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Aug 27 2023

Alice Cooper Versus Carlos Santana

We have come to a pretty pass when a guy famous for wearing eye makeup who calls himself Alice is the voice of sanity on gender issues:

Alice Cooper, the eye-liner wearing “Godfather of Shock Rock,” was dumped by a cosmetics company after the singer questioned the rush to perform trans surgeries on kids and said that transitioning genders was a “fad.”

We are not allowed to call this fad a fad, nor are we allowed to object to children having their bodies and the lives ruined so that they can be transformed into freakish facsimiles of the opposite sex on behalf of the LGBT agenda. Consequently, Cooper must be punished. Cancelation of his 2-week-old partnership with Vampyre Cosmetics is only the beginning. No one can be permitted to make such a pageant of thoughtcrime as this:

“I find it wrong when you’ve got a six-year-old kid who has no idea. He just wants to play, and you’re confusing him telling him, ‘Yeah, you’re a boy, but you could be a girl if you want to be.’”

“I think that’s so confusing to a kid. It’s even confusing to a teenager,” Cooper continued. “You’re still trying to find your identity, and yet here’s this thing going on, saying, ‘Yeah, but you can be anything you want. You can be a cat if you want to be.’ I mean, if you identify as a tree. … And I’m going, ‘Come on! What are we in, a Kurt Vonnegut novel?’ It’s so absurd, that it’s gone now to the point of absurdity.”

He even went beyond LGBTism to attack the Newspeak Dictionary and moonbattery in general:

“Who’s making the rules? Is there a building somewhere in New York where people sit down every day and say, ‘Okay, we can’t say ‘mother’ now. We have to say ‘birthing person.’ Get that out on the wire right now’?” …

Cooper called the woke movement “laughable” at this point, noting that few people agree with the extreme ideas that woke people support.

That’s why these ideas have to be imposed by force, and why Alice Cooper — who also stands guilty of being Christian — may face cancelation by the entertainment establishment. There are worse things.

If you are going to be an aging rocker who speaks up about America’s transsexualization by social engineers, be one with character like Alice Cooper, not a sniveling coward like Paul Stanley or Carlos Santana:

Santana issued an apology this week after a clip of him went viral from a concert where he said, “A woman is a woman and a man is a man. That’s it.”

These days you need a spine to state an indisputable tautological fact and stand by it. Santana proved not to have one after the “marginalized” no doubt read him the riot act.

“I am sorry for my insensitive comments,” the 76-year-old guitarist said in a post on social media. “They don’t reflect that I want to honor and respect all person’s ideals and beliefs. I realize that what I said hurt people and that was not my intent. I sincerely apologize to the transgender community and everyone I offended.”

Please crawl in a hole and die.

On tips from Varla, Bluto, and Wiggins.

Aug 27 2023

They Are Arresting Publicists Now

Another political prisoner has been booked at the infamously hellish Fulton County jail:

Trevian Kutti, once the publicist for rapper Ye – formerly known as Kanye West – was photographed smiling from ear to ear in her mugshot after she was booked into a Georgia jail.

Kutti, a Chicago-based publicist who surrendered to the Fulton County jail around 10 a.m. Friday, is one of 19 individuals who authorities say were involved in illegal efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in the Peach State.

Kutti – who was granted a $75,000 bond earlier this week, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution – is charged with violating Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, conspiracy to commit solicitation of false statements and writings, and influencing witnesses, Fulton County jail records show.

Before long, not having been arrested by Democrats will be a mark of shame.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Aug 27 2023

FBI Raid Kills Disabled Vet

No wonder the FBI thinks it needs a new headquarters twice the size of the Pentagon. It is ballooning into the KGB before our eyes. Early morning raids are no longer just to publicly terrorize political opponents like Roger Stone and Mark Houck. A harmless old man in Utah named Craig Robertson was killed recently in a raid launched in response to his social media posts. A similar incident appears to have happened August 17 in Tennessee:

[A]n arrest warrant by FBI agents ended in the fatal shooting of a Chester county man named Theodore Deschler. The family says the FBI refuses to tell them why they conducted the arrest warrant and why they shot him, leaving the family searching the house for clues as to what happened to their relative. …

They used flashbangs, destroyed the yard with trucks, shot through a refrigerator, broke tree limbs, and even knocked down a light over the garage because it was suspected to be a camera.

Photographs can go viral, causing trouble.

The victim’s mother provides an eyewitness report:

According to her, the FBI beat on the door and when she answered they pulled her out of the residence and put her in the back of a police vehicle. When she asked why they were there she was told, “It’s none of your business” by the agents. She told us the entire incident was probably 15 minutes from the time the agents arrived to when her son was shot.

“It was a senseless act. You know Teddy was a 100% disabled veteran. He had problems. He had severe PTSD. He had depression but he was getting help for it but this was senseless. He didn’t have a weapon on him. He was just trying to get out of the house because it was filled with tear gas,” Deschler said.

The family believes that Theodore was unarmed.

Granted this is the family’s point of view, but that’s all we’ve got to go on.

The FBI has not confirmed any of the details of the arrest or what took place during the arrest. While the house is ruined by tear gas, flashbangs, bullet holes, and broken windows, the family says they just want answers from the FBI as to why this happened.

Why this happened is your country got fundamentally transformed, as promised.

An Internet search confirms that the mainstream media has no interest in the story. If that weren’t predictable, the incident might not have happened in the first place.

Even many Democrats have begun to view the FBI as “Biden’s Gestapo.” Dawn raids in which SWAT teams execute dissidents are what you would expect in a country where the opposition leader was just forced to sit for a mugshot on preposterous charges.

If Thomas Jefferson were alive today, the FBI might be planning a predawn raid on Monticello.

From here it does not get less scary unless there is a serious correction.

On a tip from Troy H.

Aug 27 2023

Green Energy Memorial Under Construction

A memorial is needed so that future generations can remember the insane waste of trillions of dollars on green energy boondoggles that will be a major component in America’s downfall. We wouldn’t want whatever civilization replaces us to make the same mistake of giving corrupt profligate fools too much power. Such a memorial is already under construction in Sweetwater, Texas:

About forty miles west of Abilene on Interstate 20, Sweetwater has unwittingly become home to what is possibly the world’s largest collection of unwanted wind turbine blades. When forklifts deposited the first of these in a field behind the apartment complex where Pamala Meyer lives, on the west side of town, in 2017, she wasn’t initially bothered. But then the blades—between 150 and 200 feet in length and mostly made of composite materials such as fiberglass with a binding resin—kept coming. Each was cut into thirds, with each segment longer than a school bus. Thousands arrived over several years, eventually blanketing more than thirty acres, in stacks rising as high as basketball backboards.

Like all problems created by the government, the problem was then made worse by the government:

The Sweetwater piles are also at least partly the indirect result of a rule clarification the Internal Revenue Service issued in 2016. Before then, a wind farm could collect valuable federal tax credits for only its first ten years of operation. But the IRS determined that it would restart the clock on the credits if a wind farm “repowered” its turbines—replacing most of their equipment with newer parts. So, despite the expected two-decade lifespan for turbine blades, wind farms across Texas and other states began replacing many that remained in good shape years early.

At least the incipient mountain range of useless blades provides breeding grounds for the rattlesnakes the town is known for. Since rattlesnakes feed on rats, it’s too bad we can’t move the memorial to the District of Corruption where it belongs.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 27 2023

Paper Straws Bad for Environment and Your Health

A favorite liberal cause is to signal virtue by forcing us to use inferior paper straws in the name of saving the allegedly imperiled planet. This should surprise no one:

A new study found that a vast majority of so-called “eco-friendly” paper straws contain more toxic “forever chemicals” than plastic straws.

Ninety percent of the paper straws progressives have been imposing contain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).

PFAS are commonly called “forever chemicals” because they do not degrade easily in the environment and barely break down in human bodies. …

Studies have shown that exposure to certain levels of PFAS may lead to decreased fertility, developmental issues in children, increased risk of some cancers, reduced ability of the body’s immune system, and interference with hormones.

If moonbats want to force you to do something, that implies they do not expect you to do it voluntarily, which in turn implies you would be wise not to do it.

PJW has a good laugh:

Where did liberals get the idea to declare jihad against plastic straws? Literally from a 9-year-old, who invented the absurd but popular statistic that Americans use 500 million plastic straws per day.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble, Steve T, and KirklesWorth.

Aug 27 2023

Open Thread


Compliments of Chuck A.

Aug 26 2023

DoJ Comes After SpaceX for Not Hiring Aliens

Elon Musk enraged the liberal establishment by allowing dissident speech on X. The inevitable punishment was not long in coming:

The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Thursday filed a lawsuit against SpaceX accusing the company of discriminating against asylum recipients and refugees in its hiring decisions.

As Kyle Rittenhouse can tell you, the process is the punishment. The suit does not need to have any sane basis. It just needs to be an expensive pain in the ass. In the case of suing SpaceX for hiring Americans rather than “refugees,” it also serves as a shot across Musk’s bow.

“Our investigation found that SpaceX failed to fairly consider or hire asylees and refugees because of their citizenship status and imposed what amounted to a ban on their hire regardless of their qualification, in violation of federal law,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division.

Put leftist maniacs like Kristen Clarke (best known for her rabid racism) in positions of authority, what else would expect?

[The Injustice Department’s case] runs counter to a 2020 post by SpaceX CEO Elon Musk on X, the social media platform then known as Twitter, which read, “US law requires at least a green card to be hired at SpaceX, as rockets are considered advanced weapons technology.”

But you can hardly expect a regime headed by the Chinese asset Joe Biden to worry about the security of advanced weapons technology.

The Justice Department is seeking “fair consideration and back pay for asylees and refugees who were deterred or denied employment at SpaceX due to the alleged discrimination.” It is also pursuing civil penalties…

The Regime is searching for victims to cash in on some jackpot justice at the expense of SpaceX:

The DOJ Civil Rights Division’s Immigrant and Employee Rights Section is requesting that asylees or refugees contact the division if they either applied to a job at SpaceX and were rejected; were discouraged from applying to SpaceX because they weren’t a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident; or were told by a recruiter or other SpaceX employee that the company could only hire U.S. citizens and permanent residents.

This overt weaponization of federal departments began under Obama:

“If you speak up against the illiberal regime, they find ways to go after you,” Palantir co-founder Joe Lonsdale said. “They hope to scare others not speak out like @elonmusk. The DOJ sued Palantir for nonsense after our co-founder Peter Thiel spoke at the 2016 Republican convention, too.”

Indeed, shortly after Thiel spoke at the 2016 Republican National Convention, the Department of Labor sued his company for alleged “racial discrimination.”

On Friday, Musk responded to Lonsdale, “The weaponization of government agencies needs to stop. This fundamentally undermines public faith in the justice system.”

By now we are past having faith in any institution controlled by Democrats. As with the Trump indictments, the thuggery could not be more obvious:

[S]hortly after Musk purchased the social media platform last November, President Joe Biden ominously remarked that Musk’s business transaction were “worth being looked at.”

When asked how he would go about doing that, Biden chuckled, “There’s a lot of ways.”

The question isn’t whether you can trust these people with power. The question is how to get them out of power and keep them out.

On tips from Barry A, 6’3″ 215 lbs American Dreyfus, Brian Brandt, ABC of the ANC, and Occam’s Stubble.

Aug 26 2023

Democrats Hand Trump Black Votes

Democrats’ tinpot dictatorship tactics have blown up in their smug faces. They wanted to turn the leading opposition candidate into a criminal. Instead, they have made him an outlaw — in the romantic sense of the term.

Dems rely on getting virtually all of the black vote. Yet here’s the reception Trump’s motorcade received Thursday evening in a poor black neighborhood in Atlanta:

“Free Trump!” cry the people the media tells us Trump is racist against.

Trump is a brother now:

It isn’t that they like Trump because he is a criminal. They know he is not a criminal. He is a guy the Man wants to crush, but who is fighting back. Hard to be an American and not find that appealing.

Incidentally, the only Team Trump member still behind bars in Georgia is black: Floyd Harrison of Black Voices for Trump. Those voices are getting louder.

That’s okay, Democrats. Transsexuals will still vote for you. Look how well they have kept Bud Light sales afloat.

On tips from Blackjack, Dr. Kufi Tutite, and Anonymous.

Aug 26 2023

Biden Unlawful Food Stamp Expansion Drives Up Prices 15%

There is no such thing as a free lunch. Someone pays. When the Biden Regime bypasses Congress to expand food stamps by decree, guess who pays for the bags of Fudge Rounds that 5’3″ 300-pounders put on their EBT cards? You do — not only directly through taxes but also through higher prices:

The Biden administration’s “unlawful food stamp expansion” is driving “massive spikes in grocery prices,” a new government watchdog report finds.

The Foundation for Government Accountability reveals that Biden’s 2021 expansion of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program drove up food prices by over 15%.

“In 2021, the Biden administration rushed through the largest permanent increase in food stamp benefits since the program was created, hiking benefits by an average of 27 percent,” the report stated.

Congress could repeal the expansion, which it never authorized. But as Democrats know, handouts work like a ratchet, moving us ever closer to their objective. Few politicians have the belly to tell moochers they can no longer force their neighbors to pay for their third helping of ice cream. Every step toward Marxism is permanent — at least until the house of cards comes crashing down.

The Congressional Budget Office estimated that the food stamp expansion could cost United States taxpayers more than $1 trillion over the next decade.

Good thing the government has printing presses to pay for all this spending.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Aug 26 2023

Open Thread

My main concern is with the world order - George Soros

Aug 25 2023

Democrats Come After Alcohol

They have come after ceiling fans, air conditioners, refrigerators, heat pumps, washing machines, dishwashers, water heaters, showers, gas stoves, gas generators, cars, and more. We sit on our hands and do nothing, as if we were not Americans but some lower species content to have every aspect of our lives microregulated by supercilious bureauweenies. Now they come after alcohol:

Biden’s alcohol czar, Dr. George Koob, told the Daily Mail that the USDA could revise its alcohol recommendations to match Canada’s guidelines.

Sure, they have an Alcohol Czar. If you enjoy something, the District of Corruption is home to a damp bureaurat with a vast, lavishly paid staff in charge of taking it away from you.

Sure, they want to match Canada’s guidelines. The goal is to catch up to Canada in the race toward absolute moonbattery. Canada says you should only have two drinks per week, so the Biden Regime squeaks, Us too!

Koob, the director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, noted there are “no benefits” to physical health from drinking alcohol.

Relaxing with a beer at the end of a hard day’s work has no benefit. The Experts have spoken.

First come guidelines. Then come regulations to impose the guidelines by force. For a while, they will attack alcohol with punitive taxes, as with cigarettes, which cost many times what they did a few decades ago. Eventually, they will bring back Prohibition, if only on the Democrat principle that anything not mandatory ought to be forbidden.

Or maybe beer is the line leftists can’t bully their way across. Recall what happened to Budweiser when liberals tried co-opting Bud Lite on behalf of their perverted sexual agenda.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble and Varla.

Aug 25 2023

NBC Falsifies Iconic Trump Mugshot

The liberal establishment media is so arrogant that there is nothing it won’t falsify — even the most iconic image of our times:

Democrats knew that if the next election is a referendum on the corrupt, senile, incompetent tool of the ultraleft Joe Biden, they will lose in a blowout, even with the media on their side. So they plotted to make it a referendum on Trump, putting him center stage and handing him the nomination with their specious indictments.

As it turns out, they are making the election a referendum on Democrats’ banana republic tactics, which if left unchecked will tip America into authoritarianism. You don’t have to be a fan of Trump to prefer him to the thugs who want to imprison him.

By focusing their vast reserves of psychotic hatred on Trump, leftists have created a monster from their own worst nightmares — an avenging angel who could save the country from them.

God help the USA if Trump loses. God help Democrats if he doesn’t.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Aug 25 2023

German Daycares Encourage Sex Between Children

Just how sick can a society get with leftists at the helm? The imagination is the limit. Not our imagination; theirs. They have already surpassed anything from a countermoonbat’s most disturbing nightmare.

The state of affairs in Germany:

Several daycare centers in Germany are reportedly considering or have already implemented “sexual exploration rooms” where children can engage in sexual games and discover what they find pleasurable. …

Die Welt reported that one daycare in Kerpen offers children the “freedom to try out childish sexuality.” The daycare also said that sexual self-pleasure on its property is of “great importance,” insisting that “masturbation is normal.”

The next time liberals dominate the Supreme Court, they are likely to discover the right to public masturbation in the Constitution, right next to the right to abortion.

REMIX noted that another daycare in Germany, found in the town of Rheinberg, facilitates “doctor games” where children are urged to peruse other students’ bodies. The nursery allegedly encouraged kids to choose a specific student whose body they wished to explore “carefully” but warned them “no objects are to be introduced into body orifices.”

If you don’t save a few vestigial taboos, you won’t have any left to violate later.

Pro Familia, Germany’s leading professional association on sexuality and partnership, initially issued recommendations that daycares set up “body exploration rooms” and “sexual games” for kids in July, REDUXX initially reported.

An email sent to parents by the Arbeiterwohlfahrt daycare center in the Hanover region assured parents that “Girls and boys pet and examine each other only as much as is comfortable for themselves and other children.”

Do we continue along this road to see where progressivism progresses to next? Or do we turn back right now?

On a tip from R F.

Aug 25 2023

Liberal Establishment: Democracy Is a Threat to Democracy

Since humanity is a threat to humanity, it stands to reason that democracy is a threat to democracy. Sure enough:

This take by the flagship publication of the liberal establishment might help explain why the people who shriek endlessly about threats to Our Democracy have the leading opposition candidate posing for a mugshot.


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