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Nov 14 2023

Merging Climate Kookery With Support for Hamas

Hats off to Greta Thunberg for helping to make it obvious that with leftists, the issue is never the issue; the issue is always evil.

When climate warriors like Greta demand we stop using fossil fuels in the name of their ideology, only the dimmest of them fail to understand that millions would starve in the resulting economic collapse. That’s fine with them. Some of these people are so wicked, they effectively advocate torturing, maiming, and murdering children as their parents watch because “colonialism”:

Even some fellow climate kooks have had enough:

Thunberg has come under fire for her pro-Palestine stance by Jewish groups, as the German branch of climate movement Fridays for Future also distanced itself from her.

Ms Thunberg, wearing a Palestinian black and white scarf, had urged ‘ceasefire now’ at a climate protest in Amsterdam on Sunday before a man grabbed her microphone and said: ‘I’ve come for a climate demonstration, not a political view.’

As if climate demonstrations were less than 100% political.

The 20-year-old eco-protester had accused ‘the people in power of not listening’ to the ‘voices of those who are being oppressed’ in the Gaza Strip during her speech in front of tens of thousands of climate demonstrators.

“No climate justice on occupied land,” chanted Greta.

Here’s what liberal demigoddess Greta stands with against civilization:

You likely recall one of the first images on October 7 that went viral, an Israeli woman bleeding in the rear end led into a vehicle by terrorist savages.

Video of the scene was posted here back on October 9. This went unnoticed:

The woman’s achilles tendon was cleanly lacerated so she couldn’t run.

Her name is Naama Levi. Pray for her, and that she is returned alive, and the people who did that to her receive even worse judgment.

Also pray that we get the better of the leftists who have rendered us vulnerable to opportunistic infections like Islam, so that more women don’t share her fate as malevolent freaks like Greta Thunberg shriek pro-Hamas slogans.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Nov 14 2023

Pushback Against Macy’s Defiling Thanksgiving Day Parade

The leftists who run corporations have targeted another American tradition to be defiled. Over 20,000 people have signed a petition to boycott this year’s pro-LGBTQIA2S+ Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Hopefully signatories will remember to boycott not just the parade but Macy’s. From the petition:

Performances showcased in the parade will include music from two Broadway musicals, & Juliet and Shucked, both of which feature transgender and non-binary performers in major roles.

Showcased in the parade will be the “nonbinary” Justin David Sullivan of & Juliet, who…

…declined eligibility for the Tony Awards, saying traditional acting categories need to be reconsidered to become more “inclusive” of gender non-conforming actors.


Alex Newell, a biological male who also identifies as non-binary, won a Tony Award this year for his starring performance in Shucked, playing the female role of Lulu.

This presents a progression toward shoving depravity in the public’s face ever more aggressively:

In 2021, transgender pop star Kim Petras performed during the parade, becoming the first transgender celebrity to perform during this once family-friendly holiday tradition.

Under liberal domination, nothing stays family-friendly for long. Have a look at Sullivan and Newell and ask yourself if you would let either of these guys near your kids.

As the Daily News notes,

The annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade has started the holiday season since 1924, pulling in more than 50 million television viewers as 3.5 million people line the 2.5-mile parade route through New York City.

Yet another American tradition is desecrated by leftist social engineers, subordinated to their sick agenda, and transformed into a means of sticking it to normal people.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Nov 14 2023

Fat Mannequin for Medical Students

Now that people who eat too much have joined the Cultural Marxist coalition, it isn’t only Cosmo cover girls and soap salesracists who are conspicuously overweight. Even mannequins vie for the special privileges that can be secured by qualifying as obese:

Aston University has launched what was claimed to be the world’s first overweight manikin for medical students because so many adults in England are now too fat. The device is based on the body of an overweight woman and is aimed at giving patients greater dignity by giving medics the skills to better treat larger people.

The corpulently correct mannequin is the brainchild of Professor Liz Moores, deputy dean of the College of Health and Life Sciences, who credits herself with achieving another milestone for diversity:

“We want our students to know how to resuscitate people irrespective of body type. Whilst diversity in manikins has already extended to skin tone, age and more recently certain disabilities, there are no realistic looking and feeling obese manikins available in the UK.”

No corner of human endeavor is beyond the reach of moonbattery — including medical education, which entails indoctrinating students on the oppressive history of the body mass index.

On a tip from Mike B.

Nov 14 2023

Open Thread

Biden Disinformation

Compliments of Chuck A.

Nov 13 2023

FBI Manhunt Tracks Down Election Fraud Protester

If you are going to take part in an “insurrection” under our two-tiered system of justice, it is very important that you do it in the name of a cause approved by our masters. There was only one arrest when pro-Hamas demonstrators attacked the White House. No one is likely to be hunted down for participating in the previous pro-Hamas insurrection at the Capitol — or Rashida Tlaib wouldn’t be scuttling around loose. But complain about election fraud and they will hunt you down:

Gregory Yetman, the man wanted for his role in the Jan. 6 insurrection [sic] – and who sparked a two-day search across the woods of New Jersey – surrendered to authorities Friday morning and is now in custody, the FBI said. …

Yetman had been subject of a manhunt since about 9 a.m. Wednesday. He fled into the woods near his home when local officers and agents attempted to serve him with an arrest warrant, the FBI said.

Knowing what happened to Theodore Deschler and Craig Robertson, you might run off into the woods too.

On Thursday, the FBI issued a “Wanted” poster for him, citing several federal charges including assault on officers, obstructing law enforcement and physical violence on the grounds of the Capitol. The FBI also set a $10,000 reward for information leading to Yetman’s arrest.

Here’s what they mean by “assault on officers”:

In videos from Jan. 6, a man identified as suspect #278 AFO can be seen picking up a large canister of pepper spray from the ground and spraying it toward Capitol police and protesters. AFO stands for “Assault on a Federal Officer.”

Certainly assaulting law officers should not be left unpunished. But try to imagine manhunts and $10,000 rewards for the numberless Black Lives Matter hooligans who assaulted police, resulting in over 2,000 actual injuries.

Yetman told USA TODAY earlier this year the FBI interviewed him in January 2021. At the time, he said he has never heard from the bureau since. “Everything’s been resolved, everything’s good,” he said.

However, the definition of “insurrectionist” has expanded under the Biden Regime. Before long it will cover every American not registered as a Democrat.

More than 1,000 people have been arrested for allegedly participating in the protest against election fraud that got out of hand on 1/6/01.

This is called being proactive. The Powers That Be do not want us questioning the results next November if they have to put their thumb on the scale.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Nov 13 2023

“Ombudsman” Deleted From Newspeak Dictionary

Utopia continues to elude us. People still use politically problematic words like “ombudsman.” Justin Trudeau, suet-soft personification of metrosexual moonbattery, comes to the rescue:

As part of the Trudeau Liberals’ quest to root out all gendered language from the government’s vocabulary and end sexism, an order in council dated November 3, 2023, cancelled the title of the Procurement Ombudsman.

The new role at the Ministry of Public Works, which will be the same as the old role, will now be filled by the Procurement Ombud.

How wonderful it must be to live in a country where there are no problems, so that those in charge have nothing better to do than impose their irritating vocabulary preferences.

On a tip from Lyle.

Nov 13 2023

Effect of Liberal Ideology on Retail

The liberal establishment has effectively weaponized a segment of the population through its race hate ideology and selective prosecution. We’ve seen the results for school safety. Here is the effect on retail:

The looting scum are “oppressed” according to the ideology of our depraved and malevolent ruling class. When prices go up for the rest of us to pay for this, we should consider it “reparations.”

Soon all brick and mortar stores will resemble inner-city liquor stores, with merchandise and employees safe behind layers of bulletproof glass.

It didn’t used to be this way. It didn’t have to be this way. But liberal social engineers of the type who produced the Black Lives Matter spectacle want it this way, so that’s how it is.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Nov 13 2023

Mob Beats White Hero Teen to Death

The liberal establishment relentlessly urges blacks to believe that racial violence against whites is justified, while authorities signal that the criminal behavior of black youths will be punished lightly if at all. The consequences are too inevitable not to have been intended. People are getting killed — like Jonathan Lewis:

A teenage boy has died days after he was horrifically beaten by a huge gang of bullies near a Las Vegas high school.

The attack happened on November 1 near Rancho High School, when 17-year-old Jonathan Lewis was pummeled by around fifteen other youths.

He is said to have been targeted after standing-up for a smaller friend who’d just been robbed by the mob, according to a GoFundMe page set up by his family.

The lede isn’t just buried; it goes unmentioned. In light of the racial animus liberals have hyped into overdrive starting with the Obamas and accelerating through Black Lives Matter, it is obviously pertinent that Lewis was white and his murderers appear to be black. But not a single news story I have seen mentions this. If not for video, we would be left to assume it:

Imagine the deafening rage of our rulers if a mob of whites beat a black kid to death. They would start making us into lampshades.

Unsurprisingly, at last word no arrests had been made. It’s open season.

On tips from 100 Bravo and Steve T.

Nov 13 2023

Papertarians Greenwash Paper

It used to be that paper products were unholy in the enviromoonbat religion. They entailed cutting down sacred trees. But now trees themselves are unholy, because they cause the climate to continue fluctuating the way it always has. Bill Gates has even devoted $millions to cutting down whole forests out of sheer environmental righteousness and burying them so that no carbon dioxide can escape to serve as a nutrient to other plants. Since they help save the climate from trees, paper products are now good. So say the papertarians:

Are you a papertarian? That is the focus of a new integrated advertising campaign aimed at informing how choosing paper-based products are a smart choice for our forests and the environment here in the U.S. and to encourage recycling. The campaign from the Paper and Packaging Board (P+PB) launched [in April] on streaming, traditional and cable TV, CTV, paid digital channels, magazines, podcasts and social media with celebrity Retta. She is a comedian and actress known for her roles on the Good Girls, Parks and Recreation and Ugliest House in America.

A papertarian is someone who lives a paper-based lifestyle. A Papertarian does right by the planet by making the choice to use products made from paper over other products because paper comes from trees, a sustainable, renewable resource not from fossil fuels.

In contrast, plastics are made from fossil fuels. That means they are bad. At least they are for people who produce and import paper packaging like the Paper and Packaging Board.

If the paper people put up enough money to buy the news media like Pfizer has, their propaganda campaign will get traction among weak-minded moonbats. Papertarians will exist outside the paper packaging industry. They will scream in your face if they see you buying something at the store that isn’t packaged in paper.

But then eventually paper will be bad again, just as the media will probably give up trying to make us afraid of nice weather and go back to shrieking about global cooling. As with all aspects of liberalism, there is no direct connection to objective reality. All that matters is to posture self-righteously.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Nov 13 2023

Open Thread

Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards - Eric Holder

Nov 12 2023

What Satanists Do When Not Pushing Democrat Agenda

Although they often promote the liberal agenda (e.g., abortion [here, here], transsexualizing children [here, here]), Satanists differ from traditional Democrats in that they are not political 100% of the time. This behavior does not seem to promote the agenda:

A janitor at a New Jersey elementary school went online to brag about how he had contaminated food being served to children with bleach, bodily fluids, and even his own feces in order to get them sick, it is alleged.

Giovanni Impellizzeri, 25, claimed online to be a Satanist ‘doing the devil’s work’, has been charged with child endangerment, aggravated assault and tampering with the food at Elizabeth F. Moore School in the Upper Deerfield School District.

Boasts Impellizzeri:

“They had taco meat before, and I put some … poop in there and mixed it in and nobody knew the difference. They ate the s*** right up.”

Fittingly, the Satanist was arrested on Halloween.

Maybe Impellizzeri’s crimes were political after all. The kids might have been guilty of white privilege, like the 9-year-olds executed by Audrey Hale.

On a tip from seaoh.

Nov 12 2023

Muslim Conquerors Defile Remembrance Day in UK

In the USA, Armistice Day is now called Veterans Day. In the UK, November 11 is known as Remembrance Day. The purpose is the same: to honor those who fought to defend their country. Tragically, no one is defending the UK now. Consequently, November 11 has been defiled:

Antisemitic chants and placards were recorded across London as approximately 300,000 pro-Palestine protesters took to the streets in what is believed to be the largest anti-Israel demonstration since the Hamas terror attacks on October 7th when over 1,400 people were brutally murdered by the Islamist terrorists.

The protesters denounce Israel because like Britain it is slated for absorption into the Muslim world.

The so-called “National March for Palestine”, which was reportedly partially organised by at least three Islamic groups with direct ties to Hamas, came as the Metropolitan Police refused to ban the protest despite objections over it being held on Armistice Day, the anniversary of the end of the First World War upon which the nation commemorates the sacrifices of its soldiers.

London authorities under Islamomoonbat Mayor Sadiq Khan side with Hamas. Waving English flags, complaining about the profusion of colonizers’ Palestinian flags signifying support for the October 7 atrocities, or even showing pictures of children kidnapped by Hamas gets you in trouble with the police. England’s capital city has effectively fallen to Islam.

Here’s what the streets of London looked like before leftists inflicted mass immigration:

Here’s what they looked like yesterday:

In a few years, London will be indistinguishable from any other Third World Islamic hellhole. Already, here’s what happens if you wear a patriotic pin in Victoria Station on Remembrance Day:

The complicit media has reacted by screeching surreally about white supremacists. Far, far away from the liberal narrative, back in reality:

In case anyone didn’t get the significance of staging a huge pro-Hamas rally on Armistice Day,

Only a couple of generations ago, Londoners withstood the Nazi blitzkrieg. Now, they surrender without a fight to barbarians who spit on them and openly intend to eradicate them. Leftism has corroded their souls to the point they can no longer function.

Islam is only an opportunistic infection. England is dying of moonbattery.

On tips from Wiggins.

Nov 12 2023

Lucid Loses $430,000 for Every EV Sold

A coercion-based economy run by corruptocrats and deranged ideologues makes possible marvels of lunacy and waste. In a free country, few if any electric vehicles would be produced, since they are not worth the money it takes to manufacture them. In contrast, in the USSA,

Lucid, the California-based electric vehicle company that makes the Air Sedan, lost over $430,000 for every car it sold in the third quarter of this year, according to the firm’s latest financial report.

Last quarter was even worse. Lucid lost $544,000 for every vehicle sold in Q2.

Ford only loses $60,000 for every ideologically correct electric moonbatmobile sold. But give the federal government time to finish absorbing Detroit and no doubt in will manage to compete with Lucid.

You can see why Democrats are giving up on extravagant subsidies and have introduced straightforward bans on real cars.

On a tip from R F.

Nov 12 2023

Open Thread

The only thing that saves us from bureaucracy is its inefficiency. - Eugene McCarthy


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