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Aug 02 2023

Being Drunk Excuses Crashing Semi

Personal responsibility has been canceled in favor of moonbattery. To the list of symptoms this diseased condition has produced, add drunken truck drivers:

A Quebec trucking company has been ordered to reinstate a driver who was fired after she drank at least nine beers before she lost control of her truck on a Pennsylvania highway.

Freedom has also been canceled. That’s why it is up to Big Government to determine who works for a trucking company, rather than the company.

The driver’s actions amounted to serious misconduct, but her drinking was the result of a disability — alcoholism — and trucking company Groupe Robert should have made a reasonable accommodation for her, labour arbitrator Huguette April said in her written July 18 decision.

The liberal media has used the same reasoning to excuse the many crimes committed by Joe Biden’s bagman Hunter, who is said not to be responsible for his behavior because he suffers from the disability of smoking too much crack.

“The night of the accident, she needed to drink,” April said. “She admitted that even though she knew she shouldn’t, the need was stronger, like something that she couldn’t control.”

Her blood alcohol was more than twice the legal limit when she crashed, reflecting the heavy burden of disability fate has saddled her with.

Now that we no longer have agency, behavior that used to be frowned upon confers treasured “oppressed” status. For example, ostentatious homosexuals can expect to be first hired and last fired as a reward for disease-spreading behavior that until recently was universally reviled, because indulging in it is “who they are.”

Likewise, if you are going to crash a truck, make sure you get drunk first. You won’t be held accountable if you can tell the boss that alcoholism did it.

Groupe Robert, meanwhile, told April that the collective agreement between the company and the union representing drivers is clear: The penalty for drinking and driving is immediate termination of employment.

But not if a moonbat judge overrules the agreement. Ostensibly binding agreements are meaningless where Big Government holds absolute power.

The union naturally sides with the judge:

Marc-Andre Gauthier, a spokesman for Teamsters Canada, the union that represents the driver and that challenged her dismissal, said it has an obligation to defend its members in work-related matters, regardless of the circumstances.

The Teamsters just destroyed Yellow Corp:

When struggling Yellow Corp. sought financial concessions from its union employees this year, Teamsters President Sean O’Brien refused and tweeted the image of a gravestone in a cemetery with “Yellow” on it. Congratulations, Mr. O’Brien. The trucking firm said Sunday it is preparing to file for bankruptcy, and some 22,000 Teamsters could lose their jobs.

The 99-year-old Yellow was the country’s third largest less-than-truckload carrier, combining shipments from multiple customers on a single trailer. Trucking competition heated up after Congress deregulated the industry in 1980. Yet Yellow’s labor agreements with the Teamsters have made it less competitive with non-union rivals.

Unions may help wipe out the entire profession, if truck drivers are made extinct in favor of self-driving vehicles in part to avoid drunken drivers.

On tips from Steve T, Brian Brandt, and Varla.

Aug 02 2023

Eating More Meat Associated With Living Longer

Moonbats who apply their ideology to diet are not going to like this:

In February of last year, the International Journal of General Medicine published a study that was easy to miss, as no major media publication reported on “Total Meat Intake is Associated with Life Expectancy: A Cross-Sectional Data Analysis of 175 Contemporary Populations,” by Wenpeng You and his team of researchers.

As we learned after his bagman’s laptop exposed Joe Biden’s influence peddling to communist China right before the election, the establishment media doesn’t care how much public interest a story might have. The MSM’s only concern is pushing the progressive narrative and suppressing information that debunks it. Liberal social engineers don’t want us eating meat.

The researchers found that worldwide, meat intake was associated with a longer life. “This relationship remained significant when influences of caloric intake, urbanization, obesity, education and carbohydrate crops were statistically controlled.” By contrast, consumption of carbohydrates had a weak but negative correlation with life expectancy.

Hong Kong has the population with the longest life expectancy. Uncoincidentally,

Inhabitants of Hong Kong have the highest consumption of meat and dairy foods in the world, at 500 grams (over one pound) of meat and 281 grams (almost ten ounces) of dairy products per day.

Zhanna Samsonova could not be reached for comment, the vegan influencer having reportedly died of starvation.

On a tip from The Great Cornholio.

Aug 02 2023

Historian Canceled for Not Helping to Erase History

To quote 1984 again,

“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth.”

We’ve seen how it works with official government records, to erase embarrassing utterances by our rulers. Germany demonstrates how historians apply the process to bring the past into line with leftist ideology.

From Journalistenwatch, via Allah’s Willing Executioners:

[W]ell-known ancient historian Egon Flaig … was invited by the archaeologist Andreas Grüner of the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen in the middle of the month to an evening lecture on the topic “Individual freedom versus political freedom. The Polis in European Republicanism”. A week earlier, however, Grüner withdrew the invitation because, as he meekly confessed, his own dean had “asked” him to do so. Behind this “request”, however, was a solid threat: Flaig is considered “controversial” in left-wing circles – because, among other things, he points to the historical fact that the slave trade was not the exclusive domain of whites, but that there were also black slave traders, and that Islam in particular also engaged in the slave trade for centuries.

Flaig was already on thin ice. Two years ago, he was apparently canceled by University of Osnabrück for having spoken against the mass migration that is being used to displace Germany out of existence.

The academic equivalents of Winston Smith have work to do. It is still widely known that Africans did the rounding up of African slaves, and that Europeans were enslaved by Muslims from ancient times until relatively recently. “To the shores of Tripoli” in the Marines’ Hymn refers to Thomas Jefferson sending in the Marines to stop Arabs from enslaving American crews. A lot of information will have to go down the memory hole before history complies with liberal ideology.

Aug 02 2023

Two More Violent Transsexual Maniacs

In the olden days, attempts were made to protect society from the psychotic. Nowadays, the liberal agenda calls for egging them on in their delusions. Consequently, the list of violent transsexual maniacs (e.g., Maya McKinney, Snochia Moseley, Anderson Lee Aldrich, Audrey Hale, Moses Lopez, William Whitworth, Shanu Varma, “Lara,” Zion William Teasley, Jason Michael Hann) is long and getting longer.

North of Seattle, via MYNorthwest:

A woman who allegedly stabbed a man in Lynnwood apparently kept a journal in which she wrote, “I stabbed my first person in the back … it felt good.”

The media could not get past the second word without lying. The guy who admitted killing 35-year Michael Marks is no woman.

According to charging papers reported by the Everett Herald, Cali Anderson wrote: “So this morning I stabbed my first person in the back, literally stabbed, it felt good and of course, I was smart and left the scene right away, so I don’t know what happened after that.”

“Cali,” already a twice-convicted criminal, afterward claimed it was self-defense.

Anderson was identified in court papers by her [sic] legal name, Christopher Brian Anderson. Her attorneys noted she [sic] was being held in protective custody in jail because she [sic] is transgender.

No doubt he will receive privileged treatment throughout his short stay in the penal system, probably including residence in a woman’s facility, as is the custom in Washington State.

Speaking of male psychopaths getting regal treatment in women’s prisons, let’s slide down the Left Coast to visit Dana Rivers:

A transgender triple murderer controversially housed in a women’s prison has been accused of ‘preying on inmates’ while bragging about receiving ‘special treatment’ due to California’s woke incarceration policies.

Dana Rivers, 68, who previously went by David Chester Warfield before transitioning to female, brutally shot and stabbed lesbian couple Charlotte Reed and Patricia Wright, before turning the gun on their 19-year-old adopted son Benny Diambu-Wright in November 2016.

At her [sic] sentencing last month, judge Scott Patton said the killings were ‘the most depraved crime I ever handled in the criminal justice system in 33 years’.

Hold on, judge. Progressives aren’t done progressing.

Decades before her [sic] horrific crime, Rivers was a renowned transgender activist who made national headlines in 1999 after being fired from her [sic] teaching job for transitioning genders, and angering faculty by reportedly discussing ‘sexuality and the importance of gender self-determination’ with students.

Rivers/Warfield should have been placed in a rubber room. Instead, he sued the school and received a $150,000 settlement. Now he is queen of Central California Women’s Facility in Chowchilla.

‘Rivers has been a problem since (she) [sic] rolled in the door,’ one inmate at the facility told the Washington Free Beacon. ‘(She) [sic] is trying to control the women, saying he gets to bypass everything — special treatment.’

Transsexuals get special treatment in the military, why not in prison? After all, the media tells us they are marginalized.

Trantifa should have no problem recruiting suitably violent psychopaths to enforce the Democrat agenda at the street level. The fundamental transformation of America is producing a bumper crop.

On tips from DCGere, Dennis G, and ABC of the ANC.

Aug 02 2023

Open Thread

When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination. - Thomas Sowell

On a tip from 100Bravo.

Aug 01 2023

Sexual Mutilation Footwear

Doc Martens used to cater to skinheads. They still do, except now we live in a grotesque nightmare of moonbattery, so the skinheads are women who have had their breasts amputated:

Corporations push the LGBT agenda with as much subtlety as a boot to the seat of the pants. It’s up to countermoonbat customers to Bud Light as many of them as possible, starting with the most egregious.

On a tip from Jester.

Aug 01 2023

Government Is Shutting Down Hydroelectric Power

One way you can tell that not even leftists are nutty enough to believe their own climate ideology is that they oppose nuclear energy, which unlike solar and wind is efficient, and which produces virtually no allegedly deleterious carbon emissions. Moonbat-ruled Germany is shutting down nuclear altogether. Another clue is the US government’s hostility to hydroelectric power.

DailyO reports approvingly on the tearing down of dams throughout the USA:

This ambitious effort seeks to reinstate the natural flow of rivers, enhance fish habitats, and restore ecosystems in collaboration with Native American tribes.

How woke. But the energy lost due to this posturing will have to be made up by burning fossil fuels, thereby imperiling the global climate according to liberal dogma.

The United States has witnessed over 2,000 dam removals so far, with a majority occurring in the last 25 years, reflecting a growing national consensus to restore the natural flow of rivers.

• The recent focus has been on the Klamath River, where four hydroelectric dams were built starting in 1918 to generate electricity. …

• In 2022 alone, the authorities in 20 different states undertook the removal of 65 dams as part of their initiatives to restore the connectivity of streams and rivers.

The pose doesn’t come cheap. The Klamath River dam removal project will cost $500 million, not counting the cost of lost energy. No doubt blowing up Hoover Dam will cost even more when they get to it.

Whatever green energy is about, it isn’t the climate. Hopefully forcing reliance on unsuitable wind and solar is mainly about Obama-style money laundering, and not a strategy for solidifying control by dramatically lowering our standard of living.

On a tip from Bluto.

Aug 01 2023

Joe Biden’s Last Line of Legal Defense

Even with a shameless partisan apparatchik serving as Attorney General, the legal noose is tightening around Joe Biden’s neck. He has been committing serious crimes too arrogantly for too long to avoid Leavenworth indefinitely, even with our two-tiered system of justice. Devon Archer confirms that Barack Obama’s former idiot sidekick was directly involved in influence-peddling operations, testifying that bagman Hunter put the Big Guy on the phone over 20 times to sell “the brand.”

Presenting Creepy Joe’s last line of defense:

What jury will believe this guy has been running a multi-$billion influence-peddling operation? Biden doesn’t come off like someone who could run a Kool-Aid stand. His lawyers will pretend he didn’t know who he was talking to.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Aug 01 2023

Vegan Influencer Reportedly Dies of Starvation

At first you might want to burst out laughing at the damage moonbats inflict on themselves. But then the senselessness of the tragedy sinks in:

Vegan influencer Zhanna Samsonova has reportedly “died of starvation” after subsisting exclusively off a diet of exotic fruit in Malaysia, according to her friends and family. …

The Russian national — who frequently promoted raw foods on social media where she was known to her millions of viewers on TikTok, Facebook and Instagram as Zhanna D’Art — reportedly died July 21 after finally seeking medical treatment during a tour in Southeast Asia, according to local media outlet reports. …

[A] friend claimed that for the last seven years, Samsonova had only eaten the giant, sweet jackfruit and durian, a spiky, mace-like fruit known for its custardy meat and noxious odor.

If only a good Samaritan had force-fed her bacon cheeseburgers, a life might have been saved.

An autopsy is needed to confirm that she died of starvation. Sure looks like she might have.

At least Zhanna D’Art’s demise was self-imposed:

Last year, vegan Florida mother Sheila O’Leary, 38, was sentenced to life in prison after starving her 18-month-old son to death by feeding him only small amounts of fruits and vegetables.

Next time they update the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, they ought to list veganism as a psychiatric illness. Humans were meant to eat meat, as you can tell by looking at our teeth.

“I see my body and mind transform every day,” Samsonova chirped as she led others down her path. “I love my new me.”

As with transsexuals, the first step toward health is a willingness to work with what you actually are.

On tips from R F and Steve T.

Aug 01 2023

Open Thread

light bulbs banned

Incredible but true.

Compliments of Stormfax.

Jul 31 2023

Chicago Residents Unlikely to Like Illegal Alien Police

The Cultural Marxist coalition may experience a few bumps on the road to utopia. Chicago residents have noticed that whites are not the only demographic Democrat border policy is displacing:

Meanwhile, the state’s moonbat rulers move toward recruiting people who are in the country illegally as police officers:

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed off on a controversial bill allowing foreign nationals to become law enforcement officers, a move that critics blasted as “madness” for setting the stage to potentially deputize illegal aliens to arrest U.S. citizens in their own country.

Contempt for the rule of law goes hand in hand with tyranny, as anarchotyrannical Democrats often remind us.

The bill, which amends the Illinois Municipal Code and goes into effect on January 1, 2024, “Provides that an individual who is not a citizen but is legally authorized to work in the United States under federal law is authorized to apply for the position of a police officer, subject to all requirements and limitations, other than citizenship, to which other applicants are subject.”

U.S. Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL) assailed the passage of the law that could lead to illegal aliens being given guns and badges and unleashed on citizens in the Land of Lincoln.

The police are not happy:

Pritzker signed HB 3751 despite fierce opposition from the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police which strongly condemned the bill when it passed the House.

However, the last people Democrats want to please are local police.

This comes on the heels of abolishing cash bail with the Purge Law. As New York and California have already demonstrated, less cash bail means more crime.

How fitting that the Democratic National Convention will be held in Chicago next year. The sinking city pulling the state down the drain reflects what Democrats want to extend to the entire country.

On tips from Ed McAninch and Wiggins.

Jul 31 2023

Man Becomes Dog

If a man can be a woman, then it stands to reason that he can be a dog:

A Japanese native has transformed himself into a canine after forking out more than $14,000 for a custom-made collie costume.

The private citizen, who goes only by Toco online, says the unusual garment has helped actualize his dream of “becoming an animal.”

Toco is no crazier than Dylan Mulvaney and less likely to induce convulsive vomiting.

What an excellent way to evade the IRS. According to the ideology of our rulers, you are whatever you identify as. Dogs don’t have to pay taxes.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 31 2023

What Progressives Are Progressing Toward

Follow the trajectory of community organizer Barack Obama’s racial grievance politics through Black Lives Matter and into the future, taking into consideration the Biden strategy of displacing the American population with millions upon millions of illegal immigrants from the Third World, who are paid by the federal government to reproduce rapidly. Here’s where it’s headed:

Julius Malema is a South African Member of Parliament and leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters party. The EFF has vowed to unseat Malema’s former party, the ruling African National Congress. Even if it fails, its leftward pressure pushes the ANC toward ever more alarming radicalism.

Jack Posobiec says South Africa is 30 years ahead of the USA. That might be optimistic. Major cities have already been lost.

The next step after South Africa is Zimbabwe, with 577% inflation and widespread hunger, but at least no more racist white people.

Chillingly, drawing attention to the impending catastrophe can result in cancelation. Advertisers including Google’s AdSense and Taboola permanently blacklisted this site for mentioning it.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 31 2023

Canadian Denied Suicide for Regretting Sex Change Surgery

Being convicted of crimes that warrant capital punishment is not the only thing Canada does not regard as a valid reason to be killed by the government. Canada will kill its citizens for anorexia, PTSD, being poor, or needing a wheelchair lift, but not for plunging into despair after having been sexually deformed in the name of transgenderism:

On July 26, a biological male calling himself Duchess Lois of Alberta announced that he was denied so-called Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), a euphemism used in Canada to indicate voluntary execution by a medical professional.

Duchess Lois had applied for the lethal service in January on the grounds that his surgery had sterilized him and irreversibly changed his life.

He certainly seems to qualify:

According to the website Pallipedia, applicants for state-approved euthanasia in Canada can cite a “‘grievous and irremediable medical condition’ that produces unbearable physical or mental suffering that cannot be reversed or relieved ‘under conditions that you consider acceptable’.”

However, suicide is frowned up when it is considered to reflect poorly on the woke agenda.

It isn’t surprising that some victims of “gender-affirming care” want to be put out of their misery. On top of the sheer horror of what has been done to them, they endure pain and incontinence:

A huge majority – 81 percent – of those who had gender-affirming surgery in the past five years said they endured pain simply from moving around in the weeks and months after going under the knife.

Researchers from the University of Florida and Brooks Rehabilitation, a health non-profit, showed that more than half of trans surgery patients endured pain during sex, and nearly a third could not control their bladders.

Anyone who would put children on track for these procedures for the sake of advancing LGBT ideology is a fiend likely to burn in hell.

On tips from ABC of the ANC.


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