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Category: Biden

Jul 05 2024

Biden Identifies as Black Woman

Lost in the historicness of a left-wing community organizer becoming the First Black President is that Barack Obama’s VP identifies as the First Female Black Vice President.

The revelation occurred in the course of Joe Biden’s racial pandering:

Biden was afforded an opportunity in an interview that aired Thursday on the black Philadelphia radio station 96.1FM to reassure his allies of his competence. It did not go well.

In his rambling interview with host [Andrea] Lawful-Sanders, Biden doubled down twice on the false suggestion that former President Donald Trump threatened a violent “bloodbath” should he lose the election and suggested further that his opponent “questioned the humanity of George Floyd.”

Then Biden bragged about making appointments according to race, which is how we ended up with Kamala Harris as the current VP.

Maybe that was on his muddled mind when Creepy Joe croaked,

“I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first black woman to serve with a black president.”

Biden furthermore proclaimed himself to be “the first president that got elected statewide in the state of Delaware when I was a kid.” Very historic.

He also self-identifies as someone who served in the military:

The time to invoke the 25th Amendment is right this minute. We survived a Civil War and the Great Depression; there is a fair chance we will make it through a half-year of President Kamala Harris. If we do, it will cure all but the most vehemently malevolent of voting for Democrats.

On tips from Jack D and Wiggins.

Jul 05 2024

Biden’s Marxist Solution to His Own Food Inflation

The bigger the government, the higher the prices at the grocery store, due to excessive regulation, increased transportation costs, and the inflation resulting from wasteful government spending. This has caused so much pain lately that word of the discontent has penetrated Joe Biden’s brain fog. He promises a solution: more government.

If people like Biden are allowed to consolidate power sufficiently, a point is soon reached where there is so much government that people have no food at all, as when algae kills off all the other life in a pond. Refer to the regimes of the likeminded Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin for details.

On tips from Anonymous and Wiggins.

Jul 04 2024

Biden Still Has Friends

If he weren’t so evil, you would have to feel sorry for him. The liberal establishment that anointed him its figurehead has turned on Joe Biden. Its flagship publication the New York Times shouts for him to go away. But Creepy Joe can take solace that even now he has friends.

I don’t mean the relatives like Hunter and “Dr.” Jill who have been heartlessly exploiting him. I don’t mean party bigwigs like Obama who hold their nose and tolerate him because the alternative is Kamala. I mean Ukrainians:

Biden is seven times as popular as former President Trump among Ukrainians, according to a poll released Tuesday.

In the first-ever poll conducted by The Counteroffensive/Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, 46.7 percent of Ukrainians said Biden would be a better U.S. president for Ukraine’s war effort, while 6.5 percent said the same about Trump.

Going on $200 billion of other people’s money can buy a whole country full of friends, guaranteed to last until the cash flow dries up — which it won’t with Biden in the White House, at least not until we go bankrupt:

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Tuesday that the U.S. will soon announce an additional $2.3 billion in security assistance for Ukraine…

If he took care of Americans the way he looks after Ukrainians, Biden might have a better than 12% chance of getting reelected, despite his conspicuous senility.

In other Ukraine news, the country has been found to be too corrupt to join NATO. Hopefully this will prevent fools like Biden and Macron from blundering into a nuclear war.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and Anonymous.

Jul 03 2024

Nasty Edge to Biden’s Senility

If you don’t like your job, just be glad you don’t work for our Commander in Chief. As has been noted here for years (e.g., here, here, here, here, here), Biden’s senility has a disturbingly nasty edge to it. Like his condition in general, this has been getting worse:

“It’s like, ‘You can’t include that, that will set him off,’ or ‘Put that in, he likes that,’”a senior administration official told Politico, referring to how some of the 81-year-old president’s aides feel they have to walk through a minefield before briefings to avoid him getting angry with them.

“It’s a Rorschach test, not a briefing,” the source said. “Because he is not a pleasant person to be around when he’s being briefed. It’s very difficult, and people are scared s—less of him.”

Although many in the media pretend to have noticed Biden’s mental state only during the debate last Thursday, it was already a matter of public record:

In the past, allegations have emerged about Biden having a hair-trigger temper and reaming out aides — sometimes with profane language — when vexed by certain developments.

The irrational anger is likely exacerbated by his thickening brain fog. Even liberal Axios admits that Biden is somewhat functional (as they put it, “dependably engaged”) only from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) is among the many who are alarmed:

“Joe Biden’s cognitive state is one of the biggest threats to our national security currently—especially after our allies and adversaries saw his true, feeble state on full display at the debate,” Jackson said. “Our country is in disarray under the ‘leadership’ of a weak Commander-in-Chief, who is the one responsible for the nuclear codes yet oblivious to everything around him.”

They were talking about taking away Biden’s access to the nuclear codes more than 3 years ago. God help us all if he still has the power to destroy the world.

Anyone on an airplane with Biden as the pilot would be looking for a parachute. Forget November. Biden needs to be removed from office immediately, even if it means a half year of Kamala. At least that might teach us not to appoint people on the basis of DEI.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 02 2024

Biden Legacy Unfolds

America may never completely recover from the damage Biden and his handlers have inflicted by opening the border, exploding the national debt, and accelerating Obama’s weaponization of the Justice Department. Yet when Creepy Joe finally crawls back under his rock for good, he might be best remembered for the laughs he gave us:

Here’s how he makes us look in front of the rest of the world:

The sooner Biden is removed from office, the sooner the USA can restore its seriousness as a nation.

On tips from seaoh.

Jul 02 2024

Overwhelming Majority See Biden as Unfit

Democrats are disappointed (to put it mildly) that the Supreme Court won’t help them imprison the lead opposition figure for being a threat to democracy. Since they are defenders of democracy, they ought to listen to the voice of the people:

A new poll conducted after the first presidential debate found that nearly three-quarters of Americans say President Joe Biden shouldn’t be running in the 2024 election and doesn’t have the cognitive health to serve in the White House.

The poll must have been taken by right-wing extremists, right? No; it is from lefty CBS:

According to a CBS News/YouGov poll of 1,130 registered voters conducted between June 28-29, 2024, Thursday’s presidential debate had damaging results for President Biden.

With the help of the media, some people managed not to notice that Biden suffers not only from corruption and moonbattery but also severe dementia. Everyone has noticed it now.

An overwhelming 72% of American voters said Biden does not have the mental and cognitive health to serve as president – up from 65% in the same CBS poll conducted on June 9.

Already it is barely conceivable that Joe Biden could win a fair election against someone who has held the office and performed well. He will continue to decay between now and November. Yet switching him out won’t be easy.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, Anonymous, KirklesWorth, ABC of the ANC, Bluto, Jack Bauer, and Varla.

Jun 29 2024

Biden Regime vs. Sex Change Age Restrictions

Our rulers are not merely misguided. They are evil. For Democrats, desecrating the innocence of children is a policy objective. One means of achieving this is to disfigure their bodies in the name of LGBTism:

The US Assistant Secretary of Health for the Department of Health and Human Services reportedly pressured the world’s top transgender health authority to remove all objective age restrictions for the medical ‘transitioning’ of minors in their latest and 8th edition of guidelines, the Standards of Care (SOC-8).

Personnel is policy. Sterilizing and mutilating children is the policy you get when you appoint freaks like Rachel Levine.

Levine, a trans-identified male previously known as Richard and the highest-ranking official in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, “strongly pressured WPATH leadership to rush the development and issuance of SOC-8,” according to a recently unsealed court document presented as evidence in the ongoing court case Boe v. Marshall.

WPATH is a radical LGBT activist group mentioned here before in the context of grotesque medical procedures and pedophilia. Yet even they went along grudgingly, evidently less extreme in their wickedness than the Biden Administration.

The new criteria opens the door for clinicians to halt a child’s puberty, place them on cross-sex hormones, or potentially offer surgeries once they have reached the period of development referred to as Tanner Stage 2, which occurs between 9-11 years of age.

The tyrants of the 20th century were brutal but not truly evil in the satanic sense. They didn’t subject 9-year-olds to sex change surgery.

This is what we are up against:

[C]riteria put forward by WPATH, at Levine’s behest, reflect the stated desires of a castration fetish forum, the members of which were found to have been working intimately with WPATH leaders in a series of Reduxx investigations.

The site also hosts child sexual abuse fantasies that involve halting children’s development for pedophilic purposes. The Eunuch Archive, the forum which is directly named as a resource in WPATH’s newly-released SOC-8, is home to nearly 10,000 fictional pornography stories of an extreme sadomasochistic nature – of which nearly 4,000 feature themes of the rape, castration, torture, and / or killing of children.

In some of the stories, children with stunted puberty are raped by doctors. In others, children are castrated by force as part of a sadistic sexual torture ritual.

Vote as if your soul depended on it.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Barry A.

Jun 28 2024

Trump Debate Follow-up Is Devastating

In case you missed the debate last night, this video sums up Biden’s performance nicely:

The liberal establishment gave Biden home field advantage and he still got routed. Just as no amount of Adderall can restore this senile corruptocrat’s wits, his unfitness for the position is too conspicuous for the media to hide. The only questions are what other tyrannical moonbat they switch him out for and when.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and Anonymous.

Jun 28 2024

Biden Regime Conception of Military Readiness

No one has more of an interest in Biden holding on to power than America’s foreign adversaries. Taking on a country that conflates sexual perversion with “military readiness” will be a cakewalk:

During a DoD Pride event for the Association of LGBTQI+ Service Members in June, [Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen] Hicks discussed listening to the needs of service members, including LGBTQ individuals, as a Pentagon priority vis-à-vis military “readiness,” a term which refers to the ability to deter potential adversaries, defend national interests and ensure that armed forces can meet their missions.

It isn’t all about turning the military into a San Francisco bathhouse. It is also important to train servicemembers to despise the country they signed up to defend on the grounds that it is full of racist white people:

Hicks said in 2022 that it was essential for “warfighting success” to have training throughout the military regarding “unconscious bias,” a key term found in critical race theory (CRT).

“Unconscious bias” refers to beliefs and attitudes that need to be rooted out through brainwashing because they do not comply with CRT/DEI.

The Department of Defense has proclaimed that diversity is a “strategic imperative critical to mission readiness and accomplishment.”

The ChiComs must be relieved that they will not be up against a meritocracy. Again we see that they are getting their money’s worth out of the Big Guy.

On a tip from Barry A.

Jun 27 2024

Can Biden Win Even a Rigged Debate?

Imagine a football game where the referees are selected from the coaching staff of the home team. The rigging of tonight’s debate is so obvious, it can be seen from across the sea:

When it’s over, the media will tell us Biden won no matter how pathetic his performance. Expectations are so low that it will be considered a draw if he just manages not to noticeably soil himself.

Yet even with the deck stacked against him, Trump is likely to give Creepy Joe the kick in the pants he so richly deserves.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jun 22 2024

Dog Attack Coverup and Biden’s Character

We are told not to vote for Donald Trump because he lacks character. We are told to vote for this guy instead:

The 81-year-old president reportedly accused a Secret Service member of lying about being attacked by Major during his first year in office, but was present for at least three separate attacks involving Commander, files released to Judicial Watch under Freedom of Information Act litigation show.

Major and Commander are unusually vicious dogs Biden has inflicted on Secret Service agents. At least that isn’t as bad as forcing female agents to watch him swim naked.

No worries. The Secret Service is loyal enough to cover for him on command:

The Secret Service says it “destroyed” video footage of President Biden’s German shepherd Commander attacking one of its agents — just days after additional evidence of a potential cover-up emerged in a batch of documents showing a request to delete logs of a different attack.

The attacks have required hospitalization on multiple occasions.

The presidential protection agency said it no longer has video of a June 15, 2023, attack that forced the White House to suspend tours to mop up an agent’s blood — one of the most severe incidents involving Commander — in response to a Freedom of Information Act request.

No doubt the janitor who mopped up the agent’s blood was instructed to keep his mouth shut. If you aren’t good at holding your nose and zipping your lips, you don’t belong in a White House infested with Democrats.

On tips from Chuck A.

Jun 17 2024

Democrats Break the Irony Meter on Elder Abuse

A single scene summarizes the relationship between Barack Obama and “President” Joe Biden:

Via Daily Wire:

At the end of a fundraiser on Saturday night studded with Hollywood celebrities, former President Barack Obama took President Biden’s hand and guided him off the stage. As the band played and Obama waved to the audience, Biden faced the audience with his hands clenched, only turning to leave when Obama took his hand to lead him off.

Meanwhile, Biden’s handlers declared Saturday to be World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. From the official White House proclamation:

During World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, we recommit to standing with elder abuse survivors, shedding light on this important issue, and creating a world in which no older person has to live in fear of violence, abuse, or neglect.

Elder abuse comes in many forms.

One form is exploiting someone who has succumbed to dementia as a mindless puppet.

Don’t worry; the federal government is fixing the problem by the usual means — i.e., throwing our money at it:

To date, my Administration has dedicated over $430 million to Adult Protective Services, making it easier to investigate reports of elder abuse… My new Budget proposes a $30 million investment to sustain and strengthen these resources.

Yet Adult Protective Services fails to investigate Obama, Jill Biden, George Soros, and the rest of Biden’s handlers/puppeteers.

Hold on, the irony meter hasn’t broken yet…

Concurrently, we are working to protect the savings that older Americans have worked their entire lives to build up.

This they accomplish by flagrantly wasting $trillions, thereby driving up inflation and eroding the value of savings. That should do it for the irony meter.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and The Great Cornholio.

Jun 13 2024

Biden Response to Islamist Siege of White House

Last Saturday, Islamists and leftists supporting the Hamas terror war on Israel laid siege to the White House, assaulting law enforcement and defacing our heritage. There were no arrests. But the Biden Regime has now issued a response:

The United States will provide an additional $404 million in lifesaving humanitarian aid to support Palestinian civilians in Gaza, the West Bank, and the region, bringing the total U.S. assistance to more than $674 million over the past eight months.

If the US government had provided hundreds of $millions in “humanitarian aid” to “German civilians” during the Battle of Britain, everyone would have understood that it was siding with the Nazis. How are the vast piles of our money that our rulers have been shoveling at Hamas in the aftermath of the October 7 terror atrocities any different?

Too bad the $320 million floating pier the Biden Regime built for Hamas didn’t work out. Fortunately for Islamic terrorists, American taxpayers have plenty of money, and when they start to run out, Democrats can always print more.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jun 11 2024

Biden Close to Total Collapse

Like the degenerate ruling class he personifies, Biden is well past his expiration date:

Creepy Joe’s electroencephalogram must be flatter than Britney Griner’s chest. Yet pump enough Adderall into him and he can still talk — just not in English:

The fraud required to keep this sick joke in power will be so massive, Democrats may have to impose martial law to prevent “extremists” from threatening Our Democracy by contesting the election results.

On tips from Wiggins and WDS 2.0.


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