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Dec 09 2023

Open Thread

Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. - H. L. Mencken

On a tip from NOYB.

Dec 08 2023

Habitat for Homosexuals

No one who remembers the association between Habitat for Humanity and Jimmy Carter will be surprised to hear the former has been pushing the liberal agenda:

Habitat for Humanity in Charlotte has played an integral role in creating affordable housing options across the city…

All well and good — except for this emphasis:

One of the builds from 2016 aimed to partner with a local LGBTQ+ organization known as the Plus Collective — then called the Charlotte Lesbian and Gay Fund — to build a home for a mother of four in the Lincoln Heights neighborhood. …

[O]ther Habitats across the state have started and continued Pride builds, utilizing partnership models similar to the one between the Lesbian and Gay Fund and Charlotte’s Habitat.

One of the perks of belonging to an “oppressed” group favored by the liberal establishment is priority for housing.

Habitat for Humanity is a Christian, faith-based organization, which has a very different background than most organizations who work with LGBTQ+ folks.

This won’t be true for long if they let their organization be subverted and subordinated to moonbattery.

Jeremy Hall is the Director of Development at Charlotte’s Habitat… He said he felt it was important for Habitat to step up and take on Pride-centric projects, especially given its reputation as a faith-based organization.

The reputation does not sit well with Jeremy:

“[We felt] participating in a rainbow build will help to dismantle some of those belief systems that keep people from getting involved.”

The apparent reference is to belief systems based on the Bible, which sternly and repeatedly characterizes as grievous sin the behavior the Alphabet People choose to use to define themselves.

On a tip from Mike B.

Dec 08 2023

UK Immigration Authorities Get Tough for a Change

As Britain succumbs to Islamic conquest as a result of a moonbattery-based immigration policy that has allowed the native population to be displaced by hordes of welfare colonists from the Third World, here’s how the government treats assimilated immigrants from places like Italy:

An Italian grandmother who has lived in Britain for 42 years has been ordered to leave the UK – after a Home Office email was sent to her junk folder.

Leonarda Zarcone, 74 … and her husband Marcel Brunetto moved to the UK in 1981 and settled in Leicester where they bought a traditional British fish and chip shop and raised their three children.

Her application for settler status following Brexit resulted in a bureaucratic snafu. Her email client regarded bureauweenies’ demand for more proof that she has been living in Britain as spam, so she missed a deadline. Consequently,

Last month she received a letter from the Home Office ordering her to leave the UK or face prosecution or even forced deportation.

Too bad immigration authorities don’t focus their attention on the pro-Hamas mobs that defiled Remembrance Day. As we have seen in the USA, immigration enforcement is selective.

If you like the UK with Tories in charge, you will love it after societal decay reaches the point radically progressive Labour takes control. Considering that you can already get in trouble for flying the English flag, it won’t be long.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Dec 08 2023

What Liberals Swear Upon Instead of Bible

For 2,000 years, the Holy Bible was the fundamental text of Western Civilization, providing its moral framework. However, the Bible is undergoing cancelation by progressives, who hate Christianity with the ferocity of Satan himself. Before long it will be made illegal for offending people who embrace sin, or worse yet rewritten to comply with liberal ideology. What then do we swear upon when taking an oath? The leftists running public schools have the answer:

The new president of one of Pennsylvania’s largest school districts was sworn into office with her hand on sexually-explicit LGBT propaganda and “banned” books.

Democrat Karen Smith took up her new position Monday night as the head of the Central Bucks School District and immediately moved to undo Republican-led, pro-parent, and pro-family policies. For the swearing-in ceremony, Smith chose to place her hand not on a Bible but on a stack of frequently banned books, including “Flamer,” “All Boys Aren’t Blue,” “Beyond Magenta,” “Lily and Dunkin,” and “The Bluest Eye.”

The reason these books have been “banned” (i.e., not always made available to children) is they are — to put it mildly — inappropriate for kids.

Both “Flamer” and “All Boys Aren’t Blue” feature explicit depictions of homosexual activity, with the graphic novel “Flamer” including illustrations of nude teenage boys showering and masturbating.

“Beyond Magenta” and “Lily and Dunkin” promote the sick concept of transgender children.

“The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison features a passage in which a 9-year-old girl is raped and impregnated by her father…

We have already seen the Bible removed from schools. The filth described above is what educators are replacing it with as they reengineer American society.

Moonbattery is not merely wrong, moronic, destructive, and disgusting; it is unholy.

On a tip from Franco.

Dec 08 2023

Martin Luther King Jr. Home Probable Hate Hoax Foiled

Someone tried to burn down Martin Luther King Jr.’s childhood home. Anyone who can’t guess the race of the culprit has been living in a cave since the early Obama years:

Via Fox News:

The 26-year-old woman, whose name has not been released, is charged with criminal attempt to commit arson and criminal attempt to damage government property. She could also face federal charges in connection with the incident.

Atlanta police officers responded to Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth home shortly after 5:45 p.m. on Thursday following reports of vandalism. Atlanta Police Chief Darin Schierbaum told reporters that two tourists from Utah told officers they observed the woman dousing plants, the porch and the front door of the home with what smelled like gasoline before they intervened upon seeing her attempting to ignite a lighter.

As a rule, tourists from Utah should avoid authorities, lest they be thrown into solitary confinement on suspicion of being at the Capitol on January 6. But it’s good they stepped forward. If the home had burned and the arsonist had gotten away undetected, the Democrats/media would have gone into hyperdrive while pinning it on mythical white supremacists, so as to whip up another wave of Black Lives Matter riots in hopes of terrorizing voters into trying to placate them, a strategy that proved effective in 2020.

Too bad the suspect’s name hasn’t been released. Although her motive is unknown and she may only be psychotic, the incident would so certainly have been exploited like a hate hoax that she belongs on the list.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.


We have a name for the Hate Hoax List: Laneisha Shantrice Henderson.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Dec 08 2023

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Dec 07 2023

Illegal Aliens Leave National Monument Buried in Feces

Nothing symbolizes leftist rule like a national monument buried in the feces of the Third World hordes imported to displace us:

The Organ Pipe National Monument, which preserves an area of the Sonoran desert inhabited by several endangered species, has been overrun by migrants waiting along the border wall to turn themselves [in to] federal law enforcement authorities.

Needless to say, invaders would not wait to be escorted into the country they are conquering were our government on our side rather than theirs.

Reports former Immigration and Customs Enforcement field office director John Fabbricatore:

“The border crisis has become an environmental crisis for the Organ Pipe National Monument. The amount of trash and feces that litter the park has become a health and safety concern.”

You can see why he no longer holds his position. Fabbricatore has not gotten with the program. The beautiful Sonoran Desert, like the American nation, has been deemed expendable.

Pearl Harbor was bad enough. In terms of long-term damage to the country, what Democrats are doing to us is worse:

These are our future slavemasters. They will enslave us via the welfare state, thereby achieving greater power for the Democratic Party.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Varla.

Dec 07 2023

DeSantis Calls for Universities Not Taxpayers to Back Loans

If you don’t like being effectively enslaved so as to finance the extended adolescence of college students who pursue frequently worthless degrees instead of getting jobs, Ron DeSantis is your man:

‘I don’t support having a truck driver paying a student loan that got a degree in gender studies, that’s wrong, but I’m going to get to the root cause of the problem,’ DeSantis said.

He will do this by holding the universities responsible for backing the loans rather than taxpayers.

DeSantis’ demands for university-backed student loans comes just hours after Biden cancelled another $4.8 billion of student debt – despite the Supreme Court having struck down his plan to cancel $400 billion in debt in June.

You can see why Biden has openly considered packing the Supreme Court so that it can no longer defend the country from his handlers. In the meantime, he ignores it repeatedly.

Biden’s headstrong push for the relief program coincides with the looming 2024 election and desire to get young voters on board.

As with the welfare state, the Party of Big Government is buying votes with other people’s money.

The tactic illustrates a fundamental principle: the bigger the government, the more corrupt. Gratifying as it would be to throw criminals like Joe Biden and Bob Menendez into prison where they belong, the only way to clean up the government is to reduce its size. Ending its involvement in student loans would be a step in this direction.

On tips from Ed McAninch and ABC of the ANC.

Dec 07 2023

Schools Inflict Race-Based Discipline

Already liberals are officially codifying the racial caste system we live under. In deep blue Portland, government school educrats and unions officially agree that misbehaving students who are not black or ostentatiously sexually perverted must be punished more severely:

A new collective bargaining agreement between Portland Public Schools and its unionized teachers requires school officials to consider a disruptive student’s race, gender identity, and sexual orientation when crafting that student’s disciplinary plan.

When a student exhibits “continuous disruptive behavior,” the agreement says, school officials must develop a “support plan” for the student, which can include disciplinary measures such as detention. That plan “must take into consideration the impact of issues related to the student’s trauma, race, gender identity/presentation, sexual orientation … and restorative justice as appropriate for the student,” according to the agreement.

The agreement explicitly focuses disciplinary policy on “racial equity and social justice.” The objective is not to maintain order in the classroom, but to punish or reward students for their race.

The lunacy isn’t limited to Portland:

The policy change reflects a broader effort at both the federal and local levels to develop race-conscious disciplinary rules for public school students. Earlier this year, for example, the Biden administration released a memo urging schools to refrain from suspending students for truancy, arguing that “significant disparities by race … have persisted in the application of student discipline.” School districts in Washington and Illinois, meanwhile, have adopted disciplinary policies that aim to provide a “culturally responsive” and “restorative approach” to student discipline.

Lighter punishment for those most likely to misbehave will further disrupt classrooms. This is not a bug but a feature. Only when no one is able to learn anything can equity be imposed.

On a tip from Franco.

Dec 07 2023

Pearl Harbor Day

December 7 is the day to fly Old Glory at half-mast, to reflect on the need to know who our enemies are and be on guard against them, and to ask whether we ever had worse enemies than the traitors currently in control. So far as I know, not even the Imperial Japanese planned to erase America through demographic displacement.

Dec 07 2023

Democrats Push Unconstitutionally to Get Felons Voting

A few blacks are wising up regarding the Democrat Party. Time to shift emphasis to the identity group that won’t ever forget who to vote for. Not even LGBTers are more certain to support Democrats than convicted felons:

Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., announced the Inclusive Democracy Act on Wednesday outside the United States Capitol with Sen. Peter Welch, D-Vt.

Because so long as America is still standing, Our Democracy is not inclusive enough.

The bill would guarantee the right to vote in federal elections for all Americans, regardless of criminal conviction. It also requires those with past convictions to receive notice they are now eligible to vote.

If you want to know what a country run by people elected to represent criminals looks like, cities that have had pro-criminal DAs installed by the Democrats’ #1 donor George Soros offer an indication (e.g., Alvin Bragg [New York], George Gascon [Los Angeles], Kim Foxx [Chicago], Kim Ogg [Houston], Larry Krasner [Philadelphia], Chesa Boudin [San Francisco], Kim Gardner [St Louis], Marilyn Mosby [Baltimore], Monique Worrell [central Florida], Jason Williams [New Orleans], Pamela Price [Oakland]).

The bill is unconstitutional, because the states have authority over elections. But that isn’t likely to stop a member of the Squad like Ayanna Pressley.

On tips from Jack D and ABC of the ANC.

Dec 07 2023

NYC to Tax Going to Work in the Morning

What Democrats want more of, like illegal aliens, they subsidize. They pay for the subsidies by taxing what they want less of — like people who go to work in the morning:

The climate isn’t going to notice the difference, but this really will reduce congestion — by giving businesses yet another reason to relocate outside of New York as the once-great city succumbs to the Democrat Death Spiral.

On a tip from R F.

Dec 07 2023

Open Thread

'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded. - Friedrich August von Hayek

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Dec 06 2023

777 Imaginary Thermometers

To maintain ideological orthodoxy regarding the global warming hoax requires superimposing imagination over reality. Big Government shows the way by collecting make-believe data from thermometers that no longer exist:

Once NASA placed men on the moon. Now, it seems to consist mostly of Deep State apparatchiks fabricating phony data that treasonous termites like John Kerry can use to destroy the country.

On a tip from Lyle.


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