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Jul 23 2023

Why They Don’t Want You to Watch Sound of Freedom

Sound of Freedom exposes other movies that have come out over the past several decades as popcorn by comparison. Cultural gatekeepers are willing to make fools of themselves to trash it. They want us to watch woke vacuous crap like Barbie instead.

In part, this is because the Powers That Be want a public shallow and stupid enough to consent to their rule.

In part, it is because the producers of Sound of Freedom proved that you can make a great movie by circumventing Hollywood. It may be the only way to make one.

Mainly, it is because Sound of Freedom forcefully brings home the reality of the struggle between good and evil. The liberal establishment opposes this, because evil flourishes in the darkness. That’s why Bloomberg published an attack piece written by an actual child rape advocate.

Presenting America’s ruling party:

Stacie Marie Laughton is America’s Historic First Transgender-Identifying Former State Lawmaker to Be Arrested for Distributing Child Pornography. He was presumably put in power specifically for embodying the ideology of the ruling class, which has increasingly focused on promoting sexual perversion. This outweighed already being a convicted felon when he was elected.

Chilling details have emerged on how Laughton acquired child porn with the help of an accomplice working at a daycare center:

Laughton, 39, of Nashua, N.H., was referred to as “PERSON 1” in the federal criminal complaint against Lindsay Groves, 38, of Hudson, N.H., who was charged last month with taking pornographic images of children at the Creative Minds daycare in Tyngsboro, where she worked.

“I want to do this with you with one of my kids,” Groves allegedly texted her former romantic partner — who has now been identified as Laughton following Tuesday’s federal complaint filing — the afternoon of June 14 alongside a picture of a prepubescent boy with a focus on his genitals. “I took that picture a couple minutes ago.”

Laughton allegedly responded to that text with “I also need to be honest I mean yes that picture was hot of that little boy but you probably have gotten the picture by now that I prefer little girls (sic), but he is cute,” and allegedly requested that Groves to touch the little boy inappropriately. …

The feds say the messages included at least four sexually explicit images of children appearing to be between 3 and 5 years old, and lots of sex chatter about hooking up with each other and others, including children.

We can only assume that he was elected to the state legislature for the same reason the conspicuously incompetent Pete Buttigieg is the Secretary of Transportation: out of reverence for his warped sexual proclivities. Voters didn’t know just how warped, but they did know that no one should be judged for whom they love.

If it feels good, do it — right? Or maybe liberals have a deeper moral creed that I am unaware of. Let’s ask James Gordon Meek, a former ABC News producer who was nominated for an Emmy five times as a reporter. Someone that well entrenched in the liberal establishment ought to be able to help us:

According to the DOJ, Meek was visiting South Carolina in February 2020 from his home in Virginia when he sent and received disturbing images and videos that depicted minors engaged in sexual activity with adults.

He allegedly discussed in detail his sexual interests in children during conversations on a smart phone while using a chat application.

Files found on the phone reportedly included images and videos of prepubescent children and at least one file that depicted an infant being raped.

You could call this anecdotal — or you could call it symptomatic.

It isn’t just academia, Hollywood, and the upper echelon liberal elitists who visited Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island. The degenerate ruling class is rotten to the core. This rot is the perfect soil for evil to grow.

Where else would progressives progress to next after transsexualizing children if not to raping them? By shining a klieg light on this issue and providing moral clarity, Sound of Freedom impedes the agenda.

On tips from Barry A, ABC of the ANC, Ronin, and Ed McAninch.

Jul 23 2023

NPR: It Is Racist to Know They Want Us to Eat Bugs

By now most of us know that our globalist moonbat ruling class wants to make us to eat insects in order to degrade and humiliate us — or rather, because The Climate.

While they gorge on meat, they tell us to eat larvae, mealworms, beetleburgers, and maggot butter, and to wash it down with cockroach milk.

The EU has approved sneaking powdered insects into food. Canada has built a massive cricket farm.

They tell us eating bugs will control the cost of living. Kids are taught to eat them.

British subjects pay to make African children eat bugs — and even their own children. The Dutch make their kids eat bugs too.

The only qualm liberals have about making us eat insects is that it oppresses the insects. Never mind the parasitical infections that can result.

Yet even as one repugnant coercively financed leftist propaganda platform applies pressure to make us accept eating bugs, another gaslights by sneering that this thoroughly documented agenda item is not only a conspiracy theory, but racist even to entertain. Actual headline from NPR:

This Right Wing Conspiracy Theory About Eating Bugs Is About As Racist As You Think

“Racist” in this context means verboten to discuss.

The media establishment has dug itself so far into self-parody that nothing it asserts will be taken at face value by serious people. Yet the liberals who get the slogans and talking points that serve them as thoughts from NPR are so hermetically sealed inside their smug bubble of pretentious idiocy that they cannot even hear us laughing at them.

NPR rebutted.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Jul 23 2023

Open Thread

Liberty does not exist in the absence of morality. - Edmund Burke

Jul 22 2023

Carlee Russell Joins Hate Hoax List

Thanks to the eager gullibility of the liberal media, a hate hoax doesn’t have to pass the laugh test to fly — at least for a little while. Consider Carlee Russell:

She went missing on July 13 for two days, after what was revealed by police as a calm phone call to 911, about an unaccompanied male toddler on the side of the I-459 interstate. …

At 9.34pm, over an hour after she departed from work, footage shows her slowing down while flashing her hazards near the 11 mile marker on the interstate.

She then called 911 and told them there was ‘a male toddler wearing a diaper’ walking on the side of the interstate.

She proceeded to call her brother’s girlfriend who heard Ms Russell ask the ‘toddler’: ‘Are you okay?’, shortly after she screamed before the phone call ended.

Just like that, Miss Russell vanished. When she reappeared, she claimed to have been kidnapped:

In an interview with Hoover police, she said a man with orange hair came from the trees to check on the crying toddler, but then grabbed her, dragged her over the fence and into a car.

All white people are racist and bad, but those gingers are the worst.

No one else saw the toddler strolling for 600 yards along the busy interstate because evidently there was no toddler. Media hype could not keep the hoax from disintegrating. She appears to have lifted the plot for it from the movie Taken, which she had googled along with “amber alert,” “one way bus ticket from Birmingham to Nashville,” and “how to take money from a register without being caught” shortly before attempting to pull it off. Allegedly, she stole materials from her job at the Woodhouse Spa in Birmingham.

Carlee has clammed up around the police. Lawyers would approve, since she might be charged with theft, lying to authorities, and filing a false police report.

Fortunately, there was no specific victim of her hoax. However, we can’t rule out that if some red-headed guy had been picked up by police, she would have been willing to point a finger. Innocent people have their lives destroyed by hate hoaxes, as Duke lacrosse players can confirm. Deuteronomy 19:16–19 comes to mind:

If a malicious witness rises up against a man to accuse him of wrongdoing, then both the men who have the dispute shall stand before the LORD, before the priests and the judges who will be in office in those days. The judges shall investigate thoroughly, and if the witness is a false witness and he has accused his brother falsely, then you shall do to him just as he had intended to do to his brother. Thus you shall purge the evil from among you.

Something to be considered for future hoaxes. In the meantime, let’s hear Miss Smollett’s I mean Miss Russell’s side of the story (LANGUAGE ALERT):

On a tip from Troy H.

Jul 22 2023

Fox News Will Match Donations to Satanic Temple

It is the least awful pillar of the liberal establishment media, but when it comes to making money from countermoonbats and spending it to advance moonbattery, Fox News may top even Chick-fil-A.

The Blaze shares revelations passed along by whistleblowers within Fox News:

“Fox Giving” is an app in the company portal that facilitates charitable donations via the Canadian-based donation management platform Benevity. Fox will apparently match donations up to $1,000 to various organizations that satisfy the company’s criteria.

These criteria are plenty inclusive where malevolent moonbats are concerned.

[T]he company is willing to match donations to the Satanic Temple, the Trevor Project, Planned Parenthood (and local Planned Parenthood branches), and the Southern Poverty Law Center – radical leftist groups antipathetic to conservatives and the values they hold most dear.

Although the Satanic Temple does not exceed the level of evil of the other three, it isn’t for want of trying:

The Satanic Temple is an atheistic leftist organization that has distributed satanic literature to children; publicly performed “unbaptisms”; sought to ensure that women can legally have their unborn children killed by way of their “religious abortion ritual”; and erected statues of Baphomet on government property.

The Trevor Project pushes the demonic transsexual agenda, including sex-change mutilation for children.

Southern Poverty Law Center generates propaganda smearing anyone to the right of all the way left as an “extremist,” a “racist,” et cetera. Its “hate map” inspired an attempted mass murder at the offices of the Family Research Council.

Planned Parenthood has left the Third Reich behind in terms of genocide, having exterminated nearly 9 million babies since 1970, and has branched out into transsexualizing children.

More conspicuously pernicious organizations would be difficult to imagine. All qualify for matching donations from Fox News.

An insider provides context:

“It shows complete disregard and hatred for Fox’s core audience, which is a huge part of the country. They watch believing Fox is speaking for them, when in reality it’s a company participating in certain things that don’t match their audience’s values. [The disdain] is driven more by executives, lawyers, and HR than people realize, especially post-Dominion,” said the former producer, referencing the company’s $787.5 million settlement with Dominion Voting Services earlier this year.

That settlement was soon followed by the firing of Tucker Carlson, whose scalp liberals had been after for years. Since then, the alarmingly left-wing corporate culture at Fox News has been coming to light.

On tips from Wiggins, ABC of the ANC, and Chris Neilson.

Jul 22 2023

Tiktok’s NPC Trend

The latest contribution of social media to societal decay is the bizarre NPC TikTok trend…

…where users livestream themselves acting like an “NPC”—or an automated “non-player character” with pre-written dialogue—complete with nonsensical phrases like “ice cream so good” used in response to gifts given by their audience…

The “users” are essentially online prostitutes. Paul Joseph Watson describes the phenomenon as “PG porn, the TikTok to OnlyFans pipeline. … They’re just pushing preporn on preteens, again.”

For the morbidly curious, he documents another chapter in our civilizational decline into degenerate idiot insanity:

The apparent goal of those in charge is to reduce us all to NPCs.

On tips from KirklesWorth and ABC of the ANC.

Jul 22 2023

Open Thread

Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it. - George Bernard Shaw

On a tip from Francis W. Porretto.

Jul 21 2023

Amendment to Reinstate Vax-Resisting Pilots Killed

A severe pilot shortage has been aggravating airline delays. About 18,100 open pilot positions are expected in the years ahead. Our rulers could undo some of their own damage by reinstating pilots who were forced out for not risking their health to comply with tyrannical vaccine mandates. Problem is, they couldn’t get the no-brainer through Congress:

The amendment to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization bill, introduced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., and offered on the floor by Rep. Mary Miller, R-Ill., failed 141-298 after 83 Republicans voted with Democrats against it.

Once again, the Evil Party manages to be even worse than the Stupid Party:

Only one House Democrat, Rep. Jared Golden, D-Maine, voted for the measure.

Nearly all major U.S. airlines implemented vaccine mandates during the coronavirus pandemic in accordance with President Biden’s 2021 executive order requiring federal contractors to get the shots.

Democrats will characteristically count the misery they inflict as success. According to their dogma, when little people have access to air travel, it angers the climate gods. Even if airlines can’t keep planes in the sky, John Kerry et al. will still have their private jets.

Now that the MTG’s amendment has been killed, the Biden Regime supports the bill…

…although the White House on Monday raised several concerns about raising the pilot retirement age…

The retirement age is to be raised from 65 to 67 to mitigate the pilot shortage. “Not a joke,” as a conspicuously senile and decrepit 80-year-old who is running for reelection would say.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and Dr. Kufi Tutite.

Jul 21 2023

New York City Will Pay $13 Million to BLM Rioters

Democrats are following through on their promise to fundamentally transform America. They do this by punishing good behavior and rewarding bad behavior, including some of the very worst — even rioting:

New York City has agreed to pay more than $13 million to settle a civil rights lawsuit brought on behalf of roughly 1,300 people who were arrested or beaten by police during racial injustice demonstrations that swept through the city during the summer of 2020.

By “demonstrations,” the AP means riots; otherwise, the arrests would not have been necessary. Rioters being “beaten” means they resisted arrest so some degree of force was required to temporarily stop them from stealing and vandalizing in honor of the career criminal George Floyd.

With certain exceptions, people arrested or subjected to force by NYPD officers at those events will each be eligible for $9,950 in compensation, according to attorneys for the plaintiffs.

Not bad pay for breaking a few windows, stealing a TV set, and maybe setting fire to someone’s livelihood.

Needless to say, the next time the liberal establishment finds it expedient to seize on a preposterous pretext like Floyd’s fentanyl overdose to whip up the Democrat base into mass rioting, there will be even less effort to contain the mayhem.

The agreement, one of several stemming from the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests, allows the city to avoid a trial that could be both expensive and politically fraught.

That is, the media would have exploited the trial to glorify criminals and demonize those who do not want to pay them even more.

[A]ttorneys for the city maintained that police were responding to a chaotic and unprecedented situation, pointing to some unruly protests in which police vehicles were set on fire and officers pelted with rocks…

Sorry, racist oppressors. Unlike disputing leftist ideology on social media, throwing rocks at you and setting your vehicles on fire fall under the liberal conception of free speech. Seriously, moonbats are citing the First Amendment to justify a second wave of Black Lives Matter looting.

[M]any other cities across the U.S. are negotiating their own settlements with protesters who spilled into the streets to decry [law & order] after Floyd’s death…

For example, Philthadelphia has already shelled out $9.25 million to race rioters.

The money is expropriated from the same law-abiding citizens the rioters victimize. In Liberalese, this is called “justice.”

Sneers Wylie Stecklow, skeevy shyster for the rioters in New York,

“While the arc of the moral universe is indeed long, sometimes it needs reform to bend towards justice.”

It won’t take much more “reform” before American cities are indistinguishable from Mogadishu.

Democrat dominance literally means rule by criminals, as Joe Biden so aptly personifies.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, Varla, Wiggins, and ABC of the ANC.

Jul 21 2023

Creepy Joe Wants to Sniff You

The Fourth of July is over, so stores are filling with Halloween displays. It will be hard to top this one:

The real thing is scarier still.

Almost as scary is a trip to the grocery store in Biden’s America, as social norms, law & order, and mental health collapse in unison. Warning: DO NOT CLICK HERE.

On tips from Wiggins.

Jul 21 2023

Affirmative Action Applied to Invention

Affirmative Action can be applied to anything — even invention. Before long, history will be revised to indicate that, like Anne Boleyn and Cleopatra, Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla were black. In the meantime, the demand for black inventors far exceeds the supply, providing opportunities for inventive fellows like Jeremiah Thoronka and Lawrence Hardge.

Regarding Thoronka, in 2021, the…

…then 21-year-old Durham University masters student had invented a device that uses kinetic energy from traffic and pedestrians to generate electricity. … In a pilot project in Thoronka’s native Sierra Leone, two devices had apparently provided free electricity to 150 households and 15 schools.

The revolutionary invention was worthy of John Galt. Naturally, Thoronka was showered with awards and adulation:

In 2021, he picked up the Commonwealth Youth Award and the Global Student Prize, which was presented to him by filmstar Hugh Jackman at a virtual ceremony, broadcast from the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. … There was a profile by the BBC, an invitation to give TED talks and, in May 2022, an audience with the pope. He was celebrated as a green-tech innovator, someone setting a clean-energy example for the world to follow.

After he won the 2023 Youngster Green Award at the Green Tech Festival in Berlin, German journalists showed some of the curiosity that sometimes still characterizes their profession:

They contacted the organisers of the Youngster Green Award and Greentech Festival to find out a bit more about Thoronka’s pilot project. … But the organisers said that wouldn’t be possible because the pilot had since been dismantled. They asked if the device was being used anywhere else, and were told that it wasn’t. One journalist even asked if there were any videos, blueprints or other documentation of this unprecedented breakthrough. Again, nothing was forthcoming.

Thoronka may be no inventor, but at least he is a clever guy, who knows how to make money by telling moonbats what they want to hear.

Speaking of clever guys,

Self-described inventor Lawrence Hardge created a small box to be installed into D.C.’s parking enforcement vehicles. …

Hardge won’t provide any pictures or diagrams of the device he claims to have created, but WUSA9 found a depiction on company news release posted on a federal website. It appears to be a black box that can be handheld with black and red wires coming from it. Hardge claims it will double the range of D.C.’s parking enforcement electric vehicles by doing what he calls “rejuvenating the battery.”

Electrical engineers at the University of Maryland were skeptical. No matter. Hardge didn’t have to convince engineers, but only the leftist bureaucrats who spend our money for us:

DC government awarded a contract in February with Hardge’s company. The contract says it will cost $14,000 per vehicle to install his modules and $3,000 per vehicle for “data monitoring.” That’s a total of $680,000 taxpayer dollars to refit 40 D.C. parking enforcement cars.

Given how little the Chevy Bolts are driven, the device would not be cost-effective even if it worked. But since when did anyone worry about electric vehicles being cost-effective?

According to a Jackson Advocate article out of Hardge’s home state of Mississippi, Hardge claimed in 2022 that he “had been notified by the University of Michigan, which is located only 35 miles from Hardge Global Manufacturing offices in Farmington Hills, that he is being prepped for a possible Nobel Prize nomination by the university.”

Boasts Hardge,

“They thought I was the perfect candidate.”

That he is: racially impeccable, a convicted felon (served 5 years for selling unregistered securities), and involved in the promised transition away from fossil fuels. However, it appears University of Michigan never heard of him.

Six weeks after we alerted DC about Hardge and his claims, on July 13, DC government told WUSA9 it “terminated” the contract due to “violations of terms of the agreement.”

Let’s hope that doesn’t scotch the Nobel Prize. After all, Hardge’s scam is as likely to improve the climate as any other green nonsense.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Franco.

Jul 21 2023

Open Thread

True freedom requires taking responsibility for your own life. That frightens the hell out of too many people. They prefer to have Big Brother holding a safety net for them, and they'll sell their own birthright and their children's as well to keep it. - F. Paul Wilson

Jul 20 2023

Pentagon Memo Details Transsexual Privilege in Military

For those serving as guinea pigs in the social engineering laboratory formerly known as the US Armed Forces, there is no privilege like transsexual privilege. The Dossier has gotten its hands on a lengthy Pentagon memo that details the special treatment servicemembers receive for advancing the liberal agenda by pretending to be members of the opposite sex.


1. Taxpayer funded “care” for transgender service members includes:

    o speech/voice therapy

    o cross-sex hormones,

    o laser hair removal,

    o voice feminization surgery,

    o facial contouring,

    o body contouring,

    o breast/chest surgery (“upper surgery”)

    o genital mutilation surgery (“lower surgery”).

    o psychological counseling

2. Service members who identify as transgender may receive a waiver for grooming and uniform standards.

3. Service members who identify as transgender may receive an indefinite waiver for physical fitness standards. …

4. Service members who identify as transgender will be considered “non-deployable” for up to 300 days while taking hormones for their “transition” period.

Because sustaining the transsexual illusion can require taking hormones for life, #4 could permanently excuse transsexuals from deployment — a nice perk if a war breaks out.

No word on whether Four Star Admiral “Rachel” Levine is willing to deploy.

As noted earlier,

The fact that they are mentally ill by definition is among the excellent reasons the military used to ban transsexuals. Now, the Pentagon goes out of its way to recruit from the militarily unsuitable LGBT community.

Yet the Pentagon recruitment crisis continues. Looks like despite all the grooming in public schools, there are still not enough transsexuals to staff the entire military.

A country that would allow itself to be governed by baizuos does not deserve to win wars, nor is it likely to, as the communist Chinese are aware.

Major “Rachel” Jones is proud of his privilege.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and MrRightWingDave.

Jul 20 2023

White House Calls Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Sacred

Liberalese and American English sometimes seem to be more similar than they actually are. For example, “sacred” is a word in both languages. However, the meaning is diametrically opposite. The damp weasel serving as National Security Council spokesmoonbat demonstrates how “sacred” is used in Liberalese:

John Kirby launched an impassioned defense of abortion funding for service members and their families on Monday, pounding the podium of the White House press briefing room as he called military access to abortion a “foundational, sacred obligation.”

Forcing taxpayers to finance the killing of inconvenient children is profane in American English, “sacred” in Liberalese.

This “sacred duty” entails providing paid leave and travel reimbursements to assist servicemembers stationed in states with abortion restrictions, so they can make their way to blue states where snuffing out innocent life is encouraged.

As observed at the website of Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL),

The Defense Department’s new abortion policy is patently illegal. Congress has never authorized special travel reimbursement benefits or paid leave for military personnel’s abortions. It flies in the face of the Hyde Amendment, which has prohibited taxpayer funding of most abortions since 1977.

We know this was written in American English, because the word “illegal” also has a different meaning. In Liberalese, it can never be applied to the malfeasance of Democrat officeholders.

On tips from Blackjack, Franco, and MrRightWingDave.


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