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Category: Global Warming Hoax

Feb 09 2024

Mark Steyn Forced to Pay $1 Million for Disputing Hoax

The liberal lawfare strategy may put an end to free speech. Leftist apparatchik Michael Mann — best known for his involvement in fabricating Al Gore’s false hockey stick graph and in the ClimateGate scandal — sued Rand Simberg and Mark Steyn for publicly observing that he is a fraud. Yesterday, a jury in the District of Corruption commanded Steyn to pay $1 in compensatory damages for the suffering Mann allegedly endured — and $1 million in punitive damages, essentially for committing heresy against left-wing climate doctrine.

Usually the process is the punishment. The esteemed countermoonbat Steyn was dragged through the courts for 12 years as punishment for criticizing the liberal establishmentarian Mann. But that was insufficient to silence debunkers of the global warming hoax, so now a $1 million fine has been added.

According to the sort of jury you might expect in DC, this is worth $1 million:

The case involved blog posts that Simberg and Steyn made over a decade ago criticizing Mann’s science and his “hockey stick” graph, which shows global temperature spiking over the last century or so. In his post on CEI’s website, Simberg accused Mann of molesting and torturing his data, and made a crude analogy between Penn State University’s investigation of Mann and its investigation of Jerry Sandusky, the school’s former football coach convicted of child molestation.

In his post on the Corner section of National Review‘s website, Steyn distanced himself from the Sandusky analogy, but added that “he has a point.” He wrote that “Mann was the man behind the fraudulent climate-change ‘hockey-stick’ graph, the very ringmaster of the tree-ring circus,” a reference to climate data obtained through the analysis of tree rings.

Displaying the mind-numbing hypocrisy that characterizes moonbats, the malicious, spiteful, vengeful, and obviously left-wing jury proclaimed that this constituted “maliciousness, spite, ill will, vengeance, or deliberate intent” to harm Mann.

Freed from the restraints that self-respect imposes on nonliberals, Mann employed crybully tactics, whimpering that Steyn’s criticism affected him emotionally and that someone gave him a “mean look that expressed revulsion” at a supermarket, which he somehow linked to Steyn.

Lest anyone doubt that the point of this was to silence political speech,

The verdict comes after Mann’s lawyer, John Williams, was admonished by the court for telling the jury during closing arguments that they could award Mann punitive damages to not only “punish” Steyn and Simberg, but to “serve as an example to prevent others from acting in the same [manner].”

“These attacks on climate science have to stop, and now you have the opportunity,” Williams said, receiving objections from both Steyn and Simberg’s attorney.

“Climate science” is Liberalese for the hoax Mann doctored data to prop up.

The Supreme Court will presumably overrule this ham-fisted attack on the First Amendment. But if Democrats remain in power long enough to appoint more Sonia Sotomayor types, the court will no longer serve as a brake on leftist tyranny.

For the conspicuously odious Michael Mann, the suit was personal:

In a 2012 email, Mann wrote that he hoped to use the lawsuit to “ruin” Steyn, whom he referred to as a “pathetic excuse for a human being.” Mann also wrote in private exchanges that there was “a possibility that I can ruin National Review,” which he referred to as “this filthy organization,” a “threat to our children,” and beholden to “greedy fat cat corporate masters.”

National Review — a platform for speech Mann wants silenced — was originally targeted too but ended up getting dropped from the suit.

Look at the bright side. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) wants people thrown in prison for disputing global warming doctrine. At least we aren’t there yet — though we probably will be soon if Democrats prevail in November.

On a tip from Varla.

Jan 29 2024

Moonbats Come After Mona Lisa

Western Civilization is the pinnacle of human achievement. The goal of leftist politics is to erase it. No treasure of our heritage is too sacred for them to deface — not even Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa:

Two climate activists hurled soup Sunday at the glass protecting the Mona Lisa at the Louvre Museum in Paris and shouted slogans advocating for a sustainable food system.

They mean “sustainable” in the Orwellian sense — i.e., a euphemism for its diametric opposite. Specifically, if moonbats like sinister WHO communist Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus apply the word to agriculture, they mean “incapable of producing enough food to sustain the current population.”

The vandals wore t-shirts declaring their allegiance to Riposte Alimentaire. France 24 reports:

The Riposte Alimentaire (Food Retaliation) group describes itself as a collective dedicated to advocating for action on climate change and sustainable agriculture. On its website, the group said the French government is breaking its climate commitments and called for the equivalent of France’s state-sponsored healthcare system to be put in place to give people better access to food while providing farmers a decent income.

Within living memory, leftist attempts to apply Big Government to agriculture resulted in the death by starvation of tens of millions in China and the USSR.

“Climate commitments” are never compatible with food production or anything else that is beneficial to the human race.

Other iconic works of art that climate kooks have attempted to destroy include Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh and Girl With a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer.

Just as we need a clerk to unlock the cabinet at the drug store to buy a stick of deodorant because otherwise the Democrat base will shoplift everything on the shelf, soon all significant artwork will have to be viewed through reflections on protective encasements lest moonbats sacrifice the art to their depraved ideology.

At least the art can still be defended for now. Who will protect these irreplaceable treasures when the maniacs who want them destroyed consolidate control of the government? There is nothing of value that leftists will not demolish out of sheer malice.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jan 24 2024

World Health Organization Comes After Agriculture

While some globalist moonbats target nonessentials like coffee, others cut to the chase. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, an actual communist and head of the UN’s World Health Organization, declares that our “food systems” offend the climate:

Remember how the World Health Organization handled Covid? Imagine these people taking control of agriculture on a worldwide basis to ensure that it complies with their ideology.

Lefty icon Mao Zedong killed tens of millions of his own people by starvation. The kooks comprising the United Nations would starve billions.

Literally all human activity creates the harmless carbon emissions that are regarded as unclean in the moonbat religion. That’s why CO2 is bad, not because anyone really believes it makes the weather be a problem.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jan 24 2024

Globalist Moonbats Come After Coffee

At what point will the worm turn against our globalist moonbat ruling class? When they take away our cars? When they take away our beer? Maybe when they take away our coffee.

Swiss banker and World Economic Forum “agenda contributor” Hubert Keller explains why coffee offends the weather gods:

Whatever you value, moonbats will declare it racist or offensive to the climate and take it away from you. Wokeism is a zero tolerance ideology, and what it has zero tolerance for is you.

If we can’t bulldoze the United Nations building into the East River, can we at least put an end to US taxpayer funding of the insane and malevolent World Economic Forum?

On tips from seaoh and ABC of the ANC.

Jan 24 2024

Global Warming Hoax Is Big Money

Those who are not cognitively challenged or pathologically gullible may find it hard to take leftist climate ideology seriously. However, the money involved is plenty serious.

Al Gore has milked the global warming hoax for a fortune:

His wild prediction at Davos that Earth faces ‘rain bombs’ and ‘boiling oceans’ is just his latest in decades of climate alarmism.

At the same time, the former VP has been at the forefront of green technology investment that has seen his wealth balloon to an estimated $330 million.

Four years after losing to George W Bush in 2000, Gore set up Generation Investment Management with former Goldman Sachs Managing Director and close friend David W. Blood.

The mission statement of the investment firm, where Gore collects $2 million in a monthly salary, is to back companies that are making strides towards going green. The firm is worth around $36 billion.

The Goracle’s take is chump change compared to what the left-wing globalist ruling class expects us to pay to indulge their self-serving doctrine that the weather is somehow a problem and they can control it:

As Daily Signal reported last summer,

Lawmakers grilled climate czar John Kerry on Capitol Hill…

Rep. Scott Perry, R-Pa., said that through much of earth’s history there was more carbon in the atmosphere than today and questioned Kerry’s statements about the exact amount of carbon that’s appropriate.

“In December of 2022 you told The Washington Post we need to remove 1.6 trillion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere via direct air capture, the direct cost for that is about $1,000 per ton or $1.6 quadrillion,” Perry said. …

Kerry said he disagreed with the characterization of the issue and asked Perry why so many other countries would sign on to the reduction of carbon emissions.

“Because they are grifting like you are,” Perry said.

The global warming hoax may constitute the biggest grift in the history of the world. Under liberal rule, increasingly massive amounts of wealth created by Americans will be redistributed to other countries in the name of climate reparations.

But don’t worry about the expense. If taxes don’t cover it, Democrats can just print the money.

On tips from R F and WDS 2.0.

Jan 14 2024

Doomsday Clock Climate Kookiness

As we lurch toward World War III under incompetent leadership, we could use a little comic relief to lighten the mood:

It’s almost that time again: Time for the annual update of the Doomsday Clock, the symbol of how close the world is to civilization-ending catastrophe. …

USA TODAY asked Rachel Bronson, president and CEO of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, about the factors that will affect the clock’s timing this year: “Climate change and nuclear risk continue to play very large factors in setting the timing of the Doomsday Clock,” she said, “as the effects of the climate crisis become more felt and the threats of nuclear escalation in Ukraine and nuclear arms racing globally continue to loom large.”

The world’s #1 nuclear power is getting boxed into a corner and potentially destabilized over a regional conflict that has nothing to do with us. The maniacs ruling Iran, who have been at war with the USA since 1979, continue to develop the capacity to vaporize our cities. But nuclear Armageddon must not be such a big deal as we thought, or it would be mentioned before the possibility that the climate will continue to fluctuate like it always has.

Or maybe it’s only because serving as a government shill on the global warming hoax results in lucrative grants that the weather not being exactly the same from one year to the next looms larger than any mushroom clouds.

Further stoking the guffaws, we are told we should take the Doomsday Clock seriously because of “its science-based stance.”

On a tip from Lyle.

Jan 12 2024

Media Predicts the End of Snow Again

To justify engineering the coming energy crisis, Democrats present dogma that cannot pass the laugh test. Check out this actual January 8, 2024 headline from Bloomberg:

Don’t Be Fooled, Snow Is Becoming a Thing of the Past

Tell that to anyone living in the Midwest, which has been getting hammered by way too much snow as well as hoax-defying “dangerously cold” temperatures.

Ten years ago, a New York Times headline shrieked,

The End of Snow?

By now we have a definitive answer: no.

Yet our moonbat rulers continue to double down on the hysteria, distracting the gullible from their systematic destruction of the country by convincing them that energy will make the pretty snow melt away. Dates are altered on their predictions of doom as dictated by circumstance.

David Blackmon touches base with reality:

For the record, the amount of snowfall in any discreet regional area has always ebbed and flowed as the climate and temperatures and amount precipitating moisture in the air around us have always fluctuated.

The same goes for all aspects of the climate. If the media can make us forget this and panic over every minor fluctuation, we are a herd of cattle and deserve the fate that awaits us at the stockyards leftists are driving us toward.

On a tip from R F.

Jan 09 2024

Open Thread

I am supposed to worry about oceans rising 70 years from now, on climate models that have already proven to be utterly flawed? - Dennis Prager

Dec 26 2023

Glaciers Give the Lie to Global Warming Narrative

According to the Gospel of the Global Warming Hoax, 1850–1910 was the coldest period of the past millennium. Yet glaciers were retreating rapidly. Now that the planet allegedly has a fever, the retreat has slowed dramatically and even reversed:

Our moonbat rulers canceled the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age for failing to comply with climate ideology. But preventing glaciers from growing is more difficult than doctoring the historical record to support climate con man Michael Mann’s spurious hockey stick graph.

Nonetheless, prophet of doom Al Gore shouts that “we could lose our capacity for self-governance” if we don’t surrender still more freedom to Big Government so that it can fix the supposedly broken weather.

On tips from Lyle and Wiggins.

Dec 21 2023

German Climate Kooks Defile Christmas Trees

The Muslim colonists who torch and behead nativity scenes aren’t the only ones in Germany lacking the Christmas spirit. There are also the climate kooks:

German climate protesters defiled Christmas trees in seven different cities [last] Wednesday, spraying them orange in the name of climate activism.

Thou shalt have no gods before the global warming hoax, shriek the deranged moonbats:

“Amidst the flashing lights, shiny jewelry and festive atmosphere, it’s easy to forget: We’re racing full speed towards catastrophe and our governments are failing miserably to pull the emergency brake in Dubai,” a woman proclaimed in German in a video.

The reference is to COP28, to which globalists flew in private jets from every corner of the world to discuss how to impose authoritarianism and radically reduce our standard of living in the name of the supposedly imperiled climate.

The level of malice and psychosis presented by the climate cult is alarming. The scariest part is that a likeminded kook was in Dubai representing the US government.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Dec 16 2023

Let Them Drink Sewage

Despite the arid climate, a fair amount of rain falls in California. Almost all of it flows out to sea, wasted. It could be captured in reservoirs, so that people could drink it. Unfortunately, the moonbats in charge bark that this inconveniences minnows.

No worries; progressives always have solutions for the problems they cause. Californians can just drink sewage:

The California State Water Resources Control Board is tentatively planning a vote next week to approve a landmark water regulation that would turn sewage into drinking water across California.

Here’s why Californians might have to drink sewage:

The project is an effort to tackle climate change and the problem of water droughts.

There have always been droughts in California. That’s why they used to build reservoirs. As for climate change, that is an issue only in the imagination of moonbats.

Given California’s long coastline, large-scale desalinization would be an option — except that would be offensive to plankton, according to the California Coastal Commission.

It’s okay. Other countries drink recycled sewage. Namibia, for example, and if it’s good enough for Namibia…

However, this year, it was reported that Namibia is facing a water contamination crisis and the water is “not fit for human consumption.” Many communities in the country fear outbreaks of waterborne diseases.

Expecting people to drink sewage is especially emblematic of the state’s liberal rule when you consider that California is the seat of the entertainment industry.

On a tip from Franco.

Dec 15 2023

Jail Time for Mowing Lawn

So long as we remain armed, this remains a soft tyranny, focused on eating away our liberty by micromanaging relatively trivial details of our lives. January 6 was an exception to the rule; Americans aren’t normally thrown into solitary confinement on suspicion of dissent. But that doesn’t mean you won’t face jail time for mowing your lawn.

From deep blue Washington State:

State Reps. Amy Walen and Liz Berry authored a bill to be considered in their state’s upcoming legislative session that would ban “gasoline-powered and diesel-powered landscaping and other outdoor power equipment,” a group that includes common lawn care tools like lawn mowers, weed whackers, pressure washers and snow blowers, among others. Violating the new law would be punishable “by a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for up to three hundred sixty-four days, or by both for each separate violation.”

Jail time for maintaining your yard or clearing snow off your driveway. It’s getting hard to keep a straight face while referring to this as the Land of the Free.

We are told that the climate doesn’t like lawn mowers, snowblowers, etc. Using them makes it be too warm outside, according to the gibbering lunatics we allow to rule over us.

As with cars, we are supposed to play along with the global warming hoax by using the ideologically compliant coal-powered electric version.

While the bill provides a sales tax break for new equipment, new electric lawn mowers or snow blowers can cost thousands of dollars.

No problem. The Democrat Party is an alliance between the rich and a massive underclass bred for votes through the welfare state and imported from the Third World. The former can afford the Tesla equivalent of a lawn mower. The latter isn’t known for worrying about lawn maintenance or clearing the driveway so as to get to work.

On tips from R F, Barry A, and Wiggins.

Dec 14 2023

Human Breathing Offends Climate

So-called greenhouse gases are a byproduct of literally all human activity. Consequently, evil ecclesiastics of the global warming cult suppress even agriculture. It was only a matter of time until the Experts got around to stressing that every time we breathe, we offend the climate:

Methane and nitrous oxide in the air we exhale makes up to 0.1 per cent of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, scientists say.

That’s on top of the CO2 we exhale, which is unholy in the moonbat religion but at least is absorbed by plants, which need it to live.

And that’s not even accounting for the gas we release from burps and farts, or emissions that come from our skin without us noticing.

Big Government might force us to buy offsets for burps and farts, like Canada wants to do with cows. But this may not suffice to prevent us from breathing.

No worries; our globalist moonbat overlords have a solution. Uncoincidentally, it corresponds with the TOE that explains all aspects of the liberal agenda:

On tips from Ed McAninch, KirklesWorth, and Dr. Kufi Tutite.

Dec 13 2023

Canadian Offset Credits for Burping Cows

Don’t worry about the incipient collapse of civilization into Third World squalor ruled over by totalitarian degenerates. We have bigger problems — like cows that according to leftist doctrine offend the climate by burping. The Canadian government is on the case:

Environment and Climate Change Canada … is proposing financial incentives for farmers in the form of offset credits they can sell…

As FDR taught us while prolonging the Great Depression, only through Big Government can the agriculture sector make more money by producing less food — or in this case, producing it less efficiently in obeisance to leftist ideology.

ECCC published a draft protocol Sunday to “encourage beef cattle farms to reduce enteric methane emissions by improving animal diets, management, and other strategies that support more efficient animal growth.”

How it is more efficient to drive up the price of food with special diets that prevent cattle from digesting their food normally is not explained.

Each credit represents one tonne of emission reductions, and the credits can be sold to facilities to help them meet emissions reduction requirements or to other businesses to meet their climate commitments, the government said.

If Canada starts being cold in the winter and not all that warm in the summer either, citizens will know they can thank their government for spending their money to stop animals from burping, thereby perfecting the weather.

On a tip from R F.


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