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Apr 19 2023

Planned Parenthood Transsexualizes Youth

The evil accomplished by Planned Parenthood does not stop at killing babies by the hundreds of thousands per year and laundering taxpayer money before passing massive quantities back to the Democratic Party. It also destroys young people’s bodies and minds by turning them into transsexuals:

Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine helped Planned Parenthood become the second-largest provider of cross-sex hormones in the United States, according to emails obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Rachel “Richard” Levine advocates transsexualizing children, including the surgical removal of healthy body parts on behalf of the LGBT agenda.

Levine, a man who claims to be a woman, ran a group called the Transgender Health Working Group in 2017 while he worked as acting secretary of health for Pennsylvania. This group included the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) gender clinic, among others.

Through the cooperation of members of the working group, Planned Parenthood employees participated in transgender treatment training sessions, including at the Mazzoni Center, a clinic in Philadelphia that, according to its website, “provides quality health and wellness services in an LGBTQ-focused environment.”

These Orwellian “health and wellness” services are cash cows for unscrupulous figures in the medical field. Transsexualism hooks people from an early age into a lifestyle that requires constant pharmaceutical if not surgical intervention to maintain.

Levine worked for the state of Pennsylvania from 2015 through 2021, first as the physician general and then as the secretary of health, during which time the state’s spending on “transgender” medical “care” rose nearly 5,000%, according to records obtained by the PA Family Institute.

In that position, Levine was also involved in killing seniors by seeding nursing homes with Covid patients. But at least he was a nice enough guy to get his own mother out of a nursing home so that this policy would not result in her death.

Evidently Planned Parenthood fast tracks troubled youth for transsexualization, making no constructive effort to address the mental problems that make them vulnerable to LGBT recruitment.

In other Planned Parenthood news, Tim Yergeau has committed suicide:

Yergeau, 36, worked at the Planned Parenthood of Southern New England in New Haven, Connecticut from 2018 to 2022 as the director of strategic communications. The FBI was investigating Yergeau on child pornography charges.

You don’t expect moral decency from an abortion mill. You expect moonbattery. That’s what Democrats see to it that your tax dollar pays for.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Apr 19 2023

Open Thread

But you must remember, my fellow-citizens, that eternal vigilance by the people is the price of liberty, and that you must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing. - Andrew Jackson

Apr 18 2023

FBI Kneel Team Six Moonbats Were Promoted

Just how far left is the FBI? If a battalion of heavily armed thugs bursting into Mark Houck’s house to drag him off to jail for being a pro-life activist doesn’t answer this question for you, consider what happened to the FBI agents who were photographed shamefully kneeling in obeisance to Marxist black supremacists at the height of the Black Lives Matter riots:

At least six FBI agents from the bureau’s Washington, D.C., field office were photographed kneeling during a BLM march on June 4, 2020, and were referred to derisively on social media as “Kneel Team Six.”

Obviously, people who obsequiously display submission to criminals as they loot and destroy should not be working in law enforcement. Yet not only were these moonbats not fired, at least two of them were promoted:

They are Sarah Webb Linden, who was promoted from special agent to assistant special agent in charge of the FBI’s D.C. field office, and Amy Oakes, who was promoted from agent to lead cybercrimes counterintelligence agent.

There is a tendency with the federal government for the worst people to fail upward. This explains our current POTUS, but not these promotions. Kooks who prioritize leftist politics over the safety of American citizens are what the FBI seeks to promote.

[Former FBI agent Kyle] Seraphin said he was in the room a few days after the kneeling controversy when two FBI executive assistant directors, Jennifer Moore and Larissa Knapp, praised agents who kneeled. Hugs even occurred, he said.

“In the meeting, there was praise for all who knelt,” Seraphin told The Daily Signal.

It wasn’t simple cowardice or “de-escalation.” According to Seraphin…

…the FBI kneelers were a good distance from the actual protesters. He said he suspected that the agents’ act of kneeling was more of a political statement than an effort to stay safe.

“Both were promoted shortly after kneeling,” Seraphin said.

Seraphin, an FBI special agent for six years, became a whistleblower before the bureau suspended him without pay last year. He first revealed that the FBI’s field office in Richmond, Virginia, was targeting Catholics when he published a document on

Personnel is policy. With every passing day, the personnel comprising the Deep State veers farther to the left. The FBI is comprised of ever fewer principled law enforcement agents like Seraphim and ever more leftist apparatchiks like Linden.

Black Lives Matter conducted violence throughout the country to achieve political objectives. It is by any reasonable definition a terrorist organization. Counterterrorism is Linden’s area of expertise. According to her alma mater’s website, “Today, Sarah is a supervisory special agent specializing in cases of homegrown violent extremism.”

That is, she specializes in supporting it on behalf of the radical left. That’s how you get promoted in the FBI, now that it has succumbed to the Long March Through the Institutions.

Oakes, the second agent identified as kneeling during a Black Lives Matter protest, also has worked on counterterrorism investigations.

The FBI was asked for input on this story. Here it is: “The FBI declines to comment.”

The Deep State is not answerable to the public. As Democrats consolidate power, the public will increasingly be answerable to the FBI.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 18 2023

Are ChiComs Staging Invasion of Mainland USA?

As the Pentagon focuses on encouraging sexual perversion and instilling antiwhite race hate, the ChiComs are racing ahead of the USA militarily. Some assume that they won’t actually invade, at least until after their Democrat de facto allies have managed to disarm us. “There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass,” as a Japanese admiral is said to have said. Or maybe they are already staging the invasion:

This is how war is fought, now that we no longer defend our border because moonbattery.

When Title 42 is lifted on May 11, the floodgates will open. About 400,000 illegal immigrants are expected to cross the border every month.

There is no guessing how many Chinese nationals will pour into the country. Nor is there any guessing what they might get up to when war breaks out over Taiwan.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 18 2023

California Applies Marxism to Power Bills

Leftists’ insane commitment to inefficient means of generating energy will inevitably raise the price of electricity above people’s capacity to pay. No worries; they have a solution. Coincidentally, it is the same solution liberals have for all the problems they create — namely, socialism.

From California, which despite its abundance of natural resources has the highest electricity rates in the country thanks to moonbat rule:

Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas & Electric and San Diego Gas & Electric filed a proposal on Thursday that would install a fixed-rate electric bill system for those under the three largest power companies in the state…

Currently, utility bills are based on electricity and gas consumption. The utility companies are now proposing income-based utility billing so that higher-income earners pay for more than they use, subsidizing the rates for lower income customers.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. Marxism went so well under Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and the Castros, no doubt even Gavin Newsom can make it work.

Like most evil idiocy, the idea comes out of academia:

A 2021 report from the University of California at Berkeley recommends that the state link California’s highest-in-the-nation electricity bills to customer incomes – ie. your ability to pay.

Moonbattery hatched in California unfortunately does not stay in California.

Imagine the kooks at Berserkeley taking charge of whether the lights come on when you flip the switch. Then consider that anti-energy climate zealot Jennifer Granholm used to be a Berkeley professor. Now she is Secretary of Energy.

On a tip from R F.

Apr 18 2023

Eric Adams Declares War on Food

Ignoring crime as it spirals out of control, New York Mayor Eric Adams turns his attention to meat and dairy products, which according to leftist ideology are harmful to the planet.

“We already know that a plant, plant power diet is better for your physical and mental health, and I am living proof of that,” the mental defective haltingly reads from prepared notes. We can rest our case against veganism now. Maybe the planet wouldn’t mind if he at least eats some bugs; it might help get his cognitive functioning up to par.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 18 2023

Open Thread


Compliments of Chuck A.

Apr 17 2023

Climate Change Blamed for Tax Season Being Too Long

Having jumped the shark years ago, the liberal media establishment no longer has to pass the laugh test. It is free to excrete headlines like this one from the Washington Post:

Tax season is getting longer. Blame climate change.

The reasoning (if you can call anything related to Democrat ideology “reasoning”):

The Earth’s warming climate is altering everything from animal migration patterns to when plants bloom. It’s also changing when Americans file taxes: As severe storms and natural disasters worsened by climate change afflict broader swaths of the country, the IRS is issuing more extensions for individuals and businesses to cope with the fallout sooner and pay taxes later.

If you can believe that global warming makes baseball players hit too many home runs, you should have no problem swallowing this story too.

What causes the supposed global warming? Could it be the perpetual fluctuation that has always characterized the climate and always will? No. It is bad things that humans do, like produce food — not just meat, but even rice:

At least the climate doesn’t mind if we eat bugs.

On tips from Jack Bauer and Occam’s Stubble.

Apr 17 2023

Progressively Abolishing Landlords

Progressives work progressively because if the water starts boiling immediately, the frog will jump out of the pot. Not even Joe Biden is tyrannical enough to ban cars outright; the strategy is to force us to give them up gradually by driving up the price through regulation. Landlords will meet the same fate as cars as they are progressively driven out of existence through the erosion of property rights. For example:

Patti Peeples, 61, said investment properties were meant to subsidize her retirement, but after spending $5,000 in legal fees to remove squatters who occupied her home for 34 days, she is fed up.

Costlier even than the lost rent and legal fees is the damage the parasites have inflicted:

The two female squatters caused $38,000 in damage, including smashed walls and windows, cabinets off the walls, a washer and dryer missing, toilets broken, and fecal matter scattered throughout the home.

Also, the squatters are apparently raising deadly pit bulls.

In a civilized country, the squatters would be arrested for trespassing and vandalism. In ours, they have Big Government on their side. Consequently,

“I have absolutely no right to go into this house because these squatters have the expectation of privacy, even though the law knows that they’re squatters, I know that they’re squatters, and they know they’re squatters,” Peeples said.

Going into her own house would be dangerous anyway:

“We were driving by at night, and they threw a brick at my car and damaged it, and we had the window partway down, and they threw human feces into the car,” Peeples said.

Peeples plans to get rid of her rental properties and try to find another way to subsidize her retirement.

Linda Jiang is also considering getting out of the business:

Jiang told ABC13 that she was also a victim of squatters after a month-long struggle.

After arriving at her property to clean up the yard, she discovered she was locked out of her rental home by squatters who changed her locks and refused to leave.

In both Jiang and Peeple’s cases, police told the property owners that they were unable to help and that both situations were a civil matter that must go through the courts.

This can take years. When and if the squatters are finally evicted, they just pull the same stunt somewhere else. Tamisha Holmes-Bey, a squatter on Jiang’s property, has apparently been evicted three times since 2019.

Democrats won’t see a problem here. When the last landlord has been driven out of business, people can live in public housing. We can turn the whole country into a giant Cabrini-Green.

On a tip from Varla.

Apr 17 2023

Brandon Johnson Sides With Rioters

Chicago did not even wait for ultramoonbat Brandon Johnson to take office before disintegrating into total anarchy. Unsurprisingly, Johnson sides with the rioters:

Chicago’s mayor-elect said the city should not demonize the teens who organized a ‘Teen Takeover’ of the Loop over the weekend, even after the event turned violent with cars burnt cars and minors shot.

Johnson bleats that “it is not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities.” Because being brought up on free money and then offered every advantage as members of the preferred racial group — first hired, last fired, immune from criticism — just isn’t enough.

Gunshots rang out with rounds striking two teenage boys aged 16 and 17 who were reported to be in stable condition as of Sunday. Cars were also left vandalized near East Washington Street in the Windy City, including a Tesla which is worth about $120,000.

Blowing $120,000 on an inferior mode of transportation like an electric car, presumably for ideological reasons, is pure moonbattery. A rich liberal’s Tesla destroyed by a mob of savages unleashed by liberalism has a poignant feel of poetic justice. But it is tragic to see America’s third largest city succumb to the Democrat Death Spiral and become another welfare state Mogadishu like Detroit.

Meanwhile, moonbats squeal with self-righteous rage when Walmart closes stores in this hellhole because theft and vandalism make it impossible to stay in business:

If we keep electing Brandons, before long the federal government will mandate that Walmart stores have to stay open in Chicago and give the merchandise away for free — until there isn’t any Walmart because it has gone bankrupt.

On tips from Ed McAninch, Mr. Freemarket, and Varla.

Apr 17 2023

Buttigieg: Racist Roads Kill Minorities

Turns out our conspicuously incompetent transportation secretary has another qualification besides being deafeningly homosexual. Pete Buttigieg can push moonbattery to extremes of pernicious foolishness that only the utterly shameless can achieve, as he proved by telling professional race baiter Al Sharpton that roads designed by racist Caucasians kill minorities:

“We have a crisis when it comes to roadway fatalities in America. We lose about 40,000 people every year. It’s a level that is comparable to gun violence. And we see a lot of racial disparities. Black and Brown Americans, tribal citizens and rural residents are much more likely to lose their lives whether it’s in a car or as a pedestrian being hit by a car,” Buttigieg said.

By “gun violence,” he largely means suicide, the rate of which unsurprisingly rose when Democrats took power in 2021.

He continued, “There are a lot of reasons related to discrimination and related to even the ways that roads are designed and built, who has access to a safe street design that has crosswalks and good lighting, who doesn’t have that access that can drive disparities, and we have a responsibility to act on that.”

With geniuses like Buttigieg in charge, we can design roads so that the only people who get killed in traffic accidents are those who deserve it, namely whites. He’ll get right on it, so long as he isn’t too busy taking extended paternity leave with his child-grooming “husband.”

We may one day discover life on other planets, but it is safe to say we will never discover a lifeform lower than Pete Buttigieg, because that would be inconceivable.

On tips from Wiggins and Steve T.

Apr 17 2023

Open Thread

You know, we have a fiscal train wreck before us. And unless we act, and act deliberately, we're not going to enable our kids to have what we have. It's plain and simple as that. - Eric Cantor

Apr 16 2023

Privileges Demanded for Flying While Fat

Make room — and plenty of it — for the next belligerently oppressed identity group: the grotesquely obese.

Real news spinoff Not the Bee pulls ahead of the Babylon Bee in the race toward absolute absurdity:

Morbidly obese “plus-size influencer” who goes by “JaeBae” has started a petition demanding the FAA and airlines give fat flyers as many free extra seats as they need to accommodate their girth.

From the petition, which over 5,400 have signed:

Air travel should be comfortable and accessible for everyone, regardless of size. … The lack of a uniform customer-of-size airline policy is unacceptable and must be addressed.

That is, government coercion must be applied through the FAA. Demands include:

All plus-size passengers should be provided with an extra free seat, or even two or three seats depending on their size, to accommodate their needs and ensure their comfort during the flight.

Looks like airlines will need a whole new fleet of redesigned planes:

Airlines must provide additional airport assistance to plus-size travelers if necessary, including wheelchair assistance and priority boarding. Airlines should also create accommodations for larger passengers, such as larger bathrooms, seat belt extenders, and alternative seating arrangements.

Indoctrination in CRT and LGBT victimology is imposed throughout society. JaeBae wants something similar:

Airlines and government agencies that regulate the airline industry must train all employees on how to accommodate plus-size travelers, including handling sensitive situations and providing appropriate customer service.

Surprisingly, she doesn’t mention free seconds, thirds, and fourths on inflight meals.

The rest of us will have to pay more to provide free seats to those who let their weight get out of control. It’s what we deserve for not being clever enough to find a way to qualify as victims.

As always, “fair treatment for everyone” means “special treatment for us.”

On tips from Franco, Mr. Freemarket, and jas385.

Apr 16 2023

Transsexual Privilege in Women’s Prison

Transsexuals occupy the top position on the Cultural Marxist totem pole of power, above all other allegedly oppressed identity groups, including women, the poor, criminals, and even blacks. We know this because liberals allow transsexual sex criminals into female prisons, where they are free to terrorize and impregnate female inmates, who are often poor and black.

James O’Keefe has released a video featuring two female inmates at the Washington State Correctional Center for Women:

Daily Wire summarizes:

“So, we have men rapists, men murderers, child rapists, men who have killed women and are in prison for raping and killing women who get put in our rooms,” Inmate #1 claimed. “Imagine coming into your room one day and you’re in closed custody and you turn around and there is a man standing there peeing in the toilet because you have the bathroom in your room in CCU. There is nothing you can do!”

“I know there’s some having sex with women — there was some, like, assaulting, but no one reported it,” Inmate #1 said.

“Some of these men are not confused, they’re just manipulating the system. It’s not equal, because we don’t get the same care and treatment that the trans get in here,” Inmate #1 continued. “They cater to the trans community. All you have to do is say that you are a woman, that you now, when you’re in county, say that you identify as a woman, and you can come straight to here from county. The guys don’t even have to go to the men’s prison first.”

O’Keefe took great care to hide their identities, because the hell they have been subjected to will be made even worse if authorities learn they challenged transsexual privilege.

“My safety is now in jeopardy because I cannot voice my freedom of speech, but that doesn’t apply anymore because now they’re implementing this new gender equality role that forces us to conform to what they want us to believe in about the transgenders,” Inmate #2 said.

Why should liberals run prisons any differently from the way they run public schools?

According to Inmate #2, transsexuals also get priority for medical treatment. Those who complain about the situation are subjected to “ridicule, targeting, bias, punishments, solitary confinement.”

Dylan Mulvaney is the liberal establishment’s favorite transsexual, despite his failure to do to his own body what transsexualists like Richard I mean Rachel Levine advocate doing to children. He is invited to the White House, feted by Bud Light, and literally knelt before by Hollywood glitterati. Let’s see what he has to say about the unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment inflicted on real women on behalf of his fellow fake women:

Normally Mulvaney chirps garrulously. But this time only the crickets where chirping.

On tips from MrRightWingDave and StephaneDumas.


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