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Apr 16 2023

Privileges Demanded for Flying While Fat

Make room — and plenty of it — for the next belligerently oppressed identity group: the grotesquely obese.

Real news spinoff Not the Bee pulls ahead of the Babylon Bee in the race toward absolute absurdity:

Morbidly obese “plus-size influencer” who goes by “JaeBae” has started a petition demanding the FAA and airlines give fat flyers as many free extra seats as they need to accommodate their girth.

From the petition, which over 5,400 have signed:

Air travel should be comfortable and accessible for everyone, regardless of size. … The lack of a uniform customer-of-size airline policy is unacceptable and must be addressed.

That is, government coercion must be applied through the FAA. Demands include:

All plus-size passengers should be provided with an extra free seat, or even two or three seats depending on their size, to accommodate their needs and ensure their comfort during the flight.

Looks like airlines will need a whole new fleet of redesigned planes:

Airlines must provide additional airport assistance to plus-size travelers if necessary, including wheelchair assistance and priority boarding. Airlines should also create accommodations for larger passengers, such as larger bathrooms, seat belt extenders, and alternative seating arrangements.

Indoctrination in CRT and LGBT victimology is imposed throughout society. JaeBae wants something similar:

Airlines and government agencies that regulate the airline industry must train all employees on how to accommodate plus-size travelers, including handling sensitive situations and providing appropriate customer service.

Surprisingly, she doesn’t mention free seconds, thirds, and fourths on inflight meals.

The rest of us will have to pay more to provide free seats to those who let their weight get out of control. It’s what we deserve for not being clever enough to find a way to qualify as victims.

As always, “fair treatment for everyone” means “special treatment for us.”

On tips from Franco, Mr. Freemarket, and jas385.

Apr 16 2023

Transsexual Privilege in Women’s Prison

Transsexuals occupy the top position on the Cultural Marxist totem pole of power, above all other allegedly oppressed identity groups, including women, the poor, criminals, and even blacks. We know this because liberals allow transsexual sex criminals into female prisons, where they are free to terrorize and impregnate female inmates, who are often poor and black.

James O’Keefe has released a video featuring two female inmates at the Washington State Correctional Center for Women:

Daily Wire summarizes:

“So, we have men rapists, men murderers, child rapists, men who have killed women and are in prison for raping and killing women who get put in our rooms,” Inmate #1 claimed. “Imagine coming into your room one day and you’re in closed custody and you turn around and there is a man standing there peeing in the toilet because you have the bathroom in your room in CCU. There is nothing you can do!”

“I know there’s some having sex with women — there was some, like, assaulting, but no one reported it,” Inmate #1 said.

“Some of these men are not confused, they’re just manipulating the system. It’s not equal, because we don’t get the same care and treatment that the trans get in here,” Inmate #1 continued. “They cater to the trans community. All you have to do is say that you are a woman, that you now, when you’re in county, say that you identify as a woman, and you can come straight to here from county. The guys don’t even have to go to the men’s prison first.”

O’Keefe took great care to hide their identities, because the hell they have been subjected to will be made even worse if authorities learn they challenged transsexual privilege.

“My safety is now in jeopardy because I cannot voice my freedom of speech, but that doesn’t apply anymore because now they’re implementing this new gender equality role that forces us to conform to what they want us to believe in about the transgenders,” Inmate #2 said.

Why should liberals run prisons any differently from the way they run public schools?

According to Inmate #2, transsexuals also get priority for medical treatment. Those who complain about the situation are subjected to “ridicule, targeting, bias, punishments, solitary confinement.”

Dylan Mulvaney is the liberal establishment’s favorite transsexual, despite his failure to do to his own body what transsexualists like Richard I mean Rachel Levine advocate doing to children. He is invited to the White House, feted by Bud Light, and literally knelt before by Hollywood glitterati. Let’s see what he has to say about the unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment inflicted on real women on behalf of his fellow fake women:

Normally Mulvaney chirps garrulously. But this time only the crickets where chirping.

On tips from MrRightWingDave and StephaneDumas.

Apr 16 2023

Chicago Disintegrates Into Chaos

Pro-criminal, anti-police lunatic left mayoral candidate Brandon Johnson doesn’t even take office until next month, but the message has already gone out loud and clear and has been received — anything goes:

Todd Starnes reported on the scene in Chicago last night:

Several hundred teenagers are rioting in downtown Chicago and police officers are describing the scene as “complete anarchy.”

As they say, elections have consequences.

At least three people have been shot and a number of transit workers have been attacked and beaten by the mob. Video shows young thugs mounting cars and buses – terrorizing motorists.

At least one news crew was forced to take cover to avoid being shot and Northwestern University has been placed on lockdown to protect students. There are also reports that teens are trying to force their way into the Art Institute of Chicago.

The Democrat Death Spiral has reached the point of no return. Chicago is no longer part of the civilized world.

Batten down the hatches, Chicago. You voted for this.

The Democrats sure picked the right town for their 2024 convention. They must have felt nostalgic for 1968.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 16 2023

How Much Bud Light Deserves to Be Boycotted

The boycott of Bud Light may seem trivial to some, but to countermoonbats it is crucial. Matt Walsh laid out the strategy:

Actually, it does matter which target. Bud Light is ideal because Anheuser-Busch obnoxiously rammed moonbattery down its customers’ throats out of explicit contempt for those very customers, and because the brand depends heavily on sales to regular guys, the demographic woke corporations most vehemently hate.

We don’t have to let AB InBev spit in our faces. We can punch back so that it hurts. But only if we follow through by maintaining the boycott indefinitely.

Donald Trump Jr. has issued an unhelpful statement claiming that grinding Dylan Mulvaney in our face is out of character for Budweiser:

Don Jr. is misinformed — to put it mildly:

When Pride parades and other LGBT events started to gain steam in the 1990s, “Bud Light was the brand,” a 35-year veteran of Anheuser-Busch told National Review.

Bud Light has been the brand to bend over backward for all things LGBT ever since.

In the mid 1990s, he said, Bud Light hired an “alternative lifestyle” brand manager.

“Alternative” specifically means LGBT. The position was maintained for decades.

In 1993, a Bud Light TV commercial titled “Ladies Night” featured four men dressed in drag visiting a bar and ordering the beer. Two years later, Bud Light launched a campaign promoting acceptance of the LGBT community that stated, “Labels belong on beer not on people.” Bud Light teamed up with GLAAD, an organization fighting gay, lesbian, and transgender defamation in 1998. Their relationship is still going strong today.

GLAAD is a militant homosexual activist group infamous for targeting children.

“Bud Light has long been a staunch supporter of the LGBT community,” Sarah Kate Ellis, GLAAD president and CEO, said in 2016 after Bud Light debuted an ad including a same-sex wedding. “This spot is the latest in a long line of inclusive advertising that will help increase understanding and accelerate LGBT acceptance. GLAAD has been honored to partner with Bud Light for 18 years.”

Money spent on Bud Light has actually funded GLAAD’s sick activities.

In 2019, Bud Light unveiled a GLAAD-crossover rainbow aluminum bottle to celebrate World Pride. Bud Light pledged to donate $1 to the nonprofit for every case sold in June, which is Pride Month.

You don’t get gayer than Bud Light, even if it isn’t gays who drink it.

Speaking of targeting kids, the parent company used the nonalcoholic malt energy drink Pony Malta to promote homosexuality to children in South America.

The company has also provided legal and financial support to encourage employees to change their names to signify they are transgender.

Anheuser-Busch finally broke social media silence and was ratioed deservedly. CEO Brendan Whitworth (presumably no relation to foiled transsexual mass murderer William Whitworth) has belatedly issued a buzzword-choked non-apology that alienates everyone by trying not to alienate anyone. It is too late to pretend they are neutral in the culture war.

No one deserves boycotting more than Bud Light and its parent company. Make sure to hit AB InBev’s other brands too and do not let up ever.

Mark Dice responds to Don Jr.

On tips from Varla, Mr. Freemarket, ABC of the ANC, and KirklesWorth.

Apr 16 2023

Open Thread

It is sort of a disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out. - George Soros

Apr 15 2023

Paid Time Off for Being Transsexual

So eager are woke corporations to advance the LGBT agenda that Suncorp Group offers time off work to encourage employees to become transsexual:

The company, which is involved in insurance and banking in Australia and New Zealand, is offering six weeks of paid leave and 12 months of unpaid leave for people to “affirm their gender,” an Orwellian phrase that actually entails the exact opposite of affirming an individual’s immutable biological sex.

You don’t actually have to cut off body parts to get time off work. Just publicly commit yourself to sexually perverted gender psychosis:

Suncorp notes that the transition process can include actions ranging from hormones, surgery, and recovery, to simply informing others about the gender switch and changing clothing style and pronouns.

Systematically encourage something and you get more of it. This includes insanity — with predictable results.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 15 2023

Sheriff Confirms That Guns Are Not Responsible

As George Orwell observed,

“Sometimes the first duty of intelligent men is the restatement of the obvious.”

Marion County Sheriff Billy Woods addresses this task by explaining to the media and others witless enough to need to be told that no, guns are not responsible for crimes committed using guns, like the recent murder of three teenagers in Ocklawaha, Florida. The criminals are, even when they qualify as juveniles:

Also responsible are the liberals who allow criminals to run amok.

On a tip from Lyle.

Apr 15 2023

United Nations Pushes Degenerate Agenda

In case anyone hadn’t noticed that next up for normalization after homosexuality and transsexuality is pedophilia, or that the United Nations is not just irritating but evil:


The International Committee of Jurists (ICJ) along with UNAIDS and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) officially launched a new set of expert jurist legal principles to guide the application of international human rights law to criminal law.

UNAIDS and OHCHR are part of the United Nations. “Human rights” in this context is Liberalese for “decay.”

Ian Seiderman, Law and Policy Director at ICJ, complains that “there has been a growing trend towards overcriminalization.” This applies to a variety of degenerate behavior that meets with globalist approval:

The ‘8 March principles’ … were finalized in 2022. Initially, the principles focused on the impact of criminal laws proscribing sexual and reproductive health and rights, consensual sexual activity, gender identity, gender expression, HIV non-disclosure, exposure and transmission, drug use and the possession of drugs for personal use. Later, based on the inputs of civil society and other stakeholders, criminalization linked to homelessness and poverty were also included.

That is, the UN promotes the legalization of abortion, corrupt sex (explicitly including prostitution, homosexuality, and pedophilia), transsexualism (implicitly including sex change operations, presumably on children as well as mentally ill adults), knowingly spreading HIV without telling sexual partners, and recreational drug use. The “criminalization” of homelessness likely refers to derelicts not always being allowed to reduce public areas to 24-hour open air drug dens.

Laws against these approved activities “perpetuate stigma, harmful gender stereotypes and discrimination based on such grounds as gender or sexual orientation.”

Yes, the debauchery applies to children. Presenting Principle 16 (starting on page 22):

Consensual sexual conduct, irrespective of the type of sexual activity, the sex/ gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression of the people involved or their marital status, may not be criminalized in any circumstances. Consensual same-sex, as well as consensual different-sex sexual relations, or consensual sexual relations with or between trans, non-binary and other genderdiverse people, or outside marriage – whether pre-marital or extramarital – may, therefore, never be criminalized.

With respect to the enforcement of criminal law, any prescribed minimum age of consent to sex must be applied in a non-discriminatory manner. Enforcement may not be linked to the sex/gender of participants or age of consent to marriage.

Moreover, sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law. In this context, the enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacity of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual sexual conduct…

The sexual molestation of children by adults is never consensual in any meaningful sense.

If we can’t at least all agree that the United Nations must be abolished and the UN building bulldozed into the East River, there is no hope for unity.

By the way, American taxpayers are forced to provide this pernicious globalist institution a staggering $12.5 BILLION per year, even as we struggle to pay our own debts.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble and Bluto.

Apr 15 2023

Exploiting a Fake Crisis to Exacerbate a Real One

To quote the Obamunist Rahm Emanuel,

You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.

Democrats rely on crises to impose their policies. Some they fabricate out of whole cloth, like the phony climate crisis. Others are quite real, like the inflation they have caused through grotesquely excessive wasteful spending.

One crisis can be an opportunity to worsen another, as Yoda’s aunt explains:

That’s why a spending binge that drove up inflation even further by wasting vast fortunes on climate boondoggles that no serious person thinks will change the weather one iota was called the “Inflation Reduction Act.”

Make sense? That’s good. If you thought it made sense, you would be insane.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 15 2023

Sexual Deviancy Doublethink

To adhere to a psychotic ideology requires what George Orwell called doublethink. Vivek Ramaswamy explains how it allows moonbats to believe in the politically fashionable dogma of the LGBT cult:

The profusion of Republican candidates is likely to throw the nomination to Trump, to the delight of Democrats, who would lose to anyone else, Trump’s favorability rating having sunk to 25% even as Alvin Bragg’s stunt boosts him among Republicans. But at least Ramaswamy might inspire others to stand up to LGBTism.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 15 2023

Open Thread

There is a certain class of race problem-solvers who don't want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public. - Booker T. Washington

On a tip from Anonymous.

Apr 14 2023

FBI Continues to Target Catholics

The FBI pretended to back off when a whistleblower revealed that it targets Catholics as thought criminals. But sunlight only works as a disinfectant when applied relentlessly. Robert Spencer reports that the Deep State roaches are out from under the oven, antennae a-twitching:

In November 2021, FBI and Homeland Security Department officials increased investigations of “domestic extremists,” reiterating the claim that they are today’s foremost terror threat.

Black Lives Matter rioters and the recent profusion of mass-murdering transgender maniacs do not count as “domestic extremists,” because you are not considered extreme if you share the Regime’s ideology. Consequently…

…there just weren’t enough “domestic violent extremists” to match the hysterical rhetoric, and so the FBI actually resorted to pressuring agents to inflate domestic extremism numbers, and even to fabricate such cases.

That imperative, plus the burning hatred that Catholic Joe’s regime clearly has for all forms of traditional Christianity and above all for pro-lifers, may have led to the fact that, as Fox News reported Monday, the FBI “recently sought to develop sources inside Christian churches and Catholic dioceses as part of an effort to combat domestic terrorism.”

Spencer notes there is no “indication that they’ve taken these spies out of the pews,” and that in the absence of evidence that Catholic churches work like mosques as incubators of terrorism, this is “plain and simple harassment and scapegoating of Christians” by Democrats, who have weaponized the FBI against those they hate.

You can see why the FBI needs a new headquarters twice the size of the Pentagon. There are plenty of thought criminals out there to monitor, intimidate, and potentially drag off to prison like Mark Houck.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Apr 14 2023

Liberal Weenie Tries Shooting Gun

Imagine his horror when this moonbat realizes that for now, people are allowed to buy cars that could be used to run other people over:

Are you lefties sure you want to keep boxing the country into another civil war? What if you have to do your own fighting?

On a tip from Anonymous.

Apr 14 2023

Race Scholar Eric Stewart Forced Out of FSU

Some follow-up on Eric Stewart, who presumably exploited the prevailing Affirmative Action mentality to secure a position as Associate Professor at Florida State University, which he in turn exploited to publish fake data to prop up black oppression hogwash. So crude was the fakery that educrats were forced to show him the door:

A Florida State University criminology professor abruptly left his $190,000-a-year position following allegations that he fudged data on racism studies during his 16-year tenure.

You don’t leave a cushy taxpayer-subsidized job like that without someone’s shoeprint on the seat of your pants.

Stewart has had six studies retracted. The first one to draw attention used altered data to support his contention that the public demanded longer sentences for Criminals of Color as black and Hispanic populations grew.

True to type, Steward claimed that he was being “lynched” when repeated complaints about his scholarly fakery compelled educrats to grudgingly look into it.

He may be out $190,000 per year to generate propaganda on behalf of a poisonous ideology, but at least the apparent fabrication of fake racial animosity earns him a place on the Hate Hoax List.

On tips from Jack D and Jim K.


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