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Search: Ted Wheeler

Dec 03 2020

Profiles in COVID-19 Tyranny: Sheila Kuehl

Although she is not a major figure in the Democratic Party, the COVID-19 hypocrisy of Sheila Kuehl is so flagrant that it would be remiss not to note it.

Just hours after Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl voted to ban outdoor dining at L.A. County’s 31,000 restaurants over COVID-19 safety concerns, she visited a restaurant in Santa Monica, where she dined outdoors, FOX 11 learned on Monday.

The senseless ban on outdoor dining is an inconvenience to customers. To those who work at them, it is a major problem, because they will likely become unemployed, and if Democrats take over in Washington, unemployment will remain high for years (due to hyper-regulation, higher minimum wage, excessive immigration, and overtaxation). To the owners of the thousands of establishments effected, it is not merely an inconvenience or a problem, but a catastrophe.

Lately Democrats brandish the word “science” almost as aggressively as they exploit the increasingly meaningless word “racism.” But as Liz Wheeler observes, the COVID-19 tyranny inflicted by bureaucrats like Kuehl has nothing to do with science:

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Dec 01 2020

Joe Biden Is Coming for Your Guns

The liberal establishment sold the public a pig in a poke. Biden refused to answer even such basic questions as whether he would destroy the independent judiciary by packing the Supreme Court. But we do know one thing: Biden has always been opposed to the right of the American people to defend themselves. Embracing tyrannical antigun zealots like Robert Francis O’Rourke and Kamala Harris confirms that this has not changed.

In the video below, Liz Wheeler warns of what Biden et al. will come after first: America’s most popular rifle, the AR-15, and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

Future sales will likely be banned. As for the many millions of AR-15s and modern magazines already in circulation, they will either be confiscated or registered for future confiscation; financial penalties will be inflicted on the owners.

On tips from Lyle and KirklesWorth.

Nov 03 2020

Why Trump Matters

You aren’t just voting for or against Trump. As leftists have made obvious with their theatrical hatred of American heritage, you are voting for or against the Constitution and the way of life it enables. We can have freedom or tyranny, wealth or poverty; the choice is ours.

Liz Wheeler makes the case for getting out there and casting a vote in favor keeping America going:

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Oct 26 2020

Can a Christian Vote for Biden?

Father James Altman helped us resolve whether Joe Biden is a faithful Catholic. Now Liz Wheeler helps us determine whether a Catholic or any other kind of faithful Christian can vote for him in good conscience:

No one can reconcile these manifestations of moonbattery with Christian doctrine:

• Abortion on demand (including gruesome late term abortion) coercively financed;

• Screw-tightening on the world’s most persecuted religion, Christianity;

• Critical race theory — an ideology that views the world through the lens of hating white people; and

• Socialism, which is founded on the violation of the commandments against stealing and coveting.

On tips from Lyle and Ellen O.

Oct 21 2020

Why Hunter Biden’s Emails Are a Huge Deal

So that the apparatchiks running the establishment media might understand, Liz Wheeler explains why the revelations on Hunter Biden’s laptop are a big deal warranting thorough coverage:

Joe Biden potentially being on the payroll of America’s most aggressive adversary is shocking, even if many voters have degenerated to the point of accepting Biden’s decades-old reputation for dishonesty.

Nearly as alarming is that Big Tech and the mainstream media would be so determined to keep this explosive information from the public right before an election. Serving as information gatekeepers to empower the Democratic Party is clearly more important to both than their credibility or their responsibility to the public.

Also hair-raising is the fact that Adam Schiff, with his tired and childish lie about it all being a Russian plot, is Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Kate P.

Oct 18 2020

What the MSM Was Afraid to Tell You

As a special service to anyone who might have been stranded at the airport all last week with no access to information other than CNN, Liz Wheeler brings us up to date on what happened:

To recap:

• According to Gallup, 56% of Americans say they are better off now under Trump than before Trump — despite the prolonged misery inflicted by COVID-19. Biden says he doesn’t want their votes.

• Liberal favorite Keith Olbermann emerged from the fetid cesspit of moonbattery known as ESPN to proclaim that anyone associated with Trump must be “expunged” and “removed from our society” — an apparent reference to the gulags and firing squads that characterize societies run by people who share Olbermann’s political outlook.

• Mostly peaceful protesters in Portland knocked over a statue of Abraham Lincoln, confirming that their agenda entails the total destruction of our heritage.

• The 88 Notre Dame faculty members who signed a petition denouncing Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination include representatives of useless subjects like the Gender Studies Program but not of the law school where she taught.

• Alexandria public schools won’t let students attend class in person because COVID-19, despite the lack of medical justification for this; meanwhile, the school district’s superintendent Gregory Hutchings pulled his own daughter out of the public schools and put her in a private school that allows in-person attendance.

On a tip from Lyle.

Oct 04 2020

What the MSM Was Afraid to Tell You Last Week

She’s gone from OAN, but Liz Wheeler continues to keep us apprised of what the mainstream media would rather not tell us. Here’s what the MSM tried to hide last week:

1. The New York Times “bombshell” report that Trump doesn’t pay more in taxes than legally required was a nothingburger.

2. Hunter Biden raked in $millions from foreign entities while Joe Biden was vice president, including a $3.5 million wire transfer from Russia. Hunter was also lucratively in bed with the communist Chinese. Speaking of who Hunter was in bed with, he paid $thousands for Eastern European prostitutes.

3. Trump signed an executive order upholding the human rights of babies born alive, preventing children from being denied medical care after botched abortions.

4. During the debate Tuesday, Biden pointedly refused to say whether he would take a wrecking ball to our system of government by packing the Supreme Court. The media refused to follow up on it.

5. Sixty-six percent of Spanish-speaking Americans say Trump won the debate.

These stories would have received more attention if the media establishment honored its responsibility to keep the public informed regardless of which party the information helps.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Sep 30 2020

Six COVID-19 Revelations the MSM Will Avoid

There is plenty of good news regarding the ChiCom virus. You won’t often hear it from the mainstream media, so Liz Wheeler fills the void:

1. College students are spreading COVID-19, but with virtually no hospitalizations, much less mortality.

2. Brown University finds that opening K-12 schools could be even less risky than expected.

3. The hybrid model — in school some days, learn from home others — has been associated with higher infection rates that school every day, so we can just open the schools already.

4. A study from Scotland finds that exposure to children is protective against COVID-19.

5. According to US government data, the COVID-19 mortality rate for those younger than 50 is no higher than the influenza mortality rate.

6. Japan finds that virus may be far more prevalent but far less deadly than we have been led to believe.

The COVID-19 crisis will be effectively over as soon as those running the show agree that it’s over — i.e., as soon as they can no longer exploit it effectively. After that, it will fade away without fanfare, like pandemics past.

On a tip from Lyle.

Sep 26 2020

What the MSM Was Afraid to Tell You

Liz Wheeler has left OAN, but she continues to keep us apprised of what the mainstream media would prefer we didn’t know. Among the important stories the information gatekeepers for the liberal establishment avoided this past week:

1. The Minnesota Freedom Fund, for which de facto presidential candidate Kamala Harris solicits funds, has been unleashing havoc, resulting in multiple incidents of domestic violence and the sexual penetration of a child.

2. Trump deserves high accolades for putting the brakes on ideologically toxic critical race theory brainwashing throughout the federal government, including federal contractors.

3. Nikole Hannah-Jones of the New York Times, head propagandist for the vicious attack on American history known as the 1619 Project, has been erasing her social media tracks.

4. Newsweek loudly proclaimed that The Handmaid’s Tale was inspired by People of Praise, to which Amy Coney Barrett belongs. This was not true.

5. Kamala Harris confirms that she believes “America is built on racism, sexism, and other evils.”

Smug inhabitants of the liberal misinformation bubble are forewarned not to press play:

On tips from KirklesWorth and Anonymous.

Aug 22 2020

What the MSM Was Afraid to Tell You

Liz Wheeler sums up what people should have heard from the mainstream media during the week but probably didn’t:

• A Texas judge has ruled James Younger will be transformed into a girl named Luna despite his father’s objections.

• Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith pleads guilty to altering evidence for the Russia hoax.

• Neil Ferguson, prominent advocate of maintaining lockdowns for COVID-19, has a financial conflict of interest.

• The usually left-wing Ninth Circuit admitted that California’s ban on “high-capacity” magazines violates the Second Amendment.

• It appears that a large proportion of the population has preexisting immunity to COVID-19.

Here is more relevant information in under 5 minutes than you can get in 5 days of watching the alphabet networks:

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Aug 16 2020

What the MSM Was Afraid to Tell You

Liz Wheeler notes a few of the lies by omission that characterized the “mainstream” media’s coverage last week:

• The shocking murder of Cannon Hinnant was covered up, presumably for purposes of not undermining the narrative.

• The “pragmatic moderate” Kamala Harris cosponsored a bill to destroy women’s sports by forcing schools to allow boys to compete as girls as a civil right.

• Evidence continues to pour in that COVID-19 does not warrant keeping schools closed, regarding the safety of either students or teachers.

• The pretext for the riots that ripped apart Chicago was an outrageously distorted story that the media for the most part let stand.

• The Obama/Biden/Comey FBI misled the Senate regarding the credibility of the Steele dossier.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.


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