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Aug 27 2022

Open Thread

Socialists do not merely want a welfare state, they absolutely must have one. They must have a grovelling dependent class from which to obtain their daily opiate: an hallucinogenic euphoria which comes from the delusion of being superior to and more altruistic than all others. They must have 'the poor, huddled masses' in much the same manner as vampires must have the blood of their victims. - Edward Britton

Aug 26 2022

Hiding the Heat of the Past

It is disputed whether carbon dioxide emissions have a major effect on the climate. Even if they do, few reasonable people believe that government can limit CO2 emissions enough to stop warming without collapsing the world economy. Literally no reasonable person thinks the global climate can be brought to heel by printing and wasting hundreds of $billions on electric car subsidies and corrupt green energy boondoggles. But at least we can all agree that the constantly fluctuating climate has been trending in an alarmingly warmer direction, right?


As Benjamin Disraeli observed, there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. Hats off to Tony Heller for debunking carefully selected statistics that have been twisted into lies by moonbats with wicked intentions. As he demonstrates once again, the climate crisis that authoritarians exploit to attack our freedom and standard of living is not real.

On a tip from Lyle.

Aug 26 2022

Biden Promises No More Stolen Elections

A gaffe has been defined as a politician accidentally telling the truth. Joe Biden commits more of them than other swamp creatures, due to a low IQ exacerbated by senile dementia. In the video below, he admits that someone has been stealing elections:

If Democrats are able to ram through their election reforms, they will never need to steal another election, since the winners will be preordained.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Aug 26 2022

Let Them Drink Cockroach Milk

Moonbat social engineers know just what we should drink to wash down the maggot butter, weeds, synthetic pseudofood, plastic trash, lentils, grass, crickets, larvae, and wind turbine blades they want us to eat: cockroach milk.

The Experts have spoken:

Although most cockroaches don’t actually produce milk, Diploptera punctate, which is the only known cockroach to give birth to live young, has been shown to pump out a type of ‘milk’ containing protein crystals to feed its babies.

The fact that an insect produces milk is pretty fascinating – but what fascinated researchers is the fact that a single one of these protein crystals contains more than three times the amount of energy found in an equivalent amount of buffalo milk (which is also higher in calories than regular cow’s milk).

Many will still admit that ingesting insect secretions is disgusting…

But if it helps alleviate the food shortages we’ll have to deal with this generation, we’ll take it.

The piece doesn’t mention that the food shortages we are likely to face will have been unnecessarily imposed by Big Government in the name of leftists’ deranged climate ideology. The Liberal World Order’s war on farming is already well underway in the world’s #2 agricultural exporter. In the world’s #1 agricultural exporter, the largest owner of farmland is reportedly Bill Gates, a member of the Davos clique who wants commoners to eat synthetic beef so as not to offend the planet.

If you don’t want to drink cockroach milk, you hate the climate and do not trust the science. That would make you a bad person.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 26 2022

Neuroqueerness: Lunacy as a Privileged Identity

The clinically insane have achieved the cherished status of an “oppressed” identity group, to judge by a course announced earlier this year by American University:

According to the course description for “Mental Health, Madness, and Neuroqueerness,” the class will, “critically examine how ideas about mental health and wellness are situated in systems of colonialism, white supremacy, capitalism, and patriarchy.”

Just as pedophiles are now to be called MAPs, insanity will henceforth be referred to as “neuroqueerness.” Update your Newspeak Dictionary accordingly.

The course will also explore, “the life stories and knowledge of those who have been labeled or claimed the label of mad, neuroqueer, and/or mentally ill,” and “the longer histories of mental health discourses and encounters the lived experience of madness and neurodivergence.”

Those who went into hock to pay for this course get the added benefit of Biden’s student loan “forgiveness.”

Whether being crazy counts as neurodivergence even for those who are not sexual perverts is unclear:

According to Nick Walker, who claims to have coined the term, “Neuroqueer[ing],” is defined as, “the practice of queering (subverting, defying, disrupting, liberating oneself from) neuronormativity and heteronormativity simultaneously.”

“Neuronormativity” is Liberalese for what we would call “sanity.” The long clumsy word is intended to pathologize the concept.

Congratulations to Karine Jean-Pierre. A black lesbian from abroad now accrues extra intersectional bonus points for having loose screws in her head. All she has to do is convert to Islam and reveal herself to have undergone a sex change operation and she will reach the apex of the Cultural Marxist Pyramid of Power.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 26 2022

Open Thread

On a tip from Varla.

Aug 25 2022

Patience With Elitist Moonbattery Wearing Thin in Europe

When French President Emmanuel Macron honked about the “end of abundance” for regular people, the year 1789 came to mind. However, this goes beyond France.

Macron speaks for the entire Liberal World Order that he personifies. The LWO has declared that our standard of living is to be radically reduced in the name of the nonexistent climate crisis and an irrelevant war in an Eastern European backwater. If guillotines make a reappearance — figuratively or otherwise — it won’t only be in France. Here’s an Englishman at the end of his rope:

Back in the USA, Joe Biden just announced that he is shoveling another $3 billion at the corrupt and repressive regime in Ukraine. How much of the tens of $billions of largesse gets kicked back to Democrat politicians who will put the money in offshore accounts is unclear, but we can come up with a firm estimate on how much of the bounty will be paid for through inflation by everyone who has savings in US currency: all of it.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Varla.

Aug 25 2022

Biden Imports 4.9 Million Illegal Aliens in First 18 Months

After NYC, LA, Chicago, and Houston, the most populous cities in the USA are Phoenix, Philadelphia, and San Antonio. Add the populations of these three cities together and you get 4.9 million Americans. The same number of illegal aliens have invaded the country on Joe Biden’s invitation in the first 18 months of his disastrous regime.

Via Epoch Times via NTD:

A total of 4.9 million illegal aliens, including some 900,000 “gotaways” who evaded apprehension and have since disappeared into American communities, have entered the country by the end of July, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) said in a statement on Aug. 16.

The entire population of Ireland is 5 million.

If the illegal aliens Biden has already imported to displace us started their own city, it would be second in size to New York. The border remains effectively open.

We are not getting the cream of the crop from the Third World. We are getting people so desperate that they show up at someone else’s door and break in, employing their helplessness the way conquering armies of the past used bayonets.

Some will make good, but Biden’s handlers have calculated that most will not. If they were not expected to be reliant on government handouts for generations to come, they could not be counted on to vote Democrat, and consequently would not be allowed into the country.

America will never be the same.

On a tip from Chuck A.

Aug 25 2022

Student Loan Forgiveness for Government Workers

It pays to let yourself be absorbed by the government borg and subsist as a bureaucrat. Workloads are light, vacation days numerous, pay extravagant, retirement packages opulent — and as an added bonus, you don’t have to pay back your student loans.

Having been bought by Big Education, Joe Biden has put off the requirement to make loan payments until December 31, and unconstitutionally “forgave” (i.e., transferred to the rest of us through inflation) $10,000 on most loans — $20,000 on Pell grants, explicitly due to racial favoritism (blacks are more than twice as likely to receive Pell grants). Not a bad deal for those who ran up student loan debt and would prefer to have other people pay it. But the deal is better still for government employees.

Posted at your expense on

If you have worked in public service (federal, state, local, tribal government or a non-profit organization) for 10 years or more (even if not consecutively), you may be eligible to have all your student debt canceled. Now, for a limited time, it is easier than ever to receive that forgiveness, or get credit toward forgiveness, if you have not yet served 10 years.

The Party of Government looks after its own.

It also looks after the ruling class that the American government has been subverted to protect and to serve:

At some point, the people forced to finance it will get angry enough to upset this applecart.

On tips from Kevin R and Anonymous.

Aug 25 2022

Taxpayers Owe Kobe Bryant’s Rich Widow $16 Million

Just because you are a zillionaire with no need for the money is no reason not to exploit our deranged legal system to loot taxpayers for some jackpot justice:

A federal jury found Wednesday that Los Angeles County must pay Kobe Bryant’s widow $16 million for emotional distress caused by deputies and firefighters sharing photos of the bodies of the NBA star and his daughter taken at the site of the 2020 helicopter crash that killed them.

The rich lady is offended because some first responders looked at some pictures. Consequently, everyone who pays taxes in LA County owes her money.

The courts are run by lunatics and shame no longer exists, so what’s to stop Vanessa Bryant from cashing in big on her “emotional distress”?

County attorney J. Mira Hashmall … emphasized that the photos had never appeared publicly, and had never even been seen by the plaintiffs. She said that meant that Sheriff Alex Villanueva and other officials had taken decisive and effective action when they ordered those who had the photos to delete them.

How and whether Vanessa Bryant was harmed by the pictures are unclear. The apparent purpose of the looting spree was not so much to compensate her for her supposed injury as for jurors to express what loyal fans they are of Kobe Bryant.

The jury returned its verdict on Kobe Bryant Day, which is celebrated on Aug. 24 because it uses both of his jersey numbers — 8 and 24 — and is the day after his birthday. Tuesday would have been Kobe’s 44th birthday.

Think how many hours you would have to work at your job — or rather, how many lifetimes — to earn as much as Vanessa Bryant gets from being married to a dead sports star and proclaiming herself to be upset.

Work doesn’t pay. Posing as a victim pays. That’s why we see ever less of the former and ever more of the latter.

Vanessa Bryant cried quietly as [the verdict] was read.

She might spare one of her lucrative tears for taxpayers.

On tips from Wiggins and Feet2Fire.

Aug 25 2022

Higher Education Bought Joe Biden

Joe Biden’s intolerably unfair (not to mention unconstitutional) decree that people who didn’t go to college or who paid off their loans have to pay off the student loans of freeloaders is about more than getting out the midterm vote among shiftless gender studies majors. Like his obedience to pernicious teachers’ unions, it is a matter of giving those who bankroll him what they have paid for — a piece of his power:

Biden received more than $64.5 million in contributions from people in the higher education sector during his presidential campaign in 2020, making him the top recipient by a large margin, according to data compiled by OpenSecrets.

Of the top 20 recipients of higher education cash, 19 were Democrats.

Biden topped the list, with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) coming in second with $17.2 million and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) in third with $11.6 million.

If you ever wondered whether the kooks running universities want to impose communism, now you know.

Democrats have continued to dominate the sector during the 2022 midterm cycle, with Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) topping the list at $2.2 million.

The anti-American demagogue Warnock is basically Obama’s pastor Jeremiah “God D*** America” Wright but with even less subtlety.

Big Education has plenty of money to throw at politics, because it is massively subsidized by Big Government. This drives up the price of education, enriching educrats. Debt “forgiveness” is another gigantic subsidy that will increase tuition costs.

The money cycle works the same as for Planned Parenthood: wealth is created by regular Americans, confiscated through taxes, handed out to nefarious institutions, and then a percentage is donated to corrupt Democrat pols, who see to it that the wheel keeps turning.

Like the higher education racket, our communist Chinese enemies own a piece of Joe Biden. The implications are alarming.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Aug 25 2022

No Tolerance for Cross-Shaped Pier

In the movies, the sign of the cross makes vampires cower, melt, burst into flames, transform into skeletons, and worse. All Van Helsing needs to do is hold up candlesticks so that they make a cross to get the better of Dracula. This symbol has a similar effect on LGBT moonbats, and for the same reason.

Idyllic Ocean Grove, NJ is known as “God’s Square Mile.”

The Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, a Methodist group, established the town just over 150 years ago, and it still owns the small beach and boardwalk and hosts year-round activities. Even though the town itself isn’t a purely religious enclave, the organization still owns the land that the town and its businesses sit on.

You can own a building there, but the Camp Meeting Association still owns the land under it.

A historic pier in Ocean Grove was damaged and needs to be rebuilt. The new design viewed from the sky is shaped like a cross. Moonbats don’t like it.

Douglas Grote, a retired Presbyterian pastor who lives in the town, has sent several letters to officials at the state and local level on behalf of members of the LGBT community, calling the pier design “Christian bullying.”

Evidence accrues that Presbyterianism is becoming a denomination in the blasphemous Church of Moonbattery.

Not long ago, they were demanding tolerance. Now gays and their moonbat advocates will not even tolerate the shape of the cross in a town owned by Christians. Who are the bullies?

Others opponents of the pier went farther:

Shane Martins, an attorney and Ocean Grove resident who is gay, says people are “being hurt” by the pier.

“Once this pier is built like a cross, I believe that will be the point of a no return,” he said to “To say (the cross-shaped pier) doesn’t represent Christian nationalism — anyone who says that isn’t being honest.”

Only when the shape of the cross has been completely eradicated can those who construct their identity around wallowing in debauchery and depravity be safe from Christian nationalism. Let’s start by abolishing the letter “T” from the alphabet.

On a tip from seaoh.

Aug 25 2022

Open Thread

Since the 1930s the technique of buying votes with the voters' own money has been expanded to an extent undreamed of by earlier politicians. - Milton Friedman

On a tip from Jester.

Aug 24 2022

Kamloops Mass Grave Hate Hoax

The supposed mass grave of oppressed indigenous children at the Kamloops school in British Columbia is among the grandest hate hoaxes of recent times:

A mass grave filled with the remains of 215 Indigenous children, some as young as three, has been found on the grounds of a former residential school in Canada…

The grisly discovery in the interior of southern British Columbia was made at the former Kamloops Indian residential school using ground-penetrating radar…

The school was open between 1890 and 1978 and ran by the Roman Catholic Church as part of a network of institutions across Canada…

This shocking revelation was aggressively seized upon by moonbats as proof of the nefariousness of Caucasians, Christianity, and Western Civilization:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau decreed, partly at the request of tribal leaders, that all flags on federal buildings fly at half-mast. The Canadian government and provincial authorities pledged about $320 million to fund more research and in December pledged another $40 billion involving First Nations child-welfare claim settlements that partially compensate some residential school attendees. Pope Francis issued a formal apology on behalf of the Catholic church, which ran many of the residential school facilities and asked for God’s forgiveness.

Francis should pray for Catholics to forgive him for reflexively siding against the Church he is supposed to represent.

Kamloops helped motivate a tidal wave of arson and vandalism unleashed against churches across Canada. But like everything else leftists want badly to believe in, Kamloops is a lie.

Ground-penetrating radar has supposedly revealed another 800 buried children. But well over a year since the supposed mass grave was revealed, no actual bodies have been found. It appears to be nothing more than an old septic system.

Canada’s Rebel News pulls back the curtain:

If something sounds too good to be true from the viewpoint of the liberal narrative, that is because it is not true.

No matter. The drive-by media made the desired impression. Plenty of people heard the original story. Few will ever know it was a lie. In politics, perception is reality.

On a tip from Steve S.


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