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Category: Biden

Jul 28 2022

Good Economic News From Biden Administration

It’s official. Despite the opportunity to return to the booming economy we had before the Covid overreaction, and despite clownish attempts to redefine the word out of existence, the US economy is now in recession:

Cheer up; the regime that caused this with its war on energy and massive wasteful spending that set off inflation has good news: even after a year and a half of Joe Biden, America still isn’t as bad off as some countries.

White House economic adviser Brian Deese said Tuesday that while U.S. inflation is hurting Americans in their wallets, at least they’re not facing famine like some other countries.

Deese is the apparatchik who says we need to pay exorbitant prices for gasoline on behalf of the “Liberal World Order.”

Honks Deese:

“[W]ith respect to food, we’re a net exporter of agricultural commodities. And obviously, the high prices are hitting Americans very hard, but in a way that is different from some places that are facing famine, for example.”

Now for the bad news: the Biden Regime has turned the hyperregulatory attention that crippled the energy industry against agriculture, as have other Democrats. No aspect of the American economy is so strong that liberals cannot destroy it with their trademark blend of kookiness, incompetence, authoritarianism, and sheer malice.

A year from now, Deese will crow that even if our money is worthless and there is no food, at least we still have Our Democracy.

On tips from jas_1985 and Anonymous.

Jul 27 2022

Biden Stops Blinking

Maybe we don’t have to worry about President Harris after all. Maybe the decrepit Joe Biden is already dead, and his handlers have found some way to reanimate his corpse and make it bark inanely about a mythical “insurrection.” The thing we are supposed to regard as POTUS looks sort of lifelike — except they forgot that living people blink.

From an official Big Government blue check account:

Creepy Joe just keeps getting creepier.

I wonder how they cover the smell of decomposition.

Hat tip: Not the Bee.

Jul 26 2022

Biden Regime Goes After Poultry Industry

To learn the future of America, study the history of the USSR, because Democrats are reenacting it. Vladimir Lenin’s call to grind the middle class out of existence between the millstones of taxation and inflation was a preview of modern Democrat economic policy. Stalin’s use of starvation to subjugate the population presaged what may come next as Democrats begin to choke off the food supply as they have already done to oil.

It doesn’t stop with Gavin Newsom using the liberal war on freelancers to cripple the trucking industry, which we rely on to deliver food. The Biden Regime has begun to target food producers:

The Justice Department filed a lawsuit Monday against some of the largest poultry producers in the U.S. along with a proposed settlement seeking to end what it claims have been longstanding deceptive and abusive practices for workers.

The suit, filed in federal court in Maryland, names Cargill, Sanderson Farms and Wayne Farms…

It also comes as the department continues a broader investigation into labor abuses in the poultry industry.

That’s why they want to forbid freelance work nationwide. The workers are oppressed, and Democrats want to liberate them by ending their employment.

The defendants and unnamed co-conspirators in the lawsuit account for hiring about 90% of all chicken processing jobs in the nation.

What do you need chicken for? Eating bugs is better for the climate, according to liberal doctrine.

The suit against the companies was filed with a proposed consent decree — a settlement that would require the companies to pay $84.8 million in restitution for workers…

Looting in the name of the proletariat will not stop food prices from continuing to rise.

The settlement would also put in place a federal monitor selected by the Justice Department who would ensure compliance for the next decade. The consent decree also would permit Justice Department lawyers and investigators to inspect the poultry processors’ facilities and interview their employees to ensure they are complying with the terms, according to court documents.

The people who handled the withdrawal from Afghanistan are now going to micromanage the poultry industry.

This will not end well, unless it ends with Democrats being removed from power quickly and decisively.

On tips from Bluto and Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 18 2022

6 Million Barrels From Strategic Reserve to ChiComs

Given what we have in the White House, 18 US Code § 2381 makes for interesting reading:

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

If selling 950,000 barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to our most formidable enemy as prices remain in the stratosphere and the ChiComs prepare to invade our ally Taiwan constitutes treason, what do you call doing the same with 6 million barrels?

The Daily Caller reports:

The Biden administration sold nearly six million barrels of oil from its Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) since July 2021 to a Chinese state-run energy firm, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation review of Department of Energy (DOE) data.

To add insult to injury,

Each barrel was sold on average for roughly $63, or over eight dollars less than the average price of oil per barrel that month.

The ChiComs really are getting their money’s worth out of the asset known as the Big Guy.

Meanwhile, the Biden Administration keeps a boot on the neck of the US energy industry to repress domestic production.

For commentary on the Biden Administration, we turn to Cicero:

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. - Marcus Tullius Cicero

Jul 16 2022

Creepy Joe Gets Even Creepier

Just when you though Biden could not get any creepier

…he somehow manages to add another layer:

Biden’s history of brain incidents may help explain why his dementia is so advanced.

On tips from Chris Neilson and Wiggins.

Jul 15 2022

The Ultimate Degradation of America

Assistant Secretary for Health Richard “Rachel” Levine and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition Sam Brinton may look like hideous women, but they are actually men who get twisted gratification from wearing women’s clothes in public. Under rule by Democrats, they are the face the USA presents to the world:

It is hard to see how America ever lives down the Biden Administration without a French Revolution level of revolt against our entire degenerate ruling class.

On tips from Wiggins and Anonymous.

Jul 15 2022

There’s Something Wrong With Joe

If he weren’t such a nasty piece of work, you would have to feel sorry for him. Sometimes bad things happen to bad people — including senility. Joe Biden’s case of dementia is clearly visible from around the world:

The fits of irrational anger are especially alarming in someone with Biden’s power and limited cognitive capacity.

Awful as having this shambling joke for a president makes America look, the liberal establishment may have had good reason to choose Biden as its figurehead. The ideology he was picked to personify is incoherent, dysfunctional, and a remnant of a past age that should have ended with the fall of the Soviet Union.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jul 14 2022

Joe Biden on the “Honor of the Holocaust”

At least he caught himself on this one. But it is still a monster gaffe even by Biden standards, considering that he was in Israel at the time. Watch the figurehead of the liberal establishment drone about “the truth and honor of the Holocaust”:

A minimal level of public speaking competence is required for someone representing a nation. Despite quacking into microphones for half a century, Joe Biden falls short.

On tips from Chris Neilson and Wiggins.

Jul 10 2022

Biden Mangles Oppressed Pregnant 10-Year-Old Tale

Radical abortion advocate Joe Biden will say anything to advance the killing of unborn children — to the best of his limited ability to speak. Here he wails sanctimoniously about a pregnant 10-year-old girl who was forced to cross state lines to “terminate the presidency”:

The story he is trying to tell is probably fictional, concocted by his fellow abortion advocate Caitlin Bernard, who refuses to provide any details. The liberal media was so eager to believe her that it printed the story anyway:

Bernard, an Indianapolis obstetrician-gynecologist, claimed a child abuse doctor referred to her a 10-year-old patient who was pregnant and seeking an abortion a few days past Ohio’s six week limit. The story was originally published in the Cincinnati Enquirer then quickly picked up by national outlets including Politico, The Washington Post, CNN, Teen Vogue, The Hill and numerous other outlets…

Where did the 10-year-old come from? Who was her doctor? Who made her pregnant? Were charges filed? Bernard refuses to say, presumably lest less gullible news sources prove her story to be a fabrication. She won’t even talk to her fellow moonbats at Snopes.

Bernard has worked with the media actively in the past and advocated against legal abortion limits previously in Politico, The Republic, PBS, 13WTHR and WRTV Indianapolis. The June 29 Politico article, which ran two days after Bernard claims to have received the call about a pregnant 10-year-old, makes no mention of the event.

Then again, if her improbable story isn’t true, why does Biden stumblingly attempt repeat it, placing upon it the imprimatur of his administration? Could it really be that the White House under Democrat control has no credibility?

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 09 2022

White House Gaslights to Cover Biden’s Senility

Joe Biden is so senile that when he reads off a teleprompter, he reads out loud instructions like “repeat the line.”

Daily Caller quotes the treasonous halfwit corruptocrat the liberal establishment chose as its figurehead:

“One of the most important extraordinary parts of the decision [overturning Roe v. Wade], in my view, is the majority writes, and I quote — I’m going to quote now from the majority — ‘Women are not without electoral or political power, it is noteworthy that the percentage of women who register to vote and cast a ballot is consistently higher than the percentage of the men who do so,’ end of quote, repeat the line.”

But wait — according to White House Assistant Press Secretary Emelie Simons, he was not reading the instructions aloud; Biden actually said, “Let me repeat the line.”

Unfortunately for the arrogant gaslighting liars who rule over us, we have it on video:

Who are you going to believe, Emelie Simons or your lying ears?

If you opt for believing your ears, you can rule out believing anything else these people tell you.

The White House transcript has been falsified to reflect what they want us to think he said, rather than what he said:

“White House transcript of Biden remarks is now incorrectly aligned with what this WH assistant press secretary falsely claimed on Twitter, despite the video showing Biden clearly stating ‘End of quote. Repeat the line.’ & *not* ‘Let me repeat the line,'” tweeted the Washington Examiner’s Jerry Dunleavy.

We are living in 1984. Biden said “Let me repeat the line” in the same sense that Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

On tips from Blackjack and Varla.

Jul 08 2022

Biden’s Response to Abe Is New Milestone in Stupidity

Joe Biden’s response to the assassination of Shinzo Abe is “perhaps the stupidest thing he has ever said,” according to Ben Shapiro. Given that Biden has spent half a century publicly coughing up the most moronic moonbattery imaginable, that is a remarkable claim. Yet Shapiro is on the mark.

Abe was killed with a homemade gun in a country with gun laws comparable to North Korea’s, proving that firearms cannot be uninvented, and that gun laws do not stop criminals. Yet Biden’s Pavlovian response was the same as to every act of violence involving a gun — to shamelessly exploit the incident as an opportunity to attack our right of self-defense.

At first there was no response from the White House, either due to incompetence or because Abe was disliked by Democrats for being patriotic; their media denounced him today as a “polarizing right-wing nationalist.” After the rest of the world had responded to Abe’s death, including Donald Trump and Mike Pence, the Biden Regime issued a short official statement, which includes this:

While there are many details that we do not yet know, we know that violent attacks are never acceptable and that gun violence always leaves a deep scar on the communities that are affected by it.

Biden doesn’t know what happened, but he does know that it’s the fault of people having guns.

Although Biden is responsible for the statement, he obviously did not write it himself, because the phrase “Not a joke” does not appear in it. This confirms that his handlers are monomaniacal fools who cannot stop obsessing on their opposition to the US Constitution long enough to show a little decorum.

On tips from Varla, Mr Freemarket, Blackjack, and Angel.

Jul 08 2022

Selling Our Strategic Oil Reserves to ChiComs Is Treason

Nothing provokes like weakness. While our military “leaders” focus on promoting the LGBT agenda, communist China has exploited our self-inflicted frailty. A move on Taiwan could be imminent, possibly triggering a war between the USA and China. At a time like this, depleting our emergency petroleum reserves while aggressively repressing new oil production is borderline treasonous. Letting China have the oil clearly crosses that border:

Biden’s Energy Department in April announced the sale of 950,000 Strategic Petroleum Reserve barrels to Unipec, the trading arm of the China Petrochemical Corporation. That company, which is commonly known as Sinopec, is wholly owned by the Chinese government.

Unipec has also been buying up Russian oil. If war breaks out soon, the ChiComs won’t be caught short on energy.

No worries; American troops will be equipped with electric vehicles, which should prove highly effective in combat as soon as the moonbats in charge come up with long enough extension cords.

Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, is tied to Sinopec. In 2015, a private equity firm he cofounded bought a $1.7 billion stake in Sinopec Marketing.

Corruption, arrogance, and stupidity. Take all three to the last extreme and you have Joe “Not a Joke” Biden, the guy the liberal establishment saw fit to put in charge.

Biden campaigned heavily against the oil and gas industry in 2020, promising to “end fossil fuel.” He went on to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline and implement a moratorium on new gas leases on federal land during his first month in office.

He continues to wage relentless war on the American energy sector, driving gas prices and consequently inflation in general into the stratosphere.

Now we find out he is selling our strategic reserves to our worst enemy.

Biden is a catastrophic failure as president, but at least the Big Guy is giving his ChiCom paymasters their money’s worth.

His impeachment must be followed immediately by trial for treason, followed in turn by the suitable punishment.

On tips from Chuck A, Wiggins, Anonymous, and Bluto.

Jul 05 2022

Presidential Medal of Freedom Becomes a Dishonor

Honors mean less than nothing when they are bestowed by the dishonorable. Who would want a Pulitzer Prize in light of Walter Duranty receiving one for telling lies in the New York Times to facilitate Stalin’s genocide? The Presidential Medal of Freedom was once the highest honor an American civilian could receive. With Biden in power, it looks about as impressive on your record as a felony conviction.

The obnoxiously homosexual Megan Rapinoe plays a game no one watches. She managed to become famous by indulging in a theatrical display of disrespect when the American national anthem is played, and bullying her teammates to do the same. This so endeared her to her fellow moonbats in the corporate world that Subway made her the face of the franchise — with predictable consequences that had franchisees howling. Victoria’s Secret tried using the painfully homely woman as a model. Obscenely, Biden has bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom upon her, reducing it to mockery, just as he has done with the presidency:

“Megan Rapinoe is an Olympic gold medalist and two-time Women’s World Cup champion,” the White House states. “She also captains OL Reign in the National Women’s Soccer League. She is a prominent advocate for gender pay equality, racial justice, and LGBTQI+ rights.”

This advocacy of moonbattery has included sneering at the unimportance of girls’ sports that have been destroyed by interloping transsexuals:

[Rapinoe] told Time magazine she is “100% supportive” of “trans inclusion” in girls sports, dismissing concerns about fairness while emphasizing that people “need to understand that sports is not the most important thing in life.”

What is the most important thing in life? Ramming moonbattery down our throats. That’s how she became famous and got her medal.

Scoffs Rapinoe,

“I’m sorry, your kid’s high school volleyball team just isn’t that important.”

Denouncing the USA while pushing the LGBT agenda isn’t the only way to win a Presidential Medal of Freedom. You can also get one by quitting on your teammates because you have mental problems. As noted earlier,

When Olympic gymnast Simone Biles quit on her team and her country because dealing with the stress of competition wasn’t “fun,” instead of shaking their heads in sadness, liberal opinion-shapers praised her for it.

That praise has now been escalated to a Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Liberalism is the inversion of moral values. Since quitting is contemptible, liberals reward it. If Biles had behaved nobly, she would not have received the medal.

It would be better for a pigeon flying overhead to bestow you with a medal than to get one from a Democrat president.

On a tip from Franco.

Jul 04 2022


The Fourth of July is all about pushing back against tyrants. In that spirit, FJB. Or to be more explicit,

At least we don’t have to worry about how awful it will be when the liberal establishment imposes President Kamala or President AOC. Not even they could be any worse than Biden. No one could.

Actually though, it is not true that nobody likes Joe Biden. Due to his energy policy and Marxist rhetoric, his ChiCom paymasters love him:

On tips from Anonymous and the War Planner.


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