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Sep 19 2023

Open Thread

Every unskilled illegal immigrant who enters the United States for work drives up healthcare costs for every American. And, every illegal immigrant we turn a blind eye toward weakens the rule of law our country is founded on. - Elton Gallegly

Sep 18 2023

Canada and Belgium Lead the Way on Euthanasia

To see what liberals have in store for us, look to the countries where leftists have the least resistance. Canada and Belgium suggest that the economic inefficiency of socialized medicine will be addressed with the final solution.

In Canada, even some Catholics go along:

Dr. Danielle Kain … was appointed to the directorship of palliative care at Providence Hospital in Kingston, Ontario, July 1.

The Kingston hospital is one of 22 health care institutions in Ontario under the sponsorship of Catholic Health Sponsors of Ontario (CHSO). The CHSO was formed in 1998 to assume responsibility for institutions formerly under the guidance and management of congregations of religious sisters.

Kain is both a staunch proponent and practitioner of euthanasia.

Medical Assistance in Dying — which has already been presented as a cure for long wait times, anorexia, PTSD, poverty, and needing a wheelchair lift (not for regretting sex change surgery though) — sounds great to Kain:

Kain has argued that all publicly funded institutions, including Catholic hospitals, should be compelled to offer MAiD.

Kain says death by doctor can be “both poignant and peaceful.”

Turning to Belgium — where young women are euthanized for feeling depressed — we see that it is plenty poignant but not always peaceful:

Alexina Wattiez, who was just 36 years old, sought euthanasia after being diagnosed with terminal cancer. In 2021, her doctor informed her that she would not survive for another year, and by March of 2022, her health was deteriorating.

Christophe Stulens, Wattiez’s partner, was there when she died, along with his 15-year-old daughter, Tracy. A doctor and two nurses came to the home that the three shared to carry out the euthanasia. “After a short night’s sleep, I was woken up by a nurse who told me that Alexina was doing very badly,” Stulens said. “Then the doctor took some syringes and we were asked if we wanted to say goodbye.”

Stulens and his daughter were told to wait outside, so they went onto the terrace, but what they thought would be a peaceful death quickly turned horrific: they heard screaming.

“I recognized her voice,” he said. “Afterwards we saw her lying on the bed with her eyes and mouth open.”

An autopsy was performed, and found that Wattiez died of asphyxiation. Allegedly, the nurses took turns using a pillow to suffocate her.

An overweight old guy with mobility issues in Utah and a disabled veteran in Tennessee suggest that government agencies outside the traditional healthcare purview could be brought in to conduct these procedures more efficiently, when euthanasia is inevitably extended beyond the sick and the poor to others whose existence is inconvenient to authorities, such as dissidents.

The drugs used in assisted suicide are often the same used for executions, and they are frequently known to fail. Additionally, while the process of dying may look peaceful, in reality, there is a serious possibility of severe pain.

Victims immobilized by drugs may experience any extreme of agony without external indications.

The drawbacks of pharmaceutical homicide are among the arguments for returning to hanging and firing squads for executions. But that approach to euthanasia would require authorities to admit what they are doing.

On tips from Chris Neilson and MrRightWingDave.

Sep 18 2023

Watch Moonbat Barista at Play

Other corporations have been catching up in terms of woke policy, but thanks to its baristas, Starbucks still offers a distinctive moonbat ambience:

Jesse Scott Johnson (AKA “Jessica Lillian Johnson”) is part of the ABDL (Adult Baby and Diaper Lover) community, whose members obtain sexual pleasure from wearing diapers and being humiliated.

Being a moonbat is the ultimate humiliation. For those who succumb to moonbattery, this is not a bug but a feature. But Johnson wants still more. So he uses the a whipped cream dispenser to load his diaper. Then he pours in a grande’s worth of ice.

Libs of TikTok wonders why Johnson is wearing diapers instead of pants at work. Not even John Fetterman has done that. At first I assumed he works in California or New York, but no; the location is Missouri, deep in the Heartland. America is as saturated with moonbattery as Johnson’s diapers are with whipped cream and whatever else might be found in there.

Warning — watching moonbats at play is disturbing:

Anyone who goes into a Starbucks after watching that has one hell of a stomach.

Now you know where progressives will progress to next after LGBTism and pedophilia.

On tips from seaoh and Jill! My Dentures!

Sep 18 2023

Ibram X. Kendi Wearing Out His Welcome?

Race hustler Ibram X. Kendi has had tremendous success monetizing his hatred of Caucasians. But his low IQ, vile personality, and general uselessness might be catching up to him:

The Boston University Center for Antiracist Research fired between 15 and 20 employees, multiple outlets have reported.

“Antiracist” is Liberalese for “racist against whites.”

Kendi began the center in June 2020 at the peak of a movement to defund police…

The liberal establishment-backed mania for extolling Black Lives Matter and crippling local police predictably drove crime rates through the stratosphere. It appears to be subsiding — at least until Democrats find nationwide race riots expedient again.

The move marks a dramatic shift compared to the research center’s staffing in August, which listed 45 employees just one month ago, according to a since-deleted page on the center’s website.

Despite his lofty stature as a professional racist, Kendi cannot define the term racism. He is such a jerk that he denounced Amy Coney Barrett as a committer of colonialism for rescuing Haitian children from poverty by adopting them.

The winds might be changing. Not long ago, Kendi was raking in massive donations from white liberals eager to virtue signal how much they loathe themselves. Former Twitter head Jack Dorsey gave him $10 million. The Rockefeller Foundation kicked in $1.5 million. Public schools have paid him as much as $333 per minute to vomit Critical Race Theory onto children.

If Kendi is wearing out his welcome even at hyperliberal Boston University, we may have the high water mark of moonbattery behind us.

On tips from Ed McAninch and Franco.

Sep 18 2023

Open Thread


Compliments of Chuck A.

Sep 17 2023

Justin Trudeau Comes After Canadian Grocery Stores

The war on energy and wasteful public spending have predictably driven up prices, particularly for food. This is not a bug for liberal policy, but a feature. As Vladimir Lenin said, “The worse, the better.” People have been conditioned to turn to Big Government for solutions to their problems, despite Big Government having caused most if not all of them. Unaffordable food is an easy problem to exploit.

Justin Trudeau says it is “not okay” that the people who provide Canadians with food make a profit doing so. So Big Government will have to step in, applying liberal logic by lowering prices with higher taxes:

As Founding Father John Marshall observed, the power to tax is the power to destroy.

Canada had no Founding Fathers. Rather than rebel, Canadians waited for the British Empire to wither away. It is not surprising that they are decaying more quickly into oligarchical collectivism, although the USA is not far behind.

What makes Justin Trudeau so dangerous is that he is hard to take seriously. He is a metrosexual soy boy. But he is also a tyrant whose ambitions might be worthy of a Bolshevik.

History buffs will recall that Stalin used control of the food supply to consolidate power. Most liberals sporting Ukrainian flag pins probably don’t know that Uncle Joe (as FDR affectionately called him) starved to death approximately 4 million Ukrainians during the Holodomor. But their leaders know.

Rumor has it that Justin Trudeau is the illegitimate son of communist dictator Fidel Castro. I’m starting to believe it.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and Wiggins.

Sep 17 2023

The Story of the Century if Only…

This story would have been so big that the media would still be too busy covering it next year to mention the election or even climate change — except the races are wrong, so it doesn’t support the Narrative. Besides, who is interested in a dog bites man story?

You won’t hear about this from the mainstream media, so here are the details:

A retired police chief was bicycling when he was run over by a car in Las Vegas. The 64-year-old man later died from his injuries. Police in Nevada suspect that the fatal hit-and-run was intentional after viewing a video that the teens recorded of the deadly collision.

Police say an appalling video uploaded to social media is the smoking gun in a fatal hit-and-run on Aug. 14 that took the life of Andreas Probst.

The shocking video features two teens in a car – which police say was stolen.

If only the media could use deep fake technology to reverse the races…

On tips from Lyle, Wiggins, Chris Neilson, and KirklesWorth.

Sep 17 2023

Generous DHS Grants to Help Find Thought Criminals

Now that we know what extremists are and what to do with them, the task remains to root them out. Taking a break from orchestrating the invasion of the United States and the displacement of its population, Alejandro Mayorkas rolls up his sleeves:

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has awarded 34 grants to as many organizations, worth a total of $20 million, whose role will be to undergo training in order to flag potential online “extremist” speech of Americans.

An example of online extremist speech is provided by Craig Robertson, an overweight old man who needed a cane to walk and who was killed by the FBI after blowing hot air on social media.

The money will be spent from the Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) grant program for fiscal year 2023, while the recipients include police, mental health providers, universities, churches and school districts.

Until such time as Christianity can be banned altogether on grounds of homophobia, subverted churches can play a role in monitoring the population for thoughtcrime, despite the Biden Regime being at war with Catholicism.

The DHS announcement came on the anniversary of 9/11, but it showed that the focus is now on Americans rather than some foreign terrorist threat…

Twenty-two years later they are still exploiting 9/11 to increase their power — unless the anniversary was chosen to grind their contempt for us in our faces, as may have been the case when the Biden Regime chose the date to announce handing $6 billion to the Islamic terrorists running Iran as a reward for kidnapping Americans.

DHS still claims to be going after terrorists; however…

…the way the terrorist threat is defined here looks more like a drive to suppress dissent [against] dominant narratives pushed by the government…

Already parents who don’t want their children brainwashed to embrace sexual perversion and to hate themselves for their race now qualify as terrorists.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Sep 17 2023

Open Thread

The sovereignty of states must be subordinated to international law and international institutions. - George Soros

Sep 16 2023

Colorado Executive Order Attacks Lawn Tools

Whereas some Democrat governors attempt to stamp out enumerated constitutional rights by executive order, others move toward totalitarianism more timidly. Colorado Governor Jared Polis is going after lawn tools:

Polis issued an executive order aimed at making Colorado greener, cleaner, and quieter. It requires the state – and state contractors – to phase out all gas-powered lawn and garden tools over the next two years and replace them with electric equipment.

Whether utopia will be as green, clean, and quiet as they claim is doubtful. It certainly won’t be efficient. The efficient way to do things doesn’t have to be mandated.

The order covers everything from mowers and blowers to de-thatchers and weed wackers.

Because there are still people who don’t work for the government, the order will be expanded. Progressives work by increments, lest the frog jump out of the pot.

As if liberals sense they are approaching a tipping point, turns of the ratchet have been coming more quickly:

The executive order comes as the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission considers banning both government and commercial entities from using gas-powered lawn equipment during the summer months and businesses in metro area counties with high ozone from selling them altogether.

At least Coloradans will still be permitted to use their lawnmowers during the Rocky Mountain winters for now.

How much senseless petty tyranny will Democrats inflict on us? As much as we tolerate and not an executive order less.

On a tip from Franco.

Sep 16 2023

Watch Biden Regime Dump Illegals Directly Onto Streets

What would you call agents of the federal government not merely allowing, inviting, and facilitating but actually orchestrating a massive unlawful invasion of the United States if not treason? Yet the crisis the Biden Regime is creating for purposes of demographic displacement is arrogantly staged right before our eyes:

What laws are on the books matters less than what laws are enforced. Immigration law obviously is not. Michelle Lujan Grisham not having been arrested confirms that the law against depriving Americans of their constitutional rights is not enforced either. Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas also remain at large, suggesting that the law against treason may as well not exist — at least as far as Democrats are concerned.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 16 2023

Marijuana Will Hurt You and They Want You to Smoke It

Describing the Democrat attack on personal responsibility, Dan Henninger gives as examples decriminalization of theft, student loan debt cancelation, welfare without work requirements, red carpet treatment for illegal aliens, and pushing marijuana:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York issued a statement just before Labor Day in support of the federal decriminalization of marijuana. …

Sen. Schumer’s statement was specifically about a step just taken by the Health and Human Services Department, at Mr. Biden’s request, toward all but eliminating federal penalties for marijuana possession.

At the same time,

Columbia University health researchers released a study that found significantly elevated levels of lead and cadmium in the urine of marijuana users. …

But the chance any such science-based evidence will alter the Biden-Schumer goal of normalizing marijuana use is zero. That’s what is troubling about recent Democratic social-policy decisions: The downside consequences seem irrelevant to them.

These downside consequences go beyond the effects of the toxic metals absorbed by the plant:

Researchers from the Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark recently delved into the records of more than 6.6 million people in Denmark born between 1985 and 2021 and found of those with cannabis use disorder – defined as being unable to stop using in spite of it causing damage to their health and social lives – about 41 percent of those individuals were diagnosed with major depression.

They also found chronic marijuana use quadrupled a person’s risk of being diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

High-potency marijuana vapes have been associated with suicide.

Additionally, chronic cannabis use has been known to trigger the onset of schizophrenia and psychotic breaks.

A study published in the May issue of the journal Psychological Medicine found cannabis use disorder was linked to about 30 percent of schizophrenia diagnoses in young Danish men in the year 2021.

Cannabis has medicinal uses, but its recreational use is associated with sleep disorders, pregnancy complications, cardiovascular disease, and birth defects:

An extensive study conducted in Canada found pregnant women who smoke cannabis have a 70 percent higher risk of having a baby with a major birth defect and a 15 percent increased risk of a stillbirth.

Whatever you may have heard, pot is addictive:

New research from University of Washington and Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute estimates 21 percent of marijuana users had become addicted.

Marijuana smokers are more likely than cigarette smokers to develop lung disease. Yet the same Democrats who have been demonizing cigarettes for decades and taxing them into oblivion support recreational marijuana. Why would that be?

Cigarettes, for all their dangers, sharpen the mind. Marijuana makes you passive and stupid, just the way the Party of Big Government wants you. Biden et al. have no problem aborting viable babies and sexually mutilating children; why would they care about a few toxic metals and birth defects?

On tips from Varla and R F.

Sep 16 2023

Open Thread

Nothing guarantees more the erosion of character than getting something for nothing - Dennis Prager

Sep 15 2023

Dove Overdoes Moonbat Posturing

Bud Light and Target taught them nothing. The corporate world has fallen to the Long March Through the Institutions and no longer exists to provide products and services in exchange for profits. It has become a religious cult. Its purpose is to evangelize on behalf of its god, which is moonbattery:

Furious conservatives have begun boycotting Dove after the soap brand hired a Black Lives Matter activist notorious for destroying a white student’s life over a remark she later admitted she may have ‘misheard.’

Like Ben & Jerry’s, Dove is part of Unilever, a British conglomerate infamous for shoving wokeism down customers’ throats, so it should come as no surprise that it chose the maleficent intersectional land whale Zyahna Bryant to tie the brand to the latest variation on Cultural Marxism, “fat liberation.”

If disease-spreading sexual perversion is not a choice but an identity to be revered, the same can be true of morbid obesity. Rather than attempt to alleviant this serious health condition, we are now commanded to celebrate it.

Background on Bryant:

Bryant claimed that she had overheard a white student named Morgan Bettinger threaten Black Lives Matter protesters in Charlottesville in July 2020. …

Bettinger was subjected to a torrent of abuse and a campaign to remove her from UVA. Staff and students ganged up against her and scuppered her future prospects.

No doubt Miss Bettinger’s scalp helped secure Bryant’s status as a woke activist, which Unilever has allowed her to monetize.

More malice from Zyahna:

Bryant, 22, is a leftist community organizer and former DEI intern who recently graduated from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. She prides herself on harboring a lifelong antipathy towards the police, having supposedly organized her first rally for Trayvon Martin at the age of 12.

Trayvon Martin was shot in self-defense while attempting to smash the skull of neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman against the sidewalk, evidently after being interrupted as he prepared to burglarize houses.

Years later, she petitioned to have the Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, Virginia, taken down and other elements of the area’s history erased.

She then led the jihad against innocent victim Morgan Bettinger.

Bryant later admitted she may have “misheard” Bettinger’s words on the day in question.

Bettinger had been accused of observing that Black Lives Matter hooligans would make good speed bumps. Actually, she said they could have ended up as speed bumps as a result of blocking the street.

Despite Bryant’s admission and a dearth of evidence, UVA’s University Judiciary Committee found Bettinger guilty of using “shameful rhetoric” which “put members of the community at risk.” As a consequence of the ruling, Bettinger, who had already been subjected to horrible abuse as a result of Bryant’s allegations, ended up with an expulsion in abeyance on her permanent record and had to both write the BLM radical an apology and perform 50 hours of community service with a social justice group.

That’s life on campus, under the rule of moonbat tyrants like Zyahna Bryant.

Showcasing Bryant is part of a larger campaign by Dove to pervert and defile the concepts of beauty and femininity in accordance with woke ideology:

Earlier this year, Dove ran an ad celebrating a fat video game character who tossed away armor that had made her appear thin as part of a campaign “to eliminate beauty stereotypes.”

Maybe the suits still care about profits after all. Promoting obesity maximizes the surface area to which their products can be applied. Promoting transsexualism allows them to market their products to men:

The company [has been] on the bleeding edge of hyping transgenderism, featuring a transvestite pretending to be a mother in a 2017 ad titled “#RealMoms.”

To expiate the damage she has inflicted on society, here Bryant offers us a chance to listen for free to the duckspeak graduate students have run up so much debt by wallowing in rather than entering adulthood:

On a tip from Ed McAninch.


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