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Mar 11 2023

New York City Rats Infected With Covid

The moonbat dystopia New York City is even more dystopic than we knew. The rats that have overrun the place carry Covid.

As noted earlier,

Giant rats have come to symbolize the Big Apple’s decay due to moonbattery. In an emblematic incident, a man waiting for a bus fell through the sidewalk into a sinkhole filled with rats.

Even the home of Mayor Eric Adams has been infested with rats. He ignored a summons and was fined $300, but refused to pay.

Now we read this:

A new study found that rats in New York City are carrying COVID-19, and researchers have sounded the alarm that they could infect humans with it.

Published Thursday in the American Society for Microbiology’s mBio journal, scientists at the University of Missouri said that they trapped 79 rats from the city’s sewer systems and found that 13 had the virus previously, with four currently infected.

That suggests that 5% of NYC rats are currently infected with Covid. But don’t worry, there are only 2 million rats in NYC, not counting municipal bureaucrats.

Not even Snake Plissken would set foot in New York now that Democrats have undone Rudy Giuliani’s achievements.

Countermoonbat Curtis Sliwa suggests deploying feral cats against the rat menace. Cats might have spared Europe from the Black Death. The population of disease-spreading rats spiraled out of control due to people killing cats out of superstition, those being dark times. Because current times are even darker, bureauweenies seriously considered killing every cat in the UK, thinking that it might reduce Covid. New York’s Covid-infected rats suggest this could have had the same effect it did during the plague.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 11 2023

2% of Counties Account for 51% of Murders

Can you pick out the US counties dominated by cities that are in turn dominated by Democrats? This map should help:

This is why Democrats want to ease up on punishing murder even outside the context of abortion.

On a tip from R F.

Mar 11 2023

Open Thread

It is absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt that more firearms in a society actually cuts the amount of crime in that same society. - Matt Shea

Mar 10 2023

Phoenix School Board Will Not Tolerate Christian Values

Driven by the intolerance they piously denounce, progressives are using their control of schools to purge education of Christians, whom they hate with satanic intensity. In Phoenix, the Washington Elementary School District refused to renew a Student Teacher Placement agreement with Arizona Christian University, explicitly out of hostility toward Christian values:

Under the agreement, student teachers [were] able to get educational experience at WESD schools, which may qualify for ACU academic credit. For the school district, the partnership also helped alleviate a growing teacher shortage.

Never mind the teacher shortage, social engineers do not want Christians to have access to children, on the grounds that they might fail to groom them on behalf of the agenda.

The board members, three of whom identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community, said that having student teachers with biblical values in the state’s largest elementary school district is too dangerous.

“[The] institution has policies that are openly bigoted, and I will not sit here as a member of the community and let our children be subjected to that,” said [Tamillia] Valenzuela.

By “bigoted,” she means, “virtuous.”

According to ACU’s Student Handbook for the 2021-2022 school year, the school states that it believes “God has ordained and created marriage to exist between one man and one woman, with absolute marital fidelity.”

Until a few years ago, hardly anyone would have had a problem with that. Now that iniquity has attained the upper hand via leftist politics, it is regarded as thoughtcrime and will not be tolerated by our degenerate overlords.

Brace yourself for a blast of trademark liberal hypocrisy:

“Adults are perpetuating bullying. They are perpetuating hatred,” said board member Tamillia Valenzuela.

Now brace yourself to meet hate-fueled bully Tamillia Valenzuela:

The Founding Father of Leftism under whom the concentration camp was invented reminds us what it means that people like Tamillia Valenzuela control the schools:

Give me just one generation of youth, and I'll transform the whole world. - Vladimir Lenin

On a tip from Varla.

Mar 10 2023

Green Energy Moonbattery Will Cost You Big

In accordance with their religion, leftist social engineers want us to use heat pumps. Their reasoning:

Based on the same technology as refrigerators, the air pump pulls heat out from outside air and into the house, and can be run on renewably generated electricity – making them carbon neutral.

Carbon neutral — assuming that electricity can be produced without generating CO2.

A tale of woe from the UK demonstrates how heat pumps work out in the real world:

A man who replaced his heating system with a £25,000 Government-backed ‘green’ heat pump says he has faced “crippling” electric bills – amounting to almost £3000 so far this winter. Officials are currently providing grants for up to £5,000 to home owners who remove a gas central heating and hot water system and replace it with a heat pump.

Laments Steve Mason,

“This year so far alone, my electric bill has reached £1461 after the government help and my direct debit each month is £650 – it’s crippling.”

This is despite his home being so cold that he has to wear multiple layers of clothes. He has been burning wood for heat, which as he points out, “completely defeats the object” — unless of course the objective is not really to reduce harmless CO2 emissions but only to posture emptily.

Mason wishes he could just rip out the heat pump, but…

“I have no choice but to use it as it’s my only source of heating and hot water in my house, but what we’ve found is that we don’t think the government have really thought this through.”

In contrast, Mark Mills has thought it through. He concludes that the renewable energy future moonbats rave about is “just not happening,” no matter how much money is wasted on it:


United States electricity prices are rising rapidly, up 18.1 percent over the last two years. Renewable energy advocates claim that wind and solar installations produce cheaper electricity than traditional power plants, but power prices are rising as more wind and solar is added to the grid. In fact, electricity prices are soaring in leading wind energy states.

Uncoincidentally, for the past 2 years we have been under the thumb of fanatics whose figurehead promised to abolish fossil fuels.

The same applies to Europe under moonbat rule:

In Europe, the nations with the most wind and solar capacity deployed, including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Spain, and Sweden, experience the highest residential electricity prices. Residents of Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, and Romania, where few renewables are deployed, pay half as much per kilowatt-hour as the leading renewable countries. Denmark and Germany have deployed over 1,600 watts per person of wind and solar, the highest density in Europe. Electricity prices for Denmark (29 eurocents per kilowatt-hour) and Germany (32 eurocents/kW-hr) are the highest in Europe, and two and one-half times the prices in the US, where renewable penetration remains lower. In Europe, like the US, wind (and solar) deployments raise electricity prices.

Those who inflict green energy moonbattery don’t pay its high price; we do.

On tips from THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084, ABC of the ANC, and Chuck A.

Mar 10 2023

Drag Queen Legislator Attacks Sanctity of Confession

The liberal establishment has thrown its weight behind the LGBT agenda largely because it is a weapon to deploy against Christianity, which is viewed as an impediment to statist absolutism. Normally the rainbow assault on Christianity takes the form of forcing it to discredit itself by bullying churches into embracing sin in the name of “diversity.” Other tactics are comparably insidious, like the attack on the sanctity of confession:

After a Delaware state representative introduced a bill to abrogate the privilege between priest and penitent relating to suspected child abuse or neglect, the Diocese of Wilmington has pushed back that the confidentiality of the sacrament is a “non-negotiable.”

Breaking the seal of confession under any circumstances incurs automatic excommunication that only the Pope himself can lift. It has to be that way, or the centuries-old sacrament of confession would end.

The Diocese of Wilmington noted that in addition to the religious ramifications of the proposed bill in Delaware, it is also a “clear” violation of the First Amendment “for the government to interfere in this most sacred and ancient practice of our faith.”

The Constitution also represents an impediment to progressive objectives and thus must be gutted and rendered moot.

The proposed bill, HB 74, was proposed by state Democratic Representative Eric Morrison on March 2. If eventually passed, it would amend Title 16 of the Delaware Code relating to mandatory reporting of child abuse.

They start with child abuse for obvious reasons, but if this flies, it will be expanded to other crimes more important to our rulers, like “hate crimes” and tax evasion.

The next step after that will be law enforcement listening devices in each confessional, to make sure priests aren’t holding out. Priests cannot be trusted, because they might be narrow-minded bigots, Enemies of Democracy, extremists, et cetera. Some might even acknowledge a higher authority than Big Government.

Who would want priests arrested for not turning in penitents for what comes out in confession? This guy:

Eric Morrison is the first openly gay man elected to the Delaware General Assembly. He was one of three LGBT candidates elected to the General Assembly in 2020. Morrision, a graduate from the University of Delaware, won the Democratic primary for the 27th District of the House of Representatives against longtime incumbent Earl Jaques Jr., a Democrat who voted against same-sex marraige in Delaware.

Same-sex marriage is primarily an attack on Christianity. It serves no other purpose, homosexuals already having achieved officially acknowledged civil unions — as if monogamy characterized the gay lifestyle, which is infamous for the speed at which it spreads diseases like AIDS and monkeypox.

More on Eric Morrison’s triumph over Earl Jacques Jr.:

Jaques, who has sat in the Delaware House of Representatives since 2009, lost to progressive challenger, Morrison – who performs under the moniker Anita Mann. Morrison claimed 61.13 per cent of the vote in Tuesday’s Democratic primary for house district 27, while Jaques received only 38.87 per cent. …

Morrison’s campaign made it a point to note that the lawmaker “voted against same-sex marriage in 2013, and refused to vote yes or no on banning the barbaric practice of conversion therapy for Delaware’s LGBT minors in 2013.”

This “barbaric practice” entails providing psychological counseling to sexually confused adolescents rather than egging them on to embrace sexual perversion and gender dysphoria. In an intolerable violation of free speech, militant homosexuals have succeeded in getting such counseling banned not only in the moonbat dystopia Canada but in a long list of liberal states, starting of course with degenerate California.

Behold Eric Morrison, a Democrat drag queen taking the government sledgehammer to Catholicism:

Give power to people like Eric Morrison, what do you expect them to do with it if not destroy the traditional pillars of civilization?

On tips from Jack D.

Mar 10 2023

Bill Gates Pooh-Poohs Individual Sacrifice for Climate

Zillionaire climate warrior Bill Gates, who wants us to eat synthetic pseudofood and to poison the atmosphere with sulfur dioxide because global warming, addresses the massive carbon footprint that accompanies his Louis XVI lifestyle:

“In climate movements, you can get this ‘Hey, we’ve been consuming too much,’ and ‘Hey, maybe we shouldn’t travel anymore,’” Gates said last week in remarks delivered in India [where he no doubt flew by private jet]. “I don’t think we can count on people living an impoverished lifestyle as a solution to climate.”

By Bill Gates standards, “impoverished lifestyle” means spending less in a minute than the average Indian does in a lifetime.

Gates, who is estimated to be the fourth-richest person on Earth, went on to say it was not realistic to expect that the climate crisis could be addressed by personal choices such as giving up eating meat.

Evidently Gates has no intention of restricting his own diet, despite his devotion to the meat-hating climate gods. Given his paunchy physique, it would be more constructive for him to focus on carbohydrates anyway.

The notion that climate change is too big a problem to be solved by individual lifestyle decisions is commonly held by many, like Gates, who are working to address what they see as a crisis. Even John Kerry, President Biden’s climate envoy, has signaled that new technology will need to be developed for the world to achieve emissions goals.

Conveniently, this attitude frees up Kerry to continue his massively carbon-spewing lifestyle while droning uninterestingly about the evils of carbon emissions.

Not being an individual who can be called out for personal hypocrisy but rather comprising a faceless Borg, the UN is free to demand each person’s lifestyle comply with global warming ideology:

“Everyone can help limit climate change. From the way we travel, to the electricity we use, the food we eat, and the things we buy, we can make a difference,” the U.N. states on a website that highlights 10 actions individuals can take to address the climate crisis.

Other Democrats concur, driving up inflation with wasteful spending ostensibly intended to bribe us into behaving with greater climate piousness:

The Inflation Reduction Act also looks to change individual behavior on a scale that will add up to meaningful cuts to emissions by offering tax credits designed to wean the public off oil, gas and coal. The law, which was passed in September, includes $7.5 billion in electric vehicle tax credits meant to get people to stop driving gas-powered cars, and $24 billion in credits to help people switch from gas-powered heaters to electric heat pumps and from gas stoves to induction ranges.

Believing that you can change the weather by driving an electric car or forsaking a gas stove is so absurd that it requires not mere idiocy but the absolute devotion to ideological obedience that distinguishes a true moonbat from the less righteous rabble.

Looks like the problem is donuts, not meat.

On a tip from Lyle.

Mar 10 2023

Open Thread

Hatred as an element of the struggle; a relentless hatred of the enemy, impelling us over and beyond the natural limitations that man is heir to and transforming him into an effective, violent, selective and cold killing machine. Our soldiers must be thus; a people without hatred cannot vanquish a brutal enemy. - Che Guevara

On a tip from Jester.

Mar 09 2023

Bill Would End Felony Murder Charge for Killers Under 25

No wonder Democrats are so keen to have felons voting, even before they have finished their probation. They are the Party of Crime, unencumbered by either morals or any sense of responsibility. Leave them in power long enough and even murder will be legal. Poisoned by the pustule Baltimore has become, Maryland leads the way:

Democrats in Maryland have introduced a bill trying to prevent anyone under the age of 25 from being convicted of felony murder, a move that many believe will benefit gangs and criminals and make dangerous cities like Baltimore even less safe than they already are.

Hard to imagine. But no matter how far progressives progress, they will find a way to progress farther still.

Earlier this year, Democrat Charlotte Crutchfield, one of three delegates representing District 19, introduced House Bill 1180, otherwise known as the Youth Accountability and Safety Act. H.B. 1180 would prohibit “a person younger than age 25 at the time of the offense from being convicted of murder in the first degree under the State’s felony murder provisions, which classify a murder as being in the first degree if it was committed during the perpetration or attempted perpetration of specified crimes.”

Dems argue that criminals’ brains are not fully formed until at least age 25, mitigating their responsibility.

Maryland Secretary of Juvenile Services Vincent Schiraldi has argued that no one should ever be tried in the adult criminal justice system unless until at least 21 years of age.

Other Dems argue that small children should undergo irreversible sex change procedures if adults can convince them to say they are transgender. Somehow Democrats manage to contradict themselves without ever being right.

At least the bill would open job opportunities to help young criminals onto the first rung of the career ladder. Predicts Republican Delegate Susan McComas:

“If this bill passes, you’re going to have kingpins, you’re going to have gangs use juveniles to do their dirty work.”

Harford County Sheriff Jeff Gahler chimes in:

“The solution is not changing to law to excuse or to make excuses for the violator. The process that needs to be in place is to hold that person accountable.”

The last thing Democrats want is people held accountable. Imagine if they were held accountable for what they have been doing to the country.

Crutchfield may not take murder seriously, but thoughtcrime is another matter:

On tips from Chris Neilson and Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 09 2023

Cross-Dressing Men Honored on International Women’s Day

Yesterday was International Women’s Day. Moonbats marked it by honoring men, women having been erased in accordance with woke ideology, according to which they do not exist in any meaningful sense.

Once again the Biden Regime positions itself at the vanguard of liberal lunacy, this time by honoring a guy calling himself Alba Rueda at the 2023 International Women of Courage Awards:

Rueda is Argentina’s Special Envoy for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Rueda is responsible for the country’s adoption of the Transgender Labor Quota Act, which reserved 1% of public sector jobs in Argentina for transgender people, according to a State Department press release.

Thanks to Rueda, diversity hires that otherwise would have gone to women will go instead to men pretending to be women. For this, he is honored for having served women. Because all things liberal are upside down, backward, and mind-warpingly preposterous.

The sort of libs who place LGBT rainbows, mask and vax symbols, and of course the Ukrainian flag next to their Twitter handle are delighted to see this guy handed an award by Edith Wilson wannabe and noted brain surgeon “Dr” Jill Biden:

Okay, Troll Slayer is satire. But at this point, what’s the difference?

Moving from parody to self-parody, “Me too!” squeaks Canada’s squishy-soft pretty boy Moonbat in Chief:

In Moonbattese, the word “hate” can be defined as “failure to comply with woke ideology.” “Anti-transgender hate” means failure to affirm the artificial identities of people who pretend to be members of the opposite sex. To “stand up to this hate” is to crush resistance and impose submission.

Kira Davis aptly responds:

“Thank you, Prime Minister Blackface. Without a man to mansplain what a woman is, how could I ever know?”

Trudeau has been photographed wearing blackface, a thought crime would result in the cancelation of anyone but a prominent leftist. That may explain why he champions transsexuals, who insult women by wearing womanface.

On tips from Franco, Mr. Freemarket, Lyle, and Varla.

Mar 09 2023

Disney Memory Holes Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah

The moonbats running Disney are custodians of American popular culture. That has put them in a position to stuff another piece of Americana down the memory hole:

The iconic song “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” has been removed from Disneyland’s Magic Happens parade, presumably because it originated from the controversial 1946 feature Song of the South.

Disney also closed the classic Splash Mountain ride at Disney World because it refers to Song of the South, which has been erased because it is now regarded as thoughtcrime.

“Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah” entered the American zeitgeist in 1946 when black American actor James Baskett performed it in the part-animated/part-live action movie Song of the South. Baskett would make history by becoming the first black man to win an Oscar for his portrayal of Uncle Remus and “Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah” would go on to earn its rightful place in the American songbook.

That rightful place has been revoked because “racism.”

On a tip from Wiggins.

Mar 09 2023

Sign of the Times

A sign on the door of the ladies’ room in the Regenstein Library at the University of Chicago sums up what moonbat hegemony means for women. The sign warns that they are likely to see men in there, and tells them there is something wrong with them if they object:

omg you look cute today!

ALSO, this is a lil warning that you may see a trans or nonbinary person in here. You do not need to gasp or leave immediately, it makes us feel bad and honestly, we pose no risk to you so it’s just unnecessarily dramatic.

Remember that, ladies. If you see a man in your restroom, do not leave, because it might offend him and be unnecessarily dramatic.

Scott Smith would disagree that they pose no risk. He was roughed up by the police and demonized by the media for objecting at a schoolboard meeting to his 9th grade daughter being sexually assaulted in the school restroom by a guy wearing a skirt.

Moonbattery is par for the course at formerly respected University of Chicago:

The ubiquity of leftist ideology at UChicago was also exemplified by a 2022 class called “The Problem with Whiteness,” as well as by a “climate anxiety” event in January for BIPOC students.

What a glorious time to be a leftist kook on campus.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Mar 09 2023

Alarming Nomination Escalates War on Freelancers

We will know we no longer live in any kind of land of the free when the federal government has prevented us from working on an independent basis. This continues to be an objective of the Biden Regime, which wants to throw tens of millions of freelancers out of work on behalf of the unions that purchase power through Democrats.

This tyrannical insanity has already been inflicted in California:

The bill known as AB5 which restricts freelance employment so severely that it’s practically a ban on freelance workers has been blamed for contributing to the mass exodus with California unprecedentedly losing population every year that the law has been in effect.

It is harder to escape leftist policy when it is inflicted at the federal level, as Democrats have been attempting.

Now, Biden has nominated Julie Su, an architect of AB5’s war on freelance workers, as Secretary of Labor. …

California congressional representatives warned that Su’s AB5 has “cost tens of thousands of freelance workers and independent contractors their economic livelihoods.”

This is a big deal, and not only for the freelancers whose lives could be ruined. Senator Tim Scott notes that inflicting AB5 nationwide would “jeopardize more than 85 percent of our nation’s GDP.”

As the Labor Secretary, Su will be in a position to help Biden kill millions of jobs. Eliminating freelance workers was one of Biden’s campaign promises to unions.

A ban on freelancing would throw so many people out of work and wreak such havoc on the supply chain that inflicting it through democratic means has proven difficult. The PRO Act, a federal version of California’s AB5, passed the House when it was under Democrat control but stalled in the Senate. So the Biden Regime wants to inflict it through the Deep State, which does not have to face voters.

While the PRO Act would face congressional challenges, the Biden administration has been trying to use the Labor Department to create a backdoor assault on freelance workers by reclassifying the status of independent contractors under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

That’s where Julie Su will come in.

In California, Julie Su abused her power to terrorize small businesses and drive freelancers out of work, warning that she would be “doing investigations and audits.”

The bigger the government, the more it can hurt those it doesn’t like. Democrats are the Party of Big Government. If you are working class and can’t be forced into a union, they don’t like you.

Under Su, the Labor Department will move forward with forcibly reclassifying freelance workers while auditing and fining anyone who resists. This campaign of terror that began in California will go nationwide. Independent truckers will go out of business leading to further grocery shortages and a collapsing supply chain. Countless other professions will also fall apart.

Personnel is policy. With Biden personnel, the policy is to destroy our freedom and the economy so as to consolidate the power of the Democratic Party.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Mar 09 2023

Open Thread

The only thing government does better than killing is lying and covering things up. - Edward Britton


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