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Feb 07 2023

Entertainment Establishment Serves Up Satanism

The degenerates comprising the entertainment industry are not quite as empty as they seem. They actually have a creed: self-worship. This is expressed in religious terms through satanism, as we were reminded when they got so carried away with their attempts to poke nondepraved people in the eye that they staged a satanic worship service as part of the Grammys spectacle on Sunday:

Viewers of the 65th Annual Grammy Awards slammed a performance on Sunday by Sam Smith and Kim Petras as “demonic” over its satanic theme.

The duo, who won the 2023 Grammy award for best pop duo/group performance for “Unholy,” was surrounded by red lights with a fire backdrop.

Smith wore a hat with horns and was encircled by dancers that used “props that had allusions to BDSM themes,” according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Have a look at what the liberal establishment presents to us as our culture:

Looks like it was produced by the same people who did Biden’s Dark Brandon speech.

If the Project Veritas exposés didn’t convince you that Pfizer is evil, maybe this will:

Sam Smith and Kim Petras’ hell-themed performance of their award-winning song, “Unholy,” immediately preceded a reminder that Pfizer was financially supporting the whole thing.

The leftists running CBS must have realized this was in bad taste even by Grammy standards. They deleted a tweet ejaculating that they were ready to worship Satan with Smith:

Smith and Petras were honored at the Grammys not for their meager creative talents but because they pretend not to be men. Satanic Idaho helps clarify the connection between satanism and transgenderism:

Members of a Satanist group in Idaho plan to oppose a proposed Idaho bill that would prohibit sex-change surgery and drugs for minors by holding a “gender affirmation ritual” on the grounds of the state Capitol. …

The Boise group that calls itself “Satanic Idaho” is pushing back against the proposed legislation by staging a “Hail Yourself: Gender Affirmation Ritual” on Feb. 13…

According to the text of the ritual, participants are invited to look at themselves in the mirror, count their breathing in three counts of six and say, “Thyself is Thy Master. I praise myself. I know myself. I love myself. Through self-affirmation, self-exploration and evolution I am able to become more of myself.”

They do this by disfiguring their bodies to help them make believe they are members of the opposite sex. Because moonbats are mentally ill.

Paul Joseph Watson offers some much-needed psychiatric advice to Sam Smith:

On tips from Wiggins, ABC of the ANC, Anonymous, and KirklesWorth.

Nov 28 2021

Kathy Hochul Already Overreacting to Omicron Variant

It would be hard to have a more awful response to Covid than erstwhile liberal heartthrob Andrew Cuomo, who won lavish praise from the media while driving businesses into bankruptcy with gratuitous tyranny and killing thousands of elderly people by forcing nursing homes to accept Covid patients. However, his replacement Kathy Hochul perseveres in her campaign to prove there is nothing Cuomo could do she can’t do worse.

The Nu variant is already yesterday’s news. We skipped the Xi variant because it would be politically incorrect to associate a virus engineered in a ChiCom laboratory with the Chinese communist dictator. Here’s how Kathy Hochul is exploiting the Omicron variant to make her mark on the everyday lives of New Yorkers:

Hochul has declared a state of emergency ahead of potential COVID-19 spikes this winter due to the already-circulating Delta and newly-identified Omicron variants of coronavirus.

Emergency is the ideal state for Big Government. Any amount of the next generation’s money can be wasted, because there is no future, only the current crisis. Any power grab can be excused.

Tough luck if you need a medical procedure:

Hochul signed an executive order Friday to postpone elective hospital surgeries — something that hasn’t been done since the worst of the initial coronavirus outbreak last year.

Drastic measures need to be taken, due to all the Omicron cases in New York. Oh wait, there hasn’t been a single one — in New York or anywhere else in the USA.

The new protocols will take effect on Friday, Dec. 3, and will be re-evaluated based on the latest COVID-19 data on Jan. 15.

By then our rulers will have declared martial law due to the Pi variant.

On tips from Wiggins, Occam’s Stubble, and Anonymous.

Jul 15 2021

Facebook Is Banning the Criticism of Ideas

Democrats cannot explicitly ban criticism of ideas, because they don’t have the leverage yet to abolish the Constitution. So they outsource censorship to Big Tech. In strict technical terms, Facebook is not a branch of the government that it helped install in power, so it isn’t unconstitutional for Zuckerberg’s minions to censor criticism of ideas the government does not want people questioning.

Previously, speech could only be suppressed if it was likely to result in imminent physical harm. Thanks to a policy update, words only have to be deemed by the leftists at Fakebook to be “likely to contribute to imminent … discrimination” against preferred identity groups. That is, anything seen as a challenge to moonbat ideology can be banned, on the grounds that all speech liberals don’t like is “hate speech.”

Liz Wheeler explains how this policy might be used to suppress speech deemed critical of communist China, the Palestinian Authority, the radical LGBT agenda, feminism, et cetera:

Needless to say, the policy will be used to repress pushback against critical race theory, the primary wrecking ball progressives have been using to demolish America.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

May 02 2021

Early Release for up to 76,000 California Inmates

Meanwhile, as our liberal rulers wage a relentless propaganda war against local police, tie their hands, cut their funding, and reduce their numbers, we read this from California, the model for single-party Democrat rule:

California is giving 76,000 inmates, including violent and repeat felons, the opportunity to leave prison earlier as the state aims to further trim the population of what once was the nation’s largest state correctional system.

At least 20,000 of these felons had been given life sentences.

By making them “emergency regulations” the agency could impose the new rules without public comment.

Everything is an emergency now. That way, our rulers get less pushback from those they rule.

Overcrowding is usually offered as an excuse for unleashing criminals on the public…

Meantime, officials announced in mid-April that they will close a second prison as a result of the dwindling [prison] population… California Correctional Center in Susanville will close by July 2022. Officials announced last fall that Deuel Vocational Institution in Tracy, east of San Francisco, will close by this October.

At this point, it would be hard to deny that Democrats want there to be more violent crime. The only question is why. An attack on gun rights is at least part of the answer.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair and R F.

Feb 21 2021

Biden and Iran

Biden’s ChiCom benefactors aren’t the only ones delighted to see him in the White House. The USA’s other worst enemy must relish this fresh opportunity to put its slogan “Death to America” into practice. Liz Wheeler explains what Biden’s handlers taking power means in terms of the threat from Iran:

You would think that a willingness to take America’s side against its enemies would be a basic requirement to serve as president. But that went out the window with Obama.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Feb 03 2021

How the Left Tricks Americans Into Accepting Socialism

Whether the weather is somehow a problem is debatable, but no sane person believes that deliberately crippling the American economy will have a perceptible effect on the global climate. So what is the purpose of decades of relentless global warming propaganda? As Liz Wheeler explains, socialism is the purpose:

In turn, the purpose of socialism is power.

On tips from KirklesWorth and ABC of the ANC.

Jan 31 2021

Liberal Nihilism Explained

Gregory McKelvey is an avowed communist who served as campaign manager to Sarah Iannarone, the Antifa candidate for Mayor of Portland. In explaining the sociopathic behavior of Antifa mobs, he offers some insight into the nihilism that is surpassing even superciliousness as the primary distinguishing characteristic of liberals.

McKelvey, via Willamette Week:

For generations like mine and the one after, we have been told our entire lives that the world is about to end if nothing is done immediately, and that all of the evils of our world—climate chaos, racism, the ills of capitalism, and more—are all inexplicably linked. In my mind, and the minds of protesters, these things are objectively true.

If we are going understand the endless pointless rioting,

we must put ourselves in the minds of someone who probably rightfully believes the world is ending or, at a minimum, is on the brink of being unrecognizable with incredible amounts of death, pain and climate chaos. …

It’s amazing to me that liberal Democrats really do believe that we are on the brink of something like Armageddon and then are shocked that some people behave like it.

The Democrat Party’s ideology is not meant to be taken literally. It is a tool to maintain the hegemony of the liberal establishment. How else do you explain American corporations donating $billions to the explicitly Marxist Black Lives Matter movement?

Our rulers are playing with dynamite, because some people will take their phony ideology at face value. The gullible and the hopelessly brainwashed who have never ventured outside the bubble of liberal propaganda will literally believe that freedom is racist and therefore evil, that capitalism makes people poor rather than wealthy, and that the entire planet will die if we don’t let the government radically reduce our standard of living.

This ideology is a virus vastly more dangerous than COVID-19.

The primary symptom is nihilism, which destroys respect for everything we need to believe in to prevent civilization from sliding into decline. This nihilism explains the appalling decay of American culture showcased by the entertainment industry, and the willingness of millions to support the corruption and autocracy personified by Joe Biden.

On a tip from TCS III. Hat tip: Hot Air.

Jan 09 2021

Detention Camps Coming to New York?

The Trump Show is almost over now. Coming next: hardcore tyranny. New York State, where Democrats have already achieved the total control that they will soon have in Washington, offers a preview with Assembly Bill A416, which lays the legal framework for establishing detention camps in the name of COVID-19 hysteria.

Liz Wheeler provides alarming details:

In related news, the 117th Congress has already begun to crack down on gun rights, including mandatory registration, the prelude to confiscation.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Lyle.

Jan 08 2021

Biden, Harris, Media: Capitol Riot Proves Police Are Racists

Our liberal ruling class manages to be wrong about everything, even the appalling attack on the Capitol. According to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the liberal media that got them elected, the incident proves that America is systemically racist.

From the New York Post:

Biden and Harris said Thursday police would have been more aggressive in quelling Wednesday’s unrest had it been a Black Lives Matter protest instead of supporters of President Trump.

The disconnect from reality is jaw-dropping. Black Lives Matter inflicted literally hundreds of riots on this country over the past year. They were able to do this because barely a finger was lifted to stop them. Local Democrat authorities held back the police and even defunded them.

Biden went so far as to call it “totally unacceptable” that DC cops used kid gloves, allowing the rioters to breach the Capitol.

The Capitol Police used tear gas, pepper balls, pepper spray, and flashbangs. Oh, and they shot an unarmed woman to death. But they would have killed her twice as dead if she had been black.

How many people would have to be shot to satisfy Biden/Harris?

It is worth noting that Kamala Harris has praised rioters as the “heroes of our time,” called for more riots, and raised funds to bail out rioters so that they could resume their mayhem.

Croaks Biden,

“No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesting [Wednesday], they wouldn’t have been treated very, very differently than the mob of thugs that stormed the Capitol.”

This bizarre attempt to spin the Capitol riot as a racial issue despite it having nothing whatsoever to do with race indicates that ending divisiveness will not be a priority of the incoming administration.

Harris and Biden are not alone in pushing this grotesque and destructive viewpoint. As usual, the liberal establishment media is singing from the same upside-down hymnal. Bark the propagandists at NBC News:

As Americans watched Wednesday, an angry mob of mostly white people stormed the U.S. Capitol, seeming to overwhelm Capitol Police, who struggled to contain the violence. Officers yielded to the mob in some cases and allowed crowds of supporters of President Donald Trump into the halls of Congress as its members were affirming that President-elect Joe Biden had won the November election.

Many people saw in the images and videos that poured out of the Capitol more than a disturbing breach of security by people who believe Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud. They said they saw white privilege and double standards and questioned whether the police response would have been the same had the rioters been Black or brown people or their allies. …

Wednesday’s riot at the Capitol was an unfriendly reminder of the country’s racial double standards.

Ashli Babbitt could not be reached for comment.

Jan 07 2021

Taking Pelosi’s Ban on the Word “Mother” Seriously

It is tempting to break into guffaws at the sheer moonbattery of the previously mentioned House rules banning gender-specific language, including the word “mother.” But as with all moonbattery, it is part of an overall campaign to gnaw away at society’s foundations. Liz Wheeler gives three reasons progressive want to erase gender, aside from the obvious Cultural Marxist pandering to LGBTQ militants:

1. They want to erode parental rights.

2. They want to destroy the family.

3. They want to eradicate the concept of objective truth.

All reference to gender must be banned because it is nonexclusive, yet the concept of merit must be replaced by race and gender. Moonbats are able to hold both of these views simultaneously thanks to what George Orwell called doublethink.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jan 05 2021

MSM’s Biggest Lies of 2020

The liberal establishment media engaged in massive deception throughout 2020, shedding any semblance of objectivity to drag its favored corruptocrat Joe Biden over the finish line. Liz Wheeler attempts to narrow the MSM’s blizzard of lies down to the six most pernicious:

1. Iran would go to war with us because Trump killed master terrorist Qasem Soleimani.

2. Bubba Wallace was the victim of a racist hate crime.

3. Trump is guilty of quid pro quo with Ukraine.

4. Black Lives Matter/Antifa riots are peaceful.

5. COVID-19 has a 3.6% case fatality rate.

6. There was nothing to see on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Each one has depleted the MSM’s dwindling reserves of credibility.

She should have added #7: the easily disprovable claim that there has been no evidence of election fraud.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Dec 29 2020

Leftists Provide Evidence of Vaccine Safety

This might help alleviate doubts about the safety of a ChiCom virus vaccine. As Liz Wheeler reports, some leftists want conservatives and whites at the back of the line to get it:

With this, the prosecution could rest its case against letting politically driven bureaucrats control the healthcare system.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Dec 26 2020

COVID-19 Revelations the MSM Won’t Report

Liz Wheeler summarizes four COVID-19 revelations you are unlikely to learn about from mainstream media propagandists:

1. Studies find that the chances of transmitting COVID-19 if you are asymptomatic are 25× less than if you are symptomatic.

2. Gyms do not seem to be as dangerous as we have been led to believe.

3. Wearing a used mask could be worse than no mask at all.

4. Contract tracing data from New York State indicates that 74% of transmissions of the virus occur in private residences, whereas restaurants and bars are responsible for only 1.4% of infections. Nonetheless, the crackdown on restaurants and bars becomes ever more draconian.

Watch fast before this gets censored:

On tips from KirklesWorth and Lyle.

Dec 22 2020

San Francisco Bans Kissing on Dates

This might help wash that last post out of readers’ eyes. Liz Wheeler notes that it is now forbidden to kiss your date in the moonbat dystopia San Francisco (where anal sex with strangers has been encouraged since coronavirus hit). She asks, how many would have tolerated this insane level of arbitrary tyranny a year ago?

Sharia law is libertarian compared to COVID-19 restrictions in jurisdictions run by liberals. Imagine the oppression they will inflict if the ChiComs manage to cook up a virus that is a more serious risk to the general population.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.


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