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Category: Global Warming Hoax

Apr 16 2024

German Climate Kookery Threatens Driving on Weekends

Left unchecked, leftists will erase Germany. The last Germans will see their liberties progressively choked off to nothing in the name of the green ideology that has been employed to destroy them. Soon they may be forbidden from driving on weekends to please the climate:

Germany’s transport minister has warned that driving will have to be banned at the weekends unless the country’s net zero laws are changed.

Volker Wissing’s FDP party wants the law amended so the polluting transport sector can miss carbon emissions reduction targets, as long as Germany as a whole reaches them.

But the change is opposed by the Greens, who are part of the three-way coalition with the pro-business FDP and the Social Democrats (SPD), led by Olaf Scholz, the chancellor. …

Greenhouse emissions in Europe’s biggest economy fell to the lowest level in 70 years in 2023, but the transport sector has been consistently failing to meet its climate targets.

The climate cult won’t rest until Germany produces no emissions at all — that is, until it ceases to exist.

On tips from ABC of the ANC, DCGere, and WDS 2.0.

Apr 16 2024

German Climate Kookery Threatens Steel Production

As they make obvious while shrieking about “colonialism” and “white supremacy,” leftists hate Western Civilization. They mean to diminish, degrade, and eventually eradicate it. The global warming hoax is a useful tool for this purpose. Germany’s rulers are employing their phony weather-based religion to dismantle the economy.

David Blackmon notes that ThyssenKrupp, one of the world’s largest steel producers, recently announced it will cut output by 20%. This has been attributed to “energy costs owing to climate policy objectives” and “unchecked” steel imports from Asia.

Blackmon puts this in the context of a larger strategy:

1. Use climate policy to force massively higher energy costs on the population and industry;

2. Item #1 above inevitably results in rapid de-industrialization of what once was the leading industrial economy in Europe;

3. This leads inevitably to Germany becoming a de facto vassal state of China, which can provide all the steel the deindustrialized, down-sized German economy could ever need at cut-rate prices;

4. The combination of items 1-3 above lead inexorably to the final solution, which is Malthusian depopulation of the German homeland.

Add to this the ongoing tsunami of Muslim immigration and you have a workable plan to erase Germany.

The Islamic nation that replaces it won’t be as environmentally conscientious, but that’s beside the point. The stated issue is never the issue with leftists.

On a tip from R F.

Apr 10 2024

Democrats Move to Keep Bugs in Food Hidden

To paraphrase prominent globalist Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, “You Vill Eat Ze Bugs!” Until they have the leverage to force the insects into our mouths, moonbats will feed them to us by stealth:

In Minnesota, state Senate Democrats blocked an amendment that would have required foods containing insects to be labeled.

Senator Torrey Westrom (R-Alexandria) introduced an amendment to the omnibus agriculture bill S.F. 4225:

The amendment would require food to be properly labeled if it contains either insect products or artificial “cell-cultured” food like lab-grown meat.

This amendment was voted down by Democrats on the preposterous grounds that the insect-based and lab-grown pseudofoods liberals want us to eat are not yet available.

Democrats’ willingness to lie to sneak creepy-crawlies and artificial meat into the food supply has national implications:

According to [a] report from The Buckeye Institute, the Biden administration is pushing policies that seek to eliminate the farming industry and drastically alter the American food supply.

In order to meet the WEF’s “Net Zero” targets, the Biden admin seeks to eliminate meat and dairy products from the food supply.

They are to be replaced with insects and disgusting substances fabricated in laboratories.

Under the plans, the organic agriculture industry would mostly be eliminated with the gaps in the food supply filled up with manufactured products.

That’s what farmers get for voting Republican.

Democrats won’t make meat and dairy products illegal…

However, the cost of producing these foods will be so high that they will become a luxury that only the wealthy will enjoy, much like private jet use.

The liberal elite will still get to eat proper food. We won’t though. That way, the climate will be happy.

On a tip from R F.

Apr 10 2024

Indigenous Leaders Bestow Rights on Whales

Once equity has been imposed between all identity groups, progressives will progress to the next illogical step — imposing it between all species. Everyone except Captain Ahab loves whales, making them a good place to start:

The indigenous leaders of New Zealand, Tahiti, Tonga and the Cook Islands have signed a treaty granting whales legal personhood.

Failure to submit to the decrees of indigenous leaders would be white supremacist.

“What we’re trying to achieve here is to provide whales with certain rights,” [Māori conservationist Mere] Takoko told Morning Edition. “Those rights include the right to freedom of movement, natural behavior, development, cultural expression – which includes language – to a healthy environment, healthy oceans, and indeed the restoration of their populations.”

Only Big Government can forcibly uphold animals’ fundamental right to cultural expression.

Let’s hope the right of sea creatures to healthy oceans means no more of the hideous, economically insane wind turbines that are lethal to whales.

[Mere Takoko] says the treaty lays the groundwork for legislation to be written to protect the whales, or, as the Māori call them, tohorā — the sacred ancestors of indigenous Polynesians.

No doubt it would come as news to Charles Darwin that Polynesians are descended from whales. But then, Darwin was blinkered by what a UCLA medical school lecturer might call “white science.”

The source article having been excreted by government-affiliated NPR, it goes on to preach that whales “are especially vulnerable to the effects of climate change.” Connect the dots and you can see how whales have a right for Joe Biden to force you to drive an electric car.

Considering that climate change is named as the #1 threat to whales, this assertion is especially poignant:

[CEO and Cofounder of Blue Green Future Ralph] Chami points out that whales capture and store carbon in their bodies throughout their lifetimes. When they die, they sink to the bottom of seafloor and the carbon in their bodies is prevented from returning to the atmosphere.

The very whales that are victimized by carbon emissions try to save the planet from them. Noble creatures!

NPR might want to rethink this take. Aren’t they saying that killing whales is a good thing? After all, the more of them die, the more carbon dioxide goes to the bottom of the sea, rather than helping plants to grow and allegedly making it be too warm outside.

Granting nature these kinds of rights is not a new idea. But Chami says it’s becoming a more common way to combat climate change.

The point of inventing absurd rights for animals is to take rights away from people. With moonbats, the issue is never the issue; the issue is always exerting control.

On a tip from Steve T.

Apr 08 2024

ABC Moonbat: Global Warming Caused Earthquake, Eclipse

The stupidity of the propagandists who install opinions via television is so massive, it could shake the earth and blot out the sun. Sunny Hostin exceeds the cognitive deficiency even of her cohosts on the ABC News program The View, as she confirmed today by suggesting that the imaginary climate crisis caused an earthquake and the eclipse.

First, she made fun of Christians:

Hostin, a self-proclaimed devout Catholic, laughed about how their studio makeup artist “put on her coat” and “ran down the hallway” during the earthquake saying “Jesus is coming” and “the rapture is here.”

Then Hostin tied the earthquake, multiple cicada broods, and today’s eclipse all together under a moonbat unified field theory:

“All those things together would maybe lead one to believe that either climate change exists, or something is really going on,” she proclaimed.

What’s going on is leftist social engineers are using their control of the media not merely to indoctrinate but to reduce the population to mental retardation.

People who watch that show vote.

On a tip from Bluto.

Apr 06 2024

Climate Oppresses Transsexual Indonesian Prostitutes

According to the Experts, global warming poses an “existential threat” to life on Earth. The end of the world is hitting transsexual Indonesian prostitutes the hardest:

Joya Patiha, a 43-year-old Indonesian transgender woman, first started to notice that changing weather patterns in the mountain-ringed city of Bandung were affecting [his] income as a sex worker a decade ago.

The rainy season was lasting longer across the West Java province, winds were stronger and in some particularly bad years Patiha lost up to 80% of [his] earnings.

He was soliciting johns outdoors. Even some perverts know enough to stay out of the rain.

Trans women like Patiha are among the most affected by extreme weather linked to climate change…

Even before liberals adopted the global warming hoax as a religion, it was difficult to exaggerate their absurdity. Now, it is virtually impossible. The Babylon Bee can barely stay a half step ahead of them.

But wait, the story has a happy ending. Weather forced Patiha to find alternatives to prostitution:

Patiha launched a cake-making business that same year, employing three trans friends when orders stacked up. [He] also started making and selling [his] own perfume last December.

Now, [he] is free from the income-sapping vagaries of the rain clouds and strong winds.

Since the climate will fluctuate no matter what we do, we would be wise to adapt to changing conditions like Mr. Patiha. But leftists would rather use the pretense of being able to control the weather as a pretext to seize more power.

On tips from Steve T and Barry A.

Apr 03 2024

Imaginary Climate Crisis Is “White Man-Made”

You can’t blame liberals for largely basing their ideology on hatred of white men. After all, it was white men who caused the climate to continue fluctuating the way it always has and always will. Just ask UN climate advisor Ayisha Siddiqa:

Only when white guys have been put in their place so they can’t oppress black trans women will the planet achieve climate stasis.

The United Nations proudly presents the bio of a bigot:

Ayisha Siddiqa (United States) is a Pakistani-American human rights and tribal land defender. … Her work focuses on uplifting the rights of marginalized communities while holding polluting companies accountable at the international level. She is currently a research scholar at NYU School of Law, university working to bridge the environmental and human rights sector with the youth climate movement. Ayisha was recently named a Time magazine Woman of the Year.

If you are a US taxpayer, you pay Ayisha to hate whites because the weather. This is among the countless reasons the UN building must be bulldozed into the East River, preferably while full of moonbats.

On a tip from Barry A.

Mar 29 2024

Global Warming and the Leap Second

Due to leftism, America is sinking into decline, giving us real problems to worry about and making it ever more likely people will roll their eyes when confronted with leftists shrieking about their imaginary climate crisis. So they try different angles. Now they want us to believe it impacts Father Time:

One day in the next couple of years, everyone in the world will lose a second of their time. Exactly when that will happen is being influenced by humans, according to a new study, as melting polar ice alters the Earth’s rotation and changes time itself.

Per Democrat ideology, the melting polar ice is caused by the federal government not yet having snuffed out the last of our freedom.

Lest you think a “leap second” isn’t worth losing sleep over, we are told that it “can have a big impact on computing systems.”

Plenty of seconds have been added over the years. But after a long trend of slowing, the Earth’s rotation is now speeding up because of changes in its core.

Frets an Expert,

“A negative leap second has never been added or tested, so the problems it could create are without precedent.”

But wait, what’s this:

Melting polar ice is delaying the leap second by three years, pushing it from 2026 to 2029…

Global warming has granted us a reprieve! If only people really could control the climate.

The piece ends with the usual MSM takeaway. Intones college professor and presumed government grant recipient Duncan Agnew,

“Being able to say so much ice has melted that it’s actually changed the rotation of the Earth by a measurable amount, I think gives you the sense, OK, this is a big deal.”

Though maybe not as big a deal as the leap second.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Mar 07 2024

Climate Kook Kerry Confirms He Is Insane

The media had some convinced that the war in Ukraine is the most momentous event since twin socialist dictators Hitler and Stalin invaded Poland, justifying the flushing of gargantuan sums of our money down the drain. Turns out it’s not such a big deal after all. Putin might win over our rulers to his side, if he would just make a few politically correct noises about the imaginary climate crisis:

Outgoing Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (SPEC) John Kerry claimed that people would “feel better” about the ongoing war in Ukraine if Russia would “make a greater effort to reduce emissions.”

Putin will now hamstring his own country’s energy-based economy out of sheer moonbattery in order to indulge John Kerry in his delusional ideology. Or maybe he’ll just laugh.

“If Russia wanted to show good faith, they could go out and announce what their reductions are going to be and make a greater effort to reduce emissions now,” Kerry said during a foreign press briefing on Tuesday in Washington, D.C., his last as the SPEC, as he departed from the position Wednesday to reportedly join President Biden’s presidential re-election campaign.

Also, it would be nice to know what Putin is doing about mischievous leprechauns, which pose no less of a threat to the planet than minor fluctuations in the weather that no one can control anyway.

There is no clown like a pompous clown:

On tips from Varla and the Great Cornholio.

Mar 05 2024

Rachel Levine Declares Climate Change to Be Racist

Democrats are serious about bringing the ever-fluctuating climate to heel. They have brought in Admiral Rachel Levine to proclaim weather to be racist:

Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine, a biological male who identifies as a transgender woman, earlier this month took time away from encouraging pre-adolescent children to explore their gender identities through the wonders of endocrine-disrupting pharmaceuticals to lecture the public about how climate change might be racist.

In a video posted on X, Levine said, “Black Americans are more likely than White Americans to live in areas in housing that increase their susceptibility to climate-related health issues,” and added that “65% of Black Americans report feeling anxious about climate change’s impact.”

From this we learn that skeptics of the global warming hoax are racists who had better shut up if they don’t want to get canceled.

Behold what we let ourselves be ruled by:

Mr. Levine has addressed other threats to utopia by declaring resistance to LGBTism to be a public health threat and demanding censorship to suppress resistance to the transsexualization of children.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Mar 04 2024

Letitia James Comes After Meat

If Soros-installed New York Attorney General Letitia James can tell us who we can or cannot vote for by hamstringing unapproved presidential candidates through lawfare, surely she can dictate to the entire country what food we can eat. Meat is a no:

People mustn’t be allowed to eat meat if it is offensive according to climate ideology — though criminals can rest assured that low-level crime will remain effectively legal under rule by Letitia James.

She may not have the power to prevent the entire USA from eating meat. But given the judgment of up to $500 million she inflicted on Trump for being someone liberals don’t like, she can probably raise the price of it.

When we pay more for meat because of Letitia James, can you guess where the money goes? Of course you can:

Because there is no specific person or entity harmed, just some general claim of fraud, any award will go into the pockets of the state.

Tyranny and malice are not the only motivators for Democrats. There is also pathological greed.

On tips from Wiggins and Mr. Freemarket.

Feb 27 2024

Moonbats Come After Toilets

There is nothing moonbats won’t use Big Government to take away from you, not bacon, not eggs, not coffee, not cold beer, not hot showersnot even toilets:

Flushing our waste is, well, wasteful, accounting for nearly a third of indoor water use in US homes, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In many parts of the world, the use of water toilets has become increasingly fraught as climate change ushers in extreme droughts and flooding, which backs up sewers and overflows septic tanks.

Social engineers want us to use “dry toilets” instead:

Users layer the contents of the toilet’s bin with peat or sawdust after doing their business; once full, they move the excrement to a larger airtight container over the course of several months so that any microorganisms die out.

The remaining material, rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, can be used as natural fertilizer rather than the usual greenhouse gas-emitting synthetic kind.

Thereby, dry toilets please liberals’ weather gods.

Environmental engineer Kelsey McWilliams became “hooked” on sanitation solutions after participating in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation “Reinvent the Toilet Challenge” while at the University of Delaware, she said.

That would be the same Bill Gates who has been conspiring along with George Soros and the Biden Regime to blot out the sun because global warming.

Even CNN admits that dry toilets have disadvantages:

Waiting up to a year for waste to be safely recycled will deter many people — and the ick factor may be hard to shake.

That’s why dry toilets will first be subsidized, then be made mandatory, following the strategy for electric cars. Real toilets will be progressively strangled out of existence through regulation.

A few regulations are actually beneficial. Progressives will get rid of these. Consider a RecoLab waste water recycling plant in Sweden:

As of now, the plant does not recycle graywater, due to strict Swedish government regulations on repurposing wastewater for drinking. But [aptly named RecoLab business developer Amanda] Haux is hoping that will change, particularly in municipalities where water shortages may become more common due to climate change.

Lots of liberal hopes hang on climate change. After all, if temperatures don’t happen to trend warmer, global warming hoaxers will have to make fools of themselves by telling us cold weather is caused by warm weather.

The modern toilet was developed by white guys like the also aptly named Thomas Crapper. Therefore, toilets are racist in addition to being offensive to the climate. Prepare to do without them.

On a tip from R F.

Feb 25 2024

Bill Gates and George Soros Conspire to Blot Out Sun

If ever a single story summed up the lunacy, malevolence, and hubris of the liberal establishment, it is creepy moonbat zillionaires like Bill Gates conspiring to block the life-giving sun in the name of the global warming hoax.

Via Frontpage Magazine:

Scientists plan to begin pumping chemicals into the sky over the next few weeks and months from several countries around the globe, including the U.S., Australia and Israel.

The idea, promoted by Gates and leftist billionaire George Soros, involves pumping manmade white clouds containing chalk dust and other chemicals into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight away from the Earth’s surface.

Because according to left-wing dogma, it is too hot outside.

Like supposedly harmful CO2, sunlight is required for plants to grow. Without it, we all die. That would be consistent with the antihuman ideology of Bill Gates, who believes there are too many of us and somebody needs to do something about it.

Liberal agenda bankrollers Gates and Soros are enemies not only of the human race but of the environment:

Globalists like Bill Gates and George Soros are doing harm to the environment through their genocidal climate agenda on multiple levels. They advocate blanketing our fertile farmland with toxic solar panels, while filling more acres of farmland with wind turbines that kill birds and other wildlife. They also push electric cars which run on toxic lithium batteries that are going to create an environmental nightmare in the years ahead because, like with the solar panels, there’s no way to safely dispose of them.

I would say not even moonbats could top blotting out the sun in terms of sheer malice — but I keep reading about potential plans to install Michelle Obama in the White House.

On tips from Blackjack.

Feb 13 2024

Experts: It Will Be Too Cold Because of Global Warming

The global warming hoax may seem farcical on the surface, but it is resilient. Someone points out that it is based on scientific fraud? Sue the unbeliever for $1 million. The climate gets colder instead of warmer? Have the Experts proclaim that cold weather is caused by warm weather:

In a matter of years, melting glaciers could shut down the Gulf Stream – the system of currents that brings warmth to the northern hemisphere, experts say.

According to liberal dogma, the melting glaciers are caused by your failure to do without reliable and affordable electricity and also to drive an electric car.

Without this additional heat source, average temperatures could drop by several degrees in North America, parts of Asia and Europe, and people would see ‘severe and cascading consequences around the world’.

The planet has a fever, High Priest Al Gore preaches. When you have a fever, you get chills.

Whatever the weather turns out to be, the Experts have it covered. Then globalist Big Government can step in to placate the weather with higher taxes and a lower standard of living for us little people.

On a tip from Barry A.


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