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Nov 07 2023

Open Thread

Leftism and narcissism are almost synonymous - Dennis Prager

Nov 06 2023

Pro-Hamas Insurrection at the White House

It doesn’t involve anyone right of center complaining about election fraud, so it will not receive more than passing mention from the media, much less elaborate Soviet-style show trials, but there has been yet another insurrection in the District of Corruption, this one featuring the Muslim–moonbat alliance. Western Journal reports:

A White House fence was vandalized Saturday night by pro-Palestinian protesters who doused red paint on it.

During the rowdy protest, marchers rattled a gate while one demonstrator climbed the black gate to wave a Palestinian flag.

A nearby statue of General Marquis de Lafayette in Lafayette Park was tagged with graffiti and festooned with Palestinian flags…

Despite calls from fools like Nikki Haley to import massive numbers of Palestinians, the USA has not yet been invaded by Arab hordes. The crowd apparently included a large number of domestic moonbats:

The activists who converged on the White House fence had come from the earlier protest in Freedom Plaza, in which a crowd of tens of thousands of people protested against Israel’s military operations targeting Hamas, a terrorist organization, as well as President Joe Biden’s support for Israel. Organizations including Code Pink and the National Students For Justice in Palestine organized the protest, according to Code Pink’s promotional website for the event.

Regarding the Biden Regime’s supposed support for Israel, it has ineptly attempted to take both sides, belying dutiful statements in support of Israel by handing Hamas a $100 million reward for the October 7 terror atrocities and denouncing Americans for being “Islamophobic” as part of a pro-Islam propaganda campaign.

Add this to the list of insurrections that don’t count as insurrections, like the last pro-Hamas insurrection a couple of weeks ago, leftists occupying Kevin McCarthy’s office at the Capitol, congresscritters Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Maxine Waters calling for the overthrow of the American system of government in front of the Supreme Court, and at the state level, the anti-gun rights insurrection in Tennessee.

“Free Palestine” refers to the plan to eradicate Jews from their homeland, as the mob confirmed with the infamous call for genocide, “From the river to the sea.”

On a tip from Wiggins.

Nov 06 2023

Academic Margaret Noodin Denounced as Racial Impostor

The privileges associated with being marginalized and oppressed are so advantageous that in the realm of unadulterated liberalism that is academia, disfavored Caucasians can’t help themselves. Their ideology is a fraud, so why shouldn’t their racial identity be fraudulent too? More indigenous peoples moonbattery from Milwaukee:

Margaret Noodin, 58, was called a ‘con artist’ after leaving her job as director of the Electa Quinney Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee last year amid growing suspicion about her claims to an indigenous identity.

The linguist posted a ‘positionality statement’ insisting her family told her she had Native American relatives when she was a child.

But fellow academic Doug Kiel of Wisconsin’s Oneida Nation hauled her submissions from an exhibition of indigenous art in Chicago when he read it and denounced her as a fraud.

‘It was really quite rambling babble about, ‘I know a person and I was in a ceremony’,’ he told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, ‘And it’s like, no, no, no, no, this is not how this works at all.’

The way it has to work under a race-based caste system like we now have in the USA is you have to take a DNA test to justify the favoritism bestowed upon preferred races — like with Elizabeth “Fauxcahontas” Warren.

As with Warren, a glance at Noodin’s face confirms that she is not an Indian. Also like Warren, she continues to benefit from having portraying herself as one — although in a diminished role for now:

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee has begun an investigation into Noodin but she retains a job with the college teaching part-timer online. She did leave her $167,000-a-year role with the university amid the scandal.

Meanwhile she has secured a new post in Minnesota as director of a tribal nation’s Head Start program.

Please welcome Professor Noodle to the long list of racial imposters, which includes Buffy Sainte-Marie, Andrea Smith, Kay LeClaire, Elizabeth Hoover, Carrie Bourassa, CV Vitolo-Haddad, Gwen Stefani, Heather Rae, Jessica Krug, Kristen Rosen Gonzalez, Rick Caruso, Kelly Kean Sharp, Rachel Dolezal, Raquel Evita Saraswati, Sacheen Littlefeather, Satchuel Cole, Shaun King, Ward Churchill, and of course, Elizabeth Warren.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Nov 06 2023

Muslim–Moonbat Alliance Attacks Ben Franklin

On the topic of how much the pro-Palestinian mob hates Jews, media darling Ahed Tamimi shrieks:

“What Hitler did to you is a joke [compared to what we’ll do to you], we will slaughter you, drink your blood and eat your skull.”

Jews happen to be on the front lines, but this applies to all of us who consider ourselves part of Western Civilization. We are infidels/colonizers and we must be eradicated. Here’s the alliance at work closer to home:

At least they didn’t splatter it in red paint and then smash the statue to bits, like Black Lives Matter peaceful protesters would have done. But give it time. All remnants of Ben Franklin and rest of the Founding Fathers will share the fate of the great Robert E. Lee. American heritage will be erased if unadulterated evil as represented by the alliance of Muslims and leftists prevails.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Nov 06 2023

Open Thread

Squad Destroy Israel

Compliments of Chuck A.

Nov 05 2023

Glamour Names Man Woman of the Year

Now that women are outliving their usefulness to social engineers, you no longer have to be one to be named Woman of the Year. You only have to be a degenerate moonbat — like this guy:

Via American Wire:

One of Glamour magazine’s 2023 “Women of the Year” is a biological man who used to be a drag queen but is now a transgender model.

Geena Rocero is the model’s name, and according to Glamour, Rocero started out as a pageant queen in the Philippines and eventually moved “to a career in fashion and trans advocacy in the United States.”

Regarding the image on the right,

Rocero has reportedly also previously met with former President Barack Obama — who, as recently reported, allegedly used to fantasize about having sex with men.

These are the sort of people dictating how artificial intelligence will be applied.

Not that any reasonable person would cherish honors bestowed by the moonbats at Glamour, but some actual woman who otherwise would be a Woman of the Year has been deprived of the title so that this Rocero fellow could have it instead.

Speaking of the displacement of women by men tastelessly parodying them,

A male athlete who has dominated the women’s category of cycling competitions across the United States took home two first-place medals over the weekend, bringing his tally of women’s gold medals up to 10 since December of 2022.

On October 29, the Chicago CycloCross Cup held the fourth race of its eight-race event at Anderson Park in Campton Township, Illinois. …

Tessa Johnson, a male who self-identifies as a woman, took the top spots in both the Women’s SingleSpeed and Category 1/2 races, with the latter also coming with $150 in prize money.

Tessa Johnson’s womanface is less than convincing.

After displacement comes erasure. Before long, you won’t have to be as dumb as Ketanji Brown Jackson not to know what a woman is.

On tips from Franco and ABC of the ANC.

Nov 05 2023

Eggplant Runs for Virginia State Assembly

If you enjoyed watching Virginia state assembly candidate Jessica Anderson urinating in the snow, you might like to see her dancing around dressed as an eggplant:

Identifying as an eggplant has a certain significance.

TikTok has a redeeming quality after all. It warns us away from voting for the sort of people who post videos of themselves on it. Not that Jessica Anderson is notably outside the Democrat mainstream these days.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Nov 05 2023

Holiday in Cuba

The punk band Dead Kennedys was woke, but the lyrics to the song “Holiday in Cambodia” suggest even they understood where leftism leads. For all his moonbattery, Jello Biafra would know better than to take a holiday in Cuba:

Deanna Lang was hoping for at least a little bit of relaxation when she jetted to Cuba for a beach vacation with her mother and her five sons in April.

Instead, the Winnipeg woman claims cockroaches, filthy guest areas and thefts of children’s belongings from her room ruined their weeklong stay at a Sunwing Vacations resort.

She is suing for the $8,000 she wasted on a vacation to socialist hell.

“I feel I literally had my pockets robbed,” wails Lang.

Welcome to socialism. At least she didn’t end up with her head on a stake, like in the song.

Vacation in a totalitarian country that lobbied the Soviet Union to launch a nuclear attack on the USA and you can’t expect much sympathy, even in Canada. Maybe she could get her case heard in Hollywood.

Soon Canadians who want to holiday in Cuba won’t have to spend $8,000. At the current rate of decay, it won’t take long for Justin Trudeau (rumored to be the illegitimate offspring of Fidel Castro) to reduce Canada to Cuba North — just like the original except without the nice weather.

On a tip from R F.

Nov 05 2023

Open Thread

Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. - H. L. Mencken

Nov 04 2023

ChiComs Laugh at Collapse of San Francisco

The moonbattery-induced collapse of the erstwhile Golden State and specifically formerly beautiful San Francisco can be seen all the way from the other side of the Bamboo Curtain:

The beleaguered California city has been labelled a ‘total failure’ by some China-based outlets as the city prepares to host Chinese President Xi Jinping next week.

Once associated with the gold rush and scenic views, San Francisco is now known for producing moonbats like Nancy Pelosi and mayors Gavin Newsom, Dianne Feinstein, and London Breed.

[Chinese] headlines include the phrases ‘garbage city, ‘ruined city’ and ‘fallen city’, as crippling drug issues and widespread homeless problems continue to cause problems for the city.

The ChiComs are keeping tabs on American decline. They are aware of the Democrat Death Spiral:

Another headline from the Chinese site Phoenix also said the city had fallen into a ‘death cycle’.

Our communist adversaries chuckle that San Francisco collapsed into decay “as the Democrats advanced their radical agenda.”

ChiComs aren’t the only ones to notice this ship sinking under the weight of moonbattery. As public order disintegrates and the population degenerates into mobs of looters, retailers head for the lifeboats:

Over the past year, dozens of high profile retailers announced they would be vacating the downtown area of the city.

For example,

Retail stalwart Old Navy announced they would be shuttering their flagship store in the area last month, becoming the latest chain to exit the city.

Nordstrom also announced they would be closing all of their locations in the city.

According to leftists, it doesn’t matter that communism has failed spectacularly everywhere it has been imposed, because in America it will be different. Sure enough: in the hands of suet-soft politically correct liberals, American communism will be so bad that other communist regimes will laugh at it. They are laughing already.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Nov 04 2023

Democrat Candidate Releases Pee Tape

After Ralph Northam called for postnatal abortion, after Terry McAuliffe’s campaign promoted a ludicrous false flag operation attempting to associate his opponent with mythical white supremacists, after his party used sex videos by online prostitute and Virginia statehouse candidate Susanna Gibson to fundraise, you may well ask: can Democrats in Virginia go any lower?

Being Democrats, they will certainly try. The latest attempt involves urinating outdoors:

Jessica Anderson, obviously a Democrat, is running for state assembly in Virginia. Like Northam, she is an enthusiastic proponent of abortion.

If we don’t object to our rulers wanting to kill babies, why should we make a fuss about them publicly peeing in the snow?

On tips from Chris Neilson and Wiggins.

Nov 04 2023

Congresscrooks Give Themselves $34,000 Annual Subsidy

Meanwhile, as the national debt spirals out of control and inflation caused by excessive federal spending crushes the middle class, Congress recently gave itself a $34,000 pay raise:

Taxpayers are funding luxury housing accommodations for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) and over 200 other members of Congress, many of whom boast net worths over $1 million.

As one of their last actions with their majority, Democrats quietly tucked a provision into internal House rules that grants lawmakers access to an optional $34,000 annual subsidy to pay for their Washington, D.C., housing and meal expenses.

Big Government is wealth redistribution from the Haves to the Have Mores.

In total, 113 Democrats and 104 Republicans have taken advantage of the program, raking in a combined $1.4 million from taxpayers during the first half of 2023, House disbursement records reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon show. Recipients of these funds include at least 17 millionaire Democrats, including Rep. Katie Porter, who reported a net worth of up to $1.8 million in her latest financial disclosure, and House Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D., Mass.), who boasts a net worth of up to $13.5 million.

As for us little people:

As taxpayers finance the living expenses for wealthy lawmakers, a record number of Americans are struggling to pay their own rent. A Harvard study in July found that a record 21.6 million households are spending more than 30 percent of their pre-tax income on rent. And the cost of groceries has increased by more than 20 percent since President Joe Biden took office. Median household income in 2022 was $74,580, or about 43 percent of what members of Congress make.

What we tolerate, we will get more of — until we have been bled dry by these parasites.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Nov 04 2023

Open Thread

Biden Israel Pause

Compliments of Chuck A.

Nov 03 2023

Loudoun County Students Push Back Against LGBTism

Young people grow up emersed in moonbattery. Can we hope they will rebel before leftist social engineers have finished flushing society down the toilet? Maybe yes:

A group of high school students walked out of their classroom in Loudoun County, Virginia, on Wednesday in protest at the district’s policy on transgender bathrooms.

Loudoun County Public Schools, which saw ugly scenes at board meetings following a May 2021 sexual assault by a boy in the girls’ bathroom, adopted the trans bathroom policy in August 2021.

The policy, officially termed 8040, was approved 7-2, and allows transgender students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of their choice.

On Wednesday, a group of students at Woodgrove High School in Purcellville marched out of class in protest at 8040, arguing it made them feel unsafe.

When moonbats bark that they feel “unsafe,” it means they are crybullying to impose yet another unreasonable demand. In contrast, teenage girls really are unsafe when boys are allowed into their bathrooms and locker rooms. This was confirmed when Scott Smith was publicly roughed up by police and arrested for complaining at a school board meeting about his 14-year-old daughter being sexually assaulted by a boy in a skirt in the girls’ bathroom.

LGBT bullies and their liberal enablers had better enjoy their upper hand while they can. Sooner or later, the worm will turn.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.


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