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Oct 24 2023

Newspeak Medical Dictionary Updates

Having been absorbed by the Left, the medical profession will be making fewer contributions to our health and longevity. To compensate, it now makes contributions to the Newspeak Dictionary:

Ilana Sherer, a pediatrician in Dublin, California, gave a presentation Sunday at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference and Exhibition and called for more gender neutral terminology for body parts.

Her proposals, given during a workshop entitled ‘Discussing Gender and Sexuality in the Primary Care Office,’ included referring to the vagina as an ‘innie,’ ‘front hole,’ or ‘T-penis’ and the clitoris as ‘d*ck’ or ‘d*cklet.’

Pronouns as in original. “Ilana” Sherer looks like a guy. Less than wholesome characters have been infiltrating primary education as a result of the current emphasis on recruiting children into LGBTism. Let’s hope this alarming phenomenon does not extend to pediatrics.

She also proposed calling breasts ‘chest’ or ‘chesticles.’ For male anatomy, Dr Sherer recommended pediatricians call the penis ‘outie,’ ‘junk,’ ‘strapless,’ or ‘bits.’

Others suggest less informal LGBT-compliant vocabulary:

Some in the medical community have been calling for gender-neutral body terminology for years, recommending ‘upper body’ for breasts, ‘erectile tissue’ for penis and ‘internal gonads’ for ovaries.

Update your copy of Gray’s Anatomy accordingly.

If only the moonbattery stopped at vocabulary:

[Sherer] is board certified by the AAP, an organization to advance child health and well-being, as well as the profession of pediatrics, and serves on the organization’s Executive Committee for LGBTQ Health and Wellness. …

In August, the AAP voted to stand by its 2018 guidance that supports LGBTQ access to counseling, hormone therapy, puberty blockers and, occasionally, surgery for minors under 18 years old.

The concept “First do no harm” has been discarded in favor of the LGBT agenda where children are concerned.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Oct 24 2023

English Flag Suppressed as Racist in England

Liberals will leave no trace of the culture they are destroying. The English flag is now suppressed as racist in England because the Muslim colonists imported to displace the native population might find it offensive:

British police don’t permit displaying pictures of the small children kidnapped by Muslim terrorists, why would they allow either the English or British flag?

The authorities already side with Islamic colonists against the native population. Imagine the situation when Muslims achieve majority status. It will be like having Hamas in charge of Israel.

On tips from Wiggins, KirklesWorth, and Lyle.

Oct 24 2023

Oregon Schools Suspend the Three R’s

“Equity” is a sacred concept among liberals. Oregon demonstrates what happens when you apply it to education:

Oregon school chiefs have again suspended the need for high schoolers to prove their math, reading and writing skills in order to graduate.

The State Board of Education voted [unanimously] last week to continue the suspension for another five years amid claims they are unfair on minority students who don’t test well.

To achieve a perfectly manicured lawn, see to it that not a single blade grows higher than the shortest blade.

In order to earn a diploma, graduating students were previously required to earn standardized test scores indicating proficiency in reading, writing and math.

But this was put on pause during the pandemic as standardized tests weren’t happening amid school closures.

As Jane Fonda put it, Covid was “God’s gift to the left.” It allowed progressives to put various aspects of their agenda into overdrive. Liberalism works like a ratchet; once they have gained ground on whatever pretext, they keep it.

Those who think students should learn are denounced as racists:

Board Chair Guadalupe Martinez Zapata … likened ‘rhetoric about cultural and social norms being the underlying reason for underperformance on assessments by systemically marginalized students’ to ‘racial superiority arguments.’

The three R’s have been discarded in favor of DEI. You don’t need reading or math skills under Bidenomics. You just need to know which party to vote for to keep your EBT card loaded.

On tips from Ed McAninch and Jack D.

Oct 24 2023

Open Thread

Biden's Tijuana Taxi

Compliments of Chuck A.

Oct 23 2023

Confirmed: George Floyd Died of Fentanyl Overdose

The liberal media and the Democrat pols it installs in power whipped up hundreds of politically advantageous race riots based on the narrative that black career criminal George Floyd was “murdered” by white police officer Derek Chauvin. Here is more confirmation that this narrative is a lie:

Tucker Carlson just published a new episode of his show in which he reviews the death of George Floyd on Memorial Day 2020, for which former Minneapolis PD officer Derek Chauvin was convicted of murder and sentenced to forty years in prison. A recent lawsuit, incidental to Floyd and Chauvin, unveiled sworn deposition excerpts from a conversation with County Medical Examiner Andrew Baker, indicating that Floyd’s passing was not due to asphyxiation or strangulation. Instead, factors including drug use and a fatal concentration of fentanyl were significant contributors.

Click here to see the toxicology report. It confirms that Floyd took more than enough fentanyl to kill him.

Chauvin is a political prisoner who is rotting in a cage because of his race. His immolation has served its purpose for Democrats. Can we please let him out now?

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Oct 23 2023

Palestine on the Mississippi

No need to wait for unconscionably irresponsible liberal establishmentarians like Nikki Haley to import Hamas into our country. Looks like it’s already here:

Thousands of anti-Israel demonstrators took to the streets of Minneapolis on Sunday, waving Palestinian colors and at least one Hamas flag as part of a leftist coalition’s “Stand with Palestine” rally. The demonstrators blockaded the intersection of Hennepin and Lyndale avenues and Vineland Place, forcing drivers to wait through a so-called “die-in” protest of Israel’s war on Hamas terrorists.

An elderly man in a white Ford Fusion attempted to bypass the blockade. His efforts did not go unpunished. The mob swarmed and viciously attacked him.

Here’s video:

The Blaze has play by play:

At the 28-second mark, a radical can be seen grabbing the driver through the window and attempting to yank him out by the neck. The old man manages to fight off the attempt and backs up, but again finds no opening.

He gets away, but only to run into another blockade.

While he idles at the corner of Hennepin Avenue and Groveland Terrace, crazed protesters stampede toward him.

At the second intersection, anti-Israeli demonstrators, including a bandana-clad male with a Hamas flag, resume their attacks on the white car.

One demonstrator says, “He not going nowhere now!”

Where are the police? Oh that’s right, this is Minneapolis, birthplace of the Cult of George Floyd.

Alpha News reported that dispatch audio captured at least two MPD supervisors instructing officers to avoid the area and stay “out of sight” even after there were reports of the vehicle driving through the protest and possible shots fired.

Fortunately, the driver escaped a second time. Before long, events like this will end with the driver’s head impaled on a pike ISIS style.

Already, in the Islamic colony of southeastern Michigan, synagogue president Samantha Wall has been stabbed to death. Authorities are still puzzling over the motive.

If you like the current state of affairs, you will love the future, after the tsunami of Palestinian refugees hits. As pink-haired liberal fellow travelers are displaced by actual Muslims, the violence will become increasingly extreme.

On tips from Wiggins and Anonymous.

Oct 23 2023

Gallup Finds Trust in Media Collapsing

Enabling Covid tyranny by promoting hysteria, whipping up hundreds of Black Lives Matter riots over contrived racial grievances, the installation of the unacceptable Joe Biden in the White House, Reichstag Fire hype over the January 6 kerfuffle, increasingly preposterous climate change nonsense, endless force-feeding of disgusting sexual perversion — at a certain point, Americans will get their fill of the liberal establishment media:

In a national survey, conducted September 1-23 of this year, Gallup asked U.S. adults to rate their trust that media are reporting news “fully, accurately and fairly” …

A record-high 39% said they have no trust at all, while the 32% who said they have either a “great deal” or “fair amount” of trust in the media’s news reporting tied its record low, set in 2016.

That was the year people pushed back by rejecting the media’s candidate, Shrillary Rotten Clinton.

Democrats have the most confidence in the news they’re getting from America’s anti-conservative, demonstrably biased, legacy media – but, even their trust recorded a steep decline from last year’s level.

It fell 12 points in a single year to 58%.

While more than half of Democrats still think they’re getting full, fair and accurate news from today’s mass media, only 11% of Republicans and 29% of Independents agree.

You can fool some of the people all of the time, but not enough to keep the liberal media establishment entrenched in power indefinitely.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Oct 23 2023

Why WWIII Will Not End Well

The precipitous decline of a hegemonic power guarantees major war. The degenerating USA is unlikely to win it. Already, Pentagon brass consists of Democrats more interested in promoting perversion than in winning battles. As for troops on the ground, you can draft this guy, but you can’t make him beat the Chinese:

There are still true warriors in the US military, but the longer liberals remain predominant, the fewer we will have when we need them — and we are going to need them badly if we continue to decay politically and culturally.

On a tip from Dr. Kufi Tutite.

Oct 23 2023

Profiles in Kakistocracy: Sheila Jackson Lee

Kakistocracy is defined as government by the worst people — people like liberal icon Sheila Jackson Lee:

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, was recently heard on recorded audio going off on one of her staff members in a profanity-laced tirade in which she said he and another staff member had no brains and are “f—k-ups.”

Jackson Lee has been in Congress for over 28 years. Now she’s running for Mayor of Houston with Shrillary Clinton’s endorsement.

The leaked audio allows us to listen in on what goes on within the walls of the castle. Barks Jackson Lee:

“When I called Jerome, he only sits up there like a fat [expletive], just talking about what the [expletive] he doesn’t know,” she said. “Both of y’all are [expletive]-ups…This is the worst [expletive] that I could’ve ever had put together. Two [expletive] big [expletive] children. [expletive] idiots. Serve no [expletive] purpose.

“Nobody’s respecting him, nobody gives a [expletive] about what you’re doing. And you ain’t doing [expletive]. And this is an example of it. I gave it to Jerome. This is not child’s work, ok,” Jackson Lee said.

This is the kind of speech you get from a woman who wants our speech to be criminalized for being “racist.”

She has behaved like this for many years:

[I]n 2011, a Daily Caller report cited a number of former staff members as saying she used demeaning language and name-calling when addressing them.

The way this beast treats her own staff reflects how the rest of us are treated by the bloated federal government she personifies.

Brace your ears — liberal language alert:

On tips from StephaneDumas, Wiggins, and Jack D.

Oct 23 2023

Open Thread

The more I see of the representatives of the people, the more I admire my dogs. - Alphonse de Lamartine

On a tip from Jester.

Oct 22 2023

Hollyweirdos for Hamas

In case you thought nothing could lower your opinion of Hollyweirdos:

Dozens of Hollywood actors and artists, including comedian Jon Stewart and Oscar-winning actor Joaquin Phoenix, wrote on Friday to U.S. President Joe Biden, urging him to press for a ceasefire in Israel and Gaza.

“Ceasefire” in the aftermath of a massive terror attack that killed 1,400 people is Euphemese for “surrender.”

“History is watching,” bark the sanctimonious, self-important moonbats. History won’t like what it sees when it looks back on Tinseltown and its corrosive effect on American culture.

These names won’t surprise anyone:

The nearly 60 signatories included Susan Sarandon, Kristen Stewart, Quinta Brunson, Ramy Youssef, Riz Ahmed and Mahershala Ali, among others.

“Humanitarian aid must be allowed to reach them (Gazans),” the letter said.

“Humanitarian aid” entails cash rewards for Hamas. Jon Stewart et al. needn’t worry; Joe Biden has already pledged $100 million in blood money to reward the attack.

For context:

A woman named Shari, who did not want to give her last name because she wanted to protect her family, works in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Rabbinate corps and it is her job to clean the victim’s bodies as best as possible to prepare them for burial.

She describes what she has witnessed:

“There is evidence of mass rape so brutal that they broke their victims’ pelvis – women, grandmothers, children. …

“People whose heads have been cut off. Women standing in their night dresses woken up and shot. Faces blasted off. Heads smashed and their brains spilling out,” she said. “A baby was cut out of a pregnant woman and beheaded and then the mother was beheaded.”

“Women and children burned to charcoal. Bodies murdered with their hands tied behind their backs,” she continued.

Reports Colonel Rabbi Haim Weisberg,

“We have babies with their heads cut off. Bodies without hands, without legs, without genitals.”

Small children were tortured and mutilated in front of their parents and vice versa.

Hollyweirdos side with this against Western Civilization. That’s the thanks they offer society for making them rich and famous.

Jon Stewart (real name Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz) is conspicuously Jewish. But he is hardly the only Jew to favor Jewish extermination in the name of moonbat posturing.

Next after Jews come other non-Muslims.

On a tip from Bluto.

Oct 22 2023

Scientific American Hypes Drag Queen Shark Tagger

Once a publication has succumbed to the Long March Through the Institutions, its ostensible subject matter is subordinated to moonbattery. Scientific American is a case in point (see here, here, here, here, here, etc.). A recent article on affixing numbered pieces of plastic to sharks so they can be identified for research purposes is not about sharks; it is about promoting flamboyant displays of sexual depravity:

It starts like any other day on the water for the Field School, a marine research and education organization based in Miami. Scientists and volunteers cram into the main cabin of the RV Garvin, a 55-foot converted yacht…

Soon we’re cruising through calm seas off Florida’s Atlantic coast. …

Then the music starts.

The cabin door pops open, and Miss Toto—a tall, muscular drag queen with a long red-and-blonde wig and a colorful ruffled costume reminiscent of a tropical fish—emerges and takes the makeshift stage. [He] dances and lip-synchs to Nicki Minaj’s “Starships” as the boat rolls with the waves. [He]’s soon joined by Viola Putx, who is dancing energetically to Bad Bunny in heavy black boots, a spiked collar and pointy elf ears, and finally by Opal Am Rah in a tight pink dress, performing (what else?) Céline Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On”—because this is no ordinary shark tagging expedition. This is Drag ’n Tag. …

[This Toto guy and] Catherine Macdonald, head of the university’s shark research program and director of the Field School … started Drag ’n Tag expeditions in 2021 to showcase queerness in marine science.

Barks Macdonald, who introduces herself to associates as a “raging lesbian”:

“We want to create welcoming spaces for visual queerness.”

That’s what marine science is all about, in a world run by moonbats.

In case the political message is too subtle for a readership that probably isn’t as bright as it once was, SA clubs you over the head with it:

Drag ’n Tag was never intended to be a political statement—but it is taking place in Florida, where simply existing as queer has become an inherently political act. The state has been turning into an increasingly hostile place for queer people; its infamous “Don’t Say Gay” law limits classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity, and the state has also imposed restrictions on gender-affirming treatments for minors, as well as on drag shows, bathroom usage and the pronouns that kids can use in school.

The much-needed Parental Rights in Education Act, which leftists mischaracterize as “Don’t Say Gay” in an attempt to mislead, protects children through third grade from being groomed by perverts in public schools.

“Never intended to make a political statement.” Yeah right:

The Garvin flies both a rainbow Pride flag and a Black Lives Matter flag, prompting the occasional shouted slur. “We’re still figuring out what protecting our students looks like,” Macdonald adds. “It’s important to make our values clear, but we don’t want people screaming at them.”

Woke “values” prominently feature promoting sexual perversion to children, so liberals should find this inspiring:

But the only screaming today (besides from the audience during the drag show) comes from a family on a passing boat, whose children recognize Miss Toto and call out happy greetings. “I never expected that!” Toto says, with a huge grin and a hint of tears in [his] eyes.

Maybe Scientific American and the Field School could further promote their values by teaming up to do a remake of Jaws. I’ll be rooting for the shark.

On a tip from Mike B.

Oct 22 2023

Let Them Eat Sawdust

The leftist war on meat continues. Nazi blitzkrieg tactics involved softening up the target with air raids and artillery; then came the tanks and infantry. With globalist moonbats, the softening up is accomplished by the media through propaganda campaigns:

One of the biggest drivers of the climate crisis, accounting for a third of the planet’s greenhouse gas emissions, is food production, with meat – particularly beef – at the top of the list.

What climate crisis? Before gullible readers have thought to ask, the alleged news item presses forward with a claim that 12% of Americans eat half of the beef consumed in the country.

“It may be that some of those 12% don’t realize the impacts that beef has on their health or the environment,” said study author Diego Rose, professor and director of nutrition at Tulane University. “The concern is, on a usual basis, are you eating a disproportionate amount?”

A disproportionate amount means more than your fare share.

Remember how Marxist moonbats used to bark about how much they hated the 1% during the Occupy Wall Street craze? It’s up to 12% now. Must be Biden’s inflation.

We are told that beef is 50 times more offensive to the weather than beans. No wonder environmentalists are so full of the latter.

Add eating beef to the long list of crimes attributable to the hated white race:

White people were among those more likely to eat more beef, compared with other racial and ethnic groups like Black and Asian Americans.

Assuming that not even liberal journalists are screwy enough to honestly believe eating beef makes it be too hot outside, this could be the real reason they oppose it:

“There’s this connection between meat consumption and masculinity,” said Joshua Specht, author of the book Red Meat Republic: A Hoof-to-Table History of How Beef Changed America.

Masculinity is bad enough. Worse still is colonization — i.e., the expansion of Western Civilization into savage wilderness:

Beef was first introduced in North America as European colonizers cleared Indigenous land and wildlife like bison. It became a core part of the nation’s identity in the late 19th century, with the expansion in the United States west.

Fortunately, we don’t have to give up meat completely to please our moonbat masters — at least, not for now:

Making a positive impact on the climate doesn’t necessarily mean giving up all meat – even reductions and substitutions can make a difference.

Substitute with what? How about sawdust:

Eating it is probably the last thing that comes into your mind, but that may be about to change thanks to one Estonian start-up.

ÄIO, set up in 2022, has created a way of producing fats and oils from industrial waste. …

The rosey red oil produced by ÄIO’s innovative process is ideal for making alternatives to meat, which often need a splash of colour to attract consumers away from their animal-based rivals.

Not to worry, if industrial waste isn’t to your taste, there are plenty of other options that meet with woke approval, including beetleburgers, cockroach milk, maggot butter, weeds, synthetic pseudofood, plastic trash, lentils, grass, crickets, larvae, wind turbine blades, mealworms, worm dogs, and seaweed.

On a tip from Lyle.

Oct 22 2023

Open Thread

The sad and tragic fact is that the civil rights movement, despite its honorable and courageous past, has over the years degenerated into a demagogic hustle, promoting the mindless racism they once fought against. - Thomas Sowell


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