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Search: pedophilia

Nov 18 2023

Germany Affirms Right of Children to Be Molested

What leftists get ahold of is twisted into something disgusting and pernicious. This holds true of whole sectors of society, like the entertainment industry. It also holds true of concepts — like the concepts of “rights”:

The German Bundestag has accepted a petition outlining children’s rights which was drafted by men involved in a pro-pedophilia activist organization. Krumme-13 [K13], a lobby group which advocates for lowering the age of consent and legalizing child pornography, announced on its website that a resolution developed by the group’s founder, Dieter Gieseking, had achieved enough votes to be added to the constitution, or Basic Law.

A little background on a pioneer in moonbat “rights”:

Gieseking, a 68-year-old former Federal Border Guard official, founded K13 in Trier in 1993 and promoted the group as a “self-help” organization for “pedosexuals.” He has been repeatedly charged with the possession of child pornography.

His punishment for not only possessing but distributing kiddie porn has consisted of wrist slaps.

When it comes to degeneracy, what a society tolerates, it gets more of. Already Germany has deliberately placed foster children in the homes of pedophiles.

Pedophiles would like to capitalize on the appalling success of the LGBT movement:

Last July, K13 boasted that members of their group displayed a “MAP flag” during one of Europe’s largest Pride celebrations in Cologne. “MAP” is an acronym used in some pro-pedophile circles which stands for “minor-attracted person.” …

K13 endorsed Germany’s new gender self-identification law, stating that “trans kids” are “politically important” for advancing pedophile rights.

The American pro-pedophilia activist group Prostasia must be watching intently.

The giants who left us the Bill of Rights would not be surprised that one day a degenerate ruling class would reject free speech and self-defense as rights. But they never would have believed these rights would be replaced by the right of children to molested by perverts.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Nov 11 2023

Princeton Bioethicist Peter Singer Promotes Bestiality

They normalized homosexuality and even transsexuality with no significant resistance. Pedophilia is virtually a done deal (see here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.). Already progressive social engineers have set their sights on the next hill they will take — sex with animals:

Peter Singer is a professor of bioethics at the University Center for Human Values and has written multiple books including “Why Vegan? Eating Ethically” and “Animal Liberation Now.” Singer tweeted a journal article titled “Zoophilia Is Morally Permissible,” which he called “thought-provoking” and said “challenges one of society’s strongest taboos.”

The taboos sustained by decent people for millennia are there to be “challenged” by creeps like Singer, who is a leading authority in the ethics of our ruling class.

“As one of our most deeply entrenched social taboos, zoophilia is widely considered to be wrong, and having sex with animals is illegal in many countries,” the article reads. “In this article, I would like to go against this de facto consensus and argue that zoophilia is morally permissible.”

Our moonbat overlords endorse raping animals — but not eating them in accordance with a normal human diet:

Singer is a vegetarian and previously argued in favor of not eating meat to combat climate change, according to The New York Times.

“The year of the first Earth Day, 1970, was the year I stopped eating meat. I didn’t do it to save the Earth, but because I realized that there is no ethical justification for treating animals like machines for converting feed into meat, milk and eggs,” he wrote in the Times.

What else would you expect of an Ivy League bioethicist?

For 2,000 years, ethicists drew primarily on the Bible. But the Good Book is not favored by the lunatics currently running the asylum. Passages like Leviticus 20:15 may soon get the Bible banned:

And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death…

On tips from Dennis G and Franco.

Nov 01 2023

Illegal Aliens Culturally Enrich NYC as Eric Adams Flounders

Living in Manhattan at the time, I witnessed a remarkable transformation when Mayor Rudy Giuliani took over from the moonbat David Dinkins in 1994. The Deuce — the stretch of 42nd Street west of Times Square — went from a cesspool of pornography and prostitution to a wholesome tourist draw. Unfortunately, under Democrat rule, the “fundamental transformation” promised by Obama works in the opposite direction:

New York City has a huge new red light district thanks to the arrival of hordes of female Venezuelan migrants who are working as prostitutes, Mayor Eric Adams said.

Roosevelt Avenue in the Corona neighborhood of Queens is filled with Venezuelan migrants offering sex services in the open-air, so-called ‘Market of Sweethearts.’

Thanks to the collapse of rule of law in New York following Black Lives Matter, illegal activities can be conducted out in the open.

In recent weeks sex workers have been seen walking the streets during the day, with many aggressively soliciting even as children get out of school or during their lunch hour, as reported by Pix 11.

Children learn fast these days, if not when it comes to the three R’s.

When asked by reporters about the open-air sex market, Adams said the situation has been brought to his attention, and he has visited the area himself, confirming that ‘illegal’ activity is taking place publicly at all hours of the day and night.

Many of the prostitutes arrived from socialism’s latest spectacular failure (i.e., previously wealthy Venezuela) across our deliberately undefended border.

It is unclear if those women were sex workers at home and if they are selling their bodies of their own free will, or if they have been trafficked and coerced.

Best not to dig into this question too deeply. That might anger the liberal establishment the way Sound of Freedom did.

Adams blames federal authorities. He has a point:

In September, the Biden administration issued temporary legal status for an estimated 472,000 Venezuelans who had arrived in the country as of July 31. That was on top of the 242,000 who were previously covered under TPS grants in 2021 and 2022.

However, Adams helped cause the problem himself by barking even recently that the border should remain open, by declaring NYC to be a sanctuary city, and by offering extravagant financial incentives to illegal aliens. Now that it has gotten so out of hand that even he admits illegal aliens will “destroy” the city, he is attempting to deal with the crisis by the traditional liberal tactic of throwing other people’s money at it:

New York City is now steering migrants to a new “reticketing center” where they can secure a free one-way plane ticket anywhere in the world — as Mayor Eric Adams scrambles to free up space in the Big Apple’s already-overburdened shelter system. …

Some of the migrants who have taken up the city’s offer have already booked plane tickets as far away as Morocco, Politico reported.

Cost? Let’s not worry about cost. A federal bailout for NYC is only a matter of time. Then Biden can just print the money.

Even if a few undocumented Democrats take them up on the free airfare offer, it won’t be near enough. Another massive caravan of invaders is approaching through Mexico, secure in the knowledge that the border will remain undefended because the USA is ruled by its worst enemies.

No sympathy for the city that elected this clown.

On tips from Wiggins, Ed McAninch, Lyle, and ABC of the ANC.

Sep 30 2023

Disney Employees Busted in Human Trafficking Operation

It is no secret that monsters have been gravitating toward Disney and public schools due to the emphasis both place on the perverse sexualization of children. So it comes as no surprise that those arrested in a Florida human trafficking operation include three Disney employees and a teacher.

[Those] arrested included Russell Rogers from Winter Haven, Florida, who was accused of negotiating to have sex with a prostitute.

Rogers, who is married with three children, is also the athletic director at Vanguard School and a teacher at Auburndale High School. …

Meanwhile three Disney employees, Kenneth Green, Marquis Nixon and Carlos Ro were also arrested in the operation for soliciting prostitutes.

As for those charged with human trafficking:

Freddy Escalona, 30, and Maria Guzman, 36, were charged with human trafficking and deriving proceeds from prostitution.

Both were in the country illegally. A border deliberately left undefended has its uses for some.

Although children may not have been involved this time, they often are. There is no shortage of prostitutes in the USA, but as with fentanyl, meeting the demand for underage prostitutes can require moving the goods across the open border.

No wonder the liberal establishment was so adamantly opposed to the movie Sound of Freedom that Bloomberg dispatched an actual pedophile activist to trash it. The degenerate ruling class does not want attention paid to human trafficking. It would crimp the lifestyle of those with certain preferences. Love is love!

If the stuff you see on TV makes you sick, imagine what is going on behind the scenes, as social engineers relentlessly define deviancy downward. A climate of moral decline will breed unspeakable crimes.

On tips from Ed McAninch and ABC of the ANC.

Sep 22 2023

Tim Ballard and Russell Brand Get #MeTooed

Great news; the hero who inspired the best movie to come out in ages may run for the Senate seat to be vacated by liberal RINO Mitt Romney:

Tim Ballard made the announcement during an appearance on the digital show of former Trump White House press secretary Sean Spicer, where he said he had been approached by numerous “influential people” for weeks about a potential run before Romney announced Wednesday he would not be running for re-election.

Let’s provide context for the rest of the story:

YouTube suspended actor and comedian Russell Brand from making money on the platform on Tuesday, days after several women accused him of sexual assault over a decade ago in what Brand has called a “coordinated attack.”

Brand was a member in good standing of the liberal establishment. Then he starting expressing unorthodox views on issues like Ukraine and the Jab. Now,

Brand’s channel with 6.6 million subscribers has been suspended from monetization “following serious allegations against the creator,” YouTube said. …

Brand’s other smaller channels with several hundred thousand subscribers were also suspended from monetization.

The power to cut off revenue is the power to silence.

Brand also makes money as a stand-up comedian. But promoters have postponed his shows in light of the unproven and most likely politically motivated allegations.

At least Rumble is standing up for free speech, despite pressure from the British government to silence Brand.

You can probably guess the rest where Tim Ballard is concerned:

Tim Ballard, the former federal agent who took on child sex-trafficking and inspired the movie “Sound of Freedom,” has denied a report he left his Operation Underground Railroad organization amid multiple claims of sexual misconduct.

We may or may not ever know whether the allegations against Ballard and Brand have any validity. What we do know is that if you are going to get on the wrong side of the liberal establishment, your record had better be squeaky clean — and even if it is, you could be in trouble. Where reputations and careers are concerned, accusation equals guilt when the media is hostile.

Fellow Briton Paul Joseph Watson has more on the #MeToo silencing of Russell Brand:

On tips from seaoh, Ed McAninch, and KirklesWorth.

Sep 18 2023

Watch Moonbat Barista at Play

Other corporations have been catching up in terms of woke policy, but thanks to its baristas, Starbucks still offers a distinctive moonbat ambience:

Jesse Scott Johnson (AKA “Jessica Lillian Johnson”) is part of the ABDL (Adult Baby and Diaper Lover) community, whose members obtain sexual pleasure from wearing diapers and being humiliated.

Being a moonbat is the ultimate humiliation. For those who succumb to moonbattery, this is not a bug but a feature. But Johnson wants still more. So he uses the a whipped cream dispenser to load his diaper. Then he pours in a grande’s worth of ice.

Libs of TikTok wonders why Johnson is wearing diapers instead of pants at work. Not even John Fetterman has done that. At first I assumed he works in California or New York, but no; the location is Missouri, deep in the Heartland. America is as saturated with moonbattery as Johnson’s diapers are with whipped cream and whatever else might be found in there.

Warning — watching moonbats at play is disturbing:

Anyone who goes into a Starbucks after watching that has one hell of a stomach.

Now you know where progressives will progress to next after LGBTism and pedophilia.

On tips from seaoh and Jill! My Dentures!

Sep 09 2023

August to Be Transgender History Month

One month out of 12 is not enough for our degenerate rulers to devote to grinding depravity and psychosexual insanity into our faces. So California is adding another:

The California State Assembly has voted to officially recognize August as “Transgender History Month,” beginning in 2024. The resolution, which passed on Wednesday, makes California the first state in the United States to have a month that officially recognizes the history and contributions of transgender people.

Those still queasy from being force-fed LGBTism for the entire month of June may recall that the T stands for trans. But it takes more than one month to recognize all the positive contributions to society made by transvestites — or rather, it would take more than a month to come up with any.

The bill’s author is Assemblymember Matt Haney, Democrat of San Francisco.

[I]n 2021, San Francisco became the first city in the U.S. to declare August as Transgender History Month, which was repeated by Santa Clara County shortly after.

This demonstrates how sickness spawned in the cesspool San Francisco metastasizes. That’s how Nancy Pelosi came to be one of the most powerful members of the federal government for the past 20 years. Expect Transsexual Reverence Month to join Pride Month nationwide shortly.

We are still a few years away from MAP Month, but it’s coming.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Franco.

Aug 14 2023

LGBT Targeting of Children Continues

As they menacingly chant and sing, they are coming for our children.

It isn’t just in classrooms, at drag shows, and in the Boy Scouts that LGBTists target kids. In woke Austin, children are placed at the forefront of parades in honor of sexual perversion:

Corporate moonbats have the same emphasis, as aggressively displayed by Disney and Target. They even wrap kids’ candy in politicized depravity:

The candy packaging that Skittles advertises on its website features slogans such as “Joy Is Resistance” and “Black Trans Lives Matter.” Skittles, which is owned by Mars, partnered with GLAAD, a media monitoring organization that espouses radical gender theory, to reveal the packaging for Pride Month earlier this year.

This past June was the fourth year Skittles partnered with GLAAD “to support the LGBTQ+ community by amplifying and celebrating their stories,” according to its website. Skittles said it will “donate $1 for every Skittles Pride pack sold to GLAAD in support of their ongoing efforts to work through media to combat anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination.”

“Combat anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination” is Liberalese for “ram the LGBT agenda down people’s throats.” As we have seen repeatedly, the “+” in “LGBTQ+” prominently includes pedophilia.

This is hardly the first time Mars has used Skittles to promote sexual deviancy:

For a short time in 2020, Skittles “gave up” the rainbow that famously dons its colorful packaging for a black and white package to “give the rainbow back” to the LGBTQ community for Pride Month.

How about giving the rainbow back to the Book of Genesis, from which the Alphabet Mob blasphemously appropriated it? For millennia, the rainbow has represented God’s covenant never again to punish us with a flood for wallowing in sin.

This promise leaves open other options. One way or another, what a society tolerates, it will be held responsible for.

On tips from Barry A and ABC of the ANC.

Aug 10 2023

DeSantis Removes Radical Soros-Installed State Attorney

There is happy news regarding Monique Worrell, the Soros-installed state attorney in central Florida who came to our attention when she let free a Criminal of Color who had tried to rape a teenager. Esteemed countermoonbat Ron DeSantis has taken her out:

DeSantis suspended her from office as state attorney for the Ninth Judicial Circuit for dereliction of duty and incompetence.

DeSantis said that Worrell, who was backed by a group tied to Democrat billionaire George Soros, has allowed murderers, other violent offenders, and dangerous drug traffickers to receive extremely reduced sentences and escape the full consequences of their criminal conduct.

Worrell responded as you might expect: by howling that DeSantis is a threat to Our Democracy.

She also screamed that DeSantis is a “dictator” and “evil.” Nothing sooths the soul like the impotent shrieking of thwarted moonbats.

DeSantis’s office listed numerous examples of Worrell unleashing havoc on Florida, including:

“Just this past weekend, Worrell was at the center of a major controversy. Daton Viel was arrested in March 2023 for sexual battery on a minor, as well as Lewd and Lascivious Molestation. That arrest was made while Viel was on probation for another offense – that probation began in February 2023. Viel was still let out on bond and thereafter shot two Orlando Police Officers.”

Moonbattery is not a victimless crime.

In keeping with liberal proclivities, Worrell has been a friend to those arrested for child pornography.

Watch and laugh as she throws a tantrum:

Now for the bad news. Monique Worrell fulfills all requirements to be Biden’s next pick for the Supreme Court.

On tips from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 09 2023

Watch Drag Queen Throw Tampons at Children

Every time I work up the nerve to peek out through my fingers, what I see out there is even sicker. Presenting the current state of our culture under moonbat hegemony:

It will keep getting worse so long as we keep not pushing back. Children will be ever more the focus of politicized depravity.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 28 2023

Why Did Eric Swalwell Campaign for Pedophile?

Why did congresscritter Eric Swalwell campaign for America’s Historic First Transgender-Identifying State Lawmaker Stacie Laughton, who was already a convicted felon when he was elected and who now faces charges involving sex crimes against toddlers? A concerned citizen tries to find out:

Chaya Raichik may have a substantial wait before Swalwell gets back to her with an explanation. In the meantime, she should ask the same question of his fellow Laughton-endorser Robert Francis O’Rourke. “Beto,” as he likes to call himself, has more time on his hands, since he keeps losing elections.

Swalwell, O’Rourke, and Laughton himself are only slightly ahead of their time. Pedophilia is next up to be mainstreamed by the same social engineers who gave us gay marriage and transsexual children. Ask any MAP. Why else would the liberal media provide a platform for a pedophilia advocate to trash Sound of Freedom?

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 25 2023

California Parents Cave to Newsom on LGBT Curriculum

Sometimes parents and even teachers put up a fight against progressives using public schools to indoctrinate innocent children in the ruling class ideology of politicized sexual depravity. Usually, it is not enough of a fight:

A Southern California school board on Friday adopted a social studies curriculum that includes gay rights that was approved by parents and teachers after initially rejecting it.

When CNN says “gay rights,” it means glorification of LGBTism.

Why did parents agree to this? Arms were twisted.

[Leftist Governor Gavin] Newsom previously warned that the district could be sanctioned if it didn’t use the state-approved curriculum.

Newsom denounced attempts to protect children from the glamorization of sexual sickness as “extremists’ desire to control information.”

Don’t worry, it isn’t as if children are being brainwashed into revering perverts who prey on them. According to Allison Barclay, a Temecula Valley Unified School District board member,

“There is no mention of Harvey Milk in the textbook that I know of,” she said. “He is listed in a supplemental section titled ‘Biographies’…”

Supervisor Harvey Milk was shot along with San Francisco Mayor George Moscone by Dan White, a former supervisor who became unhinged when he couldn’t get his job back. White received a wrist slap after using the infamous Twinkie defense. Because Milk was a pervert who molested children, the same sort of liberals who don’t want you to see Sound of Freedom exploited his death to enshrine him as a martyr to their cause. The Navy even named a ship after him.

We grew up with George Washington. The next generation will grow up with Harvey Milk. Because all societies need heroes.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 23 2023

Senator Bob Casey Applies for Ninth Circle of Hell

Dante’s Ninth Circle of Hell is dedicated to treachery. It is the deepest circle of hell, where Satan resides. The Ninth Circle might be a suitable final destination for Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), who wants to spend our money to promote communism and transsexualize children:

A pro-LGBTQIA+ center in Pennsylvania that hosted youth drag shows and promoted Young Communist League of Philadelphia events has received the support of Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., who has pushed federal funding for the group.

Throughout 2023, Casey has voiced support for additional funding for the Philadelphia-based William Way LGBT Community Center. Earlier this year, the senator requested a $1 million earmark in the FY 2024 appropriations bill for the organization.

Providing an idea of what you are expected to pick up the tab for at the William Way LGBT Community Center, Philadelphia Gay News effuses over a 2016 “youth drag show”:

Feather fans begin to cover a table. Dozens of curling irons, combs, make–up mirrors and brushes emerge on another, along with make–up and glitter in every color, and a Hello Kitty box. A bearded man in studded leather platform boots approaches and begins to apply make–up to the face of a little boy.

This is Esai, and he is 11 years old. According to his mother, Dre, he has been sneaking her heels into his bedroom since he was much younger. Dre is a drag performer herself, having produced another drag show by the name of “Fierce” — the only queer burlesque festival in the world. She also produced the first non–gender binary talent show for kids, “Twinkle.”

Despite being the poor kid’s “mother,” Dre is actually a he.

Here’s why the Ninth Circle is a good fit for Casey:

Early in his tenure, Casey identified himself as pro-life and supportive of the traditional definition of marriage.

However, like many other members of his party, the senator has drastically shifted to the left on social issues. In addition to his full-fledged support of the LGBTQ movement, Casey last year came out in support of “codifying abortion rights.” He claimed that the landmark Dobbs decision would “put women’s lives at risk.” Casey now has a consistently pro-abortion, pro-same-sex “marriage,” and pro-“trans” voting record.

Casey is the son of late Pennsylvania Governor Bob Casey Sr., a pro-life icon who was the respondent of the 1991 Supreme Court case Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

Pennsylvanians must have thought they were getting something along the lines of Bob Casey Sr. Now that the switcheroo has been pulled, they are left with an entrenched incumbent who has the liberal establishment behind him — including a deep-pocketed guest at Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island:

The Democrat tech billionaire who helped rehab Jeffrey Epstein’s image and visited his island has poured thousands in donations into several vulnerable Senate races across the country.

LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman recently gave the maximum donations of $6,600 each to the campaigns of Sens. Jon Tester, D-Mont., Jacky Rosen, D-Nev., and Bob Casey, D-Pa., according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records.

Naturally Hoffman throws money at Creepy Joe too:

Fox News Digital also reported this week that the Biden Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee authorized by the Biden campaign, received a whopping $699,600.00 donation from Hoffman on April 26 and a maximum donation of $6,600 went directly to Biden’s campaign.

In addition to the maximum allowable amount directly to Biden’s 2020 campaign, Hoffman gave $1.5 million to a super PAC supporting it. Biden attended a fundraiser hosted by Hoffman in June.

According to White House visitor logs, Hoffman visited the White House five times last year.

Hoffmann does look a little like someone who would rape children and fund Democrats:


LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman went to Jeffery Epstein’s island AFTER his CHILD PROSTITUTION CONVICTION and just became one of the biggest donors to Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign. These are the pedophiles attacking the movie Sound of Freedom.

True enough; the liberal establishment has even employed an open advocate of pedophilia to attack Sound of Freedom.

As noted earlier, ruling class rot goes to the core.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Jul 23 2023

Why They Don’t Want You to Watch Sound of Freedom

Sound of Freedom exposes other movies that have come out over the past several decades as popcorn by comparison. Cultural gatekeepers are willing to make fools of themselves to trash it. They want us to watch woke vacuous crap like Barbie instead.

In part, this is because the Powers That Be want a public shallow and stupid enough to consent to their rule.

In part, it is because the producers of Sound of Freedom proved that you can make a great movie by circumventing Hollywood. It may be the only way to make one.

Mainly, it is because Sound of Freedom forcefully brings home the reality of the struggle between good and evil. The liberal establishment opposes this, because evil flourishes in the darkness. That’s why Bloomberg published an attack piece written by an actual child rape advocate.

Presenting America’s ruling party:

Stacie Marie Laughton is America’s Historic First Transgender-Identifying Former State Lawmaker to Be Arrested for Distributing Child Pornography. He was presumably put in power specifically for embodying the ideology of the ruling class, which has increasingly focused on promoting sexual perversion. This outweighed already being a convicted felon when he was elected.

Chilling details have emerged on how Laughton acquired child porn with the help of an accomplice working at a daycare center:

Laughton, 39, of Nashua, N.H., was referred to as “PERSON 1” in the federal criminal complaint against Lindsay Groves, 38, of Hudson, N.H., who was charged last month with taking pornographic images of children at the Creative Minds daycare in Tyngsboro, where she worked.

“I want to do this with you with one of my kids,” Groves allegedly texted her former romantic partner — who has now been identified as Laughton following Tuesday’s federal complaint filing — the afternoon of June 14 alongside a picture of a prepubescent boy with a focus on his genitals. “I took that picture a couple minutes ago.”

Laughton allegedly responded to that text with “I also need to be honest I mean yes that picture was hot of that little boy but you probably have gotten the picture by now that I prefer little girls (sic), but he is cute,” and allegedly requested that Groves to touch the little boy inappropriately. …

The feds say the messages included at least four sexually explicit images of children appearing to be between 3 and 5 years old, and lots of sex chatter about hooking up with each other and others, including children.

We can only assume that he was elected to the state legislature for the same reason the conspicuously incompetent Pete Buttigieg is the Secretary of Transportation: out of reverence for his warped sexual proclivities. Voters didn’t know just how warped, but they did know that no one should be judged for whom they love.

If it feels good, do it — right? Or maybe liberals have a deeper moral creed that I am unaware of. Let’s ask James Gordon Meek, a former ABC News producer who was nominated for an Emmy five times as a reporter. Someone that well entrenched in the liberal establishment ought to be able to help us:

According to the DOJ, Meek was visiting South Carolina in February 2020 from his home in Virginia when he sent and received disturbing images and videos that depicted minors engaged in sexual activity with adults.

He allegedly discussed in detail his sexual interests in children during conversations on a smart phone while using a chat application.

Files found on the phone reportedly included images and videos of prepubescent children and at least one file that depicted an infant being raped.

You could call this anecdotal — or you could call it symptomatic.

It isn’t just academia, Hollywood, and the upper echelon liberal elitists who visited Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island. The degenerate ruling class is rotten to the core. This rot is the perfect soil for evil to grow.

Where else would progressives progress to next after transsexualizing children if not to raping them? By shining a klieg light on this issue and providing moral clarity, Sound of Freedom impedes the agenda.

On tips from Barry A, ABC of the ANC, Ronin, and Ed McAninch.


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