Arrested Over 10-Year-Old Walking Unsupervised
Where the soft tyranny of the nanny state prevails, having a 10-year-old who walks by himself to the store can get you thrown in prison:
Brittany Patterson, 41, was arrested on suspicion of reckless conduct on Oct. 30 over her son’s unsupervised walk, according to the Fannin County Sheriff’s Office.
Patterson had taken another son to a doctor’s appointment when she left her son Soren, now 11, alone at their home in the rural town of Mineral Bluff, NBC News reported. After someone reported Soren’s wandering, deputies located him and drove him home.
Soren was apprehended for walking into town unsupervised less than a mile from his home.
Patterson was released on $500 bail and could face up to a year in jail under the charge.
The objective is to infantilize the American population. When that has been accomplished, we will put up no more resistance to the progressive agenda than a baby in diapers.
The cop said that there was a law that a 10yo could not walk down the street by himself. There is no such law.
They are trying to bully her into letting the govt track her child.
I hope she sues the crap out of them.#BrittanyPatterson #Georgia— Redoubt News (@RedoubtN) November 17, 2024
On tips from Wiggins and Gringoman.