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Category: Deep State

Jul 23 2024

Possible Phone Link Between Crooks and FBI

Did the Democrat apparatchiks comprising the Deep State let the assassination attempt happen? Or did they make it happen? The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project opens an interesting avenue of enquiry:

A cell phone associated with the home and work addresses of would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks visited the Gallery Place building in Washington, D.C., that houses a mall and offices of the FBI, the Heritage Oversight Project reported July 22.

Apparently at least one person visited both Crooks and the Gallery Place, out of which FBI agents work.

Oversight Project leaders said they hope other experts in the fields of geo-location searches and criminal investigations will step forward to assist with their probe. The investigation was begun out of concern that the work of the FBI, Secret Service, and other federal law enforcement won’t be transparent or thorough.

That concern would be particularly well founded if it turns out that the Deep State recruited Crooks as a disposable pawn to kill Trump.

Such a suggestion would have been outrageous only recently. Nowadays it has to be taken seriously, given the “threat to democracy” hysteria prevailing among Democrats, the FBI’s practice of explicitly targeting Trump supporters, and the proven willingness of Deep Statists to interfere in elections in concert with the Biden campaign.

On tips from seaoh, Mr. Freemarket, and 100 Bravo.

Jul 14 2024

This Doesn’t Look Good

Consider who ultimately gives the orders in the federal government, including the Secret Service. Consider how desperate Democrats are as they head into the election with Biden’s wheels falling off, especially if any of them believe their own hysterical rhetoric regarding the 45th president. Consider what they have already stooped to, regarding subversion of the legal system in an attempt to disable Trump. Consider that prominent Deep State figures like Leon Panetta, John Brennan, and James Clapper have been willing to sacrifice their credibility to keep him out of office. You can’t blame people for getting a little paranoid.

This video has raised a few eyebrows:

How Thomas Matthew Crooks managed to be where he was with a rifle is an open question.

Something else to consider:

Further evidence that people were aware of the shooter’s presence on the roof and were alarmed by it:

For everyone’s piece of mind, there needs to be an investigation not under the control of party apparatchiks like Merrick Garland. In the meantime, the acronyms LIHOP and MIHOP will get heavy use.

Here’s how this looks from across the Atlantic:

On tips from WDS 2.0, Bluto, Dr. Kufi Tutite, Chris Neilson, KirklesWorth, Jester, and MrRightWingDave.

Jun 23 2024

Deep State’s Homeland Intelligence Experts Group

Government control of schools is good for more than promoting Critical Race Theory and homosexuality to children. It might also be used to spy on us:

The Biden administration’s since-disbanded “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group” planned an insidious influence operation to persuade mothers and teachers to inform on dissident parents and students suspected of “domestic extremism,” internal documents obtained by The Post show.

This gives an idea of what they mean by “domestic extremism”:

The panel, created in September of last year to ostensibly “provide advice and perspectives on intelligence and national security efforts,” included Obama-era CIA Director John Brennan and ex-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, both of whom flaunted their intelligence credentials on the eve of the 2020 election to falsely claim The Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation.

Brennan and Clapper lied brazenly on behalf of the Democrat Party. They are the Deep State personified. When they say, “domestic extremist,” they don’t mean Hamas supporters shrieking about revolution and laying siege to the White House; they mean people like you.

Fortunately, America First Legal sued, forcing the DHS to disband Homeland Intelligence Experts Group for violating the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The suit dragged disturbing records into the light of day:

In notes from a September 2023 meeting, the Brennan-Clapper group discussed ways for DHS to increase efforts to collect intelligence on Americans across the country, and “get into local communities in a non-threatening way.”

The problem they explicitly set out to solve is that most Americans are still American enough not to rat each other out to the Stasi like East Germans.

One solution proposed at the meeting was to reclassify political dissent as a “public health” crisis to encourage Americans to report family members or neighbors to the federal government if they displayed “concerning” behavior.

Democrats learned a lot from what they got away with during Covid tyranny.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and Jester.

Jun 19 2024

Intelligence Community Paints Nails for Pride Month

Our encroaching adversaries will be pleased to learn that under Democrat control, the US intelligence community focuses not on keeping the country safe but on promoting degeneracy and sexual psychosis:

The top intelligence agency in the United States is celebrating Pride Month by inviting agents to have the transgender flag painted on their nails, participate in a “Pride Ally Challenge,” and learn from a “non-binary,” “Filipinx” activist who has taught children about her non-binary identity, a document exclusively obtained by The Daily Wire reveals.

The intelligence document outlines nine different Pride Month activities held by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), a cabinet-level agency overseeing the rest of the IC, including the CIA, FBI, NSA, and intelligence components in each branch of the military. Over the course of the month, intelligence officers will have their nails painted with trans flags, or even learn to crochet their very own Pride flags.

Anything that becomes corrupted with moonbattery is rendered farcical and contemptible as it is utterly destroyed.

Here’s what taxpayers have been financing during work hours:

The “Nails & Crafts” event was held with the Pride Employee Resource Group as well as the “FVEY Liaison Offices,” a reference to the Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance that includes the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The document’s reference to Five Eyes indicates that foreign intelligence agents may have been invited or present at the nail painting event.

Tactics probably developed for promoting sexual perversion to schoolchildren are now used to indoctrinate the Deep State.

That nail painting event, which took place on June 4, came just ahead of a talk from guest speaker AC Dumlao, who is described as a “transgender non-binary first-generation Filipinx-American activist and educator” and has a website called “Call Me They.”

The moonbattery is multifarious:

Dumlao’s website lists a number of different organizations that she recommends supporting, each of which further highlights the extent of Dumlao’s radicalism. One such organization, called the Manna-hatta Fund, describes itself as “an invitation to all settlers and non-Native people who wish to acknowledge the legacy of theft and genocide that comprise the history of New York City and the United States.” The radical activist also points those who visit her site to Red Canary Song, an organization of “Asian and Migrant sex workers and massage workers, organizing transnationally.” The group states its work “is in the tradition of sex worker mutual aid.”

Most members of the intelligence community probably find this agenda sickening. Their morale is not likely to be high.

On a tip from Barry A.

Jun 19 2024

Phony FBI Stats Fail to Lower Crime

The Democrat policies of glorifying lawlessness, hamstringing police, and allowing criminals to run loose unsurprisingly drove crime rates into the stratosphere. With elections coming, the partisans controlling the FBI brought the rates back down just in time. However, retired NYPD inspector Paul Mauro smells a rat:

Mauro appeared on “Jesse Watters Primetime” to discuss the release of the FBI’s new stats claiming that the rate of violent and property crimes [has] significantly dropped within the first three months of 2024 compared to the same time last year.

After noting that 40% of police departments do not report their crime numbers to the FBI, Mauro posed a question:

“Let’s do the roll call — New York, LA, Chicago, Baltimore, Washington, D.C. which is federal itself — they don’t report to the FBI. So consequently, what do they all have in common?”

Answer: they are all deep blue cities with skyrocketing crime rates.

According to former FBI agent R R Holiman, cities did not stop sending their data all at once, but…

The problem has been getting worse and worse as mayors got tired of claiming crime was down and then being called liars by people pulling up the FBI reported crime. Their answer increasingly became to just stop reporting the crimes (and also there was some reclassifying of violent crimes as well, like calling an armed robbery a larceny).

Speaking of deep blue cities, the launchpad for the current pro-crime, anti-police jihad was Minneapolis — or as they call it nowadays, Murderapolis:

Now, with its police department under investigation by the Department of Justice, the city of 425,000 is trying to find a way forward amid a period of heightened crime that began shortly after [St. George of Fentanyl] Floyd’s death.

That year, the number of murders soared to nearly 80 — dwarfing the 2019 body count of 46. It has cooled somewhat this year, though the amount of killing — and violent crime in general — remains elevated far above 2019 levels and homicides are on pace to surpass the 2020 figure.

So much for “Minnesota nice.”

If authorities cannot get crime under control by underreporting it, they might adopt the approach California takes to shoplifting: de facto legalization. Why not cut to the chase and make all crime legal? Voilà: zero crime.

On tips from Ed McAninch, ABC of the ANC, MrRightWingDave, Lyle, and Jester.

Apr 26 2024

NPR CEO Katherine Maher Is Scarier Than We Knew

It would be hard to overstate the danger posed by the leftists who control the media. Consider Katherine Maher, cartoonishly woke CEO of the state-affiliated propaganda outlet NPR. Her ambitions are bigger than spooning out moonbattery for kooks with the belly for it. She is a revolutionary in the most alarming sense of the term — as Christopher Rufo reports:

The West’s favored methods of supporting Color Revolutions include fomenting dissent, organizing activists through social media, promoting student movements, and unleashing domestic unrest on the streets. Americans hold varying opinions on such efforts, but what many don’t realize is that they occur not only overseas but also here in the United States. The summer of rioting following the death of George Floyd, which ushered in the new DEI regime, was in many ways a domestic Color Revolution, advanced by progressive NGOs, media entities, and political actors.

Among them was Katherine Maher.

Maher was involved in the wave of Color Revolutions that took place in North Africa in the 2010s, and she supported the post-George Floyd upheavals in the United States in the 2020s.

Remember when Obama helped depose Muammar Gaddafi, a former enemy who had become a de facto ally of the USA against Islamic terrorists, leaving a power vacuum for ISIS? “We came, we saw, he died!” cackled Obama’s chillingly vicious Secretary of State.

During the volatile Arab Spring period, under a constantly rotating series of NGO affiliations, Maher went to multiple countries that were undergoing U.S.-backed regime change.

These include Libya.

That the Obama Regime turned its back on the Green Revolution in Iran puts the lie to the pretense of advancing freedom.

During much of 2011, Maher worked for the National Democratic Institute, a government-funded NGO with deep connections to U.S. intelligence and the Democratic Party’s foreign policy machine. The organization was “set up to do independently what CIA had done covertly worldwide,” says national security analyst J. Michael Waller. While initially some distance supposedly existed between NDI and the intelligence services, that relationship has devolved back to “the gray zone,” per Waller, and it appears that they often work in concert. “NDI is an instrument of Samantha Power and the global revolution elements of the Obama team,” Waller explains. “It has gone along with, and been significant parts of, color revolutions around the world. It is very much a regime-change actor.” …

During her time at NDI, Katherine Maher was “part of a revolutionary vanguard movement,” says Waller.

NPR is a means to an end:

It is state radio, in the Soviet sense: it produces propaganda to advance its own cultural power and move the nation toward a desired end-state.

Maher understood the power of media—and radio, in particular—early in her career. In 2010, according to a now-deleted blog post that I have obtained, Maher speculated that seizing control of radio could be a way to “Govern a Country.”

Only ideologically deranged liberal elitists listen to NPR at this point. But it plays a key role in an overall strategy. So do Wikipedia and the encrypted-messaging application Signal. Maher was CEO of the Wikimedia Foundation and is chairman of the board at Signal.

Where the Deep State, the Obama/Biden regime, and the hostile ideology espoused at our expense on NPR intersect, there stands Katherine Maher.

As ham-fisted lawfare has made obvious, Democrats are pulling out all the stops to prevent Trump from being democratically returned to the White House. If they fail, the next government Maher helps overthrow may be our own.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Mar 20 2024

Intelligence Community Embraces Transsvestitism

The good news regarding the Deep State under Democrat rule is that FBI/CIA/NSA/ETC agents of the type now being recruited might be too busy prancing in women’s clothes to haul us off to the Swamp’s version of the Lubyanka:

Agents at the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and throughout the intelligence community [IC] were distributed a newsletter that celebrated an intelligence official for crossdressing, saying that dressing up in women’s clothes makes him “a better intelligence officer,” according to an internal document obtained by The Daily Wire.

That’s their focus, as our Islamic and communist adversaries pour terrorists and agents across the deliberately undefended border.

The newsletter was excreted by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s IC Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Office, which we are forced to finance.

The ODNI is a cabinet-level agency overseeing the rest of the IC, including the CIA, FBI, NSA, and intelligence components in each branch of the military.

It isn’t enough for progressives to destroy America. They have to degrade and humiliate it first. If the USSR had nuked us to death, at least we would have been spared this disgrace.

It is urgently necessary that someone drain the Swamp.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Mar 12 2024

FBI Encouraged Political Violence Before 2020 Election

As the FBI degenerates from politicized to radicalized under Democrat control of the Justice Department, we can expect more stories like this:

New evidence suggests that the FBI purposefully tolerated and encouraged political violence ahead of the 2020 presidential election so as to target perceived domestic extremists for arrest.

The term “domestic extremist” does not refer to Black Lives Matter or pro-Hamas sociopaths. Just as only a Caucasian can be racist, only a right-winger can be a domestic extremist.

The new evidence consists of internal FBI reports and undercover recordings obtained by The Intercept. Even this left-wing news source is alarmed.

The files mainly concern the notorious 2020 conspiracy to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a rabid Democrat. As previously reported, a large group of undercover FBI agents and informants tricked a few Michigan men into taking part in the plot.

During the Whitmer plot, FBI agents “at times put Americans in danger” just to keep the plot alive and well.

The danger included letting militia members enter the Michigan Capitol with guns and possibly a live grenade.

Moreover, the Whitmer plot oftentimes intersected with other FBI-concocted plots — such as one to fly a drone with explosives into then-Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s North Carolina vacation home. …

There was also an FBI-concocted plot to kill Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser involving an undercover FBI agent named Timothy Bates.

Worse will come as the Deep State pulls out all the stops to prevent Trump from returning to the White House.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Feb 08 2024

Leftists Threaten to Target Patriots in Homes and Churches

The Black Lives Matter riots that were so exuberantly supported by the liberal establishment worked well for the Democratic Party in 2020. But in 2024, mostly peaceful protests may be more targeted:

Angry radical leftists staged a loud protest outside the Washington, D.C., headquarters of the conservative Heritage Foundation against its “Project 2025,” an initiative that aims to help conservative politicians end the power of the “Deep State” if and when Republicans prevail in the 2024 races for the White House, U.S. Senate, and U.S. House of Representatives.

The rally occurred January 27. Similar rallies will be allowed to escalate out of control if Trump continues to look likely to win.

The “Stop the Coup 2025!” protesters clearly sought to intimidate conservative staffers and politicians on Capitol Hill and throughout the nation’s capital, where memories of protests outside the homes of conservative Supreme Court Justices remain fresh in everyone’s minds.

That illegal exercise in intimidation was essentially abetted by the thugs comprising Biden’s Justice Department. Montgomery County police arrested a moonbat named Nicholas John Roske for attempted assassination. Even then, the Biden Regime did not back away from implicitly supporting these tactics.

“We need to go find out where they live, where they go to church, who they hang around with, and birddog they (sic) a—-,” one activist declared to the crowd.

Here’s what regular Americans are up against:

Bad enough having these moonbats in your neighborhood…

“It’s a horrific experience,” said one neighbor who described the protests. “They have drums, they have a megaphone, and they chant, they yell all kinds of things … They have told neighbors ‘f— you, f— your children,’ things like that – and so they’re abusive towards neighbors and intimidating.”

Worse still is having them run the increasingly intrusive federal Leviathan.

You can see why liberals are in a hebephrenic frenzy over Project 2025:

Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts … explained that he envisions the destruction of the administrative state, its vast political power, and the influence it holds over individual American sovereignty. “The only way to do that… is to diminish the number of unelected bureaucrats who are wielding that power instead of Congress,” he said.

Roberts stunned globalist leftists while simultaneously delighting conservatives last month while participating in a World Economic Forum (WEF) panel discussion — “What to Expect from a Possible Republican Administration?” — when he said the next Republican administration needs to reject “everything that’s ever been proposed at the World Economic Forum.”

Javier Milei isn’t the only countermoonbat willing to poke these demons in the nose. Imagine Trump — highly motivated by the corrupt establishment’s campaign against him — doing in the USA what Milei has been doing to restore freedom and prosperity in Argentina. Liberal backlash will make it clearer than ever why they do not want us to be able to defend ourselves.

On tips from Wiggins and WDS 2.0.

Jan 10 2024

Probation for Ray Epps

Meanwhile, as Biden crows triumphantly about the 840 years of prison time inflicted on January 6 protesters, Ray Epps walks free.

From the libs at AP:

Epps, a former Arizona resident who was driven into hiding by death threats, pleaded guilty in September to a misdemeanor charge. He received no jail time, and there were no restrictions placed on his travel during his probation, but he will have to serve 100 hours of community service.

AP encourages readers to weep for Epps, the alleged victim of “right-wing conspiracy theories.”

Fox News Channel and other right-wing media outlets amplified conspiracy theories that Epps, 62, was an undercover government agent who helped incite the Capitol attack to entrap Trump supporters. Epps filed a defamation lawsuit against Fox News last year, saying the network was to blame for spreading baseless claims about him.

Any proceeds from the suit would be in addition to whatever he was presumably paid by the FBI, if he was in fact working for them as people are likely to continue believing, compensating for the $500 fine he was also ordered to pay.

The villain of the story as spun is Fox News for deviating from the Democrat party line:

Epps told the judge that he now knows that he never should have believed the lies about a stolen election that Trump and his allies told and that Fox News broadcast.

“I have learned that truth is not always found in the places that I used to trust,” said Epps, who asked for mercy before learning his sentence.

The judge noted that many conspiracy theorists still refuse to believe that the Capitol riot was an insurrection carried out by Trump supporters.

But Epps is a good boy who believes as he is told — or at least pretends to. Maybe that was enough to keep him out of jail.

Nonetheless, suspicion that Epps was working as a federal agent to incite and entrap Trump supporters will not be allayed by the relative wrist slap — or by sympathetic treatment by the mainstream media, which like the FBI is effectively an arm of the Democratic Party.

Tim Pool provides context:

On tips from Lyle and KirklesWorth.

Dec 18 2023

FBI Issues Update on Alphabet Mob’s Evolving Acronym

The FBI had better monitor the conflict between pederasts and lesbians. If the L gets ejected from LGBTetc, the agency must stand ready to issue another official statement:

An email reportedly from the bureau’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion to all FBI employees was leaked online.

“The FBI has officially adopted the LGBTQIA+ acronym in place of LGBT+. This change was proposed by Bureau Equality, one of our nine Diversity Advisory Committees, and approved by FBI executive management to help promote a more welcoming workplace for members of our LGBTQIA+ community,” read the email.

Eight Diversity Advisory Committees wouldn’t be enough for the agency tasked with imposing leftist ideology on a nation of 333 million.

The email went on to explain what each part of the LGBTQIA+ acronym meant.

The Deep State cares deeply about promoting sexual perversion. Even so, it struggles to keep pace with the personification of moonbattery, Justin Trudeau:

Trudeau was mocked online after he began using the even more inclusive acronym, 2SLGBTQQIA+.

You can see why the FBI requires a massive new headquarters twice the size of the Pentagon. If it has fallen behind Canada, it must need to hire more leftist bureauweenies — though it already has impressive reach:

The email from the FBI claimed that more than 30 federal agencies were to use the expanded acronym, including the Department of Justice.

The repurposing of the FBI as an enforcement arm of the Democratic Party has not gone unnoticed by the people it stands ready to terrorize:

Only 37 percent of registered voters held a positive view of the FBI, almost as many as said they had a negative view (35 percent). Furthermore, only 17 percent of Republicans polled held a positive view, compared with 56 percent negative. This was a stark change from 2018, when the bureau held a 52 percent positive rating with just 18 percent of registered voters viewing it negatively.

It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end. Already the FBI has been spying on Catholics, intimidating parents who speak up at school board meetings, and siccing SWAT teams on prolife activists. It needs to be disbanded before it has finished transforming into an American KGB.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Nov 29 2023

DoJ’s Alarming Secret Trump Twitter Search Warrant

Can we call it tyranny yet? Yes we can:

Attorneys for the Justice Department have revealed documents connected to their search warrant for Donald Trump’s Twitter account, indicating that prosecutors collected a massive collection of data about the former President’s social media activity—including information on every account that liked, followed, or retweeted him.

Twitter put up a fight at first…

Twitter’s dispute with [Special Counsel Jack] Smith’s team stemmed from prosecutors’ decision to serve the warrant alongside a “nondisclosure order” that barred Twitter from informing Trump — or anyone else — of the warrant’s existence.

…but was eventually forced to comply:

Twitter’s challenge to the DOJ was eventually unsuccessful, with Obama-appointed District Judge Beryl Howell fining the firm $350,000 in February for failing to fulfill a deadline for complying with the order.

Unless a major swamp draining takes place, the FBI, the NSA, and the rest of the Deep State alphabet soup will find plenty of uses for this sort of information on behalf of the Democratic Party.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Oct 11 2023

Former CIA Director Calls for Death of US Senator

The FBI has been getting scary lately, explicitly targeting Catholics and Trump supporters, investigating concerned parents who speak up at school board meetings, descending upon the families of abortion opponents in heavily armed SWAT teams, even conducting what appear to be death squad missions against hapless victims like Craig Robertson or Theodore Deschler. But it might not be scariest of the agencies comprising the Deep State. Consider that the CIA is specifically designed to conduct operations out of a spy novel. John Brennan, an unhinged leftist who thinks the federal government should investigate Americans for being libertarian, is a former director. So is Michael Hayden.

Someone on X asked whether Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), an esteemed countermoonbat who has resisted Democrats’ abortion agenda, should be removed from a committee. That wouldn’t go far enough to please Hayden, who responded, “How about the human race?”

Via Just the News:

He doubled down on his comments Tuesday, writing: “I was surprised to wake up this morning and discover that many MAGAnuts had lost their minds over my suggestion that ‘Coach’ Tuberville not be considered a member of the human race. I stand by that view. I’m wishing you all a nice day even the intransigent Tommy Tuberville.”

Don’t clutch your pearls, deplorables! He was just saying that Republican senators are subhuman, not that they should be assassinated. Or at least, that’s how he is spinning it now.

Hayden was one of 51 former intelligence officials who signed a letter saying the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. The laptop and its contents were later confirmed to be genuine.

Brennan signed the disgraceful letter too, as did former CIA Director Leon Panetta, confirming their willingness to put devotion to the Democratic Party ahead of national interests and their own credibility. This letter was coordinated with the Biden campaign and with the liberal media, according to whistleblower Mike Morell, who had served as acting director for two stints.

Personnel is policy. Rank and file CIA, as with the FBI, probably still consists largely of patriots. But it is the personnel at the top that takes it where it is going.

We need to get deep state agencies under control very quickly before it is too late. Refer to the KGB, Stasi, and Gestapo to see what we will live under if we fail. Any agency not consistent with the Constitution should be abolished.

On tips from Wiggins and MrRightWingDave.

Oct 07 2023

Politicized FBI Explicitly Targets Trump Supporters

Due to the weaponization of the federal bureaucracy pioneered by Obama, what the KGB was to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the FBI is the Democratic Party of the United States. From left-leaning Newsweek:

The federal government [i.e., the Biden Regime and the Deep State] believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbances around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump’s army of MAGA followers.

The only significant opposition party is to be regarded as a terror threat like al Qaeda. According to an FBI statement,

“Anti-government or anti-authority violent extremism is one category of domestic terrorism, as well as one of the FBI’s top threat priorities.”

To get an idea of what they mean by “domestic terrorism,” recall that soon after the leftist National School Boards Association lobbied the Biden Regime to classify concerned parents who speak out at schoolboard meetings as terrorists, the ratlike apparatchik Merrick Garland sicced the FBI on them. Simply opposing abortion could provoke an FBI SWAT raid that might leave you as dead as Craig Robertson or Theodore Deschler.

From the president down, the Biden administration has presented Trump and MAGA as an existential threat to American democracy and talked up the risk of domestic terrorism and violence associated with the 2024 election campaign.

That is, opposition parties are an existential threat to democracy. The adage bears repeating: To learn what Democrats are up to, listen to what they accuse their opponents of. Our “democratic” (actually, constitutional republican) form of government has never been under greater threat.

Even Newsweek acknowledges the smell of totalitarian rat in the air:

Trump and his army of supporters were acknowledged as a distinct category of domestic violent extremists, even as the FBI was saying publicly that political views were never part of its criteria to investigate or prevent domestic terrorism. …

The revelations that some Trump supporters are being specifically targeted by the FBI fits with accusations from among them that the Bureau has them in its sights and is the political tool of a repressive deep state in Washington, D.C., bent on preserving the hold of the political establishment at the cost of democracy.

Correction: It doesn’t “fit with” the accusations. It confirms them.

Democrats are criminalizing countermoonbattery. The FBI stands ready to round up subjects for the “formal deprogramming” Hillary Clinton calls for.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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