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Category: Christianity

Apr 02 2024

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Defends Faith From Biden

Some are pushing back. Like Cardinal Gerhard Müller, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano calls for the Catholic Church to preserve its credibility by excommunicating the belligerently blasphemous leftist creep in the White House. In response to Biden’s Easter Transgender Day of Visibility proclamation, Vigano defends the faith:

The unprecedented and scandalous proclamation of March 31 as “Transgender Visibility Day” by self-styled U.S. President Joe Biden — who dares to declare himself a Catholic — constitutes a most serious offense to God and to millions of Catholics and Christians in America and around the world, before which it is impossible not to react with due firmness. …

I ask my Brethren in the Episcopate and priests to recognize that Joe Biden has incurred latæ sententiæ excommunication, and as such must be expelled from the churches and not admitted to Communion.

Vigano decries “a world awash in execrable perversions that cry out to Heaven for vengeance.” He gets what Sunday’s Democrat Easter blasphemy represents:

Christians are progressively banished from civil society and considered a threat to the subversive project of the New World Order, while a minority of the vicious and perverted claim to erect their deviations as the universal norm. Here is the “visibility” of Biden and the woke ideology, celebrating a macabre mad dance to the abyss.

We’re going into the abyss with them if we fail to turn the ship around.

On a tip from seaoh.

Apr 02 2024

Cartoon Network Pushed Trans Depravity on Easter

Letting television babysit your kids is not wise. Consider that the Cartoon Network joined Democrats Sunday in hyping yet another day designated to the veneration of sexual perversion — at the expense of Easter:

Cartoon Network made sure to post in celebration of the Transgender Day of Visibility on Sunday, but made no mention of the fact that Easter Sunday also fell on March 31st this year — this despite the fact that 1.6 million Americans over 13 identify as transgender, and over 200 million identify as Christian and presumably celebrate Easter.

To flip those numbers around, social engineers prey on impressionable children.

On a tip from Franco.

Apr 01 2024

London Celebrates Ramadan for Easter

Further confirmation that Britain’s capital city has fallen:

Ramadan lights on display across central London over the Easter weekend [have] prompted concern…

Lights in Oxford Street and between Piccadilly Circus and Leicester Square were switched on earlier this month by London mayor Sadiq Khan.

As noted earlier,

According to the song that pertained during the dark days of the Blitz, there will always be an England. This is turning out not to be true. But at least there will be a Britainistan.

Until recently, British culture was among the greatest in human history. So was Egyptian culture. Egypt’s greatness lasted for millennia. But then it succumbed to Islamic conquest and was eradicated. The same thing is currently happening in England.

Not everyone was pleased:

In the USA too, Easter has been shoved aside in favor of the replacement religion, which in America’s case is the straightforward worship of depravity.

On a tip from R F.

Apr 01 2024

Demons Assail Saint Patrick’s Cathedral

If the Democrats running the country mark Easter by blasphemously declaring it Transgender Day of Visibility and banning Christian symbols, how do you suppose demons from the bowels of hell would acknowledge the most sacred day on the calendar? Here’s how: By laying siege to a famous cathedral on behalf of terrorist fiends:

Pro-Palestinian protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza interrupted Easter Mass on Saturday at St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

Calling for a “ceasefire” in the aftermath of the worst terror attack since 9/11 is Euphemese for demanding that Israel surrender to terrorists who are not expected to honor any agreements and who systematically raped and tortured women and children on October 7.

[T]housands of pro-Palestine demonstrators congregated in Times Square earlier on Saturday before heading to the Easter Vigil service at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. They started chanting “Free, free Palestine” during the second reading of the service.

“Free Palestine” is Euphemese for “eradicate Jews in their ancient homeland.”

This should come as no surprise:

At least some of the protesters were with Extinction Rebellion NYC’s Palestinian Solidarity group…

Extinction Rebellion has gained a name for itself with disruptive public climate change protests — including blocking major roads and hosting “die-ins” at major New York museums.

The connection between climate kookery and attacking an Easter service on behalf of Islamic terrorists is that both represent the embrace of evil as an end in itself. The purpose of environmental radicalism is not to prevent the climate from continuing to fluctuate like it always has but to engineer the collapse of the economy and inflict mass starvation — the inevitable result of implementing the green agenda. If anything could be as evil as supporting Hamas, it is the global warming hoax.

On a tip from Varla.

Mar 31 2024

Democrat Easter Blasphemy

In 1956, America was healthy. The contrast with 2024 under liberal rule is as sharp as a stick in the eye:

As noted earlier, Biden is celebrating Easter by blasphemously rebranding it as Transgender Day of Visibility. Displaying his characteristic contempt for the freedom of religious expression guaranteed by the First Amendment, Creepy Joe emphasized his position by banning Christian symbols on the most sacred Christian holiday:

Children of the National Guard are prohibited from submitting religious Easter egg designs for the 2024 “Celebrating National Guard Families” art event at the White House.

Kudos to Cardinal Gerhard Müller for wanting Biden excommunicated and to the Trump campaign for demanding an apology:

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Mar 31 2024

Open Thread

Easter 1956
Compliments of Stormfax.

Mar 30 2024

Cardinal Calls for Biden’s Excommunication

Meanwhile, as Joe Biden joins liberal elite bastion Fairfax County in blaspheming against the Christian faith by celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility in place of Easter, movement may finally get underway to excommunicate this walking obscenity:

The former prefect of the Vatican’s highest doctrine office, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, condemned U.S. President Joe Biden’s support for abortion, saying it is “infanticide” and that those promoting “infanticide” should be “excommunicated.”

“The word ‘abortion’ is too much a soft word. The reality is killing, murder of a living person,” said Gerhard Cardinal Müller. “There’s no right to kill another person. It’s absolutely against the Fifth Commandment.”

Not only does Biden aggressively advocate abortion (if only through the first three trimesters), his regime would even force doctors with consciences to perform it against their will (as well as sex change mutilation). Yet for political purposes he poses as a Catholic. Participating in this charade costs the Church credibility.

On tips from seaoh and Hillman.

Mar 28 2024

Easter Replaced by Transgender Visibility Day

Easter is the most sacred holiday on the Christian calendar. Here is how it is celebrated by the liberal elite in DC Swamp suburbia:

Last week, Democrats on Fairfax County’s board of supervisors voted to designate Easter Sunday as Transgender Visibility Day.

The stick in the eye to Christians is about as subtle as liberal hypocrisy:

Chairman Jeff McKay, a Democrat, paid lip service to the importance of advocating all constituents when the board passed the resolution. He said, “As an elected official, it should be our moral responsibility to stand up for all people that we represent, not just the people we like or the people we agree with.”

Due to its proximity to the Debt Star, Fairfax is one of the richest counties in the country. Being populated by rich liberals, it already grants transsexuals plenty of visibility:

Fairfax County School Board, for example, has designated June as LGBT Pride Month and October as LGBT History Month. …

For the last few years, Fairfax County’s students have been inundated with surveys at the beginning of the school year questioning them about their pronouns and gender identity. Many of the county’s classrooms are decorated with transgender flags. After mandating preferred pronouns, district officials are also pushing to include gender identity lessons in the family life education curriculum beginning in fourth grade.

Let’s give Deuteronomy 22:5 the last word:

The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Mar 26 2024

Archdeacon Denounces Whiteness and Patriarchy

When a church has been subverted by leftists, it no longer worships God. In stark contrast, it worships moonbattery. Rather than love, the clergy will preach hatred of disfavored groups like men and Caucasians. Consider the blasphemous abomination calling itself the Church of England. Archdeacon of Liverpool Miranda Threlfall-Holmes has had a revelation that she shared on X:

“I went to a conference on whiteness last autumn. It was very good, very interesting and made me realise: whiteness is to race as patriarchy is to gender.

“So yes, let’s have anti-whiteness, and let’s smash the patriarchy.”

She’s not an outlier:

Just weeks ago, the church announced it would be hiring a “deconstructing whiteness” officer as part of a new 11-person “racial justice unit” being set up by the Diocese of Birmingham.

Senior clergy have also faced criticism for calling for the church’s £100 million slavery reparations fund to be increased to £1 billion.

Imagine donating to the church in hopes of helping the poor, only to see the money showered upon black supremacist grifters nursing expired grievances. Better to throw your money in the garbage.

Some have suggested that Threlfall-Holmes practice what she preaches and stick it to white people by resigning, since she is white herself. But that’s not how liberal bigotry works. When a moonbat proclaims xir hatred of whites, xe means all whites except xirself, who gets a pass by hating other whites.

In any case, Threlfall-Holmes batted away her critics by sniffing that X is “perhaps not the best place for a nuanced argument.” That must be why the archdeacon’s tweets are currently hidden from the public.

A church that would put someone like Threlfall-Holmes in a position of authority may be rotted through to the point that it cannot be salvaged.

On a tip from Franco.

Mar 23 2024

Healthcare Providers Crack Down on Bibles in Georgia

The reason our moonbat rulers push DEI so aggressively is that it can be used to advance their agenda in countless ways — even to suppress Christianity:

Gideons, which distributes its free Bibles to not only hospitals, but also various other locations like hotels, and jails, is now blocked from servicing the Phoebe Putney Health System, which serves hundreds of thousands of people in over 40 Georgia counties and is one of the state’s largest healthcare providers.

First they used Covid as a pretext to block the Bibles. But unfortunately for liberals, Covid hysteria couldn’t last forever. So they switched gears:

A source […] with intimate knowledge of the situation said that Gideons was first restricted during the response to the coronavirus pandemic from entering Phoebe. The organization wasn’t let back in after COVID restrictions were relaxed and they attempted to resume their work last year. At the time, the Gideons were told their work was “a violation of the DEI policy and they would no longer be allowed” into the Phoebe facilities, according to the source.

The source said that the policy was “clearly anti-Christian” and that citing DEI to restrict the Gideons made no sense because Christians were being excluded instead of included.

Sure it makes sense, considering that “inclusion” is Liberalese for “exclusion.” Ask anyone denied a job for being white.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Mar 11 2024

How a Perverted Freak Earns a Pat on the Head

If you have the stomach to take the culture of our ruling class in concentrated form, subject yourself to a liberal “comedian” — like the guy calling himself Dahlia Belle:

Unless it’s a Biden gaffe (like calling an illegal alien charged with murder “illegal” before apologizing), the only way a moonbat will tell the truth is as a laugh line. Blacks and transsexuals comprise a small percentage of the American population, despite what the media would have us believe. Everything centers on them through the distorted prisms of Critical Race Theory and LGBTism because they are being exploited to achieve an underlying objective — as Mr Belle puts it, “to destroy the fabric of Western Civilization as we know it.”

“Ha ha ha!” chuckle the thieves. “They think we would steal!”

Sneers Mr Belle,

“I do also realize of course, that that last joke may offend some Christians, and it is very important to me that you know that I don’t care.”

Why would he care? There are no negative consequences for licking the hand of the establishment by urinating on everything disfavored groups hold sacred.

Say something a pervert like Belle finds offensive; then there will be trouble — in places like Michigan, even felony charges.

On a tip from Varla.

Feb 27 2024

Transsexual Blasphemous Art

Now that the Catholic Church under Francis has begun blessing homosexual liaisons, expect erosion to proceed as in every other institution that has been infiltrated and subverted by moonbats. Before long, we may see the walls of churches adorned with the works of Río Edén:

[A]rtists like Edén are depicting saints and religious figures as visually queer through the inclusion of top surgery scars, breast augmentation, body hair, and other attributes, while also celebrating the divinity and queer sainthood of LGBTQ+ folx today.

Edén isn’t very good at art, as you can see…

…but he/she/it has more important qualifications:

Edén is a trans autistic person of color, with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD), Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and anxiety.

It isn’t easy to make a name for yourself as an artist, especially if you lack talent. Playing the transsexual blasphemy card helps:

Edén’s practice is not just about dismantling heteronormativity in religious art, but also about depicting LGBTQ+ individuals of color as divine, in a similar vein to trans performance and visual artist Mx. Zeloszelos Marchandt. In “Ecce Homo” (2023), for instance, Marchandt depicts himself as a Black, Indigenous, and trans Jesus.

We know what the Bible has to say throughout about homosexuality. Regarding transsexuality, refer to Deuteronomy 22:5:

A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the LORD your God.

As for passing off sin and depravity as virtue, Isaiah 5:20 applies:

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Just one more:

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

On tips from Mike B and seaoh.

Feb 18 2024

Christian Gospel as Hate Crime in UK

As Britain collapses into moonbattery, Christianity is becoming illegal:

A video has gone viral in which a Metropolitan Police officer is seen threatening to arrest a street preacher after someone accused him and other preachers of a hate crime.

The “hate crime” apparently consisted of preaching the gospel.

During the confrontation, which was filmed outside the Pavilions shopping centre on Uxbridge High Street in west London, an officer insists that he needs the preacher’s name and address for allegations of a hate crime, specifically homophobic behaviour and racism.

What this has to do with racism is anyone’s guess, but certainly Christianity is “homophobic” in that like the other Abrahamic religions it strictly forbids the homosexual behavior social engineers so relentlessly promote.

This probably explains liberal devotion to the revolting LGBT agenda. It is a means of ideologically criminalizing Christianity, which has traditionally served as a brake on tyranny by reminding people that there is a higher authority than the government.

Make sure you have a physical copy of the Bible and a secure place to hide it.

A 10-minute version of the video can be found here.

On a tip from Lyle.

Feb 18 2024

Blasphemy at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral

The Long March Through the Institutions is laying siege to the Catholic Church. As usual, leftists have been assisted from within — as when iconic Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in NYC was subverted Thursday with a service worshiping a transsexual prostitute:

The word “whore” was written on the altar and the words “Ave Maria” were changed to include the name of the activist, with the singer saying, “Ave Cecilia.” Prayers for sex changes were made during the proceedings.

Cecilia Gentili, who died at age 52 at home in Brooklyn on Feb. 6, was an Argentinian transgender activist who was also a self-proclaimed atheist. … Genitli was an illegal immigrant in the US for 10 years as a sex worker before gaining asylum in 2012.

Gentili was the kind of guy our liberal rulers really like:

The deceased activist was also awarded $540,000 from the Biden administration for “trans outreach” for HIV while living.

Watch as an apostate panders for applause from militant perverts by observing that LGBTism draws a bigger crowd than Christianity:

The liberal media is delighted:

The New York Times reported that the event doubled as “an exuberant piece of political theater.”

By this, they mean blasphemy:

CatholicVote posted several videos from the funeral on X (formerly known as Twitter), highlighting that the funeral was a “mockery of the Christian faith” and of St. Cecilia, who is honored in the Roman Catholic Church as a virgin and martyr.

Given that homosexual behavior is proscribed in the strongest terms throughout the Bible, the event would not have been much more blasphemous if it had featured a drag queen defecating on the altar. No doubt that would draw a big crowd too.

On tips from Franco, WDS 2.0, MrRightWingDave, and Barry A.


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