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Category: Biden

Feb 06 2024

Biden Talks to Ghost, Explains Stance on Abortion

Joe Biden is getting to the steep part of his slide into senility. Here he tells us about his 2021 meeting with François Mitterrand, who died in 1996, before lying that police officers were killed rather than doing the killing on January 6:

As Creepy Joe admits, “It’s hard to make this stuff up.” He is not up to the task.

At least Biden isn’t as radical on abortion as some believe. Unlike the Democrat base, he doesn’t believe in killing babies right up to the moment of birth, but only during the three trimesters:

Before long, he will be croaking about abortion through four trimesters — unless they have switched him out for the real candidate by then. Not even the liberal establishment could be arrogant enough to go through with the sick joke of running Biden again.

On tips from Varla, seaoh, and Wiggins.

Feb 03 2024

Biden Endorses Trump?

Ten years ago, former Defense Secretary Robert Gates famously observed that Joe Biden “has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” A decade later, Biden remains consistent in this respect. But even Creepy Joe can get it right sometimes on domestic issues. While shambling like the undead through the Detroit area, he appears to croak, “Vote Trump”:

It would be nice to think Biden cares enough about the country to want Trump to prevail. However, no one really knows what he is trying to say.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jan 26 2024

Biden Succumbs to Senility

Collapse into dementia works the same way as Ernest Hemingway described bankruptcy: gradually and then suddenly. Biden has reached the suddenly phase:

A scary aspect of senility is that, as Biden has demonstrated, it often produces unprovoked bursts of irrational anger:

On a lighter note, senility can also produce wardrobe malfunctions that his staff is evidently too incompetent to correct:

To gauge just how much the degenerate liberal ruling class despises America, consider that it installed this clown in the White House — and has the nerve to run him for reelection.

No reasonable person would vote for Joe Biden. Presumably the ruling cabal is using him like the $5 whore that he is and will dump him at the last moment for a different figurehead who has avoided public scrutiny.

If they do go through with Biden, it will be for the purpose of getting across to us that it makes no difference who we vote for.

On tips from Wiggins, Chris Neilson, KirklesWorth, Steve D, and Varla.

Jan 20 2024

Biden Off New Hampshire Primary Ballot

Democrats’ attempts to take Trump off the primary ballot may fail in Colorado, Maine, and other states, but they did manage to take their own leader off the ballot in New Hampshire:

The state is holding its contest earlier than this year’s Democratic primary calendar allows, and candidates who appear on the ballot here will not be eligible to accrue delegates to the national convention.

Consequently, Biden must compete as a write-in candidate and will be penalized by his own party if he campaigns in the state — although he has sent high-profile surrogates.

His absence from the ballot in the first-in-the nation primary state stems from an argument between New Hampshire and national Democrats over which contest will lead the nominating process.

As one of his puppeteers famously advised, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up.”

At Biden’s request, the Democratic National Committee made South Carolina the first primary of 2024, replacing Iowa as the first contest in the party’s presidential selection process. It ordered New Hampshire to go second and on the same day as Nevada.

No surprise that Biden favors South Carolina. Local congresscritter James Clyburn was instrumental in handing him the 2020 nomination in exchange for racial favoritism.

New Hampshire law mandates it hold the first primary, and legislators in the Republican-run state refused to break with tradition. The state’s attorney general is accusing the DNC of voter suppression and sent the organization a cease-and-desist letter last week that threatened further legal action.

The 2024 election shenanigans have barely begun. Expect them to get ever more convoluted, so that the winner is not declared until the liberal establishment has found a way to make it not be Trump.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jan 16 2024

Taiwan and Israel Under the Bus

Unlike Ukraine, Taiwan is a long-time US ally, a bastion of freedom, and of supreme strategic importance as communist China prepares to exploit US weakness and expand its dominance into, throughout, and eventually across the Pacific. Communist dictator Xi Jinping has made it clear that the regime intends to do to Taiwan what it has done to Hong Kong: absorb it and crush its freedom. Looks like he will encounter no meaningful resistance in this endeavor from a certain ChiCom asset. Joe Biden has effectively endorsed a likely ChiCom invasion:

Biden had a blunt message after voters in Taiwan elected a new president Saturday: “We do not support independence” for Taiwan.

Biden’s words, delivered as he departed for Camp David, reinforced the administration’s position to Taiwan’s new president Lai Ching-te, who has faced strong opposition from China over his calls for independence.

Taiwan already has de facto independence. From the beginning, while Mao Zedong was killing his own people by the tens of millions, Taiwan has stayed out from under the communist boot. The question is how long Taiwan can maintain independence against overwhelming military force without a reliable ally in the USA.

Lai Ching-te isn’t the only champion of freedom to get the Biden knife in the back:

Biden and other senior U.S. officials are becoming increasingly frustrated with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his rejection of most of the administration’s recent requests related to the war in Gaza, four U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the issue told Axios. …

Biden hasn’t spoken to Netanyahu in the 20 days since a tense Dec. 23 call, which a frustrated Biden ended with the words: “This conversation is over.”

Following the horrific terror atrocities of October 7, Biden has tried to play both sides, officially supporting Israel but attempting to placate his leftist base by shoveling American money at Hamas and pushing pro-Islam propaganda. However, leftists never settle for less than total capitulation. Via Al-Monitor:

US federal employees across nearly two dozen agencies plan to walk off the job Tuesday to protest the Biden administration’s handling of the Gaza war

The group — calling itself Feds United for Peace — consists of dozens of government employees who will be observing a “Day of Mourning” to mark 100 days of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza. …

According to a list obtained by Al-Monitor, those include the Executive Office of the President, the National Security Agency, the Departments of State, Defense, Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs as well as US Citizenship and Immigration Services and the Naval Research Laboratory. …

The planned walkout reflects mounting anger among US officials over the Biden administration’s refusal to call for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza…

“Immediate cease-fire in Gaza” before Israel has had time to respond to October 7 means “surrender to Hamas.” Terrorists are not bound by ceasefire agreements.

If personnel is policy, a Deep State to the left even of Biden indicates that Hamas may end up in effective control of more than just the grounds around the White House.

Meanwhile, the money spigot blasting at Volodymyr Zelensky continues unimpeded. The best we can hope for is that it does not ignite World War III.

On tips from seaoh.

Jan 07 2024

Tyrant Desecrates Valley Forge

Dark Brandon is back, as ominous as when he posed in front of Marines under blood-red lighting to theatrically otherize his opposition. Watch as he defiles Valley Forge by boasting about the tyranny his regime has inflicted:

Brandon refers to the violence that allegedly occurred on the most sacred date of the progressive calendar, January 6, when a protest against election fraud got out of hand in a way that Democrats were able to exploit. One person was killed: an unarmed 5’2″ protester named Ashli Babbitt, who was shot in cold blood by Capitol Hill police officer Michael Byrd. Byrd received no punishment and has been coddled by the establishment media.

By choosing Valley Forge to crow about political prisoners, Biden’s handlers are deliberately poking American patriots in the eye.

This goes beyond irony to the vicious gloating of bullies who think they can’t be stopped:

Biden on Friday said “Democracy is on the ballot,” after Democrats tried to remove his political opponent, former President Donald Trump, from several state ballots.

For the first time in memory, Biden read the truth off his teleprompter:

“America, as we begin this election year, we must be clear: democracy is on the ballot,” Biden said at Valley Forge. “Your freedom is on the ballot.”

He gave the finger in the eye an extra twist:

Biden turned to the crowd and said, grinning, “I understand power.”

If Biden understands anything, that’s it. But he and his handlers may be too arrogant to understand how to hold onto it.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Dec 30 2023

Biden Spends to Promote Queer Muslims in India

Despite onerous taxation, the national debt is rocketing toward $34 trillion. Inflation caused by excessive government spending continues to gnaw away at our savings and our standard of living. Here is where some of the money is going:

The State Department is providing financial support to a “queer” Muslim organization in India so it can provide “LGBTQI” people in the regions with a platform to write, according to a grant listing.

Outside of Disney, it would be hard to imagine a more pernicious institution than the US State Department.

The grant was disbursed in September to Creating Resources for Empowerment and Action, a Soros-funded feminist group that advances “the sexual rights of all people,” and went on to fund the Queer Muslim Project, which is an “online platform for queer, Muslim and allied voices” based in India.

India is well known for Islamic violence, despite the attempt to avoid it by splitting off Pakistan and Bangladesh into separate countries. Provoking Muslims with gratuitous depravity is not constructive. The “queer Muslims” Democrats egg on are likely to get chucked off rooftops and have their corpses pelted with rocks.

As we learned on 9/11, resentment sometimes follows us home. Yet promoting sexual depravity around the world is an explicit policy of the Biden Regime.

On a tip from Franco.

Dec 26 2023

Satanists Endorse Biden

Uniquely, there is an endorsement of Joe Biden that doesn’t consist of lies:

The Order of Nine Angles, a Satanic cult founded in the United Kingdom in the 1970s, according to a BBC report from 2020, has endorsed the Biden-Harris ticket for the 2024 presidential election.

Their reasons make perfect sense — considering that they worship evil.

From the O9A website:

[D]emocracy is failing; worldwide nations are going broke, preparing for war, inundated with refugees, beset by internal refugees, ruled by careerist psychopaths, and perhaps most ominously, electing leaders who are associated with foreign powers.

The Big Guy — who has been on the payroll of our most formidable adversary — is the most obvious example.

We want to rush into the abyss so that the “end of history” can come to its natural terminus and a new Dark Age will be visited upon the Earth. …

This can only happen through weak humanist leadership that will stumble its way into war, famine, recession, terrorism, corruption, and human misery. …

Only Biden-Harris can bring about this advancement of history, and therefore, we endorse the Biden-Harris campaign in 2024.

It must be agreed that if the objective is the collapse of civilization into a nightmare era of evil triumphant, Biden/Harris is the logical choice.

On a tip from Barry A.

Dec 24 2023

Biden Transparency on Chinese Spy Balloon

As it came to power, the Biden Regime promised “transparency.” This was meant in the Orwellian sense:

The Biden administration planned to keep the Chinese spy balloon that traveled across North America this year a secret from the public and even from Congress — and only came clean after civilians saw the massive white orb over Montana, according to a damning new report.

“Before it was spotted publicly, there was the intention to study it and let it pass over and not ever tell anyone about it,” a former senior US official told NBC News Friday, nearly 11 months after the balloon penetrated American airspace and began a meandering week-long tour of sensitive military sites.

Biden failed to respond to the balloon, which might have been sent not only to spy but as a dry run to test the deployment of weapons over US territory.

The ChiComs eating our lunch is a sensitive issue, considering that the Big Guy has been on their payroll.

What other wheels have been coming lose that Biden’s handlers have found it expedient to keep from us? Considering that the media was instrumental in putting him in the White House, don’t expect penetrating investigative reports from establishment journalists. Information only comes to light when it can’t be swept under the rug. We won’t know the full extent of the damage until patriots regain control of the government.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Dec 22 2023

Malarkey: Joe Biden Western

Some churches aspire to maintain relevance in modern times by replacing Christianity with moonbattery. A similar approach has been applied to keep the Western genre alive. In Malarkey, the hero’s lines consist of quotes from our leader Joe Biden:

If only Biden had gravitated to Tinseltown instead of the Swamp.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily.

Dec 14 2023

At the White House While Dark Clouds Gather

Over the southern border the largest invasion in human history continues to pour. The ChiComs are preparing to assert dominance over the entire pacific region after driving out the USA with a sneak attack that would dwarf Pearl Harbor. South America is becoming unstable, with our enemies on the march. The national debt is spiraling out of control, making fiscal collapse increasingly likely. Law and order were so attenuated by the Black Lives Matter riots and basic liberties by Covid tyranny that the next pretext for racial unrest or engineered Chinese virus could result in civil war. Americans have come to doubt the validity of elections. Dark clouds gather in all directions.

Meanwhile, here’s what’s going on in the White House:

That is the culture of our ruling class. If we can’t scrape these people off, we deserve what’s coming.

On tips from WDS 2.0, Anonymous, and seaoh.

Nov 30 2023

Falling Christmas

This could be the most emblematic story of the year:

An ill wind knocked over the National Christmas Tree outside the White House Tuesday afternoon, two days before it was set to be officially lit by President Biden.

The stately 40-foot spruce, which had been delivered to the White House Ellipse just south of the executive mansion on Nov. 14, fell at around 2 p.m. ET, according to officials.

The falling tree sums up not only Biden’s incompetence, but the effect leftist rule has had on the heritage and traditions comprising American culture.

On tips from CDaJFunk and seaoh.

Nov 30 2023

Senile POTUS Jokes About Blowing Up the World

This should help put your other worries into perspective. A cognitively dysfunctional, morally vacuous corruptocrat with anger issues related to dementia whose strings are pulled by leftist radicals boasts that he can blow up the world:

“My Marine has code to blow up the world!” chuckles Creepy Joe. It might be one of the Marines posed behind him during his theatrically sinister Dark Brandon presentation:

At least the Commander in Chief can’t use the Football to obliterate civilization all on his own. His fellow Democrats realized years ago that he is too senile to be entrusted with that power.

On tips from Wiggins, Chris Neilson, and WDS 2.0.

Nov 28 2023

Why Hunter’s Artwork Is Such a Good Deal

Where corruption prevails, life is all about having connections:

The first American released under the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas is the relative of Liz Hirsh Naftali, a major contributor to President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign. …

Naftali is a Los Angeles real-estate investor who has given $13,414 to the Biden campaign and $29,700 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee this year, Business Insider reported in July

What a coincidence.

Naftali also made headlines earlier this year after it was revealed she had paid a substantial amount of money to purchase first son Hunter Biden’s artwork, according to Business Insider.

The price of Hunter’s artwork may seem high, but purchasers get their money’s worth.

Naftali is the great-aunt of 4-year-old Abigail Mor Idan, who was among the 17 hostages released by Hamas on Sunday, CBS News reported.

It is wonderful that Abigail is free for now from Islam. But let’s hope Biden didn’t pay $6 billion for her. The more we give to terrorists in exchange for hostages, the more hostages they will take. That’s why it is irresponsible to ever give them anything, even to free relatives of influence purchasers.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and WDS 2.0.


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