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Mar 22 2023

Growing Up White in Fundamentally Transformed America

The more the liberal establishment demonizes whites, shrieks that they oppress favored blacks, and relieves blacks of responsibility for dysfunctional and antisocial behavior, the more we will see of incidents like this:

A video of a young man viciously berating a little boy and his white parents on a subway train in New York City is fast going viral on Twitter, prompting some to conclude that this kind of racial animosity was the objective of leftists and critical race theory advocates all along.

The video:

Already, children are subjected to much worse than hostile screaming.

The gargantuan debt they will leave behind is not the worst crime our current ruling class has committed against the generation to follow.

On tips from THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084, Wiggins, and ABC of the ANC.

Mar 22 2023

Boston School Gives Sex Survey to Preteens

In sane times, these creeps would have been arrested for corrupting the morals of minors. Now, they run our schools:

A Boston public school elicited outrage among parents this week when it presented pre-teen students with an explicit survey asking them about their sexual history, including whether they’ve performed oral sex.

The survey asks children if they are transgender, how many sexual partners they have had, and whether they have considered suicide, planting concepts in their minds that do not belong there.

The principal of Eliot K-8 Innovation School in a Thursday letter to parents acknowledged the “many concerns” over the survey, which was administered [last] Wednesday to some sixth- and seventh-graders.

Despite the token acknowledgement, these concerns will be essentially ignored. Parents who push the issue at school board meetings will have the FBI to answer to.

On a tip from Jack D.

Mar 22 2023

More 1/6 Protester Arrests; Cash Rewards for BLM Rioters

The Department of Justice has reacted to video revealing that the “insurrection” on January 6 was more peaceful than the average Black Lives Matter demonstration by announcing there will be as many as 1,200 more arrests. A thousand people have already been arrested. Those who did anything remotely worthy of incarceration are already sitting in jail. The Democratic Party is rounding up political prisoners.

In jarring contrast, leftist rioters are not hunted down by federal agents. They are handed cash rewards at the expense of law-abiding taxpayers:

Philadelphia has reached an agreement to pay a total of $9.25 million to more than 200 people who were injured during the police response to protests following the murder of George Floyd in May 2020.

Rioters’ lawyers claim they deserve other people’s money because the zip ties, tear gas, and rubber bullets required to restrain them were hurtful. Some even claim to have suffered mental trauma. The liberals in charge are only too happy to open the public purse.

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said in a statement obtained by FOX29 that the “pain and trauma” that police violence and racism have caused Black and Brown Philadelphians is “immeasurable.”

What do you expect in a country where the vice president explicitly raised funds to bail rioters out of jail and called for more riots?

Democrats reward rioting because they want more — so long as it serves to advance their agenda. Otherwise, even peaceful protesters may have their families awakened by FBI agents kicking in the door. This form of government is called “anarchotyranny.”

Weaponization of the justice system has gone well beyond anything someone worthy to be called an American would find tolerable. Under Democrat rule, this is becoming a banana republic. Those familiar with the French and Russian revolutions know what kind of Reign of Terror lays ahead if leftists are allowed to consolidate power further.

On tips from Wiggins and ABC of the ANC.

Mar 22 2023

Open Thread

Being Native American has been part of my story I guess since the day I was born. - Elizabeth Warren

Mar 21 2023

Civil Rights Teams: LGBT Red Guard for Schools

“What we learn from history is that people don’t learn from history,” quips crony capitalist Warren Buffett. However, his fellow Democrats have learned plenty from history. From communist China’s nightmarish Cultural Revolution, they learned how to impose their depraved ideology through gangs of young thugs. Under Mao, these were called the Red Guard. Maine uses the term “Civil Rights Teams.”

At a school board meeting earlier this month

…nearly 100 parents expressed their frustration and anger over how the Windham Raymond School System is handling parental concerns about sexually explicit books, intrusive student surveys, and gender identity programming.

Kids are impressionable; that’s why Democrats focus on schools to advance their degeneracy-based agenda.

Those whose parents are decent and engaged may resist indoctrination. That’s where the Red Guard I mean Civil Rights Teams come in.

Kristen Day said students affiliated with one of [school district] RSU 14’s Civil Rights Teams harassed her daughter. When her daughter refused to speak about her sexuality, two students affiliated with the club began to bully her and call her homophobic.

The girl was in the 7th grade at the time.

“She was then called homophobic because she wasn’t at least bi,” Day said.

Schools have always had bullies, but these bullies have the weight of the liberal establishment behind them. They are cat’s paws for the grownups.

Civil Rights Teams (CRTs) operate in Maine schools as a project of the Maine Attorney General’s Office, and the nominal goal of the student organizations is to reduce “bias-motivated” bullying and harassment in schools.

Progressives call what they are doing by its opposite, because few would be sick enough to go along with their agenda if it were expressed honestly. Killing babies is called “providing healthcare.” Reducing children to grotesque facsimiles of the opposite sex is called “gender confirmation.” Bullying and harassing children who do not submit to the LGBT agenda is called “reducing bullying and harassment.”

CRT members also created surveys for their peers to take with questions about sexuality and gender, and they pressured them to don “pronoun” pins, Day said.

Educrats are on board. Windham Superintendent Christopher Howell bleats that “the focus of [Civil Rights] teams is on helping to create a safe school environment for all.”

“Safe for all” means a rough ride for kids who do not conform.

Most of the parents took aim at pornographic library books like Gender Queer, a popular LGBT-themed book that includes cartoon images of children having sex.


At the same time parents have witnessed the Windham schools emphasize gender ideology, diversity, equity, and inclusion, students’ performance on standardized math and reading exams has declined.

According to student data available from the Maine Department of Education (MDE), less than half of all RSU 14 8th graders were proficient at math and reading in 2019.

No worries; educrats in New York have solved this problem. Just lower the standards.

Maine educrats already apply this approach:

Getting accurate data on how far test scores have dropped in Maine schools since 2019 is difficult thanks to changes MDE made to assessments.

The very concept of assessment undermines equity. It will be abolished. All that needs to be assessed is conformity to wokeism. This task can be entrusted to the Civil Rights Teams.

On a tip from R F. Hat tip: Granite Grok.

Mar 21 2023

Coffee Revealed as Racist

Leftists have had such a hard time finding racism against anyone except whites that they resort to hate hoaxes and even to claiming that drinking coffee is racist. Actual headline from the Afrocentric website AFRU:

Is coffee racist? How drinking coffee perpetuates white supremacy

Warns the subtitle,

Created by Black people for Black people—and now a pillar of white supremacist capitalism. If you consume coffee, you are helping an industry built on racism.

Specialty coffee is particularly racist:

It’s not just that Black folks cannot afford specialty coffee, but the very acceptance of the term “specialty coffee” suggests that some coffee is somehow superior to others, an idea that is rooted in whiteness. Values like “hard work creates better products” is an white supremacist idea that is constantly forced upon people of color and justifies stereotypes like the myth of “laziness” in people of color.

Whites’ dastardly racism doesn’t stop at coffee:

Milk also became racist after white supremacists began using the white drink as a symbol of their skin. Yes, racist roots in the coffee industry are certainly much deeper, but the whiteness of milk and milk’s devastating effects on the beautiful Black body makes it almost as bad as coffee for some Black people.

So, if both milk and coffee are racist, what can be done? Many people will insist that combining the two drinks actually cancels out the racism, because it represents the white becoming pregnant with Blackness, and creating a delicious Brown result. This is why antiracist folks often take milk in their coffee — a subconscious purifying ritual.

But ultimately, and I know this will hurt, a proper commitment to doing antiracist direct action requires that we give up coffee altogether.

The favoritism enjoyed by blacks makes it challenging for them to maintain the pretense of oppression that validates their position atop the racial caste system. Still more challenging is to distinguish the endless crybully whining from parody.

Let’s see if the site’s About page offers any clues as to whether it is on the level. There you will find a poem defining AFRU’s mission, which like Black Lives Matter transcends black supremacism to also embrace the LGBT agenda. Highlights:

Transgender and cisgender, gender non-conforming too,
Everyone is welcomed, their journey we’ll see through.
And the sex workers, drag queens, and those in the scene,
Their stories we’ll lift up, let their voices be seen.

Too bad they didn’t include an illustration so that we could see what a voice looks like.

Intersex, asexual, pansexual and more,
We stand with you, and we’ll fight for your roar.

Black, white, brown, yellow, and all shades in-between,
Racism has no place here, our love is supreme.

Except that white people are racists so don’t drink coffee.

Has to be serious. As parody, it would be too mean.

On tips from Wiggins and Lyle.

Mar 21 2023

Failing New York Schools Lower Proficiency Standards

Allowing education to be subverted by leftists and unions has predictably resulted in collapsing test scores as children stop learning. No worries; the moonbats in charge have a simple fix that helps achieve equity — lower the proficiency standards:

New York will make it easier for students to reach “proficiency” on state math and English language arts tests, calling last year’s lower scores the “new normal.”

A scoring committee that reports to the Board of Regents said Monday that they must take into account the results of last year’s tests for students in grades three through eight. Some schools posted shocking results — in Schenectady, no eighth grader who took the math test scored as proficient.

The objective is not for children to learn, but for them to pass through the system like undigested food.

Schools with poor scores can be labeled as failing and placed in receivership.

That could mean the gravy train reaching the end of the line for incompetent teachers and still more useless educrats forced to seek gainful employment at less generous pay.

Jonathan Turley provides context:

In the meantime, some districts are moving to a four-day work week for teachers to reduce stress.

We previously discussed the elimination of gifted and talented programs to achieve equity by artificially lowering everyone to the same level.

Other schools have eliminated the “F” to guarantee 100 percent passage rates.

Still others have suspended proficiency standards to simply graduate students who cannot reach required levels in writing, math, and English.

There is also a move to end standardized testing.

The schools of Baltimore — where virtually no learning is accomplished — are a template for the future of education.

Not the Bee sees a silver lining:

If the racism, the groomers, and the drag queens haven’t convinced you to get your kids out of the public schools yet, maybe the schools dropping any pretense of educating your children will.

Not having kids in public school unfortunately does not stop the government from forcing you to pay for them. Democrats use public education to extract money from taxpayers and launder it through teachers unions. That is its primary purpose.

On tips from Franco and Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 21 2023

Open Thread

Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government. - Edmund Burke

Mar 20 2023

Race-Pandering Katie Hobbs Upstaged by Rachel Dolezal

To grasp how much of a farce it is that left-wing ditz Katie Hobbs is now Governor of Arizona, consider this preposterous spectacle:

On Friday afternoon, Governor Katie Hobbs was joined by a group of black leaders and the former Rachel Dolezal, now Nkechi Amare Diallo, for the signing of an executive order banning racial discrimination based on a person’s hair in Arizona.

Rachel Dolezal is to racial impostors what Jussie Smollett is to hate hoaxers. Born of central European ancestry with blue eyes and straight blonde hair, she managed to become an NAACP chapter president and an instructor in Africana studies at Eastern Washington University before her fraud was revealed, ending her career as a professional black person. Astonishingly, she then doubled down on her tasteless racial impersonation, renaming herself with all the authenticity of Suzy Eddie Izzard.

The executive order will prohibit state agencies, and all new state contracts or subcontracts from discrimination based on hair texture and protective styles, such as braids, locs, twists, knots, and headwraps, in the workplace and in public schools to ensure protection against discrimination based on all race-based hairstyles.

Under our racially tiered justice system, anything that could be construed as “discrimination” against privileged blacks is already illegal. But new laws will accrue anyway, as leftist pols virtue signal their racial obeisance.

Here’s why Hobbs had to make a special show of bending the knee:

It is unknown how Dolezal/Amare Diallo managed to steal center stage from the governor, who has twice been found guilty by juries of discriminating against a black staff member of the Arizona Legislature.

The alleged victim is crybully Talonya Adams, who was fired despite being black. That even hardcore moonbats like Katie Hobbs are denounced for racism proves it is imaginary — unless you count racism against whites.

I didn’t realize Burger King still gives out those crowns.

On a tip from Barry A.

Mar 20 2023

Eddie Izzard Is a Boy Named Suzy

It is no longer easy to tell when a comedian is joking. Consider Eddie Izzard, who says his name is now Suzy Eddie Izzard:

The actor-comedian revealed the name change during an appearance on “The Political Party” podcast. While reflecting on her [sic] relationship with pronouns, Izzard told host Matt Forde that she’s [sic] altering her [sic] name to better encompass her [sic] transgender identity.

This isn’t Izzard’s first gender reveal:

During an appearance on Sky Arts’ “Portrait Artist of the Year” in December 2020, Izzard announced that she [sic] is exclusively using she/her pronouns.

Obviously, if these pronouns applied to him, he wouldn’t have to announce them.

Says Izzard,

“I’m genderfluid. I just want to be based in girl mode from now on.”

The guy is a professional clown, so hopefully this is all a joke. But just to be on the safe side, you had better not laugh, lest you get canceled for transphobia. Not that hyperpolitical establishment comedians are funny anyway.

How can you tell when a moonbat is clowning?

On a tip from Lyle.

Mar 20 2023

New York Democrats Race-Bait Against Whites

Antiwhite race hate is no longer an accessory to Democrat politics; as Dems close in on their stated goal of reducing whites to minority status, it is becoming a central feature. Consider the effectively single-party state of New York:

At the local, statewide and national level, left-wing, mostly socialist, elected officials have decried without repercussion that white people live in their neighborhoods, argued they should not be eligible for certain jobs, and issued broad demonizing statements.

East New York City Councilman Charles Barron will go far in today’s Democratic Party:

“I have the distinct honor to be able to come before you and say I actually lost white population in my community,” Barron said in June 2019, during a national summit on gentrification, while wearing a Mao suit.

“If you see one or two or three or four or five whites in my neighborhood, they’re passing through.”

No doubt they pass through as quickly as possible, lest the sun set on them there.

Then there is the Future of the Democratic Party, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

AOC has used her powerful voice on Twitter to take on the issue of too many statues of white people in Washington: “We have 100+ statues and portraits in the Capitol. Almost all of them are of white men. The erasure of women & BIPOC from American history is a feature of white supremacy.”

Until Ted Kennedy set in motion the displacement of the American people with the Immigration Act of 1965, the USA had always been overwhelmingly white; it remains predominantly white. Yet we are expected to erase and replace the historical figures comprising our heritage, as they are doing in Wales, so that liberals can pretend otherwise.

Democrats famously accuse their opponents of what they themselves are doing or would like to do. AOC takes this trait to a characteristically cartoonish extreme by pretending that our imaginary BIPOC ancestors are victims of “erasure.”

AOC, who is of Puerto Rican heritage, and her white fiancé, Riley Roberts, produced a video in 2020 which covered “combating racism as a white person.”

A good title would be, Learning to Hate Myself for Being White.

City Comptroller Brad Lander needs no lessons:

He often lambastes the voting patterns of white Americans.

Shamelessly as baizuos like Lander pander, to have a future in fundamentally transformed America, they would need privileged pigmentation — like New York City Council kook Chi Ossé:

In the months before the council’s speaker election, Ossé bluntly said that a “cis white man” should not be considered for the job.

In other posts Ossé has chided the “incredibly white Animals Rights Movement” and criticized the New York Times for endorsing too many white men for Congress.

Fellow City Council kook Tiffany Caban whips up violence against whites by pretending it is the whites who are violent:

“White people are just outright murdering Black people with full impunity. We are headed for a very long summer of rage. #NoJusticeNoPeace,” she said in June 2020 in response to the death of a BLM protester in Nebraska. “What more can actually be said? We have a national crisis of white men and boys massacring people across the country,” she added in March 2021 in a tweet.

Interracial violence is overwhelmingly black on white — but not overwhelmingly enough to suit Democrats, who scapegoat Caucasians the way Nazis did Jews.

Jews who helped Nazis run concentration camps were called “Kapos.” When we get to the Final Solution stage of wokeism, white liberals will provide an ample supply of Kapos.

On a tip from THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084.

Mar 20 2023

Open Thread

It is absolutely true that I have served in two Democratic administrations. You can tell something from me and my political views from that. - Elena Kagan

Mar 19 2023

Stove Restrictions Expand to Other Appliances

When the plan to ban gas stoves encountered resistance, the Biden Regime pretended to back down, but the ban is back on. Like the planned ban on freelance work, it will be imposed surreptitiously through the Deep State, which does not have to face the wrath of voters. They won’t stop with stoves. Refrigerators, washing machines, and dryers are also deemed offensive to the primitive weather gods worshiped by Democrats.

There would be too much pushback if household appliances were banned outright. Progressivism entails boiling the frog slowly so that it doesn’t jump out of the pot. For now, these devices will just be made more expensive — because according to our rulers’ religion, that will stop the climate from fluctuating.

The administration claimed its new refrigerator and washer-dryer standards would cut carbon dioxide emissions by 233 million metric tons over 30 years. That amounts to 0.02%, two hundredths, of world emissions. In exchange for that virtually nonexistent environmental benefit, consumers will pay upfront costs of $7.58 billion to buy more expensive washers and $6.9 billion for more expensive refrigerators.

If it is worth having, liberals will first make it more expensive, then take it away.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Mar 19 2023

Science Imitates Moonbattery: Male–Male Reproduction

For now, leftists deny biological reality, because it does not conform to their ideology. They might not have to in the future. With sufficiently grotesque innovations, biology could be forced to comply.

We have already read about implanting artificial wombs in men so they can pretend they are women. But no two men can reproduce, however much maternity leave Pete Buttigieg may take while the wheels come off the transportation sector. At least, not yet — but maybe soon:

For the first time, scientists have created baby mice from two males.

This raises the distant possibility of using the same technique for people…

Here’s how they did it:

First, they took skin cells from the tails of male mice and transformed them into “induced pluripotent stem cells,” which can develop into many different types of cells or tissues. Then, through a process that involved growing them and treating them with a drug, they converted male mouse stem cells into female cells and produced functional egg cells. Finally, they fertilized those eggs and implanted the embryos into female mice. About 1% of the embryos – 7 out of 630 – grew into live mouse pups.

Stem cell researcher Diana Laird of University of California, San Francisco warns that…

…scientists need to be mindful of the mutations and errors that may be introduced in a culture dish before using stem cells to make eggs.

If we are going to venture any further into horror movie territory, we can’t let a few mutations slow us down. Did concerns like that stop Victor Frankenstein?

This monstrous line of research reminds us that reproduction is not the ultimate argument for defending marriage from leftist sacrilege. Homosexual marriage is an obscene affront to the natural order. It is an insult to God. That’s the point of it.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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