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Mar 08 2023

Menstrual Products for Men

The advertising industry is among the many pillars of the establishment that leftists have subverted. Consequently, ads often serve primarily to sell not the product or service ostensibly being advertised, but leftism. A current ad for menstrual pads pushes this to the point of absurdity by featuring what appears to be a man:

The Blaze reports:

A 15-second promotion for Always Infinity Pads with Flexfoam features either a man or a transgender man [i.e., a woman posing as a man who may have had her breasts surgically removed] in its commercial in support of “all bodies.”

“No two bodies are the same. Some pads never got that message,” the commercial begins, before promoting that the product “fits all bodies.”

The actual message is that men can menstruate. Whether the skinny black character really is a man does not matter according to liberal dogma, which holds that you are whichever sex you present yourself as.

Before long, the Democratic Party will pass federal legislation either banning menstruation or making it mandatory for everyone. For now, we can thank corporate moonbats for upholding gender equality.

Always is a brand of Procter & Gamble, which is always at the vanguard of obnoxious wokeism, and which has already endeavored to divorce menstruation from womanhood.

The point is not so much to sell menstruation pads as to normalize moonbattery and ram it down your throat. Yet not even Procter & Gamble is woke enough for some:

A Twitter user took a different perspective, however, criticizing the ad because the company hasn’t “gotten the f***ing message that not everyone who menstruates is a woman.”

Actually, yes, 2 + 2 = 4 and everyone who menstruates is a woman, regardless of whether such facts contradict liberal ideology.

Nonetheless, Always is not the only menstrual product to target men:

A different company called L, which specializes in organic tampons, is currently running an ad campaign featuring a male content creator named Jeffrey Marsh.

Are we below the fold yet? Have a bucket handy before scrolling further.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Mar 08 2023

Moonbat Gives Ron DeSantis Ultimate Endorsement

At this point in history, the greatest good an American could do would be to turn back moonbattery, the disgraceful disease that is snuffing out the last best hope. You can tell when moonbats feel threatened by the hyperbole with which they denounce their opponents via the subverted media. Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns just gave Ron DeSantis the ultimate endorsement:

Burns compared Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ education bill to the Soviet Union in an interview with CNN Tuesday.

The legislation, known as Florida House Bill 999, intends to defund all diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives at state colleges and ban critical race theory (CRT) and gender studies classes from the state curriculum. Burns said this move is “exclusionary” and “Soviet.”

Authoritarians don’t just sugarcoat with euphemisms. As Orwell famously illustrated, they call things the opposite of what they are. “Exclusionary” means “failing to discriminate against and demonize whites.” “Soviet” means hated by those who will never forgive Russia for rejecting a system similar to what they aspire to impose on the USA.

With a straight face, Burns declared that the Founding Fathers would not approve of DeSantis defending what is left of our country from the leftists who have been systematically destroying it so as to replace liberty with race-based neo-Marxism.

This isn’t the first time Burns has made a fool of himself while denouncing DeSantis from atop a soapbox provided by CNN:

Burns previously compared DeSantis’ relocation of voluntary migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, to the Holocaust in a Sept. 15 appearance on CNN.

The hypocrisy is staggering:

“This is what’s so disturbing about DeSantis, to use human beings, to weaponize human beings for a political purpose.”

The illegal aliens were imported by Burns’s fellow liberal elitists as a demographic weapon deployed for the political purpose of achieving single-party Democrat rule, as in white minority California. Yet it is genocide to send them to the liberal elite playpen Martha’s Vineyard, where the Moonbat Messiah himself has a mansion beside the supposedly rising sea. Despite pious sanctuary policies, the illegals were kicked off Martha’s Vineyard within 48 hours.

Burns unsurprisingly regards the release of January 6 footage that undermines the Democrat narrative to be, like DeSantis, “a huge threat to our republic”:

Along with everyone else on CNN, Burns flunks the laugh test. But he is to be thanked for reminding us how much liberals fear DeSantis.

On a tip from Gringoman.

Mar 08 2023

Applied Racial Justice

The insane “racial justice” imposed by the comfy white liberal elitists who place black mobs above the law and marginalize police does not affect comfy white liberal elitists. It affects hard-working Americans trying to provide a service to make a buck rather than living off welfare:

The New York Post reports:

Shocking video footage captures the moment a mob of youths trashed a Chinese restaurant in Queens over the weekend, overturning tables and breaking chairs as terrified staff and customers looked on helplessly.

The heinous hooligans left Fish Village in College Point in shambles Saturday, according to a video posted on Twitter by community activist Yiatin Chu.

“We’ve fallen so low that there’s no expectation of consequences for this horrific attack on private property,” Chu, president of Asian Wave Alliance and a co-founder of PLACE NYC, wrote in the post.

Sure enough, as of this morning there have been no arrests.

Even in the unlikely event that the savages are apprehended, there will be no consequences. As Curtis Sliwa notes,

“Nothing is going to happen to [the criminals]. They will be charged as juveniles and be back out on the street. Their friends will see the video, and they will be treated as heroes in the ‘hood.”

Damages are estimated at “up to $20k.”

You would think people would get fed up with this. But they keep voting for Democrats, because the media tells them to. However, Asian Americans are wisely deserting Democrats and shifting to the right.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Mar 08 2023

Open Thread

The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses. - Malcolm X

On a tip from Jester.

Mar 07 2023

Satanists Enact Trans-Affirming Ritual

Two of Democrats’ most cherished causes are so evil as to inspire satanic rituals — first abortion and now transsexuality:

Satanists in Idaho have performed a “gender affirmation ritual” in an apparent attempt to deny the reality of biological sex, as a Bill to safeguard children from irreversible procedures progresses in the US state.

‘Satanic Idaho’ held the event at the State Capitol Building just days after the ‘Vulnerable Child Protection Act’ passed the state’s House of Representatives by a clear margin of 58 votes to 12.

Here’s what satanists and other liberals hope to stop:

If the Bill becomes law, medics who give children puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones or ‘sex swap’ surgeries for the purpose of affirming gender-confusion could face up to ten years in prison.

Ten years is a wrist slap compared to what inflicting sex change surgery on children warrants.

The moonbat religion comes complete with ritual:

Speaking at the event, Rowan Astra instructed attendees to write the names and pronouns associated with their biological sex on a pieces of paper, which were then torn up and submerged in water.

She claimed: “Let us embrace the impulse to eat of the tree of knowledge, to imbibe in the knowledge of our true identities [yadda yadda yadda]”.

Eating of the tree of knowledge means following the lead of Adam of Eve by defying God at the bidding of the Devil. “True identities” as always with transsexualism means “objectively false identities.”

For America to be saved at this point might require the skies to open and holy water to fall in a cataract, melting moonbats like the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Mar 07 2023

Released Footage Explodes Phony January 6 Narrative

To this day, moonbats brandish the 2021 kerfuffle at the Capitol as proof that their opposition constitutes a Threat to Our Democracy that needs to be dealt with by repressive means. January 6 provided leftist fanatics not only with villains to hate, like Ashli Babbitt (the only person to die by violence that day), but also heroes to revere, like CNN propagandist Adam Kinzinger, a former RINO congresscritter who played a disgraceful part in the dog and pony show trials. Despite the efforts of the media and the January 6 Commission to supplant what actually happened with a narrative that helps Democrats consolidate power, the truth is emerging, thanks to suppressed video footage Kevin McCarthy made available to Tucker Carlson.

Propagandists convinced some to regard an eccentric named Jacob Chansley as an insurrectionist who threatened our form of government. Then we saw the video:

Capitol police officers were seen escorting Jacob Chansley, a Navy veteran widely referred to in the liberal media as the “QAnon Shaman,” around the building without incident. Carlson reported that officers were seen showing Chansley around, even trying to open locked doors for him. At one point, at least nine police officers were seen in close proximity to Chansley, and none of them slowed him down, as Carlson noted.

Chansley was later arrested and federally charged for “knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, and with violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.” He was sentenced to nearly four years in prison.

According to our vice president, Chansley’s crimes against America compare to Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

The media told us that Capitol Hill Police Officer Brian Sicknick was murdered by protesters who bashed in his head with a fire extinguisher. We now have further confirmation that this was a lie:

Sicknick was seen walking normally while guiding Trump supporters out of the building as he wore a helmet, which appears to contradict the media narrative that he died of a head injury.

“This tape overturns the single most powerful and politically useful lie that Democrats told us about January 6th,” Carlson told viewers.

As Carlson noted, the footage of Sicknick had an electronic bookmark in the Capitol archives, alleging the Jan. 6 House Select Committee had reviewed it and chose not to include it in its widely publicized hearings and the final report.

Sicknick, who was a Trump supporter, happened to die after the riot of a stroke. Just as they hype January 6 into another Reichstag Fire, they have tried to convert Sicknick into their answer to Horst Wessel. Democrats have no respect for the dead, having no fear of losing their most loyal voting bloc.

It is safe to assume that anything you hear from the Democratic Party/liberal media is a malevolent lie, pending evidence to the contrary.

Media analyst Mark Dice offers his take.

On tips from Varla and KirklesWorth.

Mar 07 2023

Biden Opens Up on Brain Issue

We knew that Joe Biden has had brain aneurysms, one of which ruptured, and that he suffers from advanced dementia. Now that he has opened up on his brain issues, we know a little more — and we have another great Joe Biden quote for the history books:

Of course, Biden does have a brain. The damage it has sustained is probably causing his headaches, as well as his difficulty completing sentences. But Biden’s subpar brain is not in working order.

People who regard this guy as a suitable figurehead are running the country. That explains why we have been lurching toward nuclear war and financial meltdown.

On tips from Chris Neilson, Wiggins, Mr. Freemarket, and CDaJFunk.

Mar 07 2023

MIT Anti-Free Speech Hate Hoax

Hate hoaxes are good for more than garnering the sympathy of fools. They can also be used to shut down free speech, as with flyers blaspheming against sacred sexual deviants that were found on the campus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology:

The incident came in the wake of a two-month-old MIT faculty resolution that defends freedom of speech and expression — even speech some find “offensive or injurious.”

Even some college professors are getting fed up with the climate of fear that prevents the free exchange of ideas.

A report released in mid-January by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression … found that “Large portions of MIT faculty and students are afraid to express their views in various academic settings. Faculty and students are at least as afraid of each other as they are of the administration.”

Educrats being overwhelmingly left-wing, they are rarely fans of free speech, because dissident speech constitutes a challenge to their hegemony. Yet MIT appears to be moving in the right direction — infuriating moonbats.

A Feb. 23 memo from MIT administrators stated flyers posted across campus and some chalking outside a school entrance “contained slurs directly targeting the LBGTQ+ community.”

MIT’s bias response team investigated, the memo added, and determined “the messages were put up by students choosing to use extreme speech to call attention to and protest what they see as the implications of” several new pro-free speech policies and efforts at the school.

That is to say, like the ideology the students were trying to defend from free speech, the flyers are a lie.

Peter Bonilla, executive director of the MIT Free Speech Alliance, said he couldn’t say for sure whether the students who posted the messages are left-leaning progressives, but added “whatever the content of the messages, whatever was being said, the point they seem to be making was that they should not have the right to say it.”

I’ll go out on a limb and say of course they were left-leaning progressives — and of course they belong on the Hate Hoax List.

On a tip from Jim K.

Mar 07 2023

Open Thread

When you disarm the people, you commence to offend them and show that you distrust them either through cowardice or lack of confidence, and both of these opinions generate hatred. - Niccolo Machiavelli

On a tip from Chuck A.

Mar 06 2023

Latest Demand: Black Bereavement Leave

Dance with the one who brought you. That appears to be the guiding principle of black educators, many of whom owe their positions to identity politics. Education is not about education; it is about weaponizing victimhood to advance blacks at the expense of other races. Angel Jones pushes the obsession with racial identity to the point of self-parody:

A professor at Southern Illinois University asserts that black American workers should get paid time off to grieve whenever a black person is killed regardless of whether they knew the person or were related to them.

Jones implies that blacks should get time off even when blacks are killed by other blacks, as is usually the case when they die violently.

Jones says she burst into tears when she was forced to email her students after Tyre Nichols’ death in Memphis.

No one disputes that Tyre Nichols was beaten to death by other blacks, although liberals have predictably tried to blame white racism for it.

Jones published a piece in Times Higher Education with the demanding title, “Where’s Our Black Bereavement Leave?

Crybullies Jones:

I am a proud educator who loves what I do. But before that, I am a Black woman. A Black woman who is expected to return to “business as usual” on Monday after seeing a member of my community murdered on Friday. Although it is customary for employees to receive support and understanding while grieving the loss of a loved one, the same care is rarely shown to the Black community when we lose someone in horrific and traumatic ways. Where’s our Black bereavement leave?

She also says that blacks deserve free counseling to deal with “racial battle fatigue” resulting from their imaginary oppression.

If you give children whatever they demand while purring obsequiously that they are somehow put upon, their demands will soon become absurdly unreasonable. This also applies to racial groups.

How to be black for a living.

On tips from Franco and Jack D.

Mar 06 2023

Schools Trans Kids Behind Parents’ Backs Throughout USA

“It takes a village,” shrieks Shrillary. Former MSNBC propagandist Melissa Harris-Perry lisps that “we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.” That is to say, children belong to our moonbat rulers. They exert their control through public schools, where kids are indoctrinated in their depraved agenda throughout the country.

In Colorado:

Laurel Elementary School Assistant Principal, Amanda Pawelski, and Poudre School District Chief Equity Officer, Marlena Gross-Taylor, were caught in leaked emails discussing going behind a parent’s back to instruct an elementary school student by their preferred pronouns.

The parents had made explicit that they do not want their child to be groomed for transsexualism. The aforementioned educrats agreed to use the kid’s real name and pronouns in front of the parents to avoid legal problems, but not otherwise.

Marlena also referred Amanda to the district’s new LGBTQIA+ Coordinator, Shayna Seitchik, who also reiterated to Marlena that her and Darcie Votipka, the Director of Student Services for the district, agreed with using the student’s chosen pronouns and names while the parents were not present.

Cockroaches rule the kitchen in the darkness, even if they strategically retreat when they sense light.

In Virginia:

The parents of a 14-year-old girl who was allowed to secretly change gender at school have accused teachers of making a huge mistake by keeping them in the dark after she was bullied, assaulted in the boys’ restroom – and ultimately ran away and into the hands of an abusive online groomer.

Michele and Roger Blair told that their daughter, Sage, was allowed to change her name to Draco and use the boys’ restrooms at Appomattox County High School in central Virginia without their permission.

The couple said teachers effectively sidelined them from supporting their daughter, who suffered from depression, during her at-school transition. Ultimately, they only discovered she was trans after finding a hall pass in Draco’s name.

A generation is being raised to be sexually depraved and mentally ill by design, in the belief that it will help our degenerate ruling class to consolidate power.

In Florida:

A Florida mother has sued her daughter’s school after teachers launched a ‘transgender support plan’ without asking for parental consent, reports say. …

[January] Littlejohn revealed school bosses had spoken to [her 13-year-old daughter] about changing her name and which bathroom she wanted to use. …

Aghast by the discussion the school had had with her daughter without parental consent, Littlejohn called them immediately and asked them about it.

She was told by the school guidance councilor and vice-principal that they could not disclose what had been talked about in the meeting, and that Littlejohn’s daughter needed to give consent by-law for her parents to be informed about or be present for future discussions.

Parents have been marginalized.

In Washington:

In a January “leadership memo,” South Kitsap School District Assistant Principal Tom Edwards provided guidance to teachers that advises them to ask a student, before talking to parents, if their family knows about their gender change, according to an email obtained by the [Daily Caller News Foundation]. …

Teachers are also provided additional step-by-step guidance on how to change student’s records to reflect their gender change and how to hide said changes from parents, the email showed. Educators were told to spread the document “widely” to inform others.

It was spread a little too widely, falling into the hands of conservatives.

The Biden Administration has made it obvious that no reasonable person should entrust the government to Democrats. Why would you entrust your children to them? Public schools must be abolished, and private schools monitored closely for signs of liberal indoctrination.

On a tip from Sad Hill.

Mar 06 2023

Profiles in Race Hate: Superintendent Marion Wilson

The vicious savages who beat white children and force them to kneel and pledge fealty to Black Lives Matter on the playground do not get their ideology straight from Ivy League faculty, or from the mainstream media propagandists who do. It reaches them through the schools themselves. Consider Staten Island Superintendent Marion Wilson, some of whose texts recently became public:

“No more white principals on my watch!” says one text under Wilson’s name.

“I need to clean up this island,” another text reads. “White folks need to recognize this is not the boys club anymore. A strong black woman runs this bitch now, and they can either get on board or get out. If they don’t get out, I’m going to take them out one by one. They’re not gonna know what hit them. Gonna be fun.”

You can guess who will replace those driven out of their jobs for being white.

Wilson has spoken openly about seeking to hire more “BIPOC” – black, indigenous, and people of color – to work in Staten Island schools, [a] parent said.

Consistent with our state religion under Democrat rule, Wilson sees to it that hiring is done on the basis of race. Racial preference is no doubt how she attained her own position of power at the expense of someone more qualified.

Local black educators were honored at a Black History event last month at the College of Staten Island hosted by City Councilmember Kamillah Hanks and state Assembly Assistant Majority Leader Charles D. Fall.

“I wanted you to understand how incredible it is, through the leadership of Superintendent Dr. Marion Wilson and our Chancellor David C. Banks, that we are now looking at 14 black principals on Staten Island,” Hanks said.

A Brooklyn principal cited complaints by colleagues: “Many assistant principals and principals have voiced comments made by the District 31 superintendent about hiring only black administrators for vacancies. Many administrators with tenure who live in Staten Island have left for other districts.”

When the people running the schools are openly hostile to whites, it should surprise no one that some students are too.

Whites still comprise over 40% of the students in Staten Island. But not for long.

Meanwhile, blacks comprise less than 13%, similar to the percentage of the American population. But our leftist ruling class has decided they are the 13% that matters.

On a tip from THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084.

Mar 06 2023

Sweden Tries Bribing Migrants to Go Home

Sweden is finally making at least a token attempt to preserve its existence by paying the Third World colonists inundating the country to go home:

Currently, a family with a residence permit and protection status who wants to return to their country, if all conditions are met, can receive a “travel” grant of up to 40,000 Swedish kronor (€3,500). The government is now looking to substantially increase this amount to encourage more migrants to sign up.

Sounds like a bargain, when you consider what New York City is spending:

The mind-blowing cost of the [open border] crisis was revealed Friday afternoon after city Emergency Management Commissioner Zach Iscol told a City Council panel that Gotham’s Department of Homeless Services and Health & Hospitals each spend an average of $363 daily to provide food and shelter for just a single migrant.

Most if not all of them are “asylum seekers” — i.e., illegal aliens gaming the system by pretending to seek asylum as Democrats have encouraged them to do.

Given that there are more than 30,000 migrants currently being housed in city taxpayer-funded facilities, that would amount to a daily staggering bill of $10.89 million.

The state and federal governments, also run by liberal Democrats, have provided minimal support.

Considering the extravagant welfare benefits colonists can expect in either Sweden or the USA, taxpayers will have to cough up a pretty penny to bribe many to go back to their dysfunctional hellholes.

More affordable would be the time-tested strategy of defending the border from foreign invasion. But of course, that would require a sane, competent government that means the country well, so it is not an option in the USA for now.

On tips from ABC of the ANC.

Mar 06 2023

Open Thread

The bigger the State, the smaller the citizen - Dennis Prager

On a tip from Talos4.


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