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Feb 03 2024

Biden Endorses Trump?

Ten years ago, former Defense Secretary Robert Gates famously observed that Joe Biden “has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” A decade later, Biden remains consistent in this respect. But even Creepy Joe can get it right sometimes on domestic issues. While shambling like the undead through the Detroit area, he appears to croak, “Vote Trump”:

It would be nice to think Biden cares enough about the country to want Trump to prevail. However, no one really knows what he is trying to say.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Feb 03 2024

Ethics Journal Defines Pregnancy as a Disease

Moonbats demand we regard abortion as healthcare. If abortion is a cure, then pregnancy is not a gift from God but rather a disease. On behalf of the liberal establishment, the Journal Medical Ethics confirms it:

We argue that there are some compelling grounds for regarding pregnancy as a disease. Like a disease, pregnancy affects the health of the pregnant person, causing a range of symptoms from discomfort to death. Like a disease, pregnancy can be treated medically. Like a disease, pregnancy is caused by a pathogen, an external organism invading the host’s body.

These fiends literally regard a human child as a “pathogen.” This is consistent with liberal ideology, according to which all human activity is harmful because it offends the climate by producing CO2.

The Journal of Medical Ethics is the official journal of the Institute of Medical Ethics. “Ethics” is Liberalese for the pseudointellectual justification of evil.

Hat tip: Allah’s Willing Executioners.

Feb 03 2024

Open Thread

If one is okay with police having guns - whoever is designated as having authority - but panicked at the thought of their fellow man or themselves having guns, then that is someone who does not think like a free person. He places a magical aura around whoever is in charge and only thinks they can wield power. This will come up again in other areas, such as letting government make economic decisions but fearing individual people making those decisions themselves. - Frank J. Fleming

Feb 02 2024

American Psychological Association: Merit Is Unfair

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Merit is unfair:

A study published in an American Psychological Association journal [is] now claiming that socioeconomic disparities should be the focus when seeking potential employees.

The term “socioeconomic disparities” refers to position of privilege according to Cultural Marxism. Refer to Disney’s Wheel of Wokeness for details.

The focus here is on bestowing further privilege based on race:

The study concluded that merit-based hiring fuels racial inequality as ‘members of marginalized racial groups tend to experience socioeconomic disadvantages more often than members of privileged racial groups.’

In a society that has succumbed to moonbattery, research often consists of quacking leftist talking points:

[Lead researcher Daniela] Goya-Tocchetto advises employers to focus on the disadvantages a prospective candidate has faced instead of another candidate who has achieved more in their field and has a more fitting resume.”

To do otherwise would not accord with what she calls “fairness.”

Tough luck for those who have no disadvantages to offer thanks to their disfavored skin color.

On tips from Steve T and Mr. Freemarket.

Feb 02 2024

Disney’s Wheel of Wokeness

Disney rose to prominence by providing wholesome children’s entertainment. Then it was subverted by liberals. Its purpose now is to advance the progressive agenda, primarily by promoting sexual depravity to kids.

Like all evil inflicted on a large scale, this is done in the name of an ideology. Disney’s is the same as the Democratic Party’s — a virulent strain of moonbattery known as Cultural Marxism. Employees are instructed on how to think with this Wheel of Power/Privilege:

People are to be judged not on their individual merits, but on how far out they are from the center of the wheel. Those on the outer edge are to be revered; those closest to the hub are to be reviled.

The center is labeled POWER because Cultural Marxism is based on the lie that normal people despised by the liberal establishment are somehow powerful. Those who enjoy privilege because they are favored by our leftist overlords are to be venerated as MARGINALIZED.

As George Orwell predicted, everything is called the diametric opposite of what it really is.

Daily Wire has context:

Posters featuring a “wheel of power/privilege” were hung in employee spaces in Disneyland, instructing employees that being white, “cisgender male,” and even speaking English means you have “unearned” privilege that your “marginalized” coworkers do not, according to images obtained by The Daily Wire. …

The image was provided by source who works for the Walt Disney Company, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of retribution from the company. …

“So many cast members, myself included, are tired of the division being pushed by companies with a lack of regard for the founder’s vision,” the source told The Daily Wire. “This isn’t what Walt would have wanted for his company. He once said, ‘To ALL who come to this happy place, Welcome.’ Things like this make people feel unwelcome, destroying the magic.”

However, failing to bully and alienate those who do not conform to leftist ideology would be a violation of the liberal doctrine of “inclusion.”

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Feb 02 2024

Illegal Alien Expresses His Gratitude

According to the narrative presented by the liberal media, the millions upon millions of welfare colonists Democrats have invited into the country on an illegal basis to displace us consist of starving urchins grateful for our mercy. But it isn’t hard to glimpse the wizard behind the curtain — as when a mob of illegal aliens beat NYC police officers, presumably in front of tourists.

Afterward, authorities unsurprisingly set the violent invaders free. Here one of them humbly expresses his gratitude:

The Third World is not sending us its best. Nor would its best be welcome. Boada and the many descendants the welfare state will pay him increasingly lavishly to produce can be guaranteed not to vote Republican.

When you see Jhoan Boada flipping off America after beating police officers and walking off scot-free, you are looking at the liberal establishment that imported and enabled him flipping off you.

Details from Fox News:

Jhoan Boada, 22, made the offensive double-handed signal after he was released from police custody on charges of assaulting a police officer and gang assault for the shocking beat down in Times Square on Saturday near a migrant shelter.

Boada didn’t appear bothered by the serious charges as he flipped his two middle fingers and smirked at reporters and photographers outside the Midtown South Precinct in Manhattan.

The reason Boada is not bothered by the charges is that he knows they are not remotely serious. It doesn’t matter what they charge him with if they don’t keep him locked up. Does anyone think he will show up for his trial? Nothing could be easier than an undocumented Democrat slipping off into the shadows, only to be arrested and released for a different crime in a different city under a different name. They have been placed above our laws.

On a tip from Varla.

Feb 02 2024

One Dem Pol Threatens to Slit Another’s Throat

As mentioned earlier,

Putting lowlifes in positions of authority does not improve their moral character.

This is nowhere more evident than in the moonbat dystopia New York:

The Democratic majority leader of the Yonkers City Council allegedly railed that she wanted to “slice this b—h’s throat” after a fellow lawmaker voted unsuccessfully to remove her from the post earlier this month, according to a complaint.

Councilwoman Tasha Diaz made the alleged remark about Councilwoman Corazon Pineda-Isaac after a local council reorganization meeting on Jan. 2, multiple sources told The Journal News.

It wasn’t a slip of the tongue:

Moments later while in the council president’s adjacent office, another source alleged Diaz repeated that she wanted to “slit” her fellow councilwoman’s neck.

Afterward she issued a nonapology:

“Language taken out of context does not give the full picture and is mainly used as metaphors. If language used has ever offended anyone, I apologize.”

Sorry not sorry.

If Democrats would slit each other’s throats, imagine what they would do to Republican politicians, if there still were any in the NYC area. Imagine what they would do to you. Then again, no need to imagine. They are already doing it.

On a tip from Jack D.

Feb 02 2024

Open Thread

The Left has taken over the universities and, increasingly, high schools and elementary schools. It dominates the news and entertainment media. And many judges and courts are leftist - meaning that their decisions are guided by leftism more than by the law or the Constitution. - Dennis Prager

Feb 01 2024

Tampons Unwelcome in Canadian Military Men’s Rooms

Even in a country that has succumbed to moonbat rule, the military may sometimes resort to discipline:

An internal Canadian Armed Forces communication shows a Toronto-area commanding officer threatening soldiers who are caught throwing out tampons in the men’s washroom with discipline and urging them to support the policy for the sake of transgender non-binary members of the forces.

Major Robert P. Ryan doesn’t like “petty acts of protest” like throwing into the garbage the tampons social engineers place in the men’s room to advance LGBT objectives. Hilariously, he gripes that this constitutes a waste of taxpayer money — as if the money had not already been wasted by putting the tampons there in the first place.

Ryan is also a member of the division’s Diversity Awareness Groups, specifically the Defence Advisory Group for Persons with Disabilities.

The ChiComs will conquer Canada just as soon as they can get their laughter under control.

There are still men in the Canadian armed forces, or the tampons wouldn’t end up in the garbage. But to quote Alexander the Great,

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.

On a tip from Franco.

Feb 01 2024

Dems Dump Blacks for Illegal Aliens in Massachusetts

Make a deal with the devil and you will get burned. Sure it’s great to belong to an identity group upon which our moonbat rulers bestow favors at everyone else’s expense — until they find it expedient to dump your group for another deemed more “oppressed.” Feminists have been dumped for transsexuals; now, despite their borg-like devotion to the Democratic Party, blacks are getting dumped for illegal aliens:

A deprived [Liberalese for “black”] Boston community has been left ‘on fire’ after the governor of Massachusetts requisitioned a vital rec center to house the surge of migrants [Liberalese for “illegal aliens”] arriving in the city.

Democrat Maura Healey was accused of treating the Roxbury neighborhood ‘like garbage’ after she locked residents out of the Melnea A. Cass Recreational Complex with less than 48 hours notice.

She insisted it was needed to house the new arrivals, dozens of whom have been sleeping rough in the city’s airport for months.

But residents in the majority-black neighborhood demanded she explain why their cherished facilities had been chosen to take the hit.

Since Healy won’t explain, allow me. Blacks do not comprise as many Democrat voters in Massachusetts as can be produced by importing numberless hordes of illegal aliens and then paying them ever more of our money to reproduce explosively.

The neglected facility will receive a makeover worth $500,000 to make it fit for the 125 families that are expected to move in State Senator Liz Miranda told the Boston Globe. …

State officials have predicted the migrant crisis could cost Massachusetts $915 million this year and Healey has asked for an additional $250 million in Federal funds.

Live it up while you can, illegal aliens. Eventually another group will emerge that is regarded as having interests even more opposed to the hated core population of regular Americans, and you will be dumped in turn. That’s how Cultural Marxism works.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Feb 01 2024

Oregon Drug Policy Results in State of Emergency

Anyone might accidently step on a rake so that the handle flies up and whacks them in the face. But to deliberately stomp on the rake and then be surprised by the consequences takes a special kind of stupid — which characterizes the moonbats running Oregon:

Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek (D) declared a state of emergency in Portland on Tuesday for a rising number of fentanyl deaths as some state Democrats move to roll back a drug decriminalization law.

It must not have occurred to Kotek et al. that decriminalizing recreational drugs would lead to more widespread use of them, inevitably resulting in turn in the accelerated decay of society.

The emergency declarations were a recommendation from a Portland task force last year, aimed at revitalizing the city’s downtown.

Anyone who really wants to reclaim Portland on behalf of civilization first needs to pry liberals out of power. Only then will the drug-fueled zombie apocalypse that has made Left Coast cities unlivable end.

Oregon has struggled with increasing overdoses in recent months, specifically from synthetic opioids, causing backlash against a 2020 law that decriminalized small amounts of most drugs.

The Democrats who have made fentanyl readily available throughout the country through lax drug and border policies are more responsible for the death of career criminal/liberal demigod George Floyd than Derek Chauvin is.

On a tip from Lyle.

Feb 01 2024

Objecting to Satanic Defilement Now Qualifies as Hate

When a crime has been committed that is perceived to express hostility toward a group favored by the liberal ruling class, it constitutes a “hate crime.” Unsurprisingly, given the moral caliber of our rulers, these favored groups include satanists.

To stick it to Christians, the Satanic Temple was allowed to set up a shrine to Baphomet in the Iowa State Capitol as a Christmas decoration. Kudos to veteran Michael Cassidy for tearing down the obscenity.

Everyone knew Cassidy would be punished. But who would have guessed that authorities would be so obvious as to charge him with a hate crime?

Cassidy, a former congressional candidate from Mississippi, was charged the following day with fourth-degree criminal mischief, a misdemeanor. …

Now, Polk County prosecutors have accused Cassidy of a more serious offense. A charging document made public Tuesday charges him with felony third-degree criminal mischief and notes that the act was committed “in violation of individual rights” under Iowa’s hate crime statute.

According to Lynn Hicks of the Polk County Attorney’s Office, Cassidy made statements to the effect that he attacked the statue of Baphomet because it was satanic. That’s why he faces the more serious charges. That is, the main crime isn’t that he damaged a statue, but that he does not approve of devil worship.

What makes the charge a felony, Hicks said, is the hate crime statute.

Cassidy now faces 5 years in prison.

Probably to avoid getting the Kyle Rittenhouse treatment from the libs at GoFundMe, Cassidy is raising money for his defense via GiveSendGo.

Allowing ourselves to be governed by degenerates who are sympathetic to the literal worship of evil is not going to end well.

On tips from Chris Neilson, ABC of the ANC, and MrRightWingDave.

Feb 01 2024

Open Thread

Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder. - Arnold J. Toynbee

On a tip from Jester.

Jan 31 2024

Now Harvard DEI Chief Accused of Plagiarism

In case anyone thought plagiarist, former Harvard President, and ludicrous moonbat Claudine Gay was an exception to the rule, it appears Harvard’s chief diversity and inclusion officer is also a plagiarist:

Sherri Ann Charleston, appears to have plagiarized extensively in her academic work, lifting large portions of text without quotation marks and even taking credit for a study done by another scholar—her own husband—according to a complaint filed with the university on Monday and a Washington Free Beacon analysis.

The complaint makes 40 allegations of plagiarism that span the entirety of Charleston’s thin publication record.

You can’t expect better than Claudine Gay with Affirmative Action hires in charge of hiring:

Charleston was the chief affirmative action officer at the University of Wisconsin-Madison before she joined Harvard in August 2020 as its first-ever chief diversity officer. In that capacity, Charleston served on the staff advisory committee that helped guide the university’s presidential search process that resulted in the selection of former Harvard president Claudine Gay in December 2022, according to the Harvard Crimson.

Head of the National Association of Scholars Peter Wood characterizes Charleston’s scholarship as “research fraud pure and simple.” But you can’t say she hasn’t been doing her job, which is to institutionalize hatred of whites:

Since 2020, her office has pumped out a stream of materials that bemoan the “weaponization of whiteness,” discuss the ins and outs of “white fragility,” and urge students to “call out” their peers for “harmful words.”

“Harmful words” can be presumed to mean speech that does not comply with leftist doctrine grounded in DEI and Critical Race Theory.

Harvard’s commitment to this toxic dogma at the expense of integrity and competence is producing consequences:

The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, one of Harvard Medical School’s three teaching hospitals, announced in January that it would retract six papers and correct dozens more after some of its top executives were accused of data manipulation. That news came on the heels of a viral essay in which Carole Hooven, a Harvard biologist, described how she had been hounded out of a teaching role by her department’s diversity committee after she said in an interview that there are only two sexes.

Serious medical research cannot be conducted where facts are forbidden in the name of politics.

The school is also facing an ongoing congressional probe over its handling of anti-Semitism and its response to the plagiarism allegations against Gay, which Harvard initially sought to suppress with legal saber-rattling.

Harvard has an endowment of $51 billion, but its most valuable asset has been its reputation for excellence. This reputation has been exchanged for laughing stock status in the name of moonbattery.

On tips from Ed McAninch, Steve D, and Mr. Freemarket.


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