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Category: Nanny State

Nov 23 2024

Arrested Over 10-Year-Old Walking Unsupervised

Where the soft tyranny of the nanny state prevails, having a 10-year-old who walks by himself to the store can get you thrown in prison:

Brittany Patterson, 41, was arrested on suspicion of reckless conduct on Oct. 30 over her son’s unsupervised walk, according to the Fannin County Sheriff’s Office.

Patterson had taken another son to a doctor’s appointment when she left her son Soren, now 11, alone at their home in the rural town of Mineral Bluff, NBC News reported. After someone reported Soren’s wandering, deputies located him and drove him home.

Soren was apprehended for walking into town unsupervised less than a mile from his home.

Patterson was released on $500 bail and could face up to a year in jail under the charge.

The objective is to infantilize the American population. When that has been accomplished, we will put up no more resistance to the progressive agenda than a baby in diapers.

Soft tyranny is still tyranny.

On tips from Wiggins and Gringoman.

Oct 22 2024

UK Nanny State Introduces Supervised Toothbrushing

Old school totalitarianism as imposed by tyrants like Joseph Stalin left some aspects of human behavior unregulated. In the UK, progressives are progressing to new extremes of suffocating control via Keir Starmer’s nanny state:

The Prime Minister gave the example of teaching children to brush their teeth as he suggested he could introduce more interventionist policies.

Starmer explains why Big Government needs to oversee the brushing of teeth:

‘But I’m afraid if the cost of not doing it is children actually losing their teeth before they’re 10 years old and or very, very good NHS staff having to use their skills to take teeth out instead of doing other things, then that seems to be a necessary measure.

‘I do think there are other things that we will, you know, put out there for the point of the consultation.’

A ban on outdoor smoking is reportedly planned, which would have the added benefit of protecting birds flying by from secondhand smoke.

Next, telescreens may be installed in all homes, so that bureaucrats can monitor compliance with exercise mandates.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 28 2024

NYC Dictates Warning Labels for Soda and Hot Chocolate

Anarchotyranny means that even as the streets devolve into such violent chaos that the homicidal maniac John Hinkley Jr steers clear of New York City, businesses like Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks are not permitted to sell their harmless products without warning labels:

Fast-food chains and coffee shops in New York City would have to slap a warning on menu boards and packaging under a new rule from the Adams administration.

The city Health Department’s first-in-the-nation edict will mean labels warning on food and drinks with more than 50 grams of added sugar, including frozen coffee drinks from places like Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts, fountain sodas and even hot chocolate.

Hordes of sociopathic scumbags looting and burning in the name of antiwhite race hate? No problem. Gangs of illegal aliens beating up police officers just off Times Square? No problem. People drinking soda and hot chocolate? Big problem, but no worries; Eric Adams is on it.

On a tip from Wiggins.

May 16 2023

Biden Regime May Ban Chocolate Milk in Schools

They are taking away our cars, our gas stoves, our AC, our refrigerators, our dishwashers — but children have been left out. So now the totalitarian nanny state moonbats comprising the Democrat Party are coming after chocolate milk:

Concerned about the amount of added sugars children are consuming, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is considering a ban on flavored milk— including chocolate, strawberry and other varieties—in elementary and middle schools when it adopts new standards for school meals.

This has the added advantage that it will cause children to drink less milk. Milk is important for their physical development, but according to liberal doctrine, dairy products make it be too hot outside.

If kids are smart, they will defend their chocolate milk by reminding authorities that white milk is racist.

On a tip from Franco.

Feb 02 2023

Resistance to Ukraine Insanity Arises in New York

Even in the district of congresscritter Adriano Espaillat (D-NY), not everyone is on board with provoking a nuclear war with Russia on behalf of the Liberal World Order:

“This is not January 6th!” Espaillat shouts revealingly. Democrats in the government and media cashed in the last of their credibility to hype, distort, and extend that kerfuffle because it is more than a gimmick to help win elections. January 6 and the fate of those who took part in it represent all resistance to the Democratic Party. Ask Democrats how they feel about Ashli Babbitt’s execution; the response might chill your blood.

Warmongers like Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) and Democrat favorite Adam Kinzinger of CNN must assume they will survive Armageddon in well-appointed bunkers. As for the rest of us, we are too numerous for elitists’ liking. On the bright side, maybe nuclear winter will solve the imaginary global warming crisis.

On a tip from THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084.

Apr 03 2022

Illegal Food

Who decides what you can eat? In a free country, you would. In our country, moonbats do.

Nanny state authoritarianism is so ubiquitous that sometimes we forget to notice it. So that we never come to accept it, we need people like John Stossel to remind us:

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jul 26 2021

UK Launches App to Monitor Dietary Habits

The Biden Regime isn’t the only Western government to emulate China’s totalitarian Social Credit System. Under Boris Johnson, the British nanny state will impose something similar to ensure subjects eat as the Experts feel they should.

The supposedly Conservative government will launch an app by the end of the year to monitor the supermarket spending habits of families in the UK. Those who choose “healthier” options such as fruits and vegetables or engage in exercise will be rewarded with “loyalty points” in the app, which will translate into discounts and other incentives.

If everyone eats right and exercises, maybe socialized medicine will become sustainable.

The outgoing head of the [NHS], Lord Stevens said that the UK’s socialised healthcare system will be weighed down in the future if the government failed to tackle the rising obesity in the country.

Stevens complained about “the obesogenic food environment that children and poorer communities are exposed to.”

That’s why Third Worlders exploit undefended borders to colonize the welfare states of the West. Back where they came from, obesity is one health problem poor people don’t have to worry about.

Eventually, unsustainable entitlement spending will collapse welfare/nanny states into straightforward Marxism (as planned), and only the oligarchs will have to contend with obesity. In the meantime, Big Government will chide and nudge intrusively with its new app.

Johnson came to power pretending to want less government.

As a candidate for the Tory Party leadership two years ago, Johnson pledged a review of “sin stealth taxes” and promised to end the “continuing creep of the nanny state”.

Since then, he has overseen some of the most draconian Covid restrictions in the world. Tyranny is not always about redistributing wealth. These days, our own health is often the pretext.

Last month, the government announced that “new laws will ban the advertising of food high in fat, sugar or salt (HFSS) on television and online before 9 p.m. when children are most likely to see them.”

This month a government-backed review also called for increased taxes on sugar and salt, ostensibly in order to reduce obesity…

The review went on to say that Britons should seek out “alternative” sources of protein in lieu of eating meat, including consuming lab-grown meat, which they claimed was better for the environment.

If they don’t have the belly for lab-grown meat, maybe they would prefer to dine on plastic trash.

On a tip from Henry.

Dec 18 2020

Gretchen Whitmer’s Christmas Kiddie COVID Propaganda

Until traditions can be erased completely, they must be repurposed. On behalf of the Nanny State, Michigan Gauleiter Gretchen Whitmer exploits Christmas to indoctrinate children with ChiCom virus hysteria, which she laid upon Christmas like a wet blanket by telling kids to avoid celebrating with relatives.

The spectacle was produced as a Zoom call. Via Summit News:

Whitmer introduced Santa Claus to the 6 groups of children before inviting them to ask Santa questions, almost all of which were about COVID-19 rules and had obviously been scripted for them.

Santa told the kids that he and his elves wear masks and remain 6 feet apart from each other, and urged them to wear masks whenever they leave home.

The health benefits of children wearing masks as they play in the snow are doubtful. But who wants to risk getting a lump of coal by disobeying Santa?

Whitmer then said that families should “stay home” and not visit each other and instead, “call your grandparents and your cousins and your family and it’s the safest way to tell the people you love how much you care about them.”

Next time Whitmer does a yuletide Zoom call, she ought to team up with the Grinch instead.

On a tip from Lyle.


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