Nov 02 2023

Biden Announces Pro-Islam Propaganda Campaign

If you doubted for a moment that the Biden Regime is not merely foolish but evil, consider that it has responded to a Muslim terror atrocity that entailed torturing, mutilating, and murdering children in front of their parents by giving $100 million to Hamas and launching a propaganda campaign on its behalf in the name of combating Islamophobia:

The White House announced the first-ever national strategy to counter Islamophobia on Wednesday in the wake of the Israel-Hamas conflict and amid a spike in antisemitism.

The announcement follows growing calls from Muslim groups and Democrats to show more support for the community and the civilians in Gaza [who are represented by Hamas] as war rages in the Middle East.

Democrats have a natural ally in people who have been waging a war of extermination against Western Civilization for 1,400 years.

Islamic terrorists don’t kill Jews because they are Jews, but because they are not Muslims. The Middle East used to be largely Christian. One day they may say the same of North America.

Imagine responding to Pearl Harbor by bleating that Americans are mean to the Japanese.

“I am proud to announce the Biden-Harris administration will develop our nation’s first National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia,” [Kamala “Heartbeat Away”] Harris said Wednesday. “This strategy will be a comprehensive and detailed plan to protect Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim from hate, bigotry and violence. And to address the concern that some government policies may discriminate against Muslims.”

As a reward for the October 7 atrocities, Muslims will now enjoy the privileged treatment normally reserved for blacks and transsexuals.

In our country, to bestow cherished victim status is to confer power.

The Biden Regime says it also opposes anti-Semitism. This farcical stance is like reacting to the liberation of Auschwitz with moral equivalence duckspeak.

It isn’t enough to side with our enemies. Democrats have to rub their depraved sense of self-righteous in our faces by pretending Hamas and its supporters are victims and therefore holy.

On a tip from Varla.

Nov 02 2023

British BLM Grifter Xahra Saleem Jailed

Liberals celebrated hatred of Caucasians and Western Civilization by donating many $millions to Black Lives Matter scumbags as they looted and burned. Inevitably, most of this money was brazenly misappropriated. You don’t hear much about legal consequences. Britain’s Xahra Saleem is a welcome exception:

A woman who organised the Black Lives Matter protest that toppled the statue of Edward Colston has been jailed after spending more than £30,000 donated to a youth charity on Ubers, an iPhone and computer, beauty products and takeaways.

Merchant and philanthropist Edward Colston was a Member of Parliament 300 years ago. Like a lot of people at the time, he was involved in the slave trade. That is now the only thing that defines him. Before long, having been white will be the only thing that defines him and enough to justify his erasure.

David Thompson has background on Xahra Saleem:

Saleem, formerly Yvonne Maina, is a co-founder of the activist group All Black Lives Bristol, and was hailed by Rife magazine as one of Bristol’s “most influential under-30s.” Ms Saleem’s merry band of megaphone-waving statue-topplers have been the subject of endless gushing and deferential commentary, with the local university subsequently promising to “decolonise” All Of The Oppressive Things.

Discarded placards and assorted detritus from the group’s protests were fondled reverentially by staff of the local museum and stored for later worship as holy artefacts.

Maina I mean “Saleem” managed to blow £5,800 on Uber rides alone.

No matter; the woke fools who gave her the money supposedly to send deprived youth on a trip to Africa got what they actually paid for: the sensation of smug self-righteousness liberals achieve by throwing money at people who hate them for being white. If only they threw it at people who hate them for being moonbats.

On a tip from Steve T.

Nov 02 2023

Teacher Shouts “Hail Satan” While Waving Pitchfork

Mesa, Arizona has been said to be to conservatives what San Francisco is to liberals. But moonbats have been making inroads:

Sophomore Nathaniel Hamlet told KPNX-TV he walked into his Mesa High School class last Wednesday and noticed his teacher wearing devil horns and carrying a pitchfork.

Hamlet alleged to the station that his teacher proceeded to wave the pitchfork over students’ heads as they entered the classroom and said “hail Satan” to them.

The teacher appears to favor repetition as an instructional approach:

“I said, ‘Don’t do that to me,’ and I pushed [the pitchfork] away, maybe three or four times, and he still said it and still did it,” Hamlet recounted to KPNX.

No doubt this was supposed to be funny, but given the depraved sexual ideology public schools have been pushing on kids, not everybody was laughing. It could be that Hamlet was targeted for special attention because his father has run as a conservative school board candidate.

This being Mesa and not San Francisco, the teacher was placed on paid administrative leave. If it were San Francisco, he would have gotten a promotion and Hamlet would have been suspended for complaining.

On tips from Wiggins and ABC of the ANC.

Nov 02 2023

Open Thread

Why did God make so many dumb fools and Democrats? - William Powell

On a tip from Blackjack.

Nov 01 2023

Illegal Aliens Culturally Enrich NYC as Eric Adams Flounders

Living in Manhattan at the time, I witnessed a remarkable transformation when Mayor Rudy Giuliani took over from the moonbat David Dinkins in 1994. The Deuce — the stretch of 42nd Street west of Times Square — went from a cesspool of pornography and prostitution to a wholesome tourist draw. Unfortunately, under Democrat rule, the “fundamental transformation” promised by Obama works in the opposite direction:

New York City has a huge new red light district thanks to the arrival of hordes of female Venezuelan migrants who are working as prostitutes, Mayor Eric Adams said.

Roosevelt Avenue in the Corona neighborhood of Queens is filled with Venezuelan migrants offering sex services in the open-air, so-called ‘Market of Sweethearts.’

Thanks to the collapse of rule of law in New York following Black Lives Matter, illegal activities can be conducted out in the open.

In recent weeks sex workers have been seen walking the streets during the day, with many aggressively soliciting even as children get out of school or during their lunch hour, as reported by Pix 11.

Children learn fast these days, if not when it comes to the three R’s.

When asked by reporters about the open-air sex market, Adams said the situation has been brought to his attention, and he has visited the area himself, confirming that ‘illegal’ activity is taking place publicly at all hours of the day and night.

Many of the prostitutes arrived from socialism’s latest spectacular failure (i.e., previously wealthy Venezuela) across our deliberately undefended border.

It is unclear if those women were sex workers at home and if they are selling their bodies of their own free will, or if they have been trafficked and coerced.

Best not to dig into this question too deeply. That might anger the liberal establishment the way Sound of Freedom did.

Adams blames federal authorities. He has a point:

In September, the Biden administration issued temporary legal status for an estimated 472,000 Venezuelans who had arrived in the country as of July 31. That was on top of the 242,000 who were previously covered under TPS grants in 2021 and 2022.

However, Adams helped cause the problem himself by barking even recently that the border should remain open, by declaring NYC to be a sanctuary city, and by offering extravagant financial incentives to illegal aliens. Now that it has gotten so out of hand that even he admits illegal aliens will “destroy” the city, he is attempting to deal with the crisis by the traditional liberal tactic of throwing other people’s money at it:

New York City is now steering migrants to a new “reticketing center” where they can secure a free one-way plane ticket anywhere in the world — as Mayor Eric Adams scrambles to free up space in the Big Apple’s already-overburdened shelter system. …

Some of the migrants who have taken up the city’s offer have already booked plane tickets as far away as Morocco, Politico reported.

Cost? Let’s not worry about cost. A federal bailout for NYC is only a matter of time. Then Biden can just print the money.

Even if a few undocumented Democrats take them up on the free airfare offer, it won’t be near enough. Another massive caravan of invaders is approaching through Mexico, secure in the knowledge that the border will remain undefended because the USA is ruled by its worst enemies.

No sympathy for the city that elected this clown.

On tips from Wiggins, Ed McAninch, Lyle, and ABC of the ANC.

Nov 01 2023

Enviromoonbat Killjoy Denounces Halloween

Let’s hope Blinken’s son hauled in plenty of candy while trick-or-treating dressed as the King of the Moochers, because it may have to last forever. Halloween could face cancelation now that Yahoo has revealed it to be “an ecological disaster”:

All those candy wrappers have to go somewhere. So do all the plastic pumpkins, plastic vampire teeth, plastic Harry Potter wands.

And where they go, for the most part, is into landfills and waterways, where they contribute to a plastics problem that has become a global challenge.

Plastic — the miracle material that makes modern life possible — is a synthetic polymer derived from fossil fuels. It is regarded as unholy in the moonbat religion.

Halloween furthermore oppresses animals:

Fake spiderwebs stretched over hedges or fencing are a common Halloween decoration. They are also a danger for birds.

If mudpuddles have rights in Milwaukee, surely we can grant birds the right to a world free of fake spiderwebs.

That’s not all:

Earlier this year, a young deer in Michigan had to be rescued after its head became stuck in a plastic Halloween bucket

Also, jack-o’-lanterns may end up rotting in landfills. We are told to believe this makes it be too hot outside, because decomposing vegetation produces methane, “a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.”

Clearly there can be no place for Halloween in liberal utopia.

On a tip from Lyle.

Nov 01 2023

Ideal Halloween Costume for District of Corruption

Someone sure knew how to dress for a big haul this Halloween:

Secretary of State Antony Blinken dressed his 4-year-old son as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for a Halloween event with President Biden on the White House lawn Monday night.

Nice try, but he didn’t make out nearly as well as the real Zelensky.

Biden gave the young “Zelensky,” who wore a dark green sweatshirt, a box of M&Ms bearing the presidential seal — after asking Congress earlier this month to give another $61.4 billion for the real deal, on top of $113 billion already appropriated to help Kyiv resist Russia’s 20-month-old invasion.

Details on what percentage gets kicked back to a Swiss bank account for the Big Guy have not been revealed, though we are learning more about the dirty money Biden has been taking from our ChiCom adversaries.

Blinken was accompanied by his wife, Biden’s White House cabinet secretary Evan Ryan, and their 3-year-old daughter, who was dressed in the Ukrainian flag’s blue-and-yellow scheme.

Small children make great political props, with the added benefit that they grow up indoctrinated. Just please have mercy and refrain from transsexualizing them.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Nov 01 2023

Milwaukee County Bestows Rights on Water

Leftists attack our fundamental rights directly, assailing the First Amendment in the name of “disinformation” and the Second Amendment during hysteria ginned up over the maniacs they allow to run loose. In addition, they wage a more insidious campaign against rights in general by diluting the concept to the point of meaninglessness. A town in California recently granted rights to elephants. Now Milwaukee County, Wisconsin has bestowed rights on water.

The “Rights of Nature” resolution passed on Friday, issuing specific protections for bodies of water in the county. The resolution originated from a greater indigenous-led movement to ensure that nature has the same legal protections as humans. Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley said that the resolution was a means to both honor indigenous beliefs about nature and to more effectively execute conservation efforts.

It would be racist to oppose anything done to “honor indigenous beliefs” — i.e., out of politically correct obsequiousness toward the scarce descendants of the Stone Age savages who inhabited this continent a few centuries ago.

Like a lot of fundamentally depraved moonbattery, the notion that puddles have rights comparable to a person’s can be traced back to the UN:

The greater “rights of nature” movement believes that all of nature have the same rights as humans. The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) — established in 2012 at the behest of the United Nations — describes the rights of nature as a means to achieve environmental protections by affording ecosystems the same legal protections as people and corporations.

Putting a red face on the foolishness makes it easier to impose:

The Menominee Tribe of Wisconsin originally enacted the “rights of nature” in a January 2020 resolution, which Milwaukee County cited as a model for this latest resolution.

The point is to suppress economic development:

The tribe declared that its resolution was enacted to thwart a proposed open-pit metallic sulfide mine, the Back Forty Mine.

When the Rights of Nature are sufficiently honored, mines and farms will no longer inflict oppression on nonliving entities. People can make do by running around in loincloths chasing bison.

The rights of the Menominee River, as proclaimed by Indians, are extensive:

The tribe declared that the river had a right to naturally exist, flourish, regenerate, evolve; the rights of restoration, recovery, and preservation; the right to abundant, pure, clean, and unpolluted water; the right to natural groundwater recharge and surface water recharge; the right to a healthy natural environment and natural biodiversity; the right to natural water flow; the right to carry out natural ecosystem functions; the right to be free of activities or practices, as well as obstructions, that interfere with or infringe upon these rights.

This won’t stop with rivers. Now that even nonliving entities can be bestowed rights at our expense, it is only a matter of time until everything you can name is granted rights.

Consider letters of the alphabet. Why should A always come first, enjoying unearned privilege over the other letters? All letters have a right to come first. To establish utopia requires overthrowing the tyranny of the alphabetical order.

Smells will have rights too. If certain people have a right not to be offended, why not certain smells? When Eric Swalwell lets rip during an interview, those nearby who pinch their noses in disgust will be taken to task for offending the smell by marginalizing it as offensive.

On tips from MrRightWingDave and Franco.

Nov 01 2023

Open Thread

Treat each federal dollar as if it was hard earned; it was - by a taxpayer. - Donald Rumsfeld


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