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Category: Leftist Violence

Jul 22 2022

Maniac Walks Free After Attempting to Kill Lee Zeldin

Given that Democrats appeal to the mentally unstable and constantly encourage violence against their opposition (see here, here, here, here, here, etc), it should come as no surprise that a maniac attempted to kill Republican gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin Thursday evening in the collapsing moonbat dystopia of New York.

Fortunately, Zeldin escaped harm.

It should also come as no surprise that the attempted murderer walked free within hours afterward. Zeldin predicted it himself:

From Fox News:

The suspect, identified as David G. Jakubonis, 43 of Fairport, N.Y., was charged with attempted assault in the second degree.

He was arraigned in Perinton Town Court and released on his own recognizance, the sheriff’s department said.

At the time of the attack, Zeldin was discussing the bail reform lunacy leftist radicals have imposed on New York.

No wonder half the population expects a civil war within the next few years. Democrats are hell-bent on doing to the whole country what they have done to California and New York. When it is no longer possible to escape to saner states, Americans will have to stand and fight.

On tips from Wiggins, Blackjack, Occam’s Stubble, Anonymous, and Varla.

Jun 27 2022

Moonbats Attack the Good for Being Good

In the Roe v. Wade aftermath, it is open season on good people, who are physically attacked explicitly for being good.

For example:

One of the more notable attacks (among many) took place at the Life Choices Christian crisis center for pregnant women in Longmont, Colorado. When police and firefighters arrived at the center after three o’clock in the morning, the building was already ablaze. The graffiti we’ve come to expect in these attacks was on display, proclaiming the usual messages pushed by Jane Sent Us.

The media participates by keeping reporting on this terror campaign to a minimum.

No injuries were reported that time, but it isn’t only property tolerant liberals target for violence:

A Seattle street preacher found himself in a maelstrom of hate on Friday, according to multiple social media posts that showed the man lying on the pavement and his Bibles torn to shreds.

Black-clad gangs of what appeared to be antifa agitators targeted the preacher as violence erupted in the aftermath of the Supreme Court overturning the Roe v. Wade ruling that had legalized abortion nationwide.

Not since the Roman Empire before Constantine was it this dangerous to be a Christian:

This is not only about the right to life, or about whether the Constitution says what it says as opposed to whatever leftists choose to pretend that it says. Good and evil have never been in starker opposition.

On tips from gregtuco and TCS III.

Jun 25 2022

Now That’s More Like an Insurrection

If some guy in a buffalo costume trespassing in the People’s House qualifies as insurrection, what do you call this?

To quote this prominent congresswoman, second most senior member of the California congressional delegation, Chair of the House Financial Services Committee,

“To hell with the Supreme Court! We will defy them!”

Only 2 years after Black Lives Matter rioted all summer long with Democrat encouragement, the Future of the Democratic Party’s meaning is clear:

In case that was too subtle,

Democrat officeholders have decorum to consider. The people who elect them talk more like this — sorry about the obscenity:

As for Republican officer-holders,

[Tim] Walberg, a former pastor, is running for his eighth term in Congress. His office in Jackson, Michigan is located in a building shared with Jackson Right to Life. Both offices were vandalized, as was a house near the office. Jackson Police and Fire Services Director Elmer Hitt said that a sign near the building’s entrance was defaced with pink spray paint and multiple windows on the front side of the building were smashed. The front door was smashed. … The house nearby was also defaced with spray paint and “Jane’s Revenge” was written with the paint. …

Walberg said it is shameful that Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi refuse to condemn the actions of Jane’s Revenge and other threats of domestic terrorism made by pro-abortion activists.

More terrorism, here in Phoenix:

Having abortion in degenerate states controlled by liberals is not enough for them. The purpose of this terrorism is to impose the killing of innocent children by decree on states where voters reject it.

It would be hard to imagine a group of people more cartoonishly evil than today’s Democrats.

On tips from Jester, TCS III, Varla, DCGere, and Wiggins.

Jun 11 2022

Democrats Still Not Backing Away From Violence

It is shocking that Democrat rhetoric evidently inspired a moonbat named Nicholas John Roske to attempt to assassinate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh (and presumably his family). Comparably shocking is that the Democrat-controlled media has barely reported it. More shocking still is that even now Democrats are not backing away from using violence to achieve their objectives.

As noted at Hot Air,

The DOJ has yet to prosecute anyone for protesting near a justice’s home … even though doing so is banned by federal law. And the House still hasn’t acted on a bill to increase security for Supreme Court employees…

The tactic of laying siege to the homes of justices continues.

At last check, Biden had yet to speak publicly about the attempt on Kavanaugh’s life.

Or maybe Biden was referring to Kavanaugh when he said this:

To quote the Great Uniter:

“Every once in a while, something you learn makes you viscerally angry. Like if you had the person in front of you, you’d want to pop them. No, I really mean it.”

Not exactly the rhetoric we need as the country lurches into political instability.

At least Biden is in touch with the Democrat base, which has been itching for violence.

The Daily Wire reports:

A new poll by the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center found that nearly half of young Democrat men support assassinating political figures they consider dangerous to the country or democracy.

Convicted gay rights terrorist Floyd Lee Corkins attacked the offices of the Family Research Council with plans to murder as many people as possible in the name of the LGBT agenda. He was directed there by a Southern Poverty Law Center “hate map.”

There are plenty more violent losers where Roske and Corkins came from.

During the Black Lives Matter riots, leftist thugs caused $billions in damages and took dozens of lives with virtually no legal consequences. This whet their appetite.

The coming violence will be more targeted than mobs of scumbags torching corner stores after looting them in the name of racial justice. The liberal establishment media will continue to participate by whipping dangerous people into a frenzy, then downplaying the consequences.

On tips from Wiggins, TCS III, Varla, Occam’s Stubble, and Anonymous.

Jun 08 2022

Brett Kavanaugh Assassination Attempt

The liberal establishment’s long-running campaign to whip up hysterical hatred of Supreme Court justices even slightly to the right of center is paying off:

An armed California man incensed about the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion expected to overturn Roe v. Wade was arrested near Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Maryland home Wednesday after he hatched a plan to kill the judge to “give his life purpose,” prosecutors said.

This was the purpose of leaking the draft: to give liberals an opportunity to terrorize justices into not going through with repeal of the awful ruling that has undermined the Constitution and facilitated millions of deaths.

Nicholas John Roske, 26, was arrested by the Montgomery County Police Department at about 1:50 a.m. near Kavanaugh’s home in Chevy Chase and was charged later Wednesday in Maryland federal court with attempting to kill or kidnap a US judge, court records show.

The would-be assassin was foiled by the dysfunctional uselessness that is common among moonbats. Dressed in black like an Antifa terrorist, he saw that he had been observed by US Deputy Marshalls. That’s when he called 911 and confessed to being armed and wanting to kill Kavanaugh.

He was taken into custody and when investigators searched his suitcase and backpack, they found a small arsenal, including a tactical police vest, a tactical knife, pepper spray, zip ties, a Glock 17 pistol and two magazines and ammunition.

The motive was moonbattery.

He believed Kavanaugh would loosen gun control laws and hatched a plan to kill the justice after finding his address online in an ill-fated bid to “give his life a purpose,” Roske allegedly told the agent.

He bought the Glock and the other items “for the purpose of breaking into the Justice’s residence and killing the Justice as well as himself,” prosecutors said.

Today Biden dutifully croaks noises of disapproval. Yet his regime has explicitly refused to condemn fellow leftists for terrorizing justices at their homes.

Remember when top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer publicly threatened Kavanaugh and fellow moderate justice Neil Gorsuch, barking, “You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price” and “You won’t know what hit you” in an attempt to scare them into line on Roe? A reminder:

I’ll bet Roske remembers.

Joe Biden gets to pick a replacement for any justice who is assassinated by his supporters. That’s why there has been a public call for assassins.

The January 6 Commission is a step closer to a Third World style of government. Assassins showing up at the homes of Supreme Court justices is another. Unless the country rises up in revulsion against leftism and the thuggish tactics that characterize it, the future will keep getting darker.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble, JackisBack, and TCS III.

May 10 2022

Lori Lightfoot’s Call to Violence

Moonbats see the possible overturning of Roe v. Wade not only as a defense of the Constitution against the leftist tactic of pretending it says whatever they want it to say, but as an attack on the moral degeneracy that defines them. Otherwise, it would be hard to make sense of responses like this, from the ostentatiously homosexual mayor of the failing city of Chicago:

This “call to arms” comes in the context of prolife organizations getting firebombed, leftist mobs illegally laying siege to the homes of Supreme Court justices, Samuel Alito needing to hide at an undisclosed location from proabortion terrorists, and blue-checkers on Twitter openly calling for justices to be assassinated, as top Democrats refuse to condemn intimidation tactics.

Contrary to liberal doctrine, speech is not violence. But some speech is a call to violence. If there is one thing the mayor of Chicago would know about, it is violence.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

May 09 2022

Liberal Terrorists Set Fire to Pro-Life HQ

Not only do they not object to crushing babies’ skulls and vacuuming their brains out, they regard the process as a sacrament. If you thought they would shy away from terrorism, guess again:

Vandals reportedly used a Molotov cocktail to attack the headquarters of an anti-abortion organization in Wisconsin this weekend. The criminals also spray-painted a threat to the pro-life group that read, “If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either.”

The concept of safe abortions is as surreal as their notion that women can father children. Nothing is too patently insane to be shrieked by a moonbat.

The pro-life Wisconsin Family Action organization has a mission “to advance Judeo-Christian principles and values in Wisconsin by strengthening, preserving, and promoting marriage, family, life, and liberty.” The group is staunchly anti-abortion and “pro-family.”

Late Saturday night or early Sunday morning, the Wisconsin Family Action headquarters in Madison was vandalized and allegedly set on fire.

Madison Police Chief Shon Barnes confirms that the fire was arson.

Behold the handiwork of the people we are told hold the moral high ground because they are so tolerant:

The anarchy symbol and “1312” (numeric code for “ACAB” or “All Cops Are Bastards”) indicate that Antifa brownshirts are responsible.

Meanwhile, CNN fritters away any remaining shreds of credibility by gibbering absurdly about the threat of violence from “far-right groups.”

To the surprise of no one, the same Democrat Party that has been encouraging this sort of behavior is slow to condemn it:

Fox News Digital reached out to the offices of several Wisconsin Democratic lawmakers – Reps. Ron Kind, Gwen Moore and Mark Pocan – asking if they had any thoughts on the attack and if they believed the alleged arson to be an acceptable form of protest to a likely court ruling.

None of the offices responded to Fox News Digital’s requests for comment, and none of the three representatives had put out a statement condemning the apparent arson by press time.

Meanwhile, Justice Samuel Alito and his family have been moved to an undisclosed location, just like Dick Cheney after 9/11 and for the same reason: he is a likely target for terrorists.

Leftist mobs have already laid siege to the homes of Justices Roberts and Kavanaugh. As Karen Townsend notes,

It is illegal to protest at homes in both Maryland and Virginia where the conservative justices reside. No arrests, though, so we’ll see how well the laws are enforced. Imagine being one of Kavanaugh’s young daughters who looks outside and sees the protests going on. Imagine if a pro-life group did such protests in front of liberal justices’ homes. There would be January 6-style hearings being scheduled.

Why isn’t Joe Biden speaking out against these protests? Why isn’t he giving one of his Grandpa Joe speeches and trying to calm things down? He hasn’t said a word to discourage them.

On the contrary, his press secretary pointedly refuses to condemn pro-abortion intimidation tactics.

That’s the kind of country we live in already, and progressives are not done progressing — unless of course Americans rise up and stop them.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and TCS III.

Oct 01 2021

Open Thread

To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary. These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. - Che Guevara

On a tip from Anonymous.

Sep 28 2021

New Yorker Magazine Promotes Ecoterrorism

The liberal elite is not moderate. It is radical. The flagship publication of pretentious highbrow liberals even promotes the crippling of the economy through ecoterrorism:

New Yorker magazine platformed a Swedish climate change activist who advocates blowing up pipelines in the name of climate justice on a recent episode of its “New Yorker Radio Hour” podcast.

The term “climate justice” is a warning that you have entered the realm of dangerous maniacs.

Andreas Malm is an associate professor at Sweden’s Lund University, and the author of the book “How to Blow Up a Pipeline: Learning to Fight in a World on Fire.” Malm’s book does not only have an eye-catching title; he actually advocates destroying any and all fossil fuel infrastructure.

“Damage and destroy new CO2-emitting devices,” Malm exhorts his readers.

Every mechanical device emits harmless CO2 in its operation and/or production, as does every human with each exhalation.

Modern environmentalism is a cover not just for communism, but for psychopathic nihilism. Not that Malm is not a Marxist:

“Property,” writes Andreas Malm, “will cost us the earth.”

Back when insufferable frauds like Leonard Bernstein were throwing parties for the Black Panther Party, extreme moonbat posturing was known as “radical chic.” With the federal government actually inflicting lunatic policies based on radical left ideology, it is no longer a harmless pose.

Vote for the people New Yorker wants you to and there is no need to dynamite pipelines; Joe Biden will destroy them. The effect — skyrocketing energy prices — is the same as if an Earth First radical did it with dynamite. The effect on the supposedly endangered climate is also the same: absolutely nil.

Malm predictably used the megaphone provided to him by the New Yorker to promote the destruction of property, explicitly calling for blowing up the pipelines needed to efficiently transport resources. New Yorker is unlikely to amplify viewpoints the leftist ruling class does not endorse. Imagine hearing someone on a New Yorker podcast worry about the effects of displacing the white working class with easily exploitable masses imported from the Third World.

Other pillars of the liberal establishment that have provided a sympathetic platform for Malm’s sociopathic views include the New York Times and the New Republic. Vox cofounder Ezra Klein has compared the ecoterrorism Malm calls for to the American Revolution and the civil rights movement, although Klein at least acknowledges that driving up energy prices by destroying pipelines hurts the poor the most.

So as to enjoy the cushy life of a college professor rather than risk prison, Malm leaves it to others to sabotage pipelines. However, he has admitted to deflating the tires of SUVs in order to save the climate. Seriously.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 05 2021

Charges Dropped Against Portland Rioters

Representative Sheila Jackson Lee grouses that only about 300 people have been imprisoned for alleged participation in the Capitol Riot; she thinks it should be more like 40,000. Meanwhile, regarding the far more destructive riots that occurred literally every night for months on end in Portland,

As the Biden administration has taken the reins of the Department of Justice, the feds have dismissed dozens of charges against violent rioters in Portland, Oregon. They have dropped charges such as assault on a law enforcement officer, arson, and other violent crimes. Many have been dropped with prejudice, meaning they can’t be re-litigated in the future. According to a local news outlet, federal prosecutors have dismissed more than one-third of the pending charges from last summer’s violent protests in Portland.

More dismissals are expected. It looks like few if any Antifa or Black Lives Matter thugs will still be imprisoned a year from now for crimes committed during the riots in Portland.

The Department of Justice stepped in as riots terrorized Portland throughout the summer of 2020, and Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt announced he would not prosecute most riot crimes committed in Portland. … Attorney General William Barr instructed federal prosecutors to aggressively pursue rioters across the country…

But with the ascension of Biden’s handlers to power, the same type of left-wing extremists who run Portland run the federal government.

As noted at Hot Air,

This looks less like an evidentiary problem and more like a political decision by the incoming administration. One has to wonder whether the Biden administration will treat the January 6 rioters with the same charity… [A]ttempts to pick and choose enforcement like this will only bring on more violence from the fringes on both sides.

This is not a bug but a feature. Political violence is all good, from the viewpoint of Biden’s handlers.

Violence by the Right will be inflated out of proportion and hyped by the media/Democrat Party. For example, only one person died violently in the Capitol Riot, and that was the unarmed Ashli Babbitt, who was shot by the police. Yet the liberal establishment continues to exploit it aggressively.

Violence by the Left intimidates people into silence and compliance, as radicals remake America into a very different country, in which the fundamental principle of equality before the law no longer exists.

On a tip from TCS III.

Feb 05 2021

Rep Dean Phillips Exploits Capitol Riot

Not to be outdone by the extravagant theatrics of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (who in reality was not even in the Capitol building), aspiring drama queen Dean Phillips (D-MN) has milked the Capitol Riot for every drop of pathos and political advantage.

As per the official Democrat narrative, he pretends that the mob was racially motivated and ignores that it was hostile to Republicans like Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell. His voice wobbles with a repulsively sheeplike bleat as he begs us to forgive him for his “white privilege.”

To be ruled by people of this caliber is the ultimate insult:

Phillips represents the suburbs west of Minneapolis, a city that has sustained massive and still largely unrepaired damage from repeated Black Lives Matter rioting, during which a police station was actually set ablaze. Whereas he implies that all Republicans and all white people share blame for the Capitol Riot, he refuses to hold left-wing rioters accountable for the havoc they wreak:

A Minnesota congressman asserted that Black Lives Matter and other leftist groups are not responsible for violence and rioting that plagued U.S. cities for months.

That congressman was Phillips.

On a tip from Henry.

Feb 05 2021

Nicole Wallace Suggests Drone Strikes on Deplorables

For the past month, we have had it drilled through our heads by the liberal establishment media that the hooligans who took advantage of lax security to riot in the Capitol are domestic terrorists. That same media has relentlessly conflated these alleged terrorists with anyone likely to have voted for Trump.

Liberal demigod Barack Obama demonstrated how Democrats deal with terrorists when he used a drone strike to assassinate American-born Anwar Awlaki without due process. MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace appears to draw the conclusion that drone strikes should be used on deplorables who disapprove of election fraud and COVID-19 tyranny:

“[T]here is … a persistent threat of domestic extremism, domestic terrorism, carried out in the ideology and around this belief that the election was fraudulent, that the COVID restrictions are unnecessary…

“We had a policy … of attacking terrorism at its root, of going after and killing, and in the case of Anwar Awlaki, an American, a Yemeni-American, with a drone strike for the crime of inciting violence, inciting terrorism. …

“[T]he way you root out terrorism, is to take on, in the case of Islamic terrorism, kill, those who incite it.”

When Eric Swalwell sneered that the Second Amendment does not defend us from tyranny because the federal government can use nuclear weapons on us, he might have been more serious than we realized. Seventy-four million Americans voted for Trump. That’s too many to kill with drones.

Watch in horror as Nicole Wallace installs homicidal notions in the heads of the impressionable zombies watching CNN:

This was the second night in a row she brought up drone strikes. The night before, she had even more explicitly implied that a certain former US President might have one coming:

“If you took what President Trump said, and instead put it in Anwar Awlaki’s mouth, we would be talking about a drone strike overseas.”

The leftists who run the “mainstream” media are domestic extremists. They appear to be dangerous.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jan 29 2021

Dems Donate to Alleged Axe-Wielding Maniac

Don’t be too hard on Kamala Harris for raising funds to bail out rioters so that they can go back to trashing their city. She’s not the only one:

Three prominent Democrats in North Dakota donated to the legal defense fund of a man arrested for attacking the office of Republican Senator John Hoeven with an axe.

Video shows a presumably mostly peaceful protester smashing windows and an intercom at Hoeven’s office building in downtown Fargo last December 21, causing an estimated $3,800 worth of damage.

The suspect was identified as 30-year-old Thomas “Tas” Starks.

According to police, one of Starks’ co-workers called him “‘politically open and motivated,’ left-leaning, and ‘very active in protests.’”

Few are likely to be surprised that Starks is a moonbat. The Capitol Riot was an exception proving the rule that virtually all political violence in this country comes from the Left.

Starks’ wife, Laura Starks, organized a Gofundme fundraiser to cover his legal expenses. …

Three prominent North Dakota Democrats have contributed to this defense fund. They are: Ellen Chaffee, the Democrat Party’s nominee for lieutenant governor in 2012, Party Executive Committee Representative and left-wing columnist Ellie Shockley, and Democratic-NPL Party Chairwoman Kylie Oversen.

What, no mention of Kamala Harris? Put your money where your mouth is, Kamala!

Shockley was the first contributor, bestowing $500.

In addition, Shockley evidently had a large hand in promoting the fundraiser. According to the Post Millennial, she promoted the fund several times on social media and has a personal relationship with the Starks family through “unions and activism.”

“Please, please, please” pleaded Shockley, as she exhorted fellow moonbats to give to Starks on her Fakebook page. She doesn’t seem to doubt Starks’s guilt, proclaiming that she believes “in rehabilitation, not retribution.” I doubt this would apply to the rioters at the Capitol.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Jan 27 2021

If Anyone Should Be Impeached for Incitement…

If the Senate finds it worthwhile to “impeach” a former president for inciting violence by explicitly calling for supporters to protest peacefully, why not impeach any number of Democrats from offices they still hold? A much easier case for incitement could be made for any number of them, as Rand Paul demonstrates:

Not only did Kamala Harris raise funds to bail rioters out of jail, she actually said of the Black Lives Matter/Antifa events that hundreds of times were designated as riots,

“They’re not going to stop before election day in November and they’re not going to stop after election day. … They are not going to let up. And they should not.”

This is closer to incitement than anything said by Trump.

Hat tip: Not the Bee.


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