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Apr 27 2023

Moonbat Musical: To All the Babies I’ve Killed Before

The Party of Death has power because it represents the Culture of Death — that is, the morally depraved cultural of our degenerate ruling class. To see how explicitly this culture celebrates death, look to the Ivy League, where the crème de la crème receives its accreditation:

A group of Princeton University students performed a feminist musical over the weekend focused on abortion and “self-empowerment.”

“To All the Babies I’ve Killed Before; A Love/Hate Letter to Storytelling” explores “the challenges of being heard and cultivating self-empowerment as a queer, cognitively-disabled (ADHD) woman in artistic spaces that traditionally center archaic, western, patriarchal narratives grounded in firm structures of storytelling and comedy,” according to a program description.

What do students need classes for when they can get their woke indoctrination distilled to its essence and injected effortlessly through entertainment?

The title “twists a well-known saying to many writers, ‘sometimes you have to kill your babies,’” according to the thespians.

In this case, babies are not just a metaphor:

“Questions of agency and womanhood have, of course, long plagued our society in more ways than just artistic expression,” the description reads. “Today, in the U.S., more than 19 million women live in contraceptive deserts, lacking access to affordable reproductive healthcare [yadda yadda yadda].”

“Reproductive healthcare” is Liberalese for killing inconvenient babies.

The description directs readers to a Planned Parenthood website to find local abortion facilities in New Jersey.

The political purpose is not subtle. At least no one is likely to waste their time sitting through the production expecting literary merit. But then, if you wanted something other than moonbattery, what would you be doing at Princeton?

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 27 2023

Pedophiles May Become Protected Class in Minnesota

Whimpering pleas for acceptance quickly escalate to outlandish demands dictated to the rest of society once a group previously viewed with contempt achieves protected status. Pedophiles are climbing fast. In Minnesota, a transsexual state legislator has proposed an amendment that would allow those with “sexual attachment to children” to be classified as a protected sexual orientation:

Leigh Finke, 41, is an elected Representative to Minnesota House District 66A and is cited as a chief author of HF 1655, a bill which seeks to establish gender identity as a protected category and aims to remove rights act sections of existing legislation “that allow for discrimination based on sexual orientation.”

Under “equity,” all of us are equal, but those who are “protected” are a lot more equal than you. They are first hired and last fired. Criticism of them is not permitted. Their interests are prioritized.

Applying sexual perversion to children is both an objective and a vehicle:

Finke was elected as a state representative last year after campaigning on a platform which largely consisted of guaranteeing medical interventions for gender non-conforming minors, including drugs which halt puberty, while referring to this demographic as “trans youth.”

The alarming focus on children that characterizes the LGBT movement is especially pronounced in Finke:

Finke held several rallies for “trans kids” in the months leading up to the voting date, and the first bill that he authored as an elected official, the Trans Refuge Bill, or HF 146, allows minors from outside the state to receive puberty blockers and hormones within Minnesota. The bill was passed on April 24 and allows the state courts to have “temporary emergency jurisdiction” over children who enter Minnesota “to obtain gender-affirming health care.”

Parents have no say in their children’s bodies being irreversibly deformed, once they are in the clutches of the leftists running Minnesota. After all, kids are not their parents’ kids; they are the government’s kids.

Finke’s message to children who fall prey to grooming is explicit:

“Don’t listen to your parents!”

He advises that children should “limit contact with any adult” who fails to affirm their “queerness” and recommends that they visit “queer sex shops.”

In addition to pedophilia, Finke also supports the transsexual violence that has become epidemic (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.) — specifically to promote the transsexualization of children:

Finke has also made statements in support of rioting and posted an image to his Facebook profile suggesting that it is necessary to “arm trans people.” He mentioned the potential for violence during a speech at Hamline Methodist in reference to a “torrent of anti-trans legislation” which seeks to restrict medical interventions for minors. Finke stated it was necessary to “protect trans kids,” and asserted that in the near future, “there will be more riots.”

Guys like this are fêted by the liberal establishment:

Last month, Finke was awarded the title of Woman of the Year by USA Today.

They are writing laws the rest of us have to live under.

On tips from R F and Franco.

Apr 27 2023

Math Racialized

Maybe it’s just as well that math has been transsexualized. That way, it might escape being banned altogether for being racist. This charge has been investigated at Canada’s Simon Fraser University, which recently held a seminar on the topic, focused on “unpacking oppressive structures and bias in math and science.”

The event was…

…conducted under the purview of their Math Department’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Learning Group.

Algebra, trigonometry, et cetera have to move aside to make room for cultural Marxism.

The Learning Group hosted several events in the past, including an event titled “LGBTQIA2S+ Experiences in Mathematics” and another titled “Power, Oppression, and Mathematics.”

George Orwell predicted the politicization of even math when Winston Smith was required to believe that 2 + 2 = 5, which was the equivalent of having to believe guys like Dylan Mulvaney are women (failing to meet that requirement just got Matt Walsh demonetized by Google’s YouTube, costing the Daily Wire $100 million per month).

The wokefication of math means more than moonbattery shoehorned into story problems:

The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) recently encouraged teachers to register for training that encourages “ethnomathematics” and argues, among other things, that White supremacy manifests itself in the focus on finding the right answer.

It won’t take many generations of continued liberal rule before our descendants are unable to perform simple addition and subtraction.

On a tip from Franco.

Apr 27 2023

Open Thread

One threatens the innocent who spares the guilty. - Edward Coke

Apr 26 2023

Teen Killed by Horrific Sex Change Procedure

The Orwellian euphemism “gender-affirming care” encompasses sex change operations too nightmarish for Josef Mengele or the island of Dr Moreau. These are not medical procedures, but crimes against humanity. If Satan were to devise how someone should die, it would look like this:

Once again, Holland is at the cutting edge of liberalism:

A 2016 medical article documenting the tragic death of one of the participants in the linchpin Dutch study upon which the entire child sex change experiment is based indicates that puberty suppression was to blame for the young person’s death.

The case is that of an 18-year-old trans-identified male whose puberty was blocked by the Dutch researchers at a very early stage, meaning there wasn’t enough penile tissue for surgeons to use to create a “neo-vagina.” Therefore, a more risky procedure using a section of the patient’s bowel was necessary, which resulted in fatal necrotizing fasciitis.

Technically, he was an adult when they killed him. But social engineers put him on track for this as a child, when the desecration and destruction of his body on behalf of the LGBT agenda were already well underway.

It isn’t just the Netherlands. In the USA, sex change operations are performed on children, with the support of the Biden Regime.

If there is a crime worse than murder, this is it.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Apr 26 2023

Holland Lifting Age Restrictions on Euthanizing Sick Children

As Joe Biden keeps reminding us, they aren’t your children; they are the government’s children. That should make them easy to deal with if they become a drain on the incrementally socialized healthcare system. To see our future under Democrat rule, look to progressive Holland, which is lifting age restrictions on euthanizing sick children. From the Dutch government:

The current Scheme for Termination of Pregnancy and Termination of Life for Newborns (LZA/LP) will be amended and expanded to include termination of life in children aged 1-12. This concerns a small group of terminally ill children who suffer hopelessly and unbearably, whose palliative care options are not sufficient to relieve their suffering and who are expected to die in the foreseeable future.

A small group for now. All things governmental start relatively small but grow like stage 4 cancer.

This is what Minister Kuipers of Health, Welfare and Sport writes in the government’s response to the evaluation of the LZA/LP Regulation from March 2022, which was sent to the House of Representatives. The evaluation shows that the LZA/LP Scheme is not yet functioning properly. Doctors feel reluctance to perform late termination of pregnancy or termination of life in newborns.

Doctors still have qualms about killing children. No worries; Big Government lumbers to the rescue:

The Cabinet has decided to amend the current LZA/LP Scheme in line with the recommendations from the evaluation, in order to remove this reticence as much as possible and to improve the functioning of the scheme in practice. The scheme will also be expanded to include the assessment of termination of life in children aged 1-12 (L1-12).

Canada has moved to euthanize the mentally ill. In Belgium, they kill people for being depressed. The USA is not far behind; euthanasia is already legal in many blue states.

At least we won’t have to worry about mopey kids when liberals have finished imposing utopia.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 26 2023

Portland Comes to Forth Worth

The depraved LGBT agenda, with its satanic focus on defiling innocent children, is too evil (not to mention repulsive) to have mainstream appeal. Yet it dominates our culture because it has the aggressive backing of the liberal establishment (the federal government, the media, corporate boardrooms). This is reinforced at the street level by the fascistic thugs calling themselves Antifa. Let’s see whether Antifa’s Brownshirt tactics play as well in Fort Worth as they do in Portland:

Black-clad counter-protesters in tactical gear, many armed with guns, stood outside Fort Brewery and Pizza as the restaurant hosted a drag show Sunday, with protesters for the nonprofit organization Protect Texas Kids demonstrating across the street, according to the Fort Worth Police Department (FWPD). Counter-protester Samuel Folkes, 20, allegedly went over to the protesters and pepper-sprayed them, subsequently swinging at police when they tried to arrest him.

Counter-protester Christopher Guillott, 33, is accused of attacking officers with an umbrella and hitting one in the face as they attempted to handcuff Folkes, with both men continuing to resist arrest.

Both were charged with a second-degree felony for assaulting an officer. Since Tarrant County DA Phil Sorrells was not appointed by George Soros, they might even see some jail time. A third Antifa kook also faces charges.

Protect Texas Kids thanked the FWPD:

The same Antifa radicals have been at all of our “kid-friendly” drag show protests for the past year attempting to instigate and cause problems. Every other police department has refused to hold these criminals accountable for breaking the law.

The front line of the Culture War reaches Fort Worth:

Holding the line is the first step; pushing it back comes next.

On tips from Lyle and KirklesWorth.

Apr 26 2023

South Africa to Ban Free Speech

How does the fundamental right of free speech fare where liberalism has triumphed? To find out, let’s turn to the Rainbow Utopia and check on the progress of the Prevention and Combating of Hate Crime and Hate Speech Bill, which has been accepted by South Africa’s National Assembly:

The Bill has now been referred to the National Council of Provinces for deliberation and should it be accepted, it will be sent to Pres Cyril Ramaphosa for confirmation.

Ramaphosa was produced by the same African National Congress that gave us the communist terrorist, chum of despots, and prominent deity in the liberal firmament Nelson Mandela. I’m guessing he will sign it.

A specific concern is the vague definitions used in the Bill to define hate speech.

That’s not a bug; it’s a feature. As with the terms of service Big Tech tyrants like Google exploit to deplatform dissidents, vagueness will allow it to be weaponized on an arbitrary basis. The concept of “hate speech” and “hate crimes” was created for this purpose.

After several amendments to the Bill the term “hate crime” is now defined as an offense – excluding the offenses of crimen injuria or hate speech – committed by a person motivated by their prejudice or intolerance towards the victim, a family member of the victim, or the victim’s connection to or support of a group of persons who share one or more of the following real or perceived characteristics: age; albinism; culture; disability; ethnic or social roots; gender; HIV or Aids status; language; nationality; refugee status; occupation; political affiliation or conviction; race; religion; sexual orientation; skin colour.

The Bill also provides for the different channels through which these crimes can be committed and includes social media and online communication.

In short, say anything over the Internet that anyone chooses to find offensive and if authorities don’t like the cut of your jib, you will be in big trouble:

The Bill also provides for any person found guilty of a hate crime to be sentenced to a maximum of eight years imprisonment or a fine or both.

It would be a challenge to survive eight days in a South African hospital nowadays. Eight years in prison could be a life sentence.

We all know when Democrats will impose a similar law in the USA: the moment they have the political leverage.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 26 2023

Open Thread

Let us not forget, the financial crisis had its roots in the decision by Congress to embark on a course of social justice to get everyone that wanted a home into one, regardless of whether or not they could afford it. - Ed Royce

Apr 25 2023

Liberals Find Transgender Lesbian of Color They Hate

When combined with also being a moonbat, being a Woman of Color qualifies people for impressive positions like Supreme Court Justice and even Vice President of the USA. Add lesbian to the résumé and you can be the mouthpiece for the White House. Imagine how impressive a Transgender Lesbian of Color must be. Stand back in awe of Delaware, Indiana County Councilmember Ryan Webb:

“After much consideration I have decided to come out and finally feel comfortable announcing my true authentic self,” Webb wrote. “It is with great relief that I announce to everyone that I identify as a woman and not just any woman but as a woman of color as well. I guess this would make me gay/lesbian as well, since I am attracted to women.

“Whew, that felt good to finally get that out there and start living life as my true self,” he wrote. “I’m excited to bring some diversity to the county council. Until today we didn’t have any females of color or LGBTQIAPC+++ on the council. I’m glad that now we do!”

There is so much here for progressives to celebrate. Yet they disregard his lived experience as a Transgender Lesbian of Color and callously refuse to affirm his identity.

True, Webb is a Republican. But why hate him for being who he is? How do they know he wasn’t born that way?

Charlize Jamieson, himself a Person of Transgenderness, went so far as to denounce Webb as a bigot. Others have expressed their liberal tolerance by doxing him:

“It is unfortunate, but a group called Indiana Progressives has decided to organize a hate and harassment campaign against me and my family,” Webb said in a statement to WISH TV8, “by publishing my address and encouraging people to unlawfully congregate at my home. … I have to look out for the safety of my family, including our 6 children. There are people with serious mental health issues encouraging people who are unwelcome to come to my home…”

Unsurprisingly, Webb has received death threats.

Best wishes for the safety of Webb and his family. Even a guy who identifies as a member of the opposite sex could get caught up in the ongoing wave of transgender violence (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.).

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 25 2023

Biden: Your Children Are Ours

As MSNBC propagandist Melissa Harris-Perry lisped, they aren’t your children, they are the government’s children. That’s what Shrillary means by “It takes a village.” Looking vaguely sinister as he hides his drugged eyes behind sunglasses, Joe Biden confirms the prevailing attitude among our rulers:

Biden has made this point before.

If you can think of anyone on earth you wouldn’t rather entrust children to than creeps like Joe Biden, personification of the degenerate liberal ruling class, consider the context of the remark:

Biden and first lady Jill Biden honored educators who were nominated to be teachers of the year for 2023 at the White House when the president made the comments.

“I never thought, as a student of history, I never thought I’d be a president who’s fighting against elected officials trying to ban and banning books,” Biden said during his speech. “I’ve never met a parent wants a politician dictating what their kid can learn and what they can think, or who they can be.”

“Banning books” is a reference to attempts to remove homosexual pornography from public school libraries and curricula. “Dictating” what children “can be” means stopping teachers from grooming young children with LGBT indoctrination.

What right do you have to object to liberals submersing your children in filth and depravity? They aren’t your children; they are Joe Biden’s children. Be thankful he doesn’t demand to shower with them.

On tips from Thug vs Installed Imbecile and Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 25 2023

Study: Mothers of Trans Kids Have Mental Problems

The phenomenon of transsexual children is usually correctly ascribed to Munchausen syndrome by proxy, by which the psychologically disordered project hypochondria onto those under their care. Confirmation is provided by a study making the unsurprising finding that mothers of supposedly transsexual children tend to have mental issues:

The study (full text can be found here), “Mothers of boys with gender identity disorder: a comparison of matched controls,” was performed by researchers Sonia Marantz and Susan Coates, both of whom are Ph.D.s.

The abstract:

This pilot study compared mothers of boys with gender identity disorder (GID) with mothers of normal boys to determine whether differences in psychopathology and child-rearing attitudes and practices could be identified. Results of the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines and the Beck Depression Inventory revealed that mothers of boys with GID had more symptoms of depression and more often met the criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder than the controls. Fifty-three percent of the mothers of boys with GID compared with only 6% of controls met the diagnosis for Borderline Personality Disorder on the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines or had symptoms of depression on the Beck Depression Inventory. Results of the Summers and Walsh Symbiosis Scale suggested that mothers of probands had child-rearing attitudes and practices that encouraged symbiosis and discouraged the development of autonomy.

There really is such an illness as child gender identity disorder, but the children are not necessarily the sick ones; more often, the parents are. The kids are collateral damage.

People with borderline personality disorder are not easy to live with:

Needless to say, women who suffer with this difficult diagnosis and don’t or can’t control their symptoms seldom keep their son’s father in the picture. The effects on a helpless child being raised by such a person must be incredibly damaging.

Horrific chemical and surgical disfigurement are only the climax of the damage inflicted on these kids.

The study was published by the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry back in 1991. Any researcher not scrupulously avoiding these findings would find their career canceled nowadays.

On a tip from Barry A.

Apr 25 2023

Women’s Museum Erases Women

Feminism served its purpose in helping to destroy civilization by eroding the family. Now social engineers have moved on. Women are no longer useful as an identity group. So they are erased in favor of transsexualism.

In the USA, a Supreme Court Justice cannot define a woman — even after having been handed the position explicitly for being a Woman of Color — because according to her ideology, there no longer is such a thing. In Denmark, the Women’s Museum changed its name for the same reason:

A statue of a naked, bearded man attempting to breastfeed an infant is drawing disapproval on social media for what some critics are calling female erasure. The nude figure, constructed in 2021 as a self-portrait by Aske Kreilgaard, is depicted with exposed male genitals and breasts to which he is holding a feeding baby.

Despite having been created to commemorate International Men’s Day, the statue has now been placed outside of The Gender Museum (KØN) in Aarhus, Denmark, which was previously known as the Women’s Museum (Kvindemuseet).

The facility was originally founded in 1982 to educate the public about women’s history…

But now women are history, so the name was changed accordingly in 2021.

If you don’t like it, you are a transphobe and a TERF and had better shut up; otherwise, you will be canceled or worse.

No doubt Danish taxpayers are forced to fund this:

The former Women’s Museum first began to incorporate elements of gender ideology into their education programs in 2016 and currently offers sex education for children in primary school “through a culture-historical and norm-critical view of sexuality and gender.”

If moonbattery doesn’t make it hard to keep your breakfast down, you have a stronger stomach than I do:

Suste Bonnén calls the statue a “pedophile’s dream.” You might say the same for transsexualism in general.

On a tip from Franco.

Apr 25 2023

Transgenderism Taught in Public School Math Class

In the new math, 2 + 2 = depravity. Because nothing having to do with public education is not about indoctrinating children with perverted sexual ideology.


A Missouri public school district is updating its K-12 math curriculum to include “they/them pronouns” in an effort to ensure the subject is “objective and free of bias.”

“Objective and free of bias” in this context can be translated as “devoted to ramming LGBTism down your children’s throats.”

The plan stems from an evaluation of the Webster Groves School District’s (WGSD) entire math program conducted this year. It was presented to the school board last Thursday by Susan Bergman, WGSD’s K-12 math curriculum coordinator. …

Bergman is recommending that WGSD begin to include “they/them pronouns” in its math assignments.

The point is not to educate, but to disorient and indoctrinate. Whether children learn math is unimportant, so long as they question their gender.

WGSD will implement its new plan gradually over the next two years, with district officials closely monitoring its success afterwards.

Success can be gauged by the number of math students who proclaim themselves to be members of the opposite sex, putting themselves on track for chemical and surgical disfigurement.

Meanwhile, in math classes behind the Bamboo Curtain, kids learn math. That’s why our children’s children may grow up speaking Chinese if liberalism isn’t decisively reversed.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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