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Category: Tyranny

Aug 20 2023

Fourteen US Cities Commit to Poverty and Tyranny

Abject poverty is bad enough when it is imposed by circumstance. Worse still is when it is inflicted by our liberal ruling class out of sheer moonbattery:

Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate organization known as the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,” which has an “ambitious target” by the year 2030 of “0 kg [of] meat consumption,” “0 kg [of] dairy consumption,” “3 new clothing items per person per year,” “0 private vehicles” owned, and “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person.”

C40’s dystopian goals can be found in its “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” report, which was published in 2019 and reportedly reemphasized in 2023. The organization is headed and largely funded by Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg.

Uncoincidentally, Bloomberg has spent many $millions attacking the Second Amendment, the main purpose of which is to defend us from tyranny.

Nearly 100 cities across the world make up the organization, and its American members include Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Seattle.

Local leaders have begun imposing restrictions in pursuit of these malevolent objectives. For example, in NYC,

Eric Adams announced that the city will place caps on the amount of meat and dairy served by city institutions, such as schools and prisons.

Kooks like Adams need to pick up the pace in the race to impose poverty and tyranny in the name of the weather. Europe is pulling ahead of them:

The U.K. has banned the sale of new gas-powered vehicles after 2030, and France has banned short-haul flights “to cut carbon emissions.”

The goal is to reduce us to a Third World standard of living, while restricting fundamental liberties like freedom of movement and property rights. Though the implementation may be local, the design is globalist:

In 2020, the World Economic Forum (which promotes C40 Cities on its website) introduced “The Great Reset,” which seeks to use the Covid-19 pandemic as a point from which to launch a global reset of society to supposedly combat climate change. This reset, however, has far more to do with social control than it does with the climate. If globalist leaders truly cared about the environment, they wouldn’t be chartering private jets or owning massive, energy-consuming mansions on the coast in California, which, by climate fanatics’ own calculation, will soon be underwater.

Few could be dumb enough to take the supposed “climate crisis” at face value. Yet in the absence of resistance, the agenda continues to move forward.

To get an idea of how cartoonishly malevolent these maniacs are, consider WEF-linked “bioethicist” Dr. Matthew Liao:

Liao has proposed the idea of scientists genetically modify humans to be allergic to meat. Liao has also discussed shrinking the physical size of humans via eugenics or hormone injections so they consume fewer resources.

When they have us helpless enough, they can experiment at will.

If demanding we surrender our freedom and standard of living in the name of the weather stops getting traction, social engineers can always fall back on Covid-19. You thought that was over? Why would they let it be over?

On tips from R F and Jester.

Aug 10 2023

Autistic Teen Dragged Off by Police for Homophobia

Meanwhile, as violent crime in Britain spirals out of control, an autistic teenager was dragged off by the thought police for accidentally committing homophobia.

A worried mother called the West Yorkshire Police to request an escort home for her vulnerable daughter, who suffers from both autism and severe scoliosis. When they brought her home, the girl said of one of the officers, “I think she’s a lesbian like nanna Julie.” That’s when all hell broke loose.

Reduxxx quotes the mother, who goes by Nikita Snow on social media:

“I just felt a jolt on my back… the officer had launcher herself in my home at me and Amanda. She was grabbing her.”

Amanda is not the girl’s real name.

Snow says her daughter scampered into a cupboard under the stairs and began crying and apologizing, unsure of what was going on. Amanda also began self-harming out of stress.

“She was crying and saying sorry to the police woman. That’s when I grabbed my phone and started recording.”

In terrifying footage twice-removed by TikTok, Amanda is heard screaming and crying as multiple West Yorkshire Police officers surround the cupboard she had backed herself into for safety.

“She’s getting arrested,” the female officer says firmly. “Another unit’s coming, don’t worry … I’m telling you another unit is coming, she is going to get arrested tonight.”

Arrest her they did:

The clip ends with Amanda being led out of the house in tears by a group of six police officers. As she is walked outside, she appears to fall to the ground, at which point the officers begin twisting her arms behind her back in an effort to force her to stand.

Snow attempted to explain that her daughter has severe scoliosis and that her joints should not be manipulated in such a way. In the video, the girl is seen trying to grab at her shoulder with her free hand and screaming in what appears to be obvious pain.

The video:

The terrified girl spent 20 hours in police custody before they released her on “unconditional bail.” According to West Yorkshire Police, she was arrested “on suspicion of a homophobic public order offense.”

It simply is not tolerable to live under these people. Paul Joseph Watson has had enough:

On tips from seaoh, KirklesWorth, Anonymous, and Jester.

Aug 10 2023

FBI Kills Old Guy After Social Media Posts

At this point, taunting the FBI could be hazardous to your health:

Craig Deleeuw Robertson of Provo, Utah, who was described by the FBI as being between the ages of 70-75, was shot during an early morning FBI raid on his home at about 6:15 a.m.

They came to serve arrest and search warrants over social media posts threatening Joe Biden and other left-wing pols on social media. In addition,

On July 27, he allegedly wrote, “Hey FBI, you still monitoring my social media? Checking so I can be sure to have a loaded gun handy in case you drop by again.”

Robertson had made it obvious that pulling the sort of raid they used to terrorize Mark Houck for opposing abortion would elicit an armed response, yet they chose to use ham-fisted tactics.

Neighbors described Robertson to Deseret News as being “overweight” and walking with a “cane.”

One neighbor described Robertson as “a big story teller [who] likes the attention of big stories” and remarked,

“So a man that sits at home all day, doesn’t have much to do, if he’s on his phone and is involved in politics and has strong political opinions, I’m not surprised that he would make posts like that to try to receive attention.”

It seems likely the FBI could have found a way to bring him in without violence. But then Robertson did ask for the Bonnie and Clyde treatment.

On a tip from Varla.

Aug 09 2023

Open Thread

The one pervading evil of democracy is the tyranny of the majority, or rather of that party, not always the majority, that succeeds, by force or fraud, in carrying elections. - Lord Acton

Aug 06 2023

Bureaucrats Destroyed His House and Want Him to Pay

It used to be government would break your leg, then charge you for a crutch. Now it charges you for the sledgehammer used to inflict the injury:

The city of Atlanta demolished a man’s home after sending warnings to the wrong address — and now it wants to foreclose on the property to pay for the demolition costs, WSB-TV reported.

Homeowner Everett Tripodis told the station in an initial report several months ago that the city sent warnings to the wrong address before demolishing his century-old home — an investment property he bought with his mother and was remodeling on Atlanta’s historic West End.

Tripodis has been left with a vacant lot. Now municipal bureaucrats want that too — unless he can come up with $68,000 to pay them for tearing his house down without telling him.

Atlanta has been called the “San Francisco of the South” due to end stage moonbattery. Like Chicago, it is a forewarning of what liberal rule will reduce us to nationally if not overthrown.

On a tip from R F.

Aug 05 2023

Democrats Condemn Jailing Opposition

Liberal elitists live in a bubble populated by their own kind. Anyone outside it is dismissed as “deplorable.” The resulting lack of self-awareness leads to astonishing extremes of hypocrisy.

The most gifted comedian would struggle to pull this off with a straight face. Yet Antony Blinken probably isn’t aware of the irony:

True enough, it is not good that Vladimir Putin subverts the legal system to jail political opposition.

Closer to home, Byron York comments on the Biden Regime’s latest bid to imprison the leading opposition candidate on ludicrous charges:

Special counsel Jack Smith’s indictment of former President Donald Trump covering the 2020 election and Jan. 6 is Trump’s third indictment […] and it could not be more political. Covering the period immediately after the 2020 election through Jan. 6, Smith’s indictment is a rehash of the Jan. 6 committee report in indictment form. The committee, of course, was one of the most one-sided exercises ever to take place on Capitol Hill, with all its members marching in lockstep under the direction of a Republican Trump antagonist, then-Rep. Liz Cheney.

After teary-eyed CNN propagandist Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney is every Democrats’ favorite former GOP congresscritter. Both turncoats acted as partisan Democrats during the January 6 show trials.

The new Smith indictment targets political speech and characterizes it as criminal activity. “You don’t have to be a defender of Donald Trump to worry about where this will lead,” wrote the Wall Street Journal editorial board. “It makes any future election challenges, however valid, legally vulnerable to a partisan prosecutor.”

As Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) observes,

“Every time a Republican won the presidency this century, Democrats tried to stop the certification. Yet none of them faced criminal charges over what is obviously First Amendment protected activity.”

As with jailing political opponents, it’s okay when Democrats do it.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Aug 01 2023

Open Thread

light bulbs banned

Incredible but true.

Compliments of Stormfax.

Jul 25 2023

Democrats Denounce Cambodia for Acting Like Democrats

Maybe it isn’t hypocrisy and projection taken to surreal extremes. Maybe our moonbat rulers are developing a sense of humor. First Hunter Biden’s lawyer lodged an ethics complaint against a Republican representative investigating the Biden Crime Family’s corruption. Now the regime ups the chutzpah by denouncing Cambodia for threatening and harassing the political opposition.

Jests Biden’s State Department:

The United States is troubled that the July 23 Cambodian elections were neither free nor fair.

Ahead of the elections, Cambodian authorities engaged in a pattern of threats and harassment against the political opposition, media, and civil society that undermined the spirit of the country’s constitution…

As the ruling Cambodian People’s Party forms a new government, authorities have an opportunity to improve the country’s international standing, including by restoring genuine multi-party democracy, ending politically motivated trials, reversing convictions of government critics, and allowing independent media outlets to reopen and function without interference.

Patterns of threats and harassment are serious. What did the Cambodian regime do, indict the opposition leader on patently bogus charges? Subject peaceful dissidents to 11 months of solitary confinement essentially for protesting against election fraud?

Are Cambodia’s politically motivated trials as Stalinesque as the theatrical January 6 inquisitions? Did the Cambodian equivalent of the New York Post get silenced by social media conspiring with the Cambodian equivalent of the KGB/FBI so as to kill a bombshell story that would have changed the election result?

Maybe the Cambodian FBI also classifies regular Cambodians who oppose the regime as “domestic extremists.” Maybe that regime has conspired to pack the highest court.

Democrats complaining about banana republic politics is like Pol Pot calling the kettle a communist. As Revolver News observes, under Democrat rule,

We’ve become a laughingstock and are no longer the moral leader of the world — “the shining city on a hill.”

It is still not too late to turn this around. But it won’t be accomplished by half measures.

Not a joke, as Creepy Joe would croak.

On a tip from seaoh.

Jul 19 2023

Plurality of Millennials Want “Misgendering” to Be Illegal

Tyranny cannot be imposed for long unless the population largely accepts it, so Democrats will be delighted to learn that a plurality of millennials believe it should be against the law for dissidents to uphold biological reality when it conflicts with LGBT ideology:

More millennials think referring to a transgender person by the wrong pronouns should be a criminal offense than think it should be legal, according to new polling conducted exclusively for Newsweek.

By “the wrong pronouns,” Newsbleak means the correct pronouns, i.e., those referring to their actual sex.

This is directly equivalent to sending thought criminals to the Ministry of Love for stating 2 + 2 = 4.

According to the survey by Redfield & Wilton Strategies, 44 percent of those aged 25-34 think “referring to someone by the wrong gender pronoun (he/him, she/her) should be a criminal offense,” versus just 31 percent who disagree. The remainder “neither agree nor disagree” or “don’t know.”

The goal of the media and education establishments is to push the 31% who think people should not be imprisoned for refusing to pretend that men are women down to zero — which is the percentage that would have regarded “misgendering” as criminal only recently.

Such grotesque attitudes have already facilitated corresponding legislation. In the dystopian moonbat hell that Michigan is becoming under Democrat rule, a bill will soon become law that literally makes it a felony to say anything an Alphabet Person takes exception to.

There is still hope. Among Americans as a whole,

just 19 percent want misgendering to be a criminal offense, whilst 65 percent disagree, 12 percent “neither agree nor disagree” and four percent answered “don’t know.”

There may even be hope for the future. Despite relentless indoctrination,

Generation Z Americans aged 18-24, who can vote, are notably less keen on making misgendering a crime than the older millennials. Among this group, 33 percent think calling someone by the wrong pronoun should be a criminal offense, while 48 percent disagree and the remainder answer either “neither” or “don’t know.”

The numbers are still appalling, but at least they are moving in the right direction. The mainstreaming of LGBT depravity, leading to its inevitable imposition through law, is not a done deal. We may even manage to get sexual perversion back in the closet, though it will take determination.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jul 13 2023

Illinois Will Force Landlords to Rent to Illegal Aliens

Those who have been allowed to invade our country in contravention of our laws in order to displace us do not enjoy the same privileges as American citizens; they enjoy better ones. As on Orwell’s Animal Farm, all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. Like preferred racial groups and the sexually insane, illegal aliens are more equal than you, because they are favored by our liberal rulers. They are “protected.”

That means landlords will be forced to rent to them, even if they have qualms about turning over their property to criminals who break the law just by being here:

A new Illinois law will require landlords to rent or sell property to undocumented migrants, adding immigration status to the list of protected classes in the Illinois Human Rights Act.

SB1817 was signed into law by Governor J.B. Pritzker (D-Ill.) last month and is set to go into effect at the beginning of 2024. The law will add “protections in the Illinois Human Rights Act for housing regarding immigration status protection.”

As we learned when CDC bureaurats exploited Covid hysteria to impose an eviction moratorium, it isn’t the landlord’s property; it is the government’s property. By extension, it is illegal aliens’ property, because so long as the government is run by Democrats, it can be counted on to side with illegal aliens against Americans.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 13 2023

Profiles in Countermoonbattery: Christine Geiger

You don’t need a seat at the table of the liberal establishment to make a difference. You just need the guts to serve as an inspiration to others. You might own a hair salon in Traverse City, Michigan:

“If a human identifies as anything other than a man/woman, please seek services at a local pet groomer,” Christine Geiger wrote disparagingly on a since-deleted Facebook page. “You are not welcome at this salon. Period.”

“This is America; free speech. This small business has the right to refuse services,” she added.

This is America to the extent we stand up for inalienable rights like free speech and freedom of association.

Geiger, who owns Studio 8 Hair Lab, appeared to be responding to a Michigan house bill that would expand the state’s hate-crime law to include harassment or intimidation on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation.

“Harassment or intimidation” are to be determined by the alleged victims. After the state’s cartoonishly tyrannical Disney witch of a governor signs the bill into law, remarks like Geiger’s will constitute a felony in Michigan, as will literally any statement the Alphabet People regard as unsupportive of their lifestyle and ideology.

Already the fist of Big Government is poised to crash down on her:

Geiger’s comments … were condemned by a spokesman for Michigan attorney general Dana Nessel. “The Attorney General finds the comments to be hateful, reprehensible remarks,” the spokesman told the Independent, adding that Geiger is likely to face legal consequences.

When it comes to suppressing free speech, turn to the experts at the ACLU:

Nathan Triplett, president of the Michigan ACLU, explained on Twitter that Geiger is in violation of the state’s Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act, which was recently amended to also prohibit discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.

The same sort of corporate moonbats who thought it was a good idea to put Dylan Mulvaney’s face on Bud Light cans also want to punish her:

On Wednesday, hair product manufacturer Jack Winn Pro withdrew its products from Geiger’s salon, writing in a statement that it “reject[s] hate speech in any form” and that Geiger “no longer has authorization to represent our brand or products.”

The leftist Gorgons on The View have set to work whipping up the mob against her:

Goldberg, 67, said ‘you can’t make fun and say rude stuff about people’ in reference to the controversial comment by salon owner Christine Geiger.

Or at least, you can’t about special people. Not unless you have a lot of nerve — which will be required to prevent the country from continuing to slide into straightforward tyranny.

If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize. - Voltaire

On tips from Varla and The Great Cornholio.

Jun 30 2023

Michigan Goes Full Tyranny

One of the advantages of our federal system is that it provides 50 different laboratories for testing new approaches. When one state makes a mistake, the others can learn from it, without the whole country stepping off a cliff. That’s why we have to watch and learn from Michigan, where the prominent Covid tyrant Gretchen Whitmer and her fellow Democrats are establishing a police state in which dissidents can be imprisoned for expressing their opinions:

Michigan’s House of Representatives has passed a hate speech bill, known as HB 4474, which criminalizes causing someone to feel threatened by words, including the misusing of their pronouns, with the possibility of a hefty fine or even jail time.

It will literally be a criminal act in Michigan to refer to a man as a man if he says he wants to be referred to as a woman. This is the equivalent of jail time for not proclaiming that 2 + 2 = 5.

The bill introduces hate crime penalties for causing someone to ‘feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened,’ with ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity or expression’ included as protected classes.

As we are reminded daily, the Alphabet People regard any resistance whatsoever to their demonic agenda to be terrorizing, frightening, threatening, et cetera.

All animals are equal, but LGBT animals are a lot more equal under liberal rule. Kneel before them or the hammer of Big Government comes down:

Offenders could face up to five years in prison for such a felony offense or a $10,000 fine.

Michigan Democrats have also been pushing abortion hard. New legislation bans helping teenagers to overcome perverse sexual urges of the type liberals encourage. The party has gone out of its way to identify itself with immorality.

Scrape off the surface layer of degeneracy and you find raw tyranny:

Distinguished Professor Emeritus William Wagner, a former federal judge and legal counsel in the U.S. Senate, joined the chorus of politicians and lawyers warning against the bill.

“Make no mistake about it. Those advocating for this legislation will wield these policies as a weapon capable of destroying conservative expression or viewpoints grounded in the sacred,” Wagner told The Daily Wire. “One merely needs to look at the scores of cases brought against schools, churches, businesses, and individuals around our country. Proponents use these laws to silence and financially cripple those who dare to adhere to a different viewpoint and oppose their agenda.” …

Wagner said that under HB 4474, someone could listen to a speaker such as a religious preacher or read a conservative writer and claim they’re being intimidated because their “perceived gender identity” is under attack. Under the legislation, intimidation and harassment could be up to the interpretation of the listener and a local prosecutor, according to Wagner, who added that the bill determines what is criminal “after the action,” the opposite of the due process required by the Constitution.

The Constitution was created by white males who never proclaimed themselves to be perverts or members of the opposite sex. Therefore, it is racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic and will soon face cancelation.

The bill to crush free speech in the name of LGBTism will likely pass the Democrat-controlled Michigan State Senate. Then Gauleiter Gretchen will sign it eagerly.

Detroit, once the wealthiest city in the country, epitomizes the Democrat Death Spiral. The whole state is likely to follow as genuine Americans escape, leaving an ever higher percentage of moonbats to elect ever more radical tyrants.

On tips from seaoh, MrRightWingDave, Ed McAninch, and Wiggins.

Jun 06 2023

Nearly One Third of Gen Z Want Telescreens in Homes

Add telescreens to the many things George Orwell accurately predicted in 1984. Cameras have not yet been installed in our homes so that Big Government can eradicate privacy entirely and monitor everything we do. But they are coming soon — with the support of a populace so degraded by moonbattery that it can no longer grasp essential concepts like freedom and dignity:

In a newly released Cato Institute 2023 Central Bank Digital Currency National Survey of 2,000 Americans, we asked respondents whether they “favor or oppose the government installing surveillance cameras in every household to reduce domestic violence, abuse, and other illegal activity.”

Appallingly, 14% of Americans favor the idea. Among the generation that stormed the beaches of Normandy 79 years ago today, it would have been close to 0%. Otherwise, there wouldn’t have been much point to D-Day.

The news gets worse:

Americans under the age of 30 stand out when it comes to 1984‐style in‐home government surveillance cameras. 3 in 10 (29 percent) Americans under 30 favor “the government installing surveillance cameras in every household” in order to “reduce domestic violence, abuse, and other illegal activity.” Support declines with age, dropping to 20 percent among 30–44 year olds and dropping considerably to 6 percent among those over the age of 45.

No doubt young liberals would argue that privacy is racist and homophobic, because it allows people to express unapproved thoughts. You can’t expect them to have more respect for the Fourth Amendment than they do for the First.

With each passing generation, the relentless attack social engineers call Critical Theory eats away at the foundations of society.

The deliberately engineered demographic transformation also comes into play. Nine percent of whites favor in-home surveillance cameras, compared to 25% of Hispanics and 33% of blacks.

It isn’t enough to conserve what’s left. There needs to be a dramatic reversal or America is doomed.

On a tip from Jack Bauer.

Jun 03 2023

Capitol Police Silence Children Singing National Anthem

If the Bible can be hate speech, then surely children singing the national anthem in the Capitol must be an act of insurrection. Good thing the Capitol Police were there to put a stop to it:

Footage shows a Capitol Police officer directing someone to interrupt a children’s choir singing the national anthem in the U.S. Capitol, yet the police claimed that they did not stop the singing.

What do you expect? This is the same Capitol Police that escorted the harmless Jacob Chansley around the People’s House, then wept on stage about how they were traumatized by January 6 during the Democrat show trials — the same Capitol Police that shot an unarmed woman (no punishment for the self-praising killer) and afterward arrested the victim’s grieving mother. Under Democrat rule, they have become Stormtroopers patrolling the corridors of the Death Star.

David Rasbach, founder and director of the Rushingbrook Children’s Choir, confirms that the Capitol Police are lying again:

He said that he had secured permission from three congressional offices for the choir to sing in the Capitol. He said South Carolina Republican Reps. William Timmons and Joe Wilson had provided documents giving permission, as had the office of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

McCarthy’s office confirmed that the choir had permission to sing.


Video of the event shows the choir singing “The Star-Spangled Banner,” but it also shows Rasbach, the conductor, cut the singers off before they could finish the fourth verse of the song. Rasbach cut them off because a female Capitol Police officer had directed a congressional staffer to immediately stop the singing, Rasbach told The Daily Signal.

Rasbach said the female police officer insisted that the performance is considered a demonstration, and that demonstrations in the U.S. Capitol are banned. She later said some people were offended, though Rasbach doubted her claim.

Why doubt it? The District of Corruption is choked with leftists who would find the national anthem offensive.

At least the kids weren’t arrested like the 1,000+ mostly political prisoners following the last insurrection at the Capitol.

On tips from Stormfax, Jack Bauer, Wiggins, Lyle, and MrRightWingDave.


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