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Sep 21 2023

Blacks Run Over 2-Year-Old, Blame Whites

Hate hoaxes are applied not only to drive an otherwise unsupportable narrative, but also to evade personal responsibility. From Texas:

Shelby Martinez, 30, was arrested on Saturday at her apartment complex where her son was injured and has been charged with making false statements to police, according to KFDX Wichita Falls.

Authorities say Martinez and the boy’s father, Thomas Gates, tried to cover up how their child received life-threatening injuries.

Their two-year-old son was allegedly run over by Gates when he was backing out with his vehicle, but the couple blamed it on an “unknown white couple,” according to police. Martinez and Gates are both black.

Blaming their own behavior and its consequences on Caucasians is not working out as well for Martinez and Gates as it does on the macro level. But at least the implied racial animus earns them a spot on the Hate Hoax List.

On a tip from R F.

Sep 21 2023

American Journalists on Ukrainian Kill List

Official Ukrainian spokestransvestite Sarah Ashton-Cirillo (formerly known as Michael John Cirillo) has issued a chilling proclamation:

In a video Cirillo posted on social media, where he appears to be wearing a blonde wig, he says, “Next week, the teeth of the Russian devils will gnash ever harder and their rabid mouths will foam in uncontrollable frenzy, as the world will see a favorite [Kremlin] propagandist pay for their crimes.”

“And this puppet of Putin is only the first. Russia’s war criminal propagandists will all be hunted down, and justice will be served,” Cirillo continued.

In addition to the video, a Ukrainian “kill list” has been circulating that includes Human Events senior editor and host of “Human Events Daily” Jack Posobiec.

Is Posobiec the thought criminal targeted for justice? Others on the list include Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, and Glenn Greenwald.

This is apparently on the level:

Estimates of how much American money has been redirected to Ukraine run as high as $200 billion. Despite inflation and the crushing weight of government debt, the money spigot remains wide open.

Even Poland, a natural ally against Russia, seems to be backing away from Ukraine:

But not the USA under liberal rule. A prominent senator known for showing up to work dressed to clean his garage confirms our government’s devotion:

Out of the way, jagoffs! The spending binge goes on!

The front page of the Wall Street Journal today features a story about artwork plundered by the Nazis being returned to its owners’ heirs. American taxpayers will have an even longer wait before their plundered wealth is returned.

On tips from Anonymous and Occam’s Stubble.

Sep 21 2023

Phoenix Mayor Is Coming After Meat

Fourteen major US cities have committed to imposing moonbattery in the name of the World Economic Forum’s globalist agenda. Among them is Phoenix, whose mayor is the ditzy moonbat Kate Gallego:

Gallego now serves as “Vice Chair of the C40 Steering Committee,” which provides rigorous oversight to ensure C40’s mission is driven by and responsive to the needs of C40 cities and their climate goals.

The C40 is a global network of cities run by leftists working together to inflict the progressive conception of utopia in the name of the global warming hoax. Cities like Phoenix have shouldered responsibility for controlling the global climate. This will be accomplished in part through the war on meat.

No worries; Mayor Kate says she doesn’t want to ban meat just yet. You can believe her, because she uses a knife to eat a bowl of milk:

Or maybe you can’t. From AZ Free News:

According to the C40 Cities website, “C40 is a global network of mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis.” C40 has many documents outlining the organization’s desire to reduce and abolish the consumption of meat. …

[O]n March 4, 2020, Gallego and the Council passed the 2025 Phoenix Food Action Plan. In Strategy 2, under Goal 1, the fifth “Progress on Action” creates a new policy for the Office of Environmental Programs (OEP) at the City of Phoenix to enter a contract with Arizona State University to “establish an AgriFood Tech Incubator in 2023 to accelerate ventures in sustainable food systems…”

That likely entails eating insects and repulsive lab-grown pseudofood. It certainly does not involve eating meat.

The City of Phoenix has multiple policies for sustainable food systems in the 2020 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory report conducted by [Arizona State University]. …

While Gallego is able to say she is not literally banning meat, she is implementing policies that make meat more expensive and will lead to major reductions of meat consumption in the future.

To think I moved to Phoenix to get away from the moonbats in New York. Turns out, you can’t run away from leftists. You can only stand your ground and fight.

On tips from R F and Wiggins.

Sep 21 2023

New York May Cancel George Washington

Everyone knew when Robert E. Lee was canceled that it was only the beginning. George Washington was also a great man and a Virginian, and also lived back when people had owned slaves throughout the world since before recorded history; therefore, in New York:

The city’s Cultural Affairs Committee has demanded the eviction of George Washington and Christopher Columbus and others from public spaces because of links to slavery, along with the establishment of a reparations task force.

Meanwhile, the city is flat broke, having flushed away $12 billion on being a sanctuary for illegal aliens at the expense of the native population. Ten thousand grasping invaders pour into the declining city every month. No worries; federal taxpayers are sure to bail it out.

The Committee plans to remove any public statue or work of art that ‘depicts a person who owned enslaved persons or directly benefited economically from slavery, or who participated in systemic crimes against indigenous peoples or other crimes against humanity’.

From the liberal viewpoint, that means anyone who lived at the time of the nation’s founding.

Dozens of prominent statues across the city are at risk including those depicting Thomas Jefferson and former governor Peter Stuyvesant.

By erasing our history, they erase our identity. Then they can create a new identity as a nation of farm animals content to stay in their pens so long as they are fed free slop until it is time for a trip to the slaughterhouse.

As Todd Starnes jokes,

There are multiple statues and monuments to Washington, including Washington Square Park and the George Washington Bridge. It’s unclear whether the park and bridge will be leveled or just simply renamed.

At this point, maybe they should level the whole city and start over.

After the Father of Our Country has had his hero status revoked, he will be defiled and demonized before he is frog-marched to the memory hole and forgotten. Maybe the authorities will decide he impregnated a slave. That is a favorite liberal calumny against the author of the Declaration of Independence, whose statue leftists have already removed from City Hall.

This is cultural genocide. If we fail to defeat liberalism, Americans will soon cease to exist in any meaningful sense.

On tips from Wiggins and Ed McAninch.

Sep 21 2023

Open Thread

Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. … In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society. - Antonio Gramsci

On a tip from Jester.

Sep 20 2023

ESPN Features Professional Racist Ibram X. Kendi

Even the moonbats running Boston University are starting to back away from professional racist Ibram X. Kendi. But he can still find support even further on the left. What’s out there past academia? ESPN:

“Skin in the Game with Dr. Ibram X. Kendi” will debut on ESPN+ on Sept. 20, according to a news release from the network. The series “delves into and challenges racism in the sports world, and will reveal how pervasive racism is in sports.”

They mean racism against blacks. In the sports industry. Next, they should do a show on the epidemic of Islamophobia in Iran.

It is doubtful that he is getting $333 per minute for this, as he has for vomiting Critical Race Theory onto children. ESPN’s owner Disney has deep pockets, but not infinite resources like the government, which can always print more money when it runs out.

Kendi is associated with the term antiracism. He explains what it means:

“An antiracist policy is any measure that produces or sustains racial equity between racial groups.”

That is, antiracism is the failure to impose his racist ideology.

As for what “racist” means, Kendi can’t say.

The purpose of ESPN is to deliver leftist propaganda sugar-coated in sports. When the mind has been lulled into a stupor, there is less resistance to indoctrination. However, it has been getting so ham-fisted in its moonbattery that only someone who has already been brainwashed can watch it. Imagine trying to sit through this:

On a tip from R F.

Sep 20 2023

No Limiting Principles

Men and women alike now identify as dogs. Here’s why that makes perfect sense:

If Dylan Mulvaney is a woman, as our rulers demand we believe, then surely he can be a dog if he chooses to regard that as his “authentic” self.

The only limit to progressivism is the pushback presented by the decent and the sane. So far, there has been virtually none, so expect tomorrow’s liberal lunacy to make today’s look tame by comparison.

Maybe the moonbat religion has a god after all. The objective seems to be to degrade and destroy humanity. That would be Satan’s goal.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Sep 20 2023

Calvin Ushery Gets Some Racial Justice

When moonbats bark about “racial justice,” what they mean is favoritism for the race they fetishize, and a kick in the teeth to the ones they don’t like for making their chosen people look bad. What they mean is this:

The brutal assault during a Wilmington, Delaware jewelry store heist played out before the jury, showing suspect Calvin Ushery allegedly attacking 68-year-old Chang Suh who was then stomped and hit in the head at least a dozen times… twice with the hammer.

The mistrial was declared after the jurors told the judge they could not reach a consensus in the state’s case against Ushery despite watching him attack Suh. Ushery is accused by prosecutors of robbery, assault, and other crimes tied to the September 2022 robbery of Solid Gold Jewelers on Ninth Street in downtown Wilmington.

Watch the video that jurors found unconvincing:

Presumably this is a case of jury nullification. If the suspect is black and the victim white or Asian, good luck convicting. Oppression has its privileges.

Although the media has gone out of its way to create a different impression, there is virtually no interracial violence against blacks. There is plenty between blacks and Asians, but it all goes one way (see here, here, here, here, etc.). This situation will not improve if black criminals continue to believe they have carte blanche.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 20 2023

Racist Beer

For anyone who finds Bud Light to be insufficiently woke, there are beers that are still more aggressive in their moonbattery. Some beers focus on taste, others on showcasing their race-based ideology. Examples of the latter include Weathered Souls Brewing and Hella Coastal:

Weathered Souls Brewing gained widespread recognition with their initiative, the “Black is Beautiful” beer.

The brewery invited other breweries across the US and around the world to join them in brewing their own version of “Black is Beautiful,” with the proceeds supporting organizations fighting racial injustice and promoting equality.

“Racial injustice” is Liberalese for insufficient race favoritism. Since we already have equality, what they probably mean is “equity.”

Sure enough:

Hella Coastal desires to foster a more equitable brewing industry. …

Hella Coastal has been involved in impactful work like Inclusion Beer, a project in which breweries are required to create their own DE&I committee.

In utopia, all breweries will be required to create diversity, equity, and inclusion committees.

Alternatively, you can drink beer produced by explicitly white-owned breweries that advocate on behalf of Europeans and the civilization they created. Just kidding; no such brewery would be allowed to exist.

On a tip from Mike B.

Sep 20 2023

Open Thread

I think Franklin Roosevelt was a lousy president. What he did- which is to impose this great nanny state on America- was a great mistake. - Ed Crane

Sep 19 2023

Jacinda Ardern Denounces Free Speech at United Nations

Covid tyrant Jacinda Ardern is no longer in power. However, she remains a menace to freedom. Watch her hold forth at the comparably pernicious United Nations regarding the need to suppress dissident speech — or as authoritarian moonbats call it, “mis- and disinformation”:

War is peace; freedom is slavery; censorship protects free speech, which must be abolished because it is a weapon of war.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 19 2023

Better Response to Lib Media on Attacking Russia

The liberals were mad enough over Elon Musk allowing conservatives some free speech on X. Now that he would not facilitate a military attack on the world’s preeminent nuclear power, they are furious:

CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Secretary of State Antony Blinken during an interview [last] Sunday whether the U.S. government will have any response to Elon Musk saying he denied Ukraine the ability to use his Starlink satellite system to launch an attack on Russia’s Black Sea fleet in Crimea.

Badgered Tapper:

“Musk effectively sabotaged a military operation by Ukraine, a U.S. ally, against Russia, an aggressor country that invaded a U.S. ally. Should there be repercussions for that?”

Surely there are some Third-World-quality solitary confinement cells in DC that are not already taken by election fraud protesters.

Compared to the liberal media establishment that Tapper personifies, Blinken is a voice of reason. He quacked vague duckspeak and refrained from denouncing Musk.

Tapper belligerently pursued the point:

“Musk says he was reportedly afraid that Russia would retaliate with nuclear weapons. Musk says that’s based on his private discussions he had with senior Russian officials.

“Are you concerned that Musk is apparently conducting his own diplomatic outreach to the Russian government? Really, none of this concerns you?”

Tapper must have one hell of a nice fallout shelter. The reckless moonbat actually condemned Musk for not provoking a nuclear war.

He then castigated the Biden Regime for not punishing the “capricious billionaire.”

Powerful Senator Elizabeth Warren is on the same page. Musk not using his satellites to attack Russia caused her to shriek:

“We need to investigate how this happened. What’s in those contracts that permits him to have this kind of power?”

With communists in control, Musk would not have the power to determine how his satellites are used, because Elizabeth Warren et al. would seize them along with everything owned by anybody.

Too bad Tapper didn’t interview Damon Imani instead. He had a better response:

The reason you have not been vaporized by a nuclear missile yet is that Jake Tapper and Elizabeth Warren don’t always get their way.

On a tip from Dr. Kufi Tutite.

Sep 19 2023

Brandon Johnson Wants Government Grocery Stores

After leftists like Justin Trudeau are finished deliberately destroying supermarkets in the Marxist tradition of controlling the population through the food supply, grocery stores will be run by the government. Chicago’s leftist Mayor Brandon Johnson wants to skip to that stage straight away:

Johnson said he wants to open city-owned grocery stores to serve neighborhoods that have become “food deserts” after four Walmart stores and a Whole Foods closed.

At least the government stores might get a police presence to protect them from the mobs of shoplifters who created the “food deserts.” Then again, with explicitly pro-criminal Johnson in charge, they probably won’t.

According to the Chicago Police Department, thefts are up 25% to-date year over year. Robberies are up 11%.

That’s what Chicagoans voted for. The city has entered the terminal stage of the Democrat Death Spiral and will soon resemble Detroit and Mogadishu

To get an idea of how well the government grocery stores will be stocked, visit the USSR. No wait, that collapsed. Visit Venezuela. But whatever food might be found will be produced in accordance with global warming theology, and no doubt there will be special discounts for “marginalized” racial and sexual groups.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble, Wiggins, and Ed McAninch.

Sep 19 2023

Weeds Return to Choke Germany

As Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr observed, the more things change, the more they stay the same. For example, Leipzig used to be in the communist German Democratic Republic, were brainwashed students were forced to attend political demonstrations in support of leftist ideology. Now it is in the Federal Republic of Germany, where everything is different and the same:

Last Friday, participation in the “Global Climate Strike” of the radical organisation “Fridays for Future” was compulsory for tenth graders at a Leipzig grammar school. …

[P]articipation was declared compulsory as part of a “sustainability project day”. Morning and afternoon classes were cancelled for this purpose. …

Four days earlier, at the parents’ meeting of the Gerda Taro School in Leipzig, some mothers and fathers were said to have protested vehemently. “It’s just like in the GDR,” complained one father. At that time, the pupils were also sent to demonstrations.

Germans were not liberated once and for all when the Nazis lost or when the Berlin Wall fell, because no one is ever liberated once and for all. Weeds start returning to choke the garden the moment you stop pulling them.


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