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Category: Christianity

Dec 22 2023

Satanic Christmas Display at Michigan Capitol

Michael Cassidy destroyed the Satanic yuletide display at the state capitol in Iowa. But given the gale force cultural winds they have at their backs, Satanists were not about to stop there:

The Satanic Temple (TST) unveiled a new display at the Michigan State Capitol Monday, just days after its statue in Iowa was torn down, according to a post on X.

TST’s display of Baphomet in the Iowa State Capitol building was destroyed after a Christian veteran beheaded the statue, claiming that he would not stand by as Christians continue to “submissively accept the legitimization of Satan.”

The X post:

If they would let Gretchen Whitmer be Governor, why not put Satanists in charge of the Christmas decorations?

Satanists have also put their stamp on Christmas decor in Wisconsin and Illinois.

Note this is not in depraved cesspools of degeneracy like New York and the Left Coast, but in the Midwest heartland. The rot is deep.

Meanwhile, those who put up legitimate Christmas decorations risk the wrath of liberal authorities.

On tips from Htos1av and Chris Neilson.

Dec 21 2023

Democrat Bill Would Force Chick-fil-A to Open on Sabbath

Imagine a theocracy where the religion of the ruling class is godless nihilism. Instead of honoring the sabbath being mandatory as in Biblical times, it would be forbidden:

A new bill filed in the New York State Assembly aims to force some Chick-fil-A locations to operate seven days a week, threatening the fast food chain’s longstanding policy of keeping its restaurants closed on Sundays.

The legislation proposed last week would require all food vendors operating at rest stops owned by the New York State Thruway Authority to open every day, and names Chick-fil-A as the reason behind the move.

Although it is as left-wing as most other corporations (and CEO Dan Cathy’s over-the-top moonbattery is too much for those with sensitive stomachs), Chick-fil-A is still at least nominally a Christian company, which is why it stays closed on the sabbath.

Barks Democrat Assemblymoonbat Tony Simone of NYC,

“I think it’s ridiculous that you’re able to close on Sunday-one of the busiest travel days of the week.”

Regarding the Thruway,

The $450 million project having been built with no toll or tax dollars certainly makes it difficult to force a business to abide by government-mandated operating hours.

Maybe not so difficult in New York, where the Party of Government enjoys single-party rule.

In a free country, it would be inconceivable for Big Government to determine when junk food must be served.

On tips from Wiggins and seaoh.

Dec 18 2023

Church of England Vicar Under Fire for Calling Man “Bloke”

It isn’t only Australian councilmembers who get in big trouble for stating incontrovertible facts that contradict LGBT doctrine. The same happens to vicars in the Church of England:

Reverend Brett Murphy is being investigated after he recently posted a video slamming the CofE for putting “a radical rainbow activist” in a “position of high authority in a diocese”.

Murphy has resigned his position, but he still faces an official rebuke from the church that would bar him forever from being employed by it. The Powers That Be don’t like it that he said this:

“The Rev Rachel Mann is in fact, biologically, a bloke, who identifies and lives as a woman.”

Murphy suspects that the aptly named Mann is being groomed for a bishop position, which would be consistent not only with the DEI principles of our progressive ruling class but also with the liberal policy of hollowing out churches and replacing Christianity with moonbattery.

As Murphy remarks,

“The re-opening of the complaint especially exposes the drive within the CofE to censor and banish any dissenting voice that does not agree or celebrate extreme LGBT ideology.”

Christians are now dissidents within their own churches.

According to the Bible,

The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

But the Bible is irrelevant in denominations that promote sin and therefore are not Christian in any meaningful sense.

On tips from Steve T and Franco.

Dec 17 2023

North African Torches Nativity Scene in Italian Church

The Christmas spirit of Europe’s Islamic conquerors isn’t limited to beating up Santa Claus. Festivities also include setting fire to nativity scenes — and the churches that house them.

From Italy:

On Friday afternoon, the Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Santa Elisabetta di Villastanza, a district of the municipality of Parabiago, was badly damaged by an arson fire.

The flames are said to have started from the nativity scene housed in the church building, which was set alight by a man of North African origin who then fled from the church on foot…

The nativity scene caused large flames and smoke, which damaged the wooden parts and a 17th century organ.

The organ will not be the last treasure of European heritage to be damaged.

As Mayor Raffaele Cucchi observes,

“This is an attack on our traditions, our religion and our culture.”

That is the most likely motive not only of the vandal but of the leftists who imported millions like him, knowing they have no intention of assimilating into a culture they despise and have been waging a war of eradication against for the past 1,400 years.

Dec 08 2023

Habitat for Homosexuals

No one who remembers the association between Habitat for Humanity and Jimmy Carter will be surprised to hear the former has been pushing the liberal agenda:

Habitat for Humanity in Charlotte has played an integral role in creating affordable housing options across the city…

All well and good — except for this emphasis:

One of the builds from 2016 aimed to partner with a local LGBTQ+ organization known as the Plus Collective — then called the Charlotte Lesbian and Gay Fund — to build a home for a mother of four in the Lincoln Heights neighborhood. …

[O]ther Habitats across the state have started and continued Pride builds, utilizing partnership models similar to the one between the Lesbian and Gay Fund and Charlotte’s Habitat.

One of the perks of belonging to an “oppressed” group favored by the liberal establishment is priority for housing.

Habitat for Humanity is a Christian, faith-based organization, which has a very different background than most organizations who work with LGBTQ+ folks.

This won’t be true for long if they let their organization be subverted and subordinated to moonbattery.

Jeremy Hall is the Director of Development at Charlotte’s Habitat… He said he felt it was important for Habitat to step up and take on Pride-centric projects, especially given its reputation as a faith-based organization.

The reputation does not sit well with Jeremy:

“[We felt] participating in a rainbow build will help to dismantle some of those belief systems that keep people from getting involved.”

The apparent reference is to belief systems based on the Bible, which sternly and repeatedly characterizes as grievous sin the behavior the Alphabet People choose to use to define themselves.

On a tip from Mike B.

Dec 03 2023

Pietà Defiled by Grotesque Freak

Rats will master space flight before a society of progressives produces an achievement on the scale of Michelangelo’s majestic Pietà, which accentuates Christ’s sacrifice with the tenderness and sorrow of his mother. But then, moonbats don’t even try to create; they only tear down and defile. They offer us a vastly lesser Michelangelo:

Presumably this freak is trying to be “edgy,” but at this point, nothing could be less transgressive than vomiting bile on beauty and holiness in return for pats on the head from the liberal establishment.

Now do Mohammad,” a countermoonbat responds. That won’t happen, because there might be consequences. Not that Muslims wouldn’t pitch this creature off a roof anyway — to their credit.

On a tip from Brian Brandt.

Nov 24 2023

Perverted Men Welcome at Catholic Women’s College

If there were one place young women might be safe from sexually deranged men, it would be an all-women’s Catholic school like Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana. But under liberal domination, there is to be no respite anywhere:

President Katie Conboy told faculty in an email sent Tuesday afternoon that “Saint Mary’s will consider undergraduate applicants whose sex assigned at birth is female or who consistently live and identify as women.”

The concept of “sex assigned at birth” is blasphemous. According to the Christian religion, our sex is not arbitrarily assigned at birth by pediatricians but determined at conception by our Creator. As Genesis 1:27 puts it, “male and female He created them.” Our chromosomes confirm the Bible’s accuracy.

Speaking of the Bible, let’s review Deuteronomy 22:5:

The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

For an explicitly Christian institution to facilitate such an abomination is also blasphemous — and par for the course in the cesspool higher education has become under the control of moonbats:

“We are by no means the first Catholic women’s college to adopt a policy with this scope,” Conboy wrote in the email. “In drafting the language for this update, I have relied on the guidance of the Executive Team and others to ensure that our message is not only in line with best practices for today’s college students, but that it also encompasses our commitment to operate as a Catholic women’s college.”

Let’s hope they have women’s colleges in hell, so Conboy doesn’t face unemployment in the afterlife.

In the meantime, here’s an excellent idea:

“St. Mary’s College is no longer Catholic,” junior Saint Mary’s student Claire Bettag told The Daily Signal. “It is no longer a women’s institution. This is fraudulent misrepresentation at best. Every student should be entitled to a refund for fraudulent misrepresentation. An attorney should file a class action lawsuit against the college. They have abandoned their faith, and they’ve abandoned the women. No woman should be forced to share a bathroom or living quarters with a man.”


On tips from Barry A, ABC of the ANC, Mr. Freemarket, and Franco.

Oct 29 2023

Christians Keep Getting Arrested for Praying in Britain

It keeps happening in Britain. Because the country is run by morally depraved moonbats, silently praying for the lives of the innocent is regarded as “antisocial behavior” and punished accordingly:

Needless to say, preaching from the Bible will also get you arrested in the UK. So will questioning the treatment by authorities of street preachers.

No meaningful definition of tyranny would fail to describe liberal rule.

On a tip from Brian Brandt.

Oct 29 2023

Open Thread

The courts are using the First Amendment to attack religion, when they should be using it to protect religion. - Ernest Istook

Sep 23 2023

Red Pope Calls for Europe’s Demise

The demographic crisis combined with the population explosion in Africa and effectively open borders add up to the eradication of Europe in the foreseeable future. Last week, over 8,000 welfare colonists invaded the small Italian island Lampedusa in just 2 days. If current trends continue, Africa will soon stretch north all the way through Scandinavia.

Because the extinction of Western Civilization is the ultimate objective of leftism, the Red Pope is on board. It isn’t enough to lure Third Worlders with promises of free money and then let them invade in their infinite numbers to displace Europeans; Europeans must actively help them:

Francis on Saturday condemned “belligerent nationalisms” and called for a pan-European response to migration to stop the Mediterranean, where thousands have drowned, from becoming “the graveyard of dignity”. …

On Friday, he said migrants who risk drowning at sea “must be rescued” because doing so was “a duty of humanity” and that those who impede rescues commit “a gesture of hate”.

By siding with a massive invasion force that is wiping away Europe just as predicted in The Camp of the Saints, Francis characteristically serves his true religion, leftism. Here’s the thanks he gets from other leftists:

Left-wing politicians have criticised [French President Emmanuel] Macron over his decision to attend the Mass, saying it violates strict separation of state and faith, known as laïcité.

He will get even less thanks from the majority population when it becomes Muslim as an inevitable consequence of mass immigration from points south. Christianity will be eradicated, as surely as it was throughout the Christian Middle East when it fell to Islamic armies.

Francis says that defending Europe is “scandalous, disgusting and sinful.”

Hagia Sophia once rivaled the Vatican. After Muslim conquest, it became a mosque. The Vatican will suffer the same fate if Francis has his way.

On a tip from Bluto.

Aug 29 2023

Francis Attacks US Catholics for Defending Tradition

Pope Francis has clarified the issue of whether he serves the Church or leftism by denouncing American Catholics for defending traditions that are under attack:

Francis said there is a “very strong, organized, reactionary attitude” in the U.S. Catholic church, that is “backwards” and has led the church to replace faith with “ideology,” according to a new transcript of the comments released Monday.

The cliché holds true once again. Leftists invariably accuse their opponents of their own scandalous misdeeds.

Those who reveal themselves to be “ideological” by clinging to tradition rather than discarding it in favor of political correctness “go backward,” according to Francis.

“I want to remind these people that backwardness is useless, and they must understand that there’s a correct evolution in the understanding of questions of faith and morals,” he said.

Some call this evolution “progressivism.” Other names for it include “degeneracy” and “moonbattery.”

Francis has drawn criticism for his stance on a number of issues, including his calls for gun control and his opposition to the death penalty. He’s come under fire for his emphasis on social justice issues and for his support for the creation of civil union laws for same-sex couples.

His embrace of homosexuality is in direct opposition to the Bible.

Francis has responded to previous criticism by saying it is an “honor” to be attacked by Americans.

The feeling is mutual.

This is not the first time the sometimes foul-mouthed Bergoglio has denounced those who defend tradition. Without tradition, churches become unmoored; they are then easily subverted and repurposed by leftists.

On a tip from Varla.

Aug 19 2023

Christianity Today Denounces Oliver Anthony

There is an easy way to determine whether a publication is for real or a mouthpiece for the liberal establishment. See what it has to say about Oliver Anthony. Rolling Stone and National Review tip their hands by putting him down. Christianity Today vilifies Oliver Anthony for failing to worship the welfare state — the day after praising the tawdry moonbat goddesses presented to us by the entertainment industry.

Compare these titles:

Revere vapid moonbat pop stars and lap up the idiotic leftist sludge oozing out of Tinseltown. Shun Oliver Anthony. Otherwise you ain’t Christian, as Joe Biden might put it.

The money-changers have taken over the temple. Joel Abbott isn’t liking it:

Christianity Today wants you to know that Taylor Swift – the avatar of the sexually liberated, unmarried, childless modern woman – and the “Barbie” film, with its direct feminist messages of women freeing themselves from the Patriarchy, are “bringing us together.” …

[T]he flagship Christian publication of the Western world (called “Christendom” in olden times) is out here stumping for vain, prideful women who have made sex and beauty their gods and have in turn become godlike symbols for millions of women seeking their own “liberated” selves.

“Liberation” in this sense is a synonym for “shallow self-indulgence.”

Anthony credits God for his success, kicked off his first public performance since his discovery by reading Psalm 37, and rejects greed and egomaniacal narcissism in favor of the humility that makes genuine Christians so much more fun to be around than moonbats.

In contrast, nothing could be less Christian than the liberal establishment, including ostensibly Christian institutions that have been subverted to serve moonbattery.

Real people have reacted differently. That’s why “Rich Men North of Richmond” now tops the iTunes global charts.

Sometimes it feels like you’re living in the aftermath of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and everyone out there is a soulless pod person. But it isn’t true. Here’s how you know:

Aug 16 2023

Forbidden From Adopting for Being Catholic

The main purpose of our government is to impose the ideology of our ruling class. Sincere Christians must be eradicated before ideological homogeneity can be achieved. Consequently, they continue to be targeted by the FBI. In deep blue Massachusetts, they are not allowed to adopt:

Mike and Kitty Burke’s application to foster was denied by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF) because they “would not be affirming to a child who identified as LGBTQIA”.

Being Catholic, they would not sexually corrupt children in their care. Therefore, they are unfit.

According to court papers, during the application process the Burkes shared their beliefs “that marriage is between a woman and a man and that sexual relations are to be kept within the bounds of such a marriage”.

This conventional view is now regarded as impermissible thoughtcrime by the Powers That Be.

They also told the assessor representing the DCF, who interviewed them in their own home, that due to their “religious beliefs, they would not assist a medical gender transition for a hypothetical future child”.

No one who would deform a child’s body on behalf of the LGBT agenda should be left alone with a child, let alone given custody. But liberals have turned everything upside down and backward.

William McGurn puts this depraved tyranny in the context of the culturally catastrophic Obergefell decision imposing homosexual marriage:

“It will be used to vilify Americans who are unwilling to assent to the new orthodoxy,” [dissenting Samuel Alito] wrote. “In the course of its opinion, the majority compares traditional marriage laws to laws that denied equal treatment for African-Americans and women. . . . The implications of this analogy will be exploited by those who are determined to stamp out every vestige of dissent.”

You couldn’t find more suitable adoptive parents than the Burkes:

Mr. Burke deployed to Iraq as a Marine, while Mrs. Burke is a former paraprofessional for kids with special needs.

In stark contrast to our liberal overlords, they are tolerant:

The Burkes were willing to accept children of any race, culture or ethnicity, as well as some special needs. They would even take siblings.

But this disqualifies them:

In the license study describing the family, the Massachusetts DCF noted that “Kitty and Mike are devoutly Roman Catholic and not only attend church with regular frequency, they both also work for local churches as musicians.”

How are social engineers supposed to create a society modeled on San Francisco bathhouses if children are exposed to dissident viewpoints?

The author of their license study took care to note that the Burkes are “lovely people.” But with regard to LGBT issues, she also said “their faith is not supportive and neither are they.”

The objective is not to place needy children in stable homes, but to advance the leftist agenda. Where government is involved that is always the objective, to the extent that liberals have consolidated control.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Varla.

Jul 30 2023

LGBT Blasphemy Studies at University of Chicago

Now that the Long March Through the Institutions has claimed higher education, religious studies would more accurately be called “blasphemy studies”:

The University of Chicago’s 2023-2024 course catalog includes a religious studies course on “Queering God,” applying LGBTQ+ ideology to different religions and examining the ways gender is being reimagined in theology.

“Is God queer?” asks the course description. “We will analyze the ways that contemporary artists, activists, and scholars are using theology to reimagine gender and experiment with new relational forms.”

Imagine being forced to pay off other people’s student loans in defiance of a Supreme Court ruling so that can moonbats can reimagine gender rather than work.

Speaking of theology, we are reminded again why the LGBT movement chose the rainbow as its symbol. It was already the symbol of God’s promise never again to destroy the world with a flood to punish our sins. The main point of LGBTism is to taunt God.

That’s why liberals ram it down our throats, even in theology courses — or rather, especially in theology courses. Something else moonbattery has appropriated from Christianity is the commandment, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”

On a tip from Franco.


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